Common Items that are Poisonous to Dogs

Trista - November 16, 2019

You simply adore your furry friends. Most dog owners would do anything for their four-legged companions. Whether it is daily love and affection, a favorite spot on the living room sofa, or annual check-ups with the local veterinarians, these dedicated owners would never knowingly put their beloved furry friends in any real danger. Even the best intentions may not be enough. There are several seemingly harmless items and places all around that could pose a potential threat to dogs. Every dog owner should read and keep this list in mind to protect them from unsuspecting dangers. Check out these everyday household items and foods that are poisonous to dogs. It just might save a life in the long run.

50. A common algae in local ponds and lakes can be fatal.

Blue-green algae is very dangerous and can be lethal to your dogs. Shutterstock.


Have you ever heard of blue-green algae? Probably, but did you know it was deadly to your dogs? Melissa Martin had taken her dogs Harpo, Abby, and Izzy out for a walk one summer evening. The pair of pups chased each other, played with a ball, and rolled in the mud near a local pond. It started as a fun night until it was discovered that the dogs had become very sick quickly. The dogs died that night.

Photo Credit: Maine Gov


They had contracted blue-green algae poisoning, which was growing in the standing water. It only took 15 minutes for Harpo to pass away. Melissa said she was devastated that there were no warning signs or any preventative measures in place that could have saved her beloved dogs. She has since taken up the cause in their honor and advocates for all water bodies to have signs warning dog owners of the potential danger. She is hoping others will soon know how harmful this silent killer could be.

49. Dogs can easily succumb to blue algae poisoning.

Cyanobacteria is common during the summertime when waters are warmer. Pixabay


Even if green or blue is your favorite color, this sight is pretty scary to see. Blue-green algae poisoning comes from cyanobacteria, which can be found in bodies of fresh or saltwater. The toxic bacteria thrive when the weather is warm (typically above 75 degrees) and sunny.

Photo Credit: Fit Bark


The intoxications are most common in the summer, and the algae are fatal to dogs, which can quickly succumb to the condition. According to Pet WebMD, the canines can perish days, hours, or even minutes after exposure. These primitive forms of algae have harmful algal blooms that can be found in all 50 states. It is difficult to imagine how close some pet owners could be to a substance that can not only kill their dogs; they can be hurt as well. They are also harmful to humans.

48. Blue-Green algae has been around for centuries.

You need to be aware of this type of algae when the weather is warmer in the area you live in. Credit: Shutterstock.


Although your pooch might like to play in some muck, this yucky swamp will cause more harm to your pet than you realize. More dogs die from this type of poisoning because they are more likely to ingest them. They sadly don’t know better about what to eat and what not to eat. That’s why it is our responsibility as pet owners to keep an eye out for potential poisoning agents for our pets.

Photo Credit: Trade Only Today


Many veterinarians say that while the toxic algae have been around for centuries, the number of poisonings are becoming more common. This toxin is more prevalent when the weather is warm, so we need to be very vigilant to check for signs of blue-green algae at certain times of the year. If you even suspect that something fishy is prevalent in the area, you should try your best to keep your dog away from the water.

47. Owners should water for any water discoloration.

Symptoms can last days, hours, or minutes when dogs have come into contact with it. Pixabay


The toxin is described as potent nicotine that can cause neurological problems. A dog who has ingested blue-green algae will show signs like a sudden weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, twitching, and seizures. Experts note that it is common to see symptoms between minutes or hours, but sometimes it may be days later before the toxins have taken effect. Dog owners are warned to keep their eyes peeled for any possible signs of blue-green algae in any standing bodies of water.

Photo Credit: Shelby Star


Some of the signs that the toxin could be nearby are water discoloration or dead fish floating in the water. If you notice any of these signs in your beloved pup, seek immediate medical help right away. Quick action is needed to ensure that your pooch can recover from the poisoning.

46. The algae also has a foul smell.

This alga produces a particularly bad smell, which could be a good indicator of if it is present. Credit: Shutterstock.


Is there a way you can tell if your dog has been in blue-green algae? After all, this toxin is not found in every puddle of water and pond across the globe. You also might notice quite a bad smell in the area where this type of poisonous algae is present. The algae tend to produce a foul odor. If you smell something terrible, don’t allow your dog into the water.

Photo Credit: Today I Found Out


Even if it isn’t the algae, it could be something else that won’t be good for your pet to come in contact with. The algae may also be lurking in the bottom of the lake or attached to sediment. The wind could again blow the particles onto the soil and other areas near the water. If you are not sure, it would be better to err on the side of caution and stay away from the site.

45. Owners should act quickly if they suspect poisoning.

Quick treatment is needed if you suspect blue-green algae poisoning. Pixabay


You should always have your vet on standby regardless of your pet’s condition. However, if you suspect that blue-green algae have poisoned your dog, you would need to contact both a veterinarian and an animal poison control center. This notion is because not all animal doctors may not have had much experience dealing with the condition.

Photo Credit: Windy City Paws


Once the dogs arrive at the veterinarian’s office, the doctors may evacuate the digestion tract to avoid toxins’ absorption. Experts say the best way to keep dogs safe from this type of travesty is to prevent exposure in the first place. There is, unfortunately, no antidote, but some treatment options include anti-seizure medication, oxygen, and other aggressive measures.

