Indoor Plants Safe for Pets and Kids

Trista - April 10, 2019

A common concern for people interested in entering the houseplant hobby (and it is an addicting hobby) is finding plants that are safe for pets, especially cats and young children. Cats are notorious plant nibblers, and children are often curious about bright, beautiful new things that come into the home. Many houseplants are mildly toxic, such as ordinary greenhouse finds like Dieffenbachia or Dumb Cane. A few are incredibly poisonous and can significantly harm animals and humans, like the Euphorbia cactus family. Read on for a list of 50 beautiful, elegant plants that will add color and vitality to your home without putting your beloved family and pets at risk!

50. Christmas Cactus

This plant is so bright and fun, it’s also very safe for your whole family to be around, which is a bonus! Photo Credit: Gardening Know How

Many cactuses are unsafe for children and pets due to toxins or the long, sharp spines that make cacti famous. However, the Schlumbergera genus of cacti is a beautiful, safe addition to your home that not only adds green but a pop of color through its unique flowers. The Christmas Cactus is a hardy green cactus native to Brazil that flowers around Christmas in the northern hemisphere, hence the name. It is typically relatively easy to find Christmas Cacti in greenhouses and home improvement stores from Thanksgiving to Christmas, so keep your eyes open for this mostly spineless and non-toxic cactus!

Photo Credit: The Spruce

There are also Thanksgiving and Easter cacti from the same family with slight variations in the leaves and tend to bloom around their respective holidays in the northern hemisphere. Both variations are also non-toxic and safe for pets and children. The flowers can range from white to a deep purple and have a unique, almost shrimp-like appearance. They’re a low-maintenance plant, requiring only infrequent watering, and they can tolerate less sunlight than most cacti need. These plants are also common and very inexpensive. They are often available on clearance at grocery stores after the holidays for as little as $1. The Christmas Cactus is a great starter plant or gift!

49. Blue Echeveria

It would really pop in orange and brown planters and would brighten up any shelf. Photo Credit: Pinterest

The Blue Echeveria, Echeveria glauca, or Blue Mexican Hen and Chicks, is an easy-to-grow and showy succulent that is safe for children and pets. Unlike some succulents, which are almost as sharp as cacti spines, and others with toxins, the Blue Mexican Hen and Chicks are a soft succulent with a beautiful blue color. Like many succulents, it can be easily propagated by rooting a leaf that is cut or falls off, making it a plant that can fill up your house over time or be turned into gifts for your friends. Simply lay a fallen or broken leaf on dry soil and mist occasionally, and you’ll see roots start to sprout!

Photo Credit: Youtube

Suppose you end up falling in love with your little blue echeveria. In that case, you’ll be pleased to know the echeveria family is massive and contains quite possibly hundreds of different species and cultivars of succulents in a dizzying array of colors and shapes. Most are non-toxic and soft enough to be safe around pets and children. They all have similar care requirements, which are very infrequent watering and no standing water. Succulents do not like “wet feet” or standing water since their roots are prone to rotting. If possible, water echeveria and most other succulents from the bottom through a hole in the pot to avoid letting any water settle in between the leaves, which can also cause mold and rot.

48. Boston Fern

Hang this plant and let it drape over or place it in a big pot inside your home. Photo Credit: Gardening Know How

The Boston Fern is an exceedingly common sight in greenhouses at the start of spring, but don’t overlook this shaggy green plant! The Boston Fern, or Sword Fern, which goes by the scientific name Nephrolepis exaltata, is indeed a fern to exalt. It has lush, thick foliage that can immediately add a whimsical, jungle-like appearance to any reading nook or medium-light corner. A massive bonus of this fern is that it tolerates drought (meaning forgetting to water it) far better than most other non-toxic ferns. While a floor pot would certainly look nice, trying hanging this fern for an even more exotic, lush appearance.

Photo Credit: The Spruce

The main drawback of the Boston fern is, like all other ferns, it requires quite a bit of humidity to avoid getting crispy, browned fronds. If you have a sunny bathroom, a hanging basket of Boston Fern would be a great addition since steamy showers would be just what it needs to keep looking green and lush. Boston Ferns are incredibly easy to find and tend to be very reasonably priced, even at gigantic sizes, and often end up on clearance shelves due to their ubiquity. Some seasoned house plant keepers consider ferns challenging to maintain, so don’t beat yourself up too much if it takes you a couple of Boston Ferns to get it right!

47. Baby Rubber Plant

The lovely glossy leaves of this plant will look stunning as a small house plant. Photo Credit: Martha Stewart

Perhaps the most famous of the popular Peperomia family, the Baby Rubber Plant, or Peperomia obtusifolia, is a beautiful, borderline indestructible little plant that comes in various colors. The semi-succulent Baby Rubber Plant has thick, glossy leaves that bring a tropical look to any space. The classic version is a rich dark green, while the variegated variety has swirls of white and bright green, which catches the eye. Peperomia can tolerate a range of indirect light levels and thrive in well-drained and well-watered soil. They also root easily from leaf cuttings, making them a fun gift-giving propagation hobby!

