Comedy of Errors: Unforgettable Funny Moments That Went Off-Script

Ashley - June 13, 2023

Are you ready to get an inside look into the most hilarious mishaps in others’ lives? Sometimes, no matter how carefully we plan for something, life doesn’t go the way we expect. It’s these unexpected moments that give our lives a little extra spice and keep us on our toes. You can’t always expect the unexpected, but you’ll be a lot more prepared for the unexpected after reading this list! We have it all, from unfortunate tattoos to party favors that didn’t work out as planned. Take a break from the monotony of daily life and immerse yourself in someone else’s problems for a few. You’ll laugh, you’ll cringe, and you’ll be more thankful for how your day is going after you finish scrolling through this list.

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He Help, He Protect

Puppers love to help! While going for a lovely stroll one day, this doggo got off his leash and immediately noticed this statue. A human statue is tugging on a ball, followed by a human statue tugging on him, followed by a dog statue tugging on her. What does our helpful pup do when faced with this scenario? He jumps into action and tries to help! The puppy gripped this statue with his powerful jaws and started pulling, completely unaware that the statue did not need his help. It’s absolutely adorable, and of course, the owner had to stop and snap this picture.

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Never Tattoo Symbols You Don’t Recognize

Here we have a beautiful example of why you should avoid getting symbols tattooed on your body when you don’t know what they mean! This well-meaning gentleman noticed a tattoo on his dog’s skin and knew he wanted to get a matching tattoo. After the tattoo was complete, he began showing off his new ink to his friends. One of his friends, perhaps unluckily, pointed out that the tattoo was a marker to show the dog had been neutered. We hope this loving dog owner can afford a good cover-up tattoo!

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When The Realization Hits Too Hard

Cats certainly love to sit everywhere they shouldn’t. They’ll sit on plants, countertops, tables, and apparently even highchairs. This kitty found his new favorite perching spot after his humans set up this highchair. These pictures show the moment just before and just after one of the owners informed the cat that this highchair is not for him. You can see the bitter disappointment on the cat’s face as they realize that yet another surface has been classified as off-limits. Poor kitty!

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Awkward End To A Spicy Evening

Who doesn’t enjoy getting together with your loved one and playing a fun game? When you get tired of your spouse knocking over the Monopoly board in frustration, you could try a spicer game. A ton of spicy games have come out recently, including multiple variations of erotic dice games. The premise is fairly simple. You roll the dice and act out what the dice say. This couple was probably expecting an evening of fun, but the dice had something a little different in mind. They probably packed up this game for a while after getting this roll!

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Just Don’t Question It

After posting a hilarious picture of her dog trying to sit in a tiny bucket of water, this dog lover received a ton of feedback on Facebook. Everyone commenting told her that her puppy needed a pool. Of course, they didn’t know the whole story. So, she posted another picture. In this picture, you can see a fairly large bone-shaped pool specifically for her pup. Hilariously, the dog still chooses to stand in the bucket. It’s probably best not to question it. Laugh at the adorable puppy and accept the fact that he loves his bucket!

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Maybe Don’t DIY This Part

More people are interested in learning to DIY things that are normally handled by professionals. There are a ton of articles and videos online that teach people how to unclog their own drains, recaulk their tubs, hang their light fixtures, and so much more! Many of these tasks are easy enough to do yourself, but not everything will work out as intended. The person who took this picture is clearly not a professional mover. He got his couch stuck while trying to move it into his home and is now desperately reaching out for assistance. Learn from this guy’s mistakes. You don’t have to DIY everything!

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The Look Of Utter Disappointment

Couples fly together all the time for work, vacations, or to visit family. When you fly enough times, you start to realize what type of flyer you are. Either you love window seats or you’re perfectly happy to sit in the aisle. Before boarding this flight, the girlfriend in the picture asked her boyfriend to switch seats with her so she could sit next to the window. Being the loving boyfriend he is, he agreed to switch seats. However, when they got on the plane, they realized their row didn’t even have a window! The look of sheer disappointment on her face is absolutely hilarious. She looks like she doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. We’ve all felt that!

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Don’t Tell Them How Cute They Are

Red pandas are adorable little fluff balls. Still, they are wild animals and need a way to defend themselves against threats. When a red panda feels threatened, they stand on their back legs, extend themselves to their full height, and raise their arms over their head to make themselves look as big as possible. The end result may make them look scary to other animals, but to us humans, they look so cute. It makes you want to pick up the red panda and give them a cuddle. But that’s a terrible idea! So, we’ll admire their cuteness from afar and say nothing.