44. More awareness of this issue is needed.

One pet owner’s heartbreak is now an opportunity to let others know about the potential dangers of poisoning. Pixabay


Now that you know how deadly blue-green algae can be for puppies make sure you spread the word to other pet owners and friends. Melissa Martin was not the only one who reported blue-green algae poisoning in her dogs. According to ASPCA, there have been multiple reports of the poisoning this year alone. Owners should discourage allowing their dogs to drink from stagnant ponds, lakes, or other bodies of water.

Photo Credit: Love To Know


Another way to prevent possible poisoning is to make sure your canine is rinsed thoroughly with fresh water after taking a dip. Blue-green algae cells can stick to fur and become ingested after they clean themselves. You can also contact your public health department, which should test waters frequently in areas known to have blue-green algae outbreaks. This step could help other pet owners know about preventative measures.

43. Chocolate is not a sweet treat for dogs.

Chocolate can be potentially dangerous to dogs. Pixabay


Sure, chocolate seems delicious for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but not for doggies! (And not for humans, either.) Man’s best friend does not only need to ingest foods consumed by humans. There are several foods that dogs should not be given at any time. These foods should be considered dangerous and possibly lethal if your dog consumes them.

Photo Credit: Love To Know


Chocolate is often commonly known to be hazardous for dogs, but what may not be understood is that the problem with the sweet substance is most likely due to the type of chocolate, how much is consumed, and how big the dog is. If eaten in large enough amounts, chocolate and other cocoa products may prove to be fatal. Contact your veterinarian for more options to help save your dog from getting very sick.

42. Too much chocolate could cause a heart attack.

Photo Credit: Perfect Daily Grind


For humans, a little bit of chocolate, mostly dark chocolate, is okay in moderation. Why not for dogs? What makes chocolate toxic is the theobromine. It is a caffeine-like molecule found in chocolate. While humans can quickly metabolize the component, dogs process it much more slowly, leading to toxic levels in their systems.

Photo Credit: Akc Pet Insurance


A large dog would consume more than a smaller dog before it started to suffer any ill effects. If ingested in large amounts, theobromine can cause muscle tremors, irregular heartbeats, seizures, internal or even a heart attack. Most of the time, the onset diagnosis of this type of poisoning is first marked by severe hyperactivity. You will need to act quickly if you suspect your dog has been poisoned.

41. Chocolate has different toxic levels.

Different types of chocolate can have different kinds of toxic levels. Pixabay


Chocolate has different levels of toxicity or theobromine levels. Cocoa, cooking chocolate, and dark chocolate has the highest, while milk chocolate and white chocolate contain the lowest amounts. This idea means that just a small amount of dark chocolate ingestion — just an ounce — is needed to poison a 44-pound dog.

Photo Credit: Sonja Rachbauer/Shutterstock


Because dogs can taste sweetness, owners should be cautious about where they hide their chocolatey treats. Few dogs eat fatal amounts, and an emergency trip can treat poisoning to the veterinarian. There is no antidote, but doctors can help prevent further absorption with a few tricks that might induce vomiting before the toxins can be absorbed.

40. Apples can be sweet but not their seeds.

Apple seeds can be problematic for dogs to digest. Pixabay


A famous saying stipulates that an apple a day can keep the doctor away, but this concept is certainly not the case for dogs. The seeds are particularly poisonous because they contain the amygdala, which is a form of cyanide. Cyanide prevents the blood from carrying oxygen throughout the body.

Photo Credit: Skill Cult


Too much of the wrong part of the apple can lead to disastrous results. Apple seeds and cores may cause bright red mucous membranes, dilated pupils, breathing difficulty, and possibly even death. Contact your trusted vet immediately if they eat any apple seeds because quick treatment is needed to keep your dog from getting sick from the poison.

39. The middle of the apple can be quite nutritious.

A specific part of the apples can be part of a nutritious snack. Pixabay


So is it true that an apple a day can still keep the vet away? While the seeds are potentially poisonous, an apple’s meat can prove to be a nutritional addition to a dog’s diet. Apples have antioxidants and vitamin C, and some vets believe that they can help alleviate degenerative conditions. The fiber is also a benefit.

Photo Credit: Pet First


Owners interested in feeding their dogs apples must ensure that all of the seeds are removed before the apple is consumed. They should also talk to their veterinarian about other possible effects on the dogs’ systems and overall health. It’s all about knowing and doing what is most suitable for your four-legged best friends. While not ideal for every day, you can share pieces of your apple while you are having a healthy lunch with your pup.

38. Avocado can be harmful for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

Avocado pits, bark, and leaves contain persin, which is toxic to dogs. Pixabay


Another problematic fruit for dogs is avocado. Avocado leaves, bark, and skin contain persin, a fungicidal toxin that can cause serious health problems for dogs. Large amounts of persin can cause stomach issues for dogs. Dogs with sensitive digestive systems may also develop pancreatitis from eating the avocado pulp.

Photo Credit: The Smart Canine


Many veterinarians state that the pit also does not digest well inside a dog’s intestinal tract. It may cause a gastric or intestinal blockage, which will need to be remedied immediately. The only treatment is to surgically remove the avocado pit, similar to the removal of a rock, rubber ball, or other indigestible objects that your pup has tried to eat. Your dog will also have to go through some extra recovery time after the procedure.