Photo Credit: Biemond

Like those in the Peperomia family, semi-succulent plants are a great way to get into keeping house plants since they require far less attention than most plants, thanks to their thick, rubbery leaves that retain moisture and don’t need much humidity. Suppose you end up enjoying a Baby Rubber Plant, so named because of its resemblance to Ficus elastica, the Rubber Tree. In that case, there is an entire world of Peperomia to enjoy, including popular favorites like the String of Turtles and the dramatic Teardrop Peperomia, which has large, rubbery, uniquely shaped emerald leaves. All enjoy a good watering as long as the soil has a chance to dry between waterings.

46. African Violet

This safe indoor plant has a beautiful little flower that is in a burst of stunning purple. Photo Credit: Almanac

Few houseplants evoke the memories of our grandmothers watering the beautiful little plants in their front windows like the African Violet. The Saintpaulia genus of flowering plants has been popular with house plant hobbyists for decades. The green furry leaves are a delight to touch, and the delicate flowers come in dozens of colors and patterns. Truly advanced keepers can even work on hybridizing their flower colors! They are thirsty plants that like bright, indirect light and require regular fertilizing to produce flowers. When tended with love, few plants reward you with more beauty and color than the African Violet.

Photo Credit: The Spruce

African Violets strongly prefer bottom watering since water on the furry leaves can cause stress and mildew. The plant can tolerate drying out between watering but requires a good deep water as they don’t like to be dehydrated. For those who end up enjoying African Violets, not only are there a huge plethora of flower colors, but now variegated white and green leaves are becoming more widely available at plant stores as well. African Violets thrive best in fairly wide, shallow pots since they don’t have a deep root system. Pots meant for aloes or azaleas would both be great fits for an African Violet.

45. Swedish Ivy

Swedish Ivy makes an ideal hanging plant for indirect light areas and is quite easy to care for — even if you don’t have a green thumb. Photo Credit: The Spruce

Swedish Ivy, or Plectranthus verticillatus, is a vining plant distantly related to mints. Ironically, as often happens with plants’ common names, this Plectranthus is neither Swedish nor related to ivy! It also doesn’t grow in the same manner as ivy, so you don’t need to worry about it setting roots into your walls or furniture or being destructive. The plant produces glossy green leaves that tend to have dark purple at the base and stems. When happy and well cared for, stalks of small white or pink flowers will appear. The plant can become full and lush without much fuss or maintenance.

Photo Credit: The Spruce

Many Swedish Ivy varieties have a very pungent fragrance when disturbed, so they are an ideal plant for high traffic areas where brushing the leaves will keep releasing a clean, herbal oregano-like scent into the air. Much like with true mints, if you want your Swedish Ivy to get full and bushy rather than lanky, pinch new growths frequently to encourage forking and branching versus long stalks. The pinched leaves and stalks can be dried to preserve as a great-smelling herb for sachets. Swedish Ivy naturally grows in rainy, moist habitats in the southern hemisphere, so it does need more watering than many other plants on the list and a fair bit of humidity.

44. Prayer Plant

This interesting plant creates a gentle rustling sound at night as the leaves raise. Photo Credit: Gardening Know How

Confusing naming strikes again, as several plants are commonly referred to as Prayer Plant. However, the most frequently meant plant when that name is used is the Maranta leuconeura, a striking flowering plant native to Brazilian rainforests. The distinctive bright pink veins running the bi-color dark and glossy green leaves make it an excellent plant, especially in a simple black or white pot that focuses the eye on its foliage. One of the most exciting features of this plant is that the leaves raise at night, causing a gentle rustling sound and leading to the appearance of praying hands that lent the plant its name.

Photo Credit: The Spruce

If you startle easily, the Maranta and Calathea families may not be for you, as they truly do move and sometimes quite noticeably and suddenly! However, aside from their ability to startle, they are unique and hardy plants that will reward very little care with bountiful new leaves and, if you’re lucky, pretty, delicate white flowers! While they thrive best with frequent watering and higher humidity, the Prayer Plant is far more tolerant of neglect and dry air than most other plants in its family. They look stunning in hanging baskets where their leaves can gracefully fall and create a beautiful waterfall effect of green and red or green and black, depending on the cultivar.

43. Baby’s Tears

One of its many common names is Irish Moss, but the plant is most definitely not moss and should not be treated as one. Photo Credit: The Spruce

While Baby’s Tears is an unfortunate and unsettling name, rest assured the plant itself is lovely. Soleirolia soleirolii (try saying that four times fast) is a mounding plant of the nettle family. Due to their mounding nature, Baby’s Tears are a favorite ground cover in fairy gardens and are often grown outside, basking in warm enough climates. Their tiny leaves and gently trailing stalks make this an airy, delicate plant that could complement a whimsical space or even tone down an area that feels too harsh or industrial. It’s also easy to care for with minimal light requirements and needs only infrequent watering.