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Definitely Over The Weight Limit

Most trampolines have a pretty high weight limit, but we’re sure that weight limit wasn’t expecting a fully grown cow to climb on it. When a woman looked out the window one day, she definitely wasn’t expecting to see this. A local farmer’s cow escaped and found himself a comfortable spot on this lady’s trampoline. The trampoline instantly collapsed under the weight of the cow, and he was left standing and looking around in confusion. The poor cow just wanted to have a little fun!

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This Sounds Serious

Most doctors are respected members of their community, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have to deal with a well-intended prank every now and again. We have to give whoever came up with this prank serious credit because it’s perfectly harmless and hilarious! Dr. A Hedgeh has apparently been dealing with someone adding the letters “og” to the end of all his signs lately to turn his name into Dr. A Hedgehog. He put a note on his door warning the prankster to knock it off or else! Of course, the prankster noticed the note and couldn’t resist adding “og” to the signature at the bottom. Poor Dr. Hedgeh!

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Measure Twice, Cut Once!

There’s a reason the saying, “measure twice, cut once,” exists. The idea is it gives you a second chance to go over your markings and ensure that not only your measurements are correct but also that your markings are in the right place. When trying to make a DIY cat door, this person obviously forgot the rule about measuring twice! Or he did check it twice and somehow managed to completely miss the fact that he was cutting the cat door out of the top rather than the bottom of this door. It’s a pretty unfortunate mistake. Guess he’ll have to go buy a new door and try again!

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Adding Insult To Injury

Golfing is one of those sports that you either love or hate. Some people enjoy golf, but others aren’t entertained by putting around on the green. Still, even those who love this sport aren’t guaranteed to be skilled players. When one man hit his ball way off course, he found a second, abandoned ball. The man picked up the abandoned ball but didn’t think to look at it until later. When he finally inspected the ball, he realized someone had taken the time to print the words, “U found this ball so u suck too” on the ball! Talk about adding insult to injury!

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At Least They Can Find It!

An organization called Christian Life Internation needed a solid image to represent its brand. They didn’t think people would recognize the initials as a Christian group by themselves, so they decided to add a cross at the end of their organization’s brand image. Obviously, this didn’t work out quite as intended! The new logo looks as though it’s referring to an aspect of female anatomy rather than a Christian organization. Hey, at least this group of guys can find it! Maybe this was part of their marketing scheme. Or it was just a hilarious accident. Either way, we’re glad we get to laugh at it.

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There Was An Attempt

It’s great to be prepared for any circumstance. If you know you’re going to be walking around outside and there’s a possibility of rain in the forecast, then you should definitely carry an umbrella with you. One man tried to be prepared and opened his umbrella as soon as he noticed the skies turning dark and the wind picking up. Unfortunately, before it even started raining, the wind ripped the umbrella out of his hands. He took a picture of the umbrella soaring away. Perhaps the umbrella was called to someone else in need of protection. More likely, it’s going to end up in an alley somewhere.

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Looks Like Someone Had A Bad Day

When the days begin to lengthen, and the weather warms up, most people enjoy participating in a bit of spring cleaning. It’s the perfect time of year to let go of old products and bring some new energy into the home. Of course, the unfortunate part of this is having to bring all your old items to the dumpster. Most people make a genuine effort to get everything in the dumpster, but it looks like someone was having a bad day in this picture. An old mattress was tossed into the dumpster, along with just the head of this giant teddy bear. The bear looks pretty clean and new, so we have to wonder what he did to deserve this kind of treatment!

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Try Not To Laugh Challenge

If this picture came with a video, we’d be begging the owner to submit it to a try not to laugh compilation. This adorable pup really wanted this chocolate cupcake, but chocolate is toxic for dogs, so matter how badly he wants it, the owners can’t give it to him. Rather than move the cupcake out of his sight, they let the dog get under their glass table and try to eat the cake through the bottom of the table! Poor dog doesn’t realize he can’t get to the treat through the glass. You can see him licking and trying to bite the glass in a desperate attempt to get to the chocolate prize. It’s not happening, puppy!

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It’s A Rewarding Hobby, They Said

How many times have you taken the advice of friends or family and had the results turn out much differently than expected? It happens, even when you think you’ve followed their advice to a “T.” Baking bread can be a rewarding hobby, but you have to be very careful about your measurements. If you’re even slightly off, the entire project can be ruined. One person learned this the hard way when he left his dough to proof in the fridge overnight. The next morning, he got quite the surprise! Our guess? He put in way too much yeast!