37. Grapes and raisins can cause sudden kidney failure.

Grapes are very poisonous to dogs and they should never be allowed to eat grapes. Pixabay


Grapes and raisins are known to be highly toxic for dogs, and owners should take care to avoid their consumption. Research has yet to determine what about grapes that causes such a reaction, but it has been documented that ingesting the fruit may cause sudden kidney failure.

Photo Credit: Mental Floss


This toxicity can affect dogs of all kinds; gender, breed, or age does not influence the affection. Symptoms include loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting or diarrhea, abdominal pain, dehydration, increased thirst or urine production, and kidney failure. Be aware when you are snacking on these items not to let some fall on the floor. If any fell, you would need to discard them immediately before your dog scoops them up.

36. Cherries have traces of cyanide.

Cherries will not cause poisoning with just one but it may upset some dogs’ digestive tracts. Pixabay


Like apple seeds, dogs should not eat the cherries’ pits because they can be considered poisonous and may upset the canine gastrointestinal tract. The pits, stems, and leaves contain cyanide, potentially lethal if consumed in high enough quantities. Cyanide is a chemical that is common in over-the-counter pest removal products. The amount should indeed be monitored. A single cherry does not cause poisoning, but pet owners should be aware.

Photo Credit: Waldos Friends


Symptoms of cyanide poisoning are labored breathing, bright red gums, and dilated pupils. Your pup may experience signs of intestinal blockage, vomiting, decreased appetite, constipation, and decreased fecal production. Symptoms may take up to 24 hours if a dog has swallowed a cherry pit. Treatment may include surgery, depending on where the pit has been lodged in the digestive system.

35. Cherries also have lots of sugar in them.

Owners should be wary of overfeeding cherries because of their sugar content. Pixabay


Since this treat is tricky, learn a bit more in regards to dogs eating cherries. Dogs may eat unprocessed cherries, but owners should use extra precautions to ensure that the toxic elements are not consumed. Maraschino cherries may have the pits removed, but they are not a very good dog treat because they are sweetened with sugar.

Photo Credit: Epicurious


Talk with your vet before introducing the fruit into your dog’s diet. Too much can cause a host of problems if you do not diligently look at what your dog is eating. Your vet will help you to plan an exciting and delicious diet for your pet. While fruit can be a tasty and sweet snack, the doctor will be able to give you a good insight into whether it is best for your four-legged friend.

34. Not all nuts should be given to dogs.

Certain kinds of nuts should be avoided when feeding your dog. Pixabay


While some nuts are okay for dogs to eat, owners should be wary of others. High-fat content could cause vomiting and diarrhea. A couple of nuts and your dog might be on the way to the vet for an emergency. Dogs should avoid both black walnuts and macadamia nuts. Peanuts, almonds, and cashews can be tolerable if given in small doses.

Photo Credit: Petnet


It is also preferred that dogs consume unsalted versions of these nuts. You should also avoid giving dogs peanut butter as it can contain harmful ingredients to them. Dogs with sensitive stomachs or pancreatitis should not receive any nuts to prevent other complications. Talk to your vet if you believe your pooch may have consumed too many of the wrong kind of nuts.

33. Rhubarb can cause distress in the digestive system.

SSome parts of the rhubarb plant can poison your dog so rather try and avoid feeding them this. Pixabay


Rhubarb is a kind of herbaceous perennial that may cause pain and irritation when chewed or swallowed. Dogs that eat more substantial amounts of the plant material may become poisoned because of the soluble calcium oxalate crystals, which causes distress in the dog’s system.

Photo Credit: Napa Valley Register


They may also have renal failure, which can be detrimental for your dog to recover from. Symptoms include blood in urine, cardiac arrhythmia, diarrhea, difficulty swallowing, hoarse barking, excessive drooling, coma, kidney failure, labored breathing, and pawing or rubbing of the face, among others. Many of these symptoms will be seen immediately. Other types of plants that could cause this type of poisoning are starfruit, shamrocks, and wood sorrel.

32. Tomatoes can cause significant discomfort.

Tomatoes can be toxic to dogs and need to be adequately prepared before they are given to the pet to eat. Shutterstock


Tomatoes are found in tons of meals like sauces for spaghetti, pizza, and salsa. However, just like other fruits, tomatoes need to be prepared before they are given to dogs to eat. The tomato plant contains solanine, which is a substance that can cause significant discomfort in canine systems. The leaves, stems, and young green tomatoes have higher amounts than the ripe fruit, which means that those are genuinely safe for dogs to consume.

Photo Credit: Dog Time


If you are concerned about this, instead, leave it off the menu for your pet. Solanine toxicity side effects include hypersalivation, anorexia, diarrhea, and severe gastrointestinal upset. It can also affect the central nervous depression, behavioral change, dilated pupils, lethargy, and slow heart rate. These symptoms can be difficult for your dog, and you may need to schedule a vet visit as soon as possible.