Photo Credit: The Spruce

Baby’s Tears are often sold in tiny pots at garden centers for fairy gardens. We would avoid buying those tiny sizes as keeping the right amount of moisture in such a small amount of soil can be difficult and often leads to either rot or the plant dying of dehydration. Look for at least a 4 to 6-inch pot of the plant to give yourself the best chance of successful care. Baby’s Tears does best with regular watering that allow the soil to dry in between. It can tolerate a variety of light conditions but doesn’t love the direct sun.

42. Areca Palm

This plant is truly luscious and if you look after it well, it will become even more incredible. Photo Credit: Jack-Ando

Technically, the Areca Palm genus refers to indigenous, full-size palm trees native to tropical rainforests ranging from China to India. In yet another case of botanical trickery, Areca Palm, in terms of houseplants and what you’ll find in greenhouses, actually refers to Dypsis lutescens, an unrelated palm native Madagascar. In a NASA clean air study, this palm excelled at pulling xylene and toluene from the air, making it a potent and beneficial purifier for any living space. While palms can be tricky to care for, bright light and careful watering will ensure you have a lush, majestic tropical vibe in your home.

Photo Credit: The Spruce

Palms are one of the most challenging plants on this list, so don’t beat yourself up if you struggle or need to replace them. Just keep learning what the plant likes, and don’t be afraid to occasionally move it around your home, noting where it thrives or seems to struggle. The Areca Palm is native to rainforests, so it does require significantly more humidity than most of our homes can provide, so make sure you have a spray bottle to mist the plant occasionally. If you run a humidifier in the winter, try putting it near your palm, as it will certainly reward you with better growth.

41. Burro’s Tail

The plants love bright, indirect light and are an ideal hanging plant. Photo Credit: Gardening Know How

Burro’s tail is a genuinely iconic succulent. No houseplant collection is complete without the adorable hanging succulent, complete with its funny vines covered in stubby leaves. The hardy Sedum morganianum, also known as Donkey’s tail, is a cute and easy-to-care-for succulent that would make a great first plant for a child interested in house plants. The only drawback to Burro’s Tail is that they have a somewhat slower growth habit than most other succulents, so you may want to pay a little extra for a larger plant if you’re going to enjoy their full charms right away.

Photo Credit: The Watered Garden

Like most other succulents, Burro’s Tail is extremely easy to propagate, requiring only putting fallen leaves on top of a bed of dry dirt and misting occasionally. Burro’s tail’s main drawback is that it’s susceptible to being handled or bumped into, so you likely will have a lot of little leaves with which to try propagation. It’s essential to water Burro’s Tail from the bottom of the pot since the small round leaves can trap much water near the soil’s surface, leading to rot and mildew, which can quickly kill even a large plant.

40. Wax Plant

These thick and waxy leaves are where the plant get its name from – it also works well in household environments. Photo Credit: Youtube

The Hoya genus is a favorite with house plant enthusiasts due to their thick, waxy leaves – hence the name wax plant! Wax plant typically refers to Hoya carnosa, the easiest to find and most affordable genus member and the easiest to care for. Hoyas crave bright light and can even tolerate direct sun, being tropical plants. They also enjoy humidity but can endure typical household environments. Hoyas produce long, thin sticks that get beautiful, heavily scented flowers at the end when truly happy. While Wax Plants are the most common, there are myriad options for gorgeous, non-toxic plants within the genus.

Photo Credit: Birdsand Blooms

The Hoya genus is genuinely astounding and can come in almost any shape your mind can imagine, with Hoya kerii being especially popular since its leaves are true heart-shapes. They can even come in a green and white variegated variety. Other fun options include the Sunrise Hoya with red leaves, the Green Bean Hoya that has leaves that look like long, emerald bean pods, and exotic varieties like the Retusa and Linearis that look like thin green strings. Hoyas benefit most from fairly regular bottom watering and as much sun as you can give them. South-facing windows are Hoyas’ best friends.

39. Parlour Palm

These plants are a truly architectural plant that can dramatically change a space. Photo Credit: Martha Stewart

There are few showier houseplants than the Parlour Palm. Often sold at four feet tall or even higher, they instantly add a warm, tropical vibe to any space. They like to be deep-watered from the bottom up, so make sure you get a planter with a reservoir that allows bottom watering. They thrive in humidity but can tolerate normal house conditions. If you have a bathroom with enough light, a palm would LOVE to brighten up that space and soak in the humidity. They also make stunning statements in doorways or around a fireplace, but be careful to avoid thermal shock.

Photo Credit: The Sill

If you live in a climate with cold, dry winters, your Parlour Palm would undoubtedly thank you for running a humidifier nearby or placing it near an uncovered fish tank where it can experience higher humidity. If you notice fronds turning brown at the tips, your palm is likely asking for more humidity. Alternatively, if you don’t have either of those, you could try creating an evaporation tray for your plant, which is simply a shallow dish full of pebbles and water that you set your planter on. It lets water slowly evaporate throughout the day, giving your plant some of the humidity it is craving.