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Ice Cold Revenge

Those living in cold climates understand the frustration of dealing with snow during the winter. Shoveling several feet of snow has to be one of the worst chores. It’s cold, heavy, and takes forever! When this person shoveled out three parking spaces for himself and his neighbors in sub-zero temperatures, the finished his work to see an uninvited car in one of the cleared parking spots! Steaming with fury, the man came up with a plan. He shoveled out a new spot and dumped all the snow onto the invading car! That’s one way to serve up some ice-cold revenge.

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At Least He Was Honest

There are many professions that don’t allow their workers to indulge in green lettuce, even during non-working hours. Emergency response professionals and people who operate heavy machinery are often randomly drug-tested during their employment to ensure they aren’t putting other people’s safety at risk. Athletes are also held to a high standard and are expected to remain sober for the duration of their contract. One man got caught red-handed during a drug test. His excuse is brutally honest and perfectly hilarious. That’s why you shouldn’t smoke while you’re on contract, Ricky!

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Her Hide-And-Seek Skills Need Work

Kids are adorable and hilarious and don’t always understand how the world works. While trying to play hide-and-seek with her daughter one day, this mother found her “hiding” like this. We can’t really call this hiding, considering her entire legs and feet are visible from underneath the curtain. Clearly, the mom needs to teach her kid some better hide-and-seek skills! Side note: Does anyone else think the daughter’s legs and feet are reminiscent of the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz? The resemblance is kind of uncanny!

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The Most Tedious Task Ever

When you get ready to head to work every day, you’re probably hoping for a calm day free of problems. Of course, problems are going to arise every now and then, but you can only hope to be spared something as awful as this! While working at a coffee shop that deals with whole beans rather than grounds, this person ran into a terrible mistake. His boss absent-mindedly poured a batch of roasted beans in with a batch of unroasted beans. This person and his coworker were then forced to go through the beans and separate them by hand. There are 10,000 coffee beans there! Maybe this would force most people into handing in their resignation, but a day of sorting through coffee beans probably offered these workers a nice break from dealing with the public.

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Keep Allie Off That Cake!

We’ve discussed cats’ penchant for sitting on things they aren’t supposed to already, but it’s a phenomenon that happens so frequently that you can bet it will make multiple appearances on this list! After buying a nice cake for their employees, a manager put this cake on top of this vending machine to keep the cat from sitting on it. Unfortunately, she didn’t account for the cat’s pure strength of will and resourcefulness. Somehow, Allie managed to climb on top of the vending machine, where she sat triumphantly on the cake.

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Starbucks Sucks

Are you one of those people who hates expensive coffee chains? If so, you’ll probably giggle in delight when you see this image! A Starbucks van was delivering supplies to one of the local stores when a passerby happened to notice this. Whoever designed this van clearly didn’t think about how the letters would line up once the door slid open. Instead of saying Starbucks, it now simply says, “sucks.” It’s a hilarious whoops moment for the company. We wonder if they ever saw this picture and changed the design of those vans!

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The World’s Nicest Vampire

The advertisement says “The World’s Nicest Salesman,” but we think he looks more like a vampire. The Remax balloon behind his head makes it look like he’s wearing a Dracula-esque cape, which isn’t exactly the attire you’d expect from a salesman. We’re guessing this advertisement didn’t come out quite as he’d intended. Unless, of course, he wanted to look a little vampiric. In that case, he hit it right on the mark! Perhaps he is secretly a vampire, and this was just his own personal nod to his heritage. He’s the only one who will ever know the truth!

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Why’d You Even Take The Truck?

If you’re the type of person who likes to do home projects and needs a lot of space to carry large objects home, then getting a truck is a necessity. You can fit a ton of materials in the bed of most trucks, especially long pieces of wooden boards. This guy apparently went to the store prepared to get items to put in his truck bed. Yet, for some unknown reason, his passenger held onto the wooden board for the entire ride home instead. Perhaps the passenger was just so attached to the board that he couldn’t let it go.

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An Anti-Climatic End

We love a good mystery, especially when it involves something that was passed down through the family. Families often have lots of secrets, and my people don’t learn about their parent’s secrets until after the parents have passed. One woman inherited a safe from her late grandmother. She and her husband took the safe with them as they moved (twice!) before finally opening the safe. Disappointingly, when they opened the safe, it revealed nothing. What an anti-climatic end to this mystery!