31. Several citrus fruits can hurt the central nervous system.

Citrus fruits like oranges may cause digestive problems in your dog. Pixabay


It might seem like a great idea to have a healthy breakfast full of citrus fruits, but only if you are human. While they are not necessarily poisonous, citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, and clementine can cause digestive issues because of their high sugar content. Dogs may experience upset stomachs in even the smallest of doses.

Photo Credit: Medium


Larger doses can pose more significant problems like extreme stomach pain and depression of the central nervous system. Obese dogs and those with other health issues should be limited to these kinds of fruits. Talk with your vet to see if you could add this snack to your dog’s diet. An upset stomach could be awful for your pet, so try and avoid this as much as possible. If conditions worsen, contact your vet for a follow-up visit.

30. Raw eggs pose a high risk of Salmonella poisoning.

Dogs can be suspect to salmonella poisoning if they eat raw eggs. Pixabay


Like their human owners, dogs can become at risk of contracting Salmonella, which means they should not eat raw eggs. Prolonged feeding of raw eggs whites has also been proven to lead to a biotin deficiency, which prevents the absorption into the body.

Photo Credit: Safe Food


Because eggs are high in protein and contain several essential amino and fatty acids, prepared eggs can be an excellent treat for dogs. You should speak to your vet to determine how many you can make for your dog and avoid overfeeding. It will be okay if your pet happens to eat a raw bird egg found in the garden but don’t make this a regular meal option. If your dog’s condition starts to get worse, contact your local vet.

29. Mustard seeds are harmful in large quantities.

Mustard seeds have toxic compounds that could be toxic to dogs. Pixabay


These seeds are tiny, but they pack a powerful punch — to dogs! Similar to other food items on this list, mustard seeds can be sufficient for dogs to eat if they are adequately prepared. Mustard seeds may cause gastroenteritis if consumed in a large amount. But mustard greens are generally safe for consumption.

Photo Credit: Idisciple


Certain compounds can be toxic and lead to vomit or diarrhea. Owners may use mustard powder or even the popular condiment used on hot dogs to induce vomiting, although this practice should be done under a doctor’s supervision. There is no real reason to include mustard seeds in your pet’s diet – the only time they may eat it unintentionally is if it is in the food of yours that they have eaten as well.

28. Nutmeg causes constipation in dogs.

What makes nutmeg dangerous is that it contains myristicin, which is very poisonous to dogs. Pixabay


A popular spice for baking, nutmeg is often an added ingredient to many homemade delicacies. It fills an entire kitchen with the smell of a festive holiday season. The creamy and nutty fragrance can be quite alluring, but vets caution any consumption by man’s best friend. Nutmeg is toxic because of a compound called myristicin. In low doses, there are hardly any signs.

Photo Credit: Royal Canin


Still, if consumed in large quantities, nutmeg can cause disorientation, increased heart rate, blood pressure, hallucinations, dry mouth, abdominal pain, and seizures. Symptoms can last for about 48 hours, and the severity often depends on the dog’s size and overall health. Keep an eye on it and contact your vet if you believe your dog may need a visit.

27. Onions have a compound that can cause several problems for your pooch.

All parts of the onion plant are considered toxic and should be avoided at all costs. Pixabay


These tear-jerking foods are notorious for causing bad breath, but the vegetable is considered to be harmful to dogs. Onions have a toxic compound known as N-propyl disulfide, which creates a breakdown of the red blood cells. This consumption can also lead to anemia in dogs because it causes hemolysis and reduces the red blood cells’ ability to carry oxygen.

Photo Credit: How Stuff Works


Onion powder is even more potent than fresh onions, so it also can pose a severe threat to your pooch. Symptoms include lethargy, decreased appetite, pale gums, weakness, fainting, and reddish urine. Vomiting, elevated heart rate, and panting can also be signs of onion toxicity. Be sure to keep your onion powder out of the way to avoid this from happening.

26. Garlic powder speeds up the heart rate.

Garlic can also cause anemia in dogs and should not eat garlic under any circumstances. Pixabay


Bad enough it gives you foul breath, but you should avoid feeding your dog garlic for other reasons, too. Garlic has been lauded as a holistic remedy for heart disease and high cholesterol, but it is not safe for dogs to eat. Like onions, garlic belongs to the Allium family of vegetables, and it may cause hemolytic anemia if consumed by your canine. Garlic powder should also not be consumed. Pet owners are encouraged to keep garlic, onions, and other similar vegetables out of reach.

Photo Credit: Foods Guy


Dogs don’t know that they aren’t allowed to eat these, so try to pet-proof kitchen cupboards so your pet is safe. Symptoms can include breathlessness, vomiting and diarrhea, pale or muddy colored gums, rapid breathing, and an elevated heart rate. If you believe your dog has been poisoned, monitor its symptoms, and call your vet to schedule a follow-up visit.

25. Raw meat carries several harmful bacteria.

Raw meat has an increased risk of contracting foodborne illnesses. Pixabay


Meat that is not cooked correctly is not healthy for humans, much fewer dogs. While the raw food diet has been growing in popularity recently, some owners may wonder if it would be all right for their dogs to partake in the culinary lifestyle. The Food & Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Veterinary Medical Association have all spoken out against the practice because eating raw meat can lead to an increased risk of contracting many diseases.

