If you’re spending more time at home, you may have decided to learn how to bake. This can be an incredibly fun hobby, and it’s one I’ve enjoyed for years. However, you might be going through some of these recipes and realize that you don’t have the right tools at your disposal. Have no fear- I’m here to show you all of the essential baking products, and explain why each one is necessary, (or not). For each entry, I’ll provide helpful links to make it easy for you to buy these items online. And if you’re prepared to leave your home, I’ll also give you cheaper alternatives of where to purchase these items on a tight budget. Once you have the tools at your disposal, you could be baking delicious things from home for the rest of your life.
30. Cookie Sheets Give Your Delicious Treats a Place to Get Toasty

The first item on this list is one you may already have in your kitchen- cookie sheets. As the name suggests, you obviously need these to bake cookies. But they’re also useful for baking Grandma Pie Pizza, scones, and so much more. Cookie sheets come in handy, even when you’re not baking. I use them almost every day for lazy meals like frozen chicken nuggets and pizza. On a tight budget? These can be purchased almost anywhere- even for just $1 at Dollar Tree. Just keep in mind that “you get what you pay for”, and the price you pay for any of these tools usually goes hand-in-hand with the quality. Low-quality cookie sheets tend to warp, rust, and get ruined in the dishwasher. The cheaper a cookie sheet is, the faster it becomes useless after just a few months. Replacing them will become a waste of time and money. Try to buy a set of cookie sheets that will last you a few years before it’s time to buy new ones.