Parenting has been deemed the most difficult job in the world. Not only are you working 24/7 on very little sleep and food, but you barely even get a thank you at the end of the day. To make matters worse, every other parent around you is offering unsolicited advice on how to do your job better. So no parent is perfect. But some parents get it so wrong that it makes you feel like you’re at least doing something right. Here are 50 parenting fails to put a smile on your face and hopefully boost your confidence as a parent.
50. Pulling A Royal Face

Everyone thinks that people like the royal family have no problems when it comes to raising their kids. After all, they have to behave perfectly in public, right? Wrong. Kids don’t understand the positions they live in and just want to be kids. Behaving well! Ha! They’re brutally honest with doing whatever they want, even if it means sticking out your tongue at your royal mum in front of the entire British population. It just goes to show that you’re not the only parent with problems. Perhaps he’ll look back on this when he’s older and laugh.