Photo Credit: The Scientist


Salmonella, listeria, or E. coli poisoning are all possible to develop after consuming raw meat. This concept is for both cats and dogs – even though they might enjoy raw meat, it is better to be safe rather than sorry by preparing their meat and cooking it. Keep everything secure and toss out garbage with raw meat as soon as possible.

24. Bones can be a choking hazard.

Certain kinds of bones should only be given to dogs when they can be supervised. Pixabay


What is a dog without a bone? You probably give your dog lots of bones, especially as a reward when he is a good boy. Well, it turns out that owners should be cautious about what kinds of bones they are giving their dogs. Poultry and pork bones or cooked bones of any kind should not be given under any circumstances because they can lead to choking and other severe damage to the dog’s mouth, throat, or intestines.

Photo Credit: schubbel/Shutterstock


In some cases, they may even kill the dog. Veterinarians suggest that raw bones are the best option for dogs to consume. Owners are also encouraged to supervise their dog closely while working on a bone, so they can react quickly if it starts to show signs of choking and other possible signs of distress. If a bone is lodged in the throat, contact your vet.

23. Chamomile may produce an allergic reaction.

Chamomile can cause some toxic poisoning in dogs but you can check for allergies in a controlled environment. Pixabay


Although this isn’t a food per se, chamomile is often around the house. Chamomile is a daisy plant often used as an herb because it has medicinal and relaxing properties. But chamomile can cause toxicity in some dogs if consumed, and other dogs may even be allergic to it. Toxic signs include dermatitis, vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia.

Photo Credit: Best Hq Wallpapers


Owners should proceed with caution. You can check for allergies by applying a small amount to your dog’s skin. If a dog has ingested chamomile and is starting to act strangely, you should contact your veterinarian. You should also ensure that you do not have this planted in your garden as they may eat it without you knowing. Put up fencing around your outdoor garden to keep your pet safe.

22. Coffee may cause vomiting and high body temperature.

Caffeine poisoning from coffee and tea can have detrimental effects on dogs. Pixabay


You need your morning coffee to get your day started. Luckily for dogs, they can get by without a cup o’ Joe. Dogs are much more sensitive to the effects of caffeine, and just like chocolate, coffee and tea should only be served in small amounts. Our dogs love to have anything we are having – but they shouldn’t have this. Like those in coffee grounds or tea bags, moderate amounts pose a more significant risk for poisoning.

Photo Credit: Foodism


Dogs that are poisoned by caffeine will often exhibit signs one to two hours following exposure. Symptoms include restlessness, hyperactivity, elevated heart rate, abnormal heart rhythms, tremors, high body temperature, and seizures. The treatment is to induce vomiting so that your dog can get rid of the toxins before they become digested.

21. Milk and dairy products may not be tolerated in all dogs.

Dogs should not be given milk because it upsets their digestive symptoms. Pixabay


It might seem healthy to give your dog a warm drink of milk, but it’s not! Humans and cats are the only known mammals that can tolerate milk when they become adults. Dogs have an incredibly low amount of lactase, which means they have trouble breaking down lactose efficiently. Some dogs can digest yogurt and cheese, but others are not able to tolerate any dairy. Lactose intolerance signs include gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Photo Credit: Wag Walking


Some pets tolerate milk and dairy better than others, so you should instead consult your veterinarian before adding anything new to your dog’s diet. They might be fine on milk but just be 100% sure first. Watch your dog and talk to your vet if you have any additional questions.

20. Candy can lead to seizures.

Many candy products contain toxic xylitol which is very dangerous to dogs and you should seek medical attention. Pixabay


Who doesn’t love a handful of candy treats? Dogs! Candy is not known for its nutritional value, and even humans should only consume sweet treats in moderation. Dogs cannot process sugar as well as humans. Candy, gum, baked goods, toothpaste, and even some diet foods are sweetened with xylitol.

Photo Credit: Dogsaholic


This substance can cause blood sugars to drop and may also lead to liver failure. Early symptoms of xylitol poisoning are vomiting, lethargy, and coordination problems. Some dogs have even been known to have seizures. Owners should carefully read labels and put up any food products that contain xylitol. If you believe your dog has this kind of poisoning, contact your vet for an appointment.

19. Potatoes may be toxic to some dogs.

Raw potatoes are toxic to dogs and have similar dangerous properties to tomatoes. Pixabay


This food favorite is often a staple of dinner meals. However, potatoes have similar properties to tomatoes. In their raw state, potatoes have solanine, a compound that may be toxic to some dogs. Potato leaves and stems have the highest amount of solanine and pose the most significant risk of poisoning for your pooch.

Photo Credit: Getreidefreies Hundefutter


Cooked potatoes reduce the levels to amounts that can be safe for consumption. Experts suggest that owners bake or boil potatoes before serving them to dogs. It should be noted that giving a dog too many carbohydrates can result in many health problems, including obesity. This condition can lead to a lifetime of problems and may even shorten your dog’s lifespan.

18. Black licorice could lead to tooth decay and diabetes.

Licorice should not be consumed in large quantities or preferably not at all by pets. Pixabay


Not many people like this treat, but when they do, they love it! In small doses and monitored closely, black licorice can be a treat every once in a while. But owners are cautioned against large quantities of black licorice, which is flavored by the licorice plant’s extract. The compound glycyrrhizin raises the blood pressure to dangerous amounts.