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When The Clippers Die Mid-Haircut

There’s nothing more refreshing than getting a thick layer of hair chopped off, especially during the summer. You feel so much lighter and cooler once all that extra hair is removed. This is probably a haircut this man has been looking forward to for quite some time, and you can see the absolute sadness and regret on his face in the picture. The hair clippers died right after he finished the top of his head, leaving him with a very awkward and uneven haircut. Hopefully, he can get that fixed up pretty quickly.

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That Does Not Look Right

Not everyone is talented enough to be a celebrated artist, but those that do get the honor of being labeled as successful artists should hold themselves to higher standards than this. Look at the front-facing horse in this photo! Had this artist never seen a horse in real life before? Because this is definitely not what you see when you look at a horse head-on. We don’t know what was running through the artist’s mind when he painted this picture, but we do know one thing. We’ll never be able to get the image of this awkward-looking horse out of our brains!

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How To Bee Adorable

We love including people’s hilarious pets, and this one is just as adorable as it is hilarious. When this cat spotted an empty box sitting on the floor, his instincts immediately went into action. He jumped into the box and began settling into his new hiding spot. However, he quickly realized there was a hole in the side of the box. Once the cat stuck his head through the hole, the owner immediately snapped this picture. The picture of the bee perfectly lines up with the kitty’s face, making it appear as though he’s wearing a cute bee costume.

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But They Say No One Wants To Work

One of the biggest debates you’ll hear in society today is the idea that no one wants to work anymore. The younger generations will argue that that isn’t the case! They still want to work, but they’re not willing to settle for jobs that have toxic or unsafe environments. And they definitely aren’t willing to settle for jobs that require a Master’s degree and barely pay a living wage! Seriously, offering $15.29 an hour for a job that requires a Master’s degree is insane. It’s no wonder so many people are struggling to afford the basics these days.

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She Wasn’t Ready For This

Motherhood is a beautiful experience. All mothers will agree that the love they feel for their children is unlike anything else they’ve ever experienced. However, there are definitely times when we have to admit that we’re completely overwhelmed. Reading all the books and listening to all the parenting podcasts can’t prepare you for the reality of having tiny creatures completely dependent on you. This poor mama cat looks bewildered, overstimulated, and a little scared as her kittens nurse and climb all over her. We support you, mama kitten. It’ll get better!

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When Your Appliances Turn On You

Insta-pots are a serious game changer in the kitchen. They can turn your dinner prep anxiety into a thing of the past, and it’s so much easier to clean up one of these than deal with a bunch of pots and pans. Many people love their Insta-pots, but what happens when your Insta-pot doesn’t love you back? Apparently, it will tell you to “F OFF.” The person who took this picture went to use their Insta-pot one day and found this chilling message. Perhaps the Insta-pot would like a rest. Looks like this person will be cooking on the stovetop tonight.

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Lost Tickets Reappear Way Too Late

While cleaning out the garage one day, this Redditor’s father made a shocking discovery. Back in 1975, he made a purchase that would fulfill one of his lifelong dreams. He got tickets to see Led Zeppelin and couldn’t have been more excited! Unfortunately, he lost the tickets and had to miss the show. The father held onto his sadness but eventually moved on. Fourty-four years later, he rediscovered his missing tickets while cleaning out his garage. We can’t imagine the outrage and disbelief he felt when he saw these.

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You Should’ve Checked Your Reflection

A lot of people choose not to show their faces on social media. Sometimes it’s for privacy or to protect their business, but regardless, if you want to hide your face when you post pictures, you should probably make sure to check your reflection! This guy tried to put a purple evil face emoji over his face in the photo, but he completely forgot about the mirror image. You can still see his face pretty clearly, so his attempt at privacy fell short. Use his mistakes as a learning experience. Always check the reflections when you try to block someone’s face out.

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I Paid For This With My Precious Time

How do you show your friends how much they mean to you on their birthday? Do you buy them a present or bake them a cake? Friendships are important, and everyone wants to feel appreciated. These two decided they would show their friend how much he means to them in a unique way. Rather than writing a traditional “happy birthday” message on the cake, they choose something more specific. The friends had the bakery workers write, “We waited in line for this.” Not only did they pay for the cake with their hard-earned money, but they also paid for it with their time. It’s a pretty funny, if not slightly passive-aggressive way to show their friend how much they care.

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Always Test The Dye First!

This is a pretty unfortunate situation. The man had always wanted to dye his hair, and he was really looking forward to his new ‘do. Unfortunately, he didn’t read the instructions on the package before he got started. You are always supposed to test a drop of hair dye on a small, inconspicuous part of your skin before using it to actually dye your hair. The reason is in case it causes an allergic reaction, which it clearly did here! This poor guy’s entire scalp looks red, inflamed, and deeply unhappy. We hope the reaction dies down soon. We bet he’ll test the hair dye first next time!