38. Spider Plant

The plant takes its name from the drooping offspring they produce which very roughly look like spiders. Photo Credit: Almanac

Spider Plants are, despite their slightly ominous name, just plain fun. Typically seen as hanging plants and happy to grow from in a regular pot, the spider plant, Chlorophytum comosum, is a perky, bushy plant. It has long, slender leaves that are typically a variegated white and vibrant green. Children will likely love the cute, bunched offspring of the plant, producing delicate white flowers on the same stalks. While it is not toxic to cats, some felines do love to munch on it, so if you want to keep the plant safe from cats, plant it in a hanging pot out of reach.

Photo Credit: Nestreeo

Spider Plants love to be root-bound, meaning they like to stay in a small pot until their roots can barely be contained any longer. A rootbound spider plant will reward you with stunningly long runners that put out miniature baby plants and delicate white flowers with showy yellow centers. These babies can easily be propagated, so one spider plant can quickly fill your home with many or make great gifts for plant-minded friends. Spider Plants like frequent deep watering but can also tolerate periods of drought since they’re quite hardy. Medium light is more than enough for these tolerant plants.

37. Cast Iron Plant

These strong and sturdy plants will look amazing in your home as they stand loud and proud. Photo Credit: The Spruce

The Cast Iron Plant reportedly got its name from being robust, sturdy, and able to withstand the heat of neglect and poor treatment. Aspidistra elatior, an extremely hardy plant native to Japan, is an ideal house plant for beginners who want something low-maintenance but rich, full foliage that looks like it takes much work. The broad, dark green leaves evoke the harder to care for Dracena genus for a fraction of the effort. They can grow huge and lush as container plants, making them ideal for filling an empty corner or as sentinels for a large doorway or hearth.

Photo Credit: Gardening Know How

Despite its growing popularity, the Cast Iron Plant isn’t offered by many of the significant nurseries like Costa Farms, so it can be difficult to find in some regions of the country, especially the Midwest. Due to this scarcity, it is also considerably more expensive than many other plants on the list at house plant stores, although nowhere near as expensive as some of the more collectible philodendrons and hoyas. Cast Iron plants can be grown outdoors in similar conditions to Hostas for much of the country, being hardy to USDA Zone 6. Buying it from an outdoor plant source may be your best bet!

36. Zebra Plant

This plant has the most incredible pattern on its leaves and will be a showstopper inside your house. Photo Credit: Silive

Upon first glance, almost everyone assumes the Zebra Plant is a kind of aloe. They look incredibly similar to the untrained eye. However, while the aloe genus contains laxatives unsafe for children and pets, the Haworthia fasciata and other closely related species are non-toxic. They do not grow sharp enough spines to endanger children or pets, although they are stiff enough to leave a mild scratch for the unwary. A striking succulent, the Zebra Plant loves well-drained soil and prefers smaller pots until well established. Unlike many succulents that tend to grow outward, some Zebra Plant subspecies tend to grow vertically, making them eye-catching centerpieces on a desk or shelf.

Photo Credit: The Spruce

The Haworthia family has various succulents, including some truly unique plants like the ice plant, Haworthia Cooperi that looks almost like candy or frozen pieces of green or light blue water. The major drawback to the Haworthia family is that, like aloes, they do not readily propagate from leaves and instead form baby plants through underground runners. Haworthia thrives best with bottom watering that allows the soil to dry thoroughly in between. They can tolerate a great deal of sun, including direct full sun. Most Haworthia can bloom indoors, sending out shockingly tall, straight runners with delicate flowers.

35. Moth Orchids

An orchid sets off many design styles, especially modern and minimalist, with its clean lines. Photo Credit: The Sill

Orchids are relatively difficult to grow. That fact cannot be glossed over. However, if you are willing and able to meet the specific demands of an orchid, few, if any, houseplants are more stunning. Nothing elevates a space like the towering, vivid flowers of an orchid paired with its simple, richly green leaves. These plants require a specific growing medium, typically bark pieces, and are quite fussy about their water. Some people even water with ice cubes to provide a slow trickle of water. If an orchid would perfect your space, check out one of the many detailed care guides online. Don’t be intimidated, though; you can do it!

Photo Credit: Life Is A Garden

Orchids are truly stunning, so they are well worth the effort. There have been entire books written on orchids and the cultural frenzy that grew up around them, starting in the Victorian era when colonizers found them in various tropical climates. Much like the tulip craze of 17th century Netherlands, Victorians paid the cost of a home for scarce varieties of orchids. Some were hunted nearly to extinction by unethical profiteers. For the truly adventurous and patient, grower you can even try growing your vanilla orchids. Vanilla beans come from the only orchid to produce edible fruit in the entire world!

34. Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera Daisies are beautiful flowers that truly look like summer. Photo Credit: Southern Living

With large, beaming, multi-petaled flowers with a bright, sunshine yellow center, the cheery Gerbera Daisy can add instant peace and happiness to any space. With enough light, they are perfect for an office or child’s room. Gerbera Daisies are easy to find in most greenhouses and grocery stores throughout the year, especially prevalent in spring and summer. While they won’t bloom all year, the large and intricate lobed leaves of the Daisy provide visual interest even when not in bloom. The flowers bloom in a wide array of shades, with the most common colors being white, orange, red, and pink.