Photo Credit: Sweet Mickeys


Dogs that have too much are at risk of tooth decay, obesity, and diabetes. Signs of glycyrrhizin poisoning include raised blood pressure, muscle weakness, and vomiting. We all love to treat our pets to different foods occasionally, but it is essential to know what is okay and what isn’t. If you have any questions, call your vet and see what may need to be done for your dog.

17. Alcohol causes problems for the central nervous system.

Alcohol can be poisonous to dogs just as it can be to humans, so don’t let your pet have a taste of this drink. Pixabay


This one might seem obvious, but you never know. Alcohol is not a safe substance to give to a dog because dogs can exhibit severe central nervous symptoms and other afflictions by its consumption. Even a small trace of alcohol can trigger dangerous levels of toxicity, known as metabolic acidosis. We even know the adverse effects it has on humans, so don’t let your pet have any, either.

Photo Credit: Wag Walking


Other symptoms include hypothermia, vomiting, coma, restlessness, muscle tremors, seizures, high body temperature, and diarrhea. In most severe cases or not treated, alcohol intoxication has also been known to cause organ systems failure and even death. If you suspect your dog has had too much to drink, contact your vet for further instruction.

16. Marijuana edibles also may produce neurological problems.

Ingesting marijuana can be poisonous to dogs because of its THC content. Pixabay


Like alcohol, it can only take a small amount of marijuana, or cannabis, to cause poisoning in pets. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, has psychoactive effects. Dogs may become intoxicated in several ways, including inhaling second-hand smoke, eating edibles, or directly ingesting cannabis. How dogs are affected depends on their size and overall health.

Photo Credit: Davis Enterprise


Most of the effects are neurological, as the dog may become wobbly and uncoordinated. They may also become hyperactive, disoriented, and vocal. There are only individual vets who issue CBD products that are safe for dogs and should be done under vet prescription. But many products are just now on the market. It may be best to avoid these kinds of products until you talk with your trusted physician about what they could do for your dog.

15. Salty junk food can be harmful in large quantities.

Junk food can lead to severe symptoms in dogs that could be avoided by locking food pantries and cupboards. Pixabay


Eating a bag of chips and watching a movie with your furry friend sounds nice, but no sharing allowed! Experts generally agree that dog owners should limit the amount of salty junk food consumed by their canine companion. Overeating salt can make the pooch very thirsty. Too much salty food consumption symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature, tremors, and seizures.

Photo Credit: Realtor


Dogs will eat just about anything most of the time, and a tasty packet of chips will seem like a great idea to them. It is up to you as the owner to protect them from this. Some dogs have even died after eating large quantities. Schedule a visit with your vet if you believe that your dog may have gotten too much junk to eat.

14. Yeast dough can cause bloating and discomfort.

Yeast can lead to serious health problems in dogs such as weakness, seizures and even a coma. Pixabay


Do you love to bake? Maybe you let your children lick the beaters sometimes, which isn’t the healthiest idea. However, beware of pets, too, when you are baking; pet owners who like to bake need to keep close tabs on yeast dough around their furry friends. When a dog accidentally eats bread dough, the yeast can continue to make the dough rise while inside the stomach. The pressure mimics and can cause bloat.

Photo Credit: Daily Telegraph


Besides causing some discomfort, the dough can also pose an internal threat. The yeast can release toxic levels of ethanol into the bloodstream. Make sure little bits don’t fall on the floor for them to eat. Symptoms include the depressed central nervous system, weakness, hypothermia, seizures, unsteady or drunken gait, and coma. Watch for any signs and contact your vet if you feel your dog may need to come in for a follow-up consultation.

13. Moldy or expired foods have harmful toxins.

Dog owners should not give spoiled or expired foods to their animals. Instead, they need fresh food and water each day. Pixabay


Are you cleaning out your refrigerator only to discover so old food that you forget about? Just throw it in the trash! Spoiled food is not meant for any consumption, and the ingestion of moldy food from the garbage or a compost pile can be incredibly toxic for dogs. We tend to think that these foods are okay for our animals to eat – this is not the case.

Photo Credit: Insider


The tremorgenic mycotoxins may be found in moldy bread, pasta, nuts, cheese, and other rotten foods. One mycotoxin and aflatoxin can even cause liver failure. This type of poisoning includes vomiting, agitation, tremors, seizures, in-coordination, and elevated body temperatures. Moldy food should be disposed of quickly and correctly to avoid consumption. Keep the temptation in safe bins, especially if your hound likes to dig in the trash for morsels.

12. Hops in homebrewing can cause excess panting and seizures.

One of the most alarming things is that hops can lead to hypothermia in dogs. Pixabay


Yes, alcohol was already mentioned on this list of everyday household items and foods dangerous to dogs. But here is one in more detail. Anyone interested in home brewing their craft beers should take note of one particular ingredient. Hops can be quite dangerous if dogs ingest them. The compounds may cause malignant hypothermia, which raises the body temperature to dangerous levels.