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Something Went Very, Very Wrong

Here’s another example of what happens when baking goes badly. The OP wanted to make some smiley face buns, which actually sounds like a pretty cool treat! However, he messed up the recipe somewhere along the lines. What he pulled out of the oven looks more like tortured souls begging for death rather than happy smiley face buns! We can’t even begin to guess where he went wrong, but maybe this is another person who shouldn’t make baking their hobby.

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Big Dog Has Big Fear

There’s nothing funnier than seeing a large creature be afraid of something a fraction of his size. The most obvious example of this is the classic cartoon joke where elephants are afraid of mice, but there are plenty of real-life examples. This big dog was going for a walk with his owner when they ran across this little pup. The big dog instantly felt fear and jumped into his loving owner’s arms. The little dog doesn’t even look like he did anything to upset the bigger guy! The little dog is just staring at the camera, completely perplexed, while the big dog cuddles with his owner. Maybe this display of fear was just an excuse for extra cuddles!

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That’s Not Appropriate For A Toddler’s Party

Birthdays are a time of celebration and excitement, especially a milestone birthday like two years! Finally, your precious baby has grown into a full-blown toddler. Kids are usually running around wreaking havoc by this age. The parents wanted to properly celebrate their child’s birthday, so they bought a cute pink cake and an adorable cake topper that said, “Two.” However, if you look at the cake topper from the back, it looks as if it’s spelling something else. That something is very rude and not at all appropriate for a 2-year-old’s birthday! At least the kid couldn’t read it!

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Technically, They Did As They Were Told

When you put something like this on your car, most people would expect it to be an effective deterrent. A big sticker saying, “Come and take it,” while being flanked by serious weaponry would deter most people. Unless, of course, they were actively searching for some free weapons. In that case, they’d probably take your sticker as an invitation. Someone saw this person’s sticker and smashed in their rear window, presumably to look for weapons and other items they could use or sell. The owner of the car must have been furious when they realized what happened! Time to get a different sticker and a new rear windshield.

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It’s Not What You Think

At first glance, it looks like this advertisement is going to try to sell you a gym membership or fitness course. But as your eyes take in the rest of the billboard, you’ll probably laugh when you realize what it’s actually advertising, which is Photoshop! This is actually a refreshing ad because it shows just how easy it is to transform a person’s body using digital editing software. So many people have body issues these days, in part due to societal pressures caused by digitally altered images of people’s bodies posted everywhere, so it’s refreshing to see the brutal honesty in this ad.

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He Asked, We Said No

When people speak to the media, they often ask to remain anonymous. This is often to protect themselves against retaliation, and it’s one of the only reasons most people will agree to speak to the media. Tom McEldroon ran into an unfortunate situation where he asked to remain anonymous, but his name was published in the paper anyway. This was probably an accident, and the reporter was likely running on stress, caffeine, and zero sleep. Still, Mr. McEldroon was probably furious when he saw the paper on his doorstep the next morning!

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The Great Toilet Paper Shortage

Even though it was only a couple of years ago, it feels like it’s been a lifetime since the toilet paper shortage caused by the pandemic. People were stocking up on way more than their fair share of this product, which left everyone else scrambling to purchase whatever they could find. During that time, this poster’s wife managed to find them a unique roll of toilet paper. They had to make do with it, but the couple was actually in their 50s! Talk about awkwardness.

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The Joys Of Online Schooling

Many people have switched to online schooling over the past few years. A lot of people actually prefer it over in-person instruction, but it’s still not perfect. Occasionally, you’ll run into issues like this. Technology isn’t perfect, but it must be frustrating to be in the middle of a test and see this error. What are you supposed to do? Pick a random answer and hope for the best. Hopefully, this person sent the screenshot to the teacher so they didn’t lose any points for the tech’s error.

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He Tried To Pull A Fast One

There are a lot of cheapskates in the world that will try to save a dime everywhere they can. Not paying the person you’ve hired to paint your house is a massive mistake that no one in their right mind would ever consider making. However, Terry apparently tried to pull a fast one and stiff his painter. The painter swiftly retaliated and painted a message on the side of his house. The message reads, “Want your house painting? Don’t be like Terry. Pay the bill!” The painter is posing triumphantly next to his juicy revenge, and we applaud him for calling Terry out like this!