Photo Credit: Pro Flowers

While it can be a bit of work to provide ideal enough care for a Gerbera Daisy to rebloom indoors, they can easily be kept alive to enjoy their handsome dark-green foliage, like many plants. They want a thorough bottom watering reasonably frequently, with time for the soil to dry out between watering. It is standard advice for almost any plant since few can tolerate standing water or constant water around their roots and develop root rot which is virtually always fatal. Fertilize every couple of weeks to encourage healthy growth and flowering. They like filtered light, so setting them near a palm or other plant can filter direct sun onto them is ideal.

33. Ponytail Palm

The thick base looks striking in simple pots and immediately draws the eye. Photo Credit: Rogers Gardens

The Ponytail or Elephant Palm, Beaucarnea recurvata, is an incredibly striking palm. Unlike the more widely recognized palms like Areca or Parlour, the Ponytail Palm almost looks more like a Dracena or Yucca, with bunches of narrow single leaves growing from the crown. The palm’s most distinctive feature is the thick, scaly trunk that holds water in reserve for the Mexican desert tree. They rarely need to be watered thanks to this feature, making them an ideal house plant for anyone who has to travel a lot or just has a hard time remembering to water thirstier plants.

Photo Credit: Pet Pod Memorials

Ponytail palms are quick growers, at least in their foliage, with many new fronds emerging with adequate watering. If you are an over-waterer or tend to fuss over your plants, a Ponytail may be complicated since overwatering can rot their roots and bark. They are specially adapted to reserve water in the round base of their trunks. However, if you’re forgetful or tend to neglect plants, they are one of the best palms and overall tropical plants that you can get thanks to their hardiness and low water requirements. They do enjoy the sun, so make sure they get at least moderate light throughout the day.

32. Friendship Plant

This simple plant is stunning to have in your bathroom as it really enjoys a humid environment. ASPCA

With a name like the Friendship Plant, you know Pilea involucrata has to be good. With adorable wrinkly-looking green and purple leaves, the Friendship Plant has a truly unique texture and coloring among common houseplants. The plant thrives in high humidity, so it makes a stunning accent in sunny bathrooms. In lower humidity, it will survive but not become as bushy nor trailing. Friendship Plant is an excellent terrarium plant and is popular with reptile and lizard keepers. This cheerful South American native is a must-have, especially for small spaces that can only fit one plant because it’s a show-stopper.

Photo Credit: The Sill

While the Friendship Plant loves humidity, it does not like water directly on its crinkled leaves, so this is another ideal plant for careful bottom watering. Most plants in the Pilea family, which includes many other popular houseplants, enjoy thorough regular waterings with a bit of time to dry out between them. They can tolerate a fair amount of sun but can burn or show signs of sun stress in the direct light. If you keep a Friendship Plant happy, it will reward you with little sprays of almost fuzzy-looking delicate pale pink flowers. It is a fun, cheerful small plant that genuinely lives up to its name.

31. Basil

This plant is not only a delicious herb to cook with, but it is also safe for pets to eat. Photo Credit: The Spruce

Basil, as in culinary basil? You bet! While some culinary herbs, like lavender, are unsafe to grow due to cats, basil is a safe bet. Happy to grow in a window pot, basil can quickly be started from seed. It is also common in greenhouses throughout the summer and comes in many delicious and aromatic cultivars like lemon basil, cinnamon, and basil. Basil likes to be moist without soaking, so good drainage with frequent watering is a must. To preserve the best flavor, pinch off flower stalks as they appear, which can lend a slightly skunky odor and taste to the leaves if ignored.

Photo Credit: Good Housekeeping

As with many culinary garden plants, basil truly does thrive best outdoors due to its high sun requirements. To keep it from getting leggy and pale indoors, it will require the most sun you can give it, ideally in a south-facing window. If possible, move your basil outdoors during the summer to give it the best chance to become hardy and full. Basil, and other herbs, would all also greatly benefit from having a dedicated grow light to provide the amount of light required. However, few plants are more pleasant to grow indoors than basil with beautiful green leaves and excellent fragrance if you can get the conditions right.

30. Zinnias

Enjoy flowers in your home all year round with these non-toxic zinnia plants. Photo Credit: Good Housekeeping

We love flowers in our homes, and instead of buying a bunch that will only last a week or so, invest in a houseplant with beautiful flowers. You can do this with zinnias as they are hardy and high-performance annual flowers. Another perk about them is that not only are they beautiful, but they aren’t toxic for your pet. One of the best varieties of zinnia to try is the Zahara series. This version offers months of disease-free color on these plants. They enjoy a full day of sunshine as well. Brighten up your home with a pot full of these flowers.

Photo Credit: Erhan Inga/Shutterstock

Like many traditionally outdoor full-sun garden plants, it can be challenging to provide enough light for zinnia indoors, so you may want to consider a dedicated grow-light if you don’t have a large south-facing window. Many grow lights are now small and affordable, and some even run off USB power. If you manage to give your Zinnias the right condition, including regular watering, you will be rewarded with colorful, beautiful flowers that last for weeks. Zinnias are extremely hardy Mexican flowers that can tolerate some drought and stay looking fresh and beautiful for longer than many other flowers.