Photo Credit: Craft Beer


Other symptoms include redness around the mouth, excessive panting, abdominal pain, seizures, and rapid heart rate. Owners may notice signs that something is wrong between 30 minutes and 12 hours after consumption. They should be taken to the vet for care immediately. Prevention is critical, so brewers should keep their hops in a safe and secure place. A garage or separate room would be ideal for keeping this kind of thing from happening.

11. Prescription medicines can harm dogs.

Make sure to keep your prescription medication safely store away from your pet. Credit: Shutterstock


As pet owners, we have our medication for various ailments and illnesses. This prescription can be lifesaving and beneficial for us as humans, but it could have the complete opposite effect on our pets. It doesn’t even require a large dose for it to have a significant impact on them. Certain medications are dangerous.

Photo Credit: Msmc


Just like children, it is essential to keep any medicine out of a dog’s reach. These include anti-inflammatory and pain medications. These can cause stomach and intestinal ulcers in your dog. In more severe cases, it can even lead to kidney failure. Also, be careful of antidepressants and blood pressure medication because they can be especially harmful if swallowed.

10. Coconut and coconut oil can cause upset stomachs.

Some dogs cannot handle coconut or coconut products. Credit: Shutterstock


Many coconut and coconut-based products can be safe in small amounts, depending on your dog’s tolerance levels. The flesh and milk of coconuts have oils that could cause an upset stomach, loose stools, or other digestion discomfort signs. Coconut water is also high in potassium, which should not be given to your dog. If you believe that your dog has had too much coconut, monitor its symptoms and contact your vet if you think you need a visit or some extra advice.

Photo Credit: The Dog Bakery


However, it is possible to use coconut oil in different ways for your pet. Coconut oil is generally safe for dogs to eat in small amounts or have applied to their skin or fur. When it comes to selecting a brand, virgin coconut oil is best, as most of coconut oil’s benefits have been observed with this type. Always remember to ask your vet if you’re uncertain about using something on your furry friend.

9. Mushrooms can produce deadly results.

The wrong kind of mushrooms can lead to an emergency vet visit. Credit: Shutterstock


Depending on what kind of wild mushrooms are growing near your home, you may want to direct your next walk with your dog away from the free-range fungi. Pets have been known to eat mushrooms in yards and while on walks. While 99% of mushrooms have little or no toxicity, the 1% that are highly toxic can cause life-threatening problems in pets. Take extra care to keep pets away from areas where mushrooms might be growing.

Photo Credit: Tractive


Mushroom poisoning symptoms can vary depending on the species. There are four main categories, but Category A mushrooms are the most toxic. They can destroy cells in the body and cause kidney and liver failure. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, weakness, seizures, and coma. Contact your vet immediately if you think that your dog has ingested a wild mushroom.

8. Apricots also contain cyanide.

Apricots have pieces that can lead to significant health issues for dogs. Credit: Shutterstock


You might think these are good for your four-legged because they are fruits, but you would be wrong. Like citrus fruits, the seeds, leaves, and stems of apricot have cyanide, causing some big problems if ingested. This particular toxin has cytochrome oxidase or an enzyme necessary for cellular oxygen transport, and it can prevent your dog’s cells from taking in oxygen.

Photo Credit: Eco Watch


Signs to look for this kind of poisoning include dilated pupils, breathing difficulty, inadequate oxygen levels, bright red gums, and shock. In the worst cases, death may occur. Dried apricots, though, typically are de-stemmed, de-pitted, and do not contain leaves, making them a safe, occasional treat for your pooch. As we said above, the issue with apricot is the stems, leaves, and pits. While this shouldn’t be an issue with dried apricots, it’s always possible that your dog gets his or her paws on a trace amount of the cyanide from these parts of the apricot.

7. Poinsettias may cause problems during the holidays.

Though they are not as poisonous as once believed, these holiday decorations can cause some dog discomfort.


Poinsettias are popular decorations for Christmastime, but they may need to be kept out of reach. They can cause mild poisonings in cats and dogs if they are ingested. When ingested, mild signs of vomiting, drooling, or rarely, diarrhea may be seen. If the milky sap is exposed to skin, dermal irritation (including redness, swelling, and itchiness) may develop. Rarely, eye exposure can result in mild irritation. Signs are generally self-limiting and typically don’t require medical treatment unless severe and persistent. There is no antidote for poinsettia poisoning.

Photo Credit: Our Community Now


 However, due to the low level of toxicity seen with poinsettia ingestion, medical treatment is rarely necessary unless clinical signs are severe.Some signs of poinsettia poisoning include vomiting, drooling, and some diarrhea. It could be better to be safe than see your dog sick around the holidays, so keep an eye on your decorations and out of reach. If you think that it might need to see a vet, call for a follow-up appointment. 

6. Corn cobs can be choking hazards.

Some table scraps like corn cobs may lead to bigger problems. Credit: Shutterstock


Sweetcorn can be a healthy option for dogs, as long as the kernels are cut off the cob. Corn on the cob can seem like a good table scrap option, but the cob does not digest well, unlike other kinds of vegetables. Cobs can cause intestinal blockage because it is a sizeable peculiar shape.

Photo Credit: Thrifty Fun


Symptoms include vomiting, loss of appetite or reduced appetite, constipation or diarrhea, and discomfort in the abdomen. Corn off the cob has protein, natural antioxidants, and some essential fatty acids that could be a great energy source. If you fear that your dog has swallowed a corn cob, contact your vet for options.