29. Bird’s Nest Fern

Some Madagascar varieties even feature a bit of burgundy within the usual bright green leaves. Photo Credit: Gardening Know How

The Bird’s Nest Fern is an incredibly elegant fern that you might not even recognize as a fern at first glance. With broad, glossy fronds that make one think of a bromeliad or bird of paradise more than traditional greenery, it is a lush, tropical plant that adds a pop of bright green color and fabulous texture to any well-lit space. Asplenium nidus, a native of tropical regions of southeast Asia, loves humidity and would benefit from regular misting in dryer areas. Keep an eye out for cultivars with various leaf patterns, including rare, stunning green and white geometric variegation.

Photo Credit: Greenery Unlimited

Like most other ferns, the Bird’s Nest Fern is exceptionally flexible in light requirements and will be happy with filtered or indirect light and even low light under some conditions. However, its water and humidity needs are considerably more demanding. Ferns like to be kept relatively consistently moist without standing water or being water-logged. It can be a delicate balance to give them enough water to thrive without causing root rot. They also need humidity either from a brightly lit bathroom spot, a humidifier, or a pebble evaporation tray. They again would do well growing near an uncovered fish tank.

28. Staghorn Fern

It’s relatively simple to grow, but some people think they are just plain ugly – it’s up to you! Photo Credit: Mulhalls

The Staghorn Fern is one of the most controversial houseplants in hobbyist circles based solely on its appearance. The large leaves do resemble stag or moose antlers, with their long and unevenly lobed appearance. They are a plant that truly benefits from a creative display, like a unique wall hanging planter, to center them and let the eye take in their striking appearance. On a shelf with other plants, they may create a bit too much chaos, but they can be stunning and unique alone as a unique mounted centerpiece. Try finding a botanical garden or house plant shop with a large specimen to see if the unique leaves fit your taste.

Photo Credit: Native Poppy

In addition to their controversial appearance, Staghorn Ferns can be a bit difficult to take care of. They thrive in very high humidity conditions and can often be found in the swampy-feeling tropical gardens enclosures of botanical gardens. Unlike most other plants on this list, Staghorn Ferns are epiphytes, or air plants, meaning they grow without soil directly on other plants or trees. Staghorn Ferns need to be carefully potted or mounted, almost like orchids, to provide their roots with the ideal environment. These plants also need much more sun than traditional shade-loving tropical ferns and cannot tolerate direct unfiltered light.

27. Air Plant

They come in beautiful shades of greens and reds and can perk up any plant area or serve as a truly unique accent piece. Photo Credit: The Spruce

Anyone looking for an incredibly low maintenance plant needs, then they need to look no further than the Air Plant. Members of the Tillandsia genus, the varieties found in stores, display a unique botanical feat: they are aerophytes, meaning they take their nutrients from the air and have little visible root structure. Such Air Plants can be grown in unique containers ranging from hanging glass bowls to just sitting on a shelf. Seriously! The plants take in moisture by absorbing humidity, requiring frequent mists in humid areas, and weekly or bi-weekly soaks in dryer areas that lack natural indoor moisture.

Photo Credit: Bhg

Air plants are inexpensive and easy to find at plant stores, garden centers, and even gift shops since they have high novelty value and are very popular with children and beginning plant keepers alike. They come in various shapes and colors and, with adequate care, can even bloom with beautiful flowers. Since they rely on the air’s humidity to survive, they are at risk of dying from neglect if you forget to keep them in a humid spot or soak them occasionally. Many people throw their air plants in a fish tank sometimes to give them water and nutrients. Be careful to dry your air plant upside down after soaking to avoid water sitting inside of the leaves, which can cause terminal rot.

26. Money Tree

The tops of the tree can be pruned to keep the decorative plant short, making a beautiful bonsai-like centerpiece for a room or plant display. Photo Credit: Petalre Public

As with many of the other plants on this list, the Money Tree also has a confusing nomenclature that it shares with several other plants, including the Jade Plant, or Crassula ovata. However, this section refers explicitly to the Pachira aquatica, a tropical wetland tree native to Central and South American swamps. The tree can often be found in greenhouses with braided ornamental trunks or even trimmed as a bonsai. In the improbable event that the tree ever grew big enough to produce nuts, the nuts are not to be eaten. However, it’s a slow-growing plant, so you likely won’t ever have to worry about the inedible fruit.

Photo Credit: My City Plants

The tree’s scientific name gives a hint to its natural environment and care preference: aquatic. If you tend to over-water plants, the Money Tree is an ideal plant for you since its natural swampy habitat has made it very tolerant of soggy soil conditions and over-watering. Where many plants would die of root rot, the Money Tree will soldier along. However, that isn’t an encouragement to over-water it as it will still thrive better with more considerate and careful watering. The Money Tree likes indirect light so that it can be placed in many different areas and sunlight zones throughout your home.

25. Watermelon Plant (No, Not the Fruit!)

It may not produce any fruit but it does look pretty awesome as a plant display on a table. Photo Credit: Cg Trader

While watermelon is a delicious fruit with a delightful vining growth habit, it isn’t fit for indoor growing (unless you want to give up your entire living room and install many grow lights.) The indoor ornamental Watermelon Plant, thankfully, bears no relation to the fruit. Instead, Peperomia argyreia is related to the Baby Rubber Plant featured previously on this list. Often called a Watermelon Begonia, the semi-succulent plant features beautiful, unique silvery-green leaves with darker green ribbing. Small flower spikes that look more like fuzzy green sticks emerge in summer to add even more wow factor. It’s a favorite among plant collectors.

Photo Credit: Semera La Folie

Watermelon Peperomia is having a moment right now. It is insanely popular with plant collectors around the United States and is in high demand, which has led to higher prices, especially on the secondary house plant market (yes, there is a considerable house plant market.) If you can manage to get your hands on a reasonably priced Watermelon Peperomia, first off, congratulations, and second you now have a relatively easy-to-care-for plant. Like most Peperomias, it prefers regular bottom watering with time to dry out and indirect or filtered sunlight. It is also easy to propagate through rooting leaves, like other family members, making it a fun project.

24. Bachelor’s Button

Go bright and blue with this bouquet of bachelor’s buttons that you can sow from the seed. Photo Credit: Eat Wild Weebly

Grow yourself a blue bunch of blooms with these lovely bachelor’s button plants! You can start their seeding process inside as it helps them survive the frost and get a healthy root base ready for outdoor planting. Plant them about six weeks before your area’s typical last frost, and then transplant them into the soil. It will take about 80 days to start blooming. It may take a little bit longer, but it certainly is worth the wait. These will look beautiful indoors and outdoors, and they are perfect for families who have pets who like to nibble on plants.

Photo Credit: Grenada Desert Cart

Like many of the plants on this list that thrive outdoors, keeping Bachelor’s Buttons growing entirely indoors and getting flowers would be difficult due to their full sun preference, which is hard to simulate indoors without dedicated grow lights. Bachelor’s Buttons are also an annual flower, meaning that they die back and set seed each autumn and have to be regrown as entirely new plants in the spring. Perennial flowers tend to make slightly easier houseplants since they can be dug up and taken inside over the winter while annuals simply die back. However, they are a fun project for getting something growing in the cold winter months.

23. Thyme

These low maintenance herbs will flourish in your home and if a pet takes a bite – that’s okay, too! Photo Credit: Medical News Today

We all have time for thyme. Seriously though, thyme is a beautiful, low-maintenance indoor herb that proliferates and eventually develops a thick, woody stem and shrub-like growth habit. A must-have for many savory dishes, fresh thyme elevates flavor profiles and has a wonderfully clean, healthy smell. Although it can grow outdoors, why not develop a small pot indoors, alongside safe herbs like basil, spruce up your kitchen or another windowsill, and add a great fragrance to your home. Like many other herbs, thyme also comes in various cultivars like lemon thyme and even variegated thyme to add extra visual and aromatic interest.

Photo Credit: Gardening Know How

Thyme is a surprisingly tough and hardy little plant, often expanding quite rapidly outdoors when it finds a spot it likes. Thyme can be brought outside to enjoy full sun and rain in the summer and brought back inside to spend the winter in a brightly lit south or east-facing window. Thanks to its tiny leaves and woody stem, many thyme varieties are quite drought tolerant and do not need much watering. Thyme is a bit easier to grow inside than most other herbs like basil and lavender due to its flexible hardy nature, so why not give thyme a try! The wonderfully fragrant leaves are delicious and also make for great sachets.

22. Grape Hyacinth

Move away from dangerous tulips and get yourself this beautiful grape hyacinth for your home. Photo Credit: Sunset

Did you know that tulips can cause diarrhea and vomiting in cats and dogs if they eat them? If you are looking for an alternative to this popular spring bulb, try out the grape hyacinth. These are perfectly safe for your curious cat or dog when grown inside or outside. You should plant them in the fall and place the seed four to six inches below the soil’s surface. They have a unique shape when they bloom and genuinely look like a small bunch of grapes. The color is fascinating as well – these work inside and outside in between grassy foliage.

Photo Credit: Pallen Smith

While Hyacinth are typically grown outdoors and often emerge alongside crocus as one of the earliest signs of spring, they can be started indoors as a winter pick-me-up in the cold and dark months without plants outside. Hyacinth bulbs need to be chilled in order to flower since that is the condition they counter outdoors. You can buy pre-chilled bulbs at many garden centers and grocery stores, or you can chill bulbs yourself by putting them in a paper bag and storing them in a crisper drawer of your refrigerator for around three months, starting in November for March blooms.

21. Calathea Rattlesnake

This plant and its light green leaves with dark splashes almost look hand-painted. Photo Credit: Sunrose Floral

With such an intimidating name, you’d think the Rattlesnake Plant, or Calathea Rattlesnake, would be poisonous or at least unpleasant to touch. Thankfully, the name derives from the rustling sounds the plant makes as its leaves move to follow the sun and rise at night, not unlike the Prayer Plant from earlier on this list. A native of rainforests in Brazil, Calathea lancifolia requires a consistent temperature of at least 61 degrees Fahrenheit, so be sure you keep your house warm and don’t forget it outside overnight! The Rattlesnake Plant is a frequent sight in Botanical Gardens and makes a truly stunning houseplant.