5. Aloe Vera can cause your dog’s dietary distress.

This common house plant can increase bowel movements and mucus production in dogs. Credit: Shutterstock


Aloe vera is a typical house plant with many beneficial properties in humans, but you will need to make sure that it is kept away from your dog. From the Aloacea family, aloes have anthraquinone glycosides, which are considered purgatives. They can encourage bowel movements when ingested because bacteria metabolize the glycosides. An increase in mucus production and water in the colon can also occur. Dogs should not be given the whole leaves of the aloe vera plant.

Photo Credit: Green Living Zone


The leaves contain saponins, glycosides, and other compounds that are mildly toxic for domestic animals. If a large amount of the plant is eaten, your dog may experience vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, depression, and urinary changes. Ingestion of large quantities may cause tremors, although this is rare. Don’t be dissuaded from using the aloe vera plant as a complement to your pet’s health regimen. Using the right part of the plant in the proper form will allow your four-legged companion to benefit from the use of this tropical succulent. Raw aloe vera gel taken directly from the plant and liquid made from the extracts are two forms of aloe vera that pet parents utilize. Other signs include depression, anorexia, changes in urination color, and even tumors.

4. Some dogs have trouble breaking down blue cheese.

If eaten in large doses, your dog could become very sick. Credit: Shutterstock


Do you like dunking your wing dings and celery sticks into some creamy, cool blue cheese? Blue cheese contains large amounts of fat, and dogs that have a hard time eating other dairy products can also have difficulty digesting this soft cheese. Blue cheese when over-ripened can produce something called roquefortine, which is toxic to dogs. So toxic, it can lead to death. If you’re unsure whether the cheese was toxic or not, simply monitor your dog for any adverse reactions and be ready to bring them to the vet if needed.

Photo Credit: Modern Dog Magazine


Due to the roquefortine C in blue cheese, dogs will react to blue cheese. And the toxic level could cause vomiting, diarrhea, and possibly tremors, twitching, seizures, and high temperature. Any dog that exhibits these signs should be seen for emergency veterinary advice. 

3. Chives can damage a dog’s red blood cells.

Chives have the same toxicity as onions. Credit: Shutterstock


You might enjoy a few chives on your potato soup, but don’t let your dog lick from the spoon. Chives belong to the same Allium family that also includes onion, garlic, and leeks. These foods can be highly poisonous for dogs. Chives consumption can cause damage to your dog’s red blood cells and, over time, lead to anemia. The foods contain organosulfoxides, a compound that wreaks havoc on their system. Some dogs may not show any symptoms, and there have been cases of fatal poisonings.

Photo Credit: The Spruce


Onions, garlic, chives, and leeks are in the Allium family, and are poisonous to both dogs and cats if the dose is right (if they eat a single large serving or repeatedly nibble on small amounts over time). Garlic is considered to be about five times as toxic as onions for cats and dogs.

2. Persimmons may cause intestinal blockage.

Little dogs are particularly at risk for this condition. Credit: Shutterstock


While they are not a stone fruit, persimmons pose a potential blockage risk for dogs, especially small dogs. These fruits are sweet and slippery, so that they may seem like a nice treat. But owners should be warned of the risk that the seeds and the pit may have on the intestinal tract. Be sure to cut up a persimmon and eliminate the danger before you give it to your dog. There is just one thing left on this list, which is a very popular item! Keep reading to see the final poisonous food to your doggie.

Photo Credit: La Times


This treat, in moderation, can be a good source of Vitamin A and C. However, if your dog gets a hold of the pit or seeds, watch out for some serious signs that their intestines are being blocked. Some symptoms may include, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, lethargy and dehydration.

1. Chewing gum can be harmful if swallowed.

Gums also contain a harmful sweetener that dogs should not eat. Credit: Shutterstock


You probably love chewing gum, but blowing bubbles is not cute when it comes to pooches. The adage about gum taking a long time to digest is true for dogs as well, and your four-legged friend may have a hard time digesting the sticky substance. Gum can cause blockages in the stomach and intestines, leading to severe injury or even death.

Photo Credit: Here Pup


Some types even contain xylitol, which has poisonous properties for dogs. Xylitol is a common sugar substitute that can be toxic to dogs in even small amounts and it can be fatal. It’s regularly found in sugar-free chewing gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, vitamin supplements, a small handful of peanut butter brands, and other ‘low sugar’ or sugar-free products If you think your dog has swallowed chewing gum, contact your vet for a possible X-ray to ensure it will pass adequately.



ASPCA – Pet Safety Alert: The Rising Dangers of Blue-Green Algae

ASPCA – People Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pets

Canine Journal – Foods Dogs Can’t Eat: 46 Dangerous Human Foods

Business Insider – 29 Things That Dogs Should Never Eat

WBUR – Dog-Killing Blue-Green Algae Spreads Across U.S. Lakes, Ponds

Pet Health Network – Blue-Green Algae: A Deadly Danger for Dogs

The Human Society – Plants and food that can be poisonous to pets

Hill’s Pet – Is Chocolate Bad for My Dog? (& What to Do If They Eat It)