Photo Credit: The Spruce

While most Calatheas can be quite fussy and difficult to thrive due to high humidity and delicate watering requirements, the Calathea Rattlesnake is reasonably hardy and typically thought of as one of the easiest members of the family to grow. In addition to a stable temperature, the plant does thrive in humidity, so keep it in a brightly lit bathroom or near a humidifier, uncovered fish tank, or another source of moisture. They also don’t like to stay dry long between waterings, so make sure you establish a regular watering routine to keep it happy without also flooding it.

20. Lace Flower Vine

The Lace Flower Vine is perfect for anyone who wants a unique flowering plant that is outside of the norms. Photo Credit: Gesneriads

The white flowers of the Lace Flower Vine, or Alsobia dianthiflora, quite honestly look like they’ve been too close to a paper shredder with their weak and wispy ends. Lace is perhaps a bit generous given their somewhat disheveled appearance. However, they do have an amazingly unique and delicate appearance that will impress guests and add an excellent bit of whimsy to any hanging pot display. While the Lace Flower Vine is a relative of the African Violet, they are technically succulent. Therefore, they enjoy well-draining soil and a chance to dry out between waterings since they are more prone to root rot.

Photo Credit: Joshs Frogs

As with its relative, the African Violet, the Lace Flower Vine does not appreciate water on its fuzzy leaves, so careful bottom watering is a must for the plant to thrive. It likes heat and a fair bit of sunshine, thanks to its native habitat in Central America. They can be hung outside in the summer in warm areas as a beautiful patio plant and can even be grown inside self-contained vivariums for those who enjoy a good science experiment. The vines, which can grow quite long, especially if searching for more sunlight, can be pruned back to encourage more growth at the plant’s base.

19. Sage

When flowering, sages produce lovely stems of light blue to purple flowers. Gardening Know How

Sage is the last safe herb on this list, unfortunately, as many of our favorite herbs and spices are sadly toxic to at least some of our furry friends, especially cats. However, Sage is a safe and gorgeous herb you can keep in a kitchen garden or even purely as an ornamental, as its thick, textured silvery leaves are lovely. Sage comes in various cultivars, ranging from bright green leaves to shiny silver to variegated greens and whites. All share the hallmark pungent odor of sage, and most are safe for cooking (be sure to talk to your greenhouse before eating.)

Photo Credit: beats1/Shutterstock

Sage can be grown outdoors as a perennial throughout most of the United States, where it can get shockingly large and shrubby, especially Silver Sage. Many wild or naturalized cultivars can be found growing wild throughout much of the United States as well, with White Sage being a sacred and endangered herb prized by the Navajo people of the Southwestern US. Sage likes full sun and is quite hardy thanks to its surprisingly thick, textured leaves, some of which have downy-like fuzz covering them. Sage likes regular watering but can tolerate periods of drought, especially in cultivars bred for drought resistance.

18. Lipstick Plant

These plants create a beautiful bright red lipstick shaped bullet flower that adds that extra pop of color to a space. Flickr

As the name suggests, the Lipstick Plant is a quirky, fun houseplant that produces flowers that resemble lipstick bullets quite closely. Also known as a Lipstick Vine, or correctly as Aeschynanthus radicans, the vining plant with medium green waxy leaves produces dark burgundy bell-like flowers with red “lipstick” inner flowers that protrude from them. With its waxy leaves, the plant retains moisture well, and overwatering should be avoided. When given adequate light, this plant’s blooms provide a unique pop of two gorgeous colors that can spruce up any space. Like many other plants on this list, the common name Lipstick Plant refers to a couple of very different plants, so talk to your local greenhouse to get the right one.

Photo Credit: The Spruce

The Lipstick Plant has somewhat similar care requirements to Hoyas and many other tropicals, needing regular watering but no standing water or wet feet and bright light throughout the day, but no direct full sun. To ensure flowering, the plant absolutely must have adequate sunlight and frequent, regular fertilization. Thanks to the vining habit, Lipstick Plants look stunning in hanging pots growing on top of plant stands where their vines can be allowed to cascade down dramatically. Thanks to the fuzzy leaves on many cultivars of the Lipstick Plant, they benefit from bottom watering to avoid mildew and mold issues.

17. Nasturtiums 

If you have a naughty pet who insists on eating plants, plant one that they actually can eat. Source: Shutterstock

If you have a pet that seems determined to munch on all the plants – then, you may as well get them plants that are meant to be eaten and are nutritious and beneficial. A great selection is nasturtiums, and they are added as decorations to food at fancy restaurants. The leaves have a peppery and spicy flavor that won’t be to the liking of most pets. However, if they do decide to eat these – they will get some pretty good vitamins. These include vitamins A and C. These plants are best grown in full sun with mild temperature and average soil.

Photo Credit: Plant Info

Nasturtiums are typically grown outdoors as annuals in warm climates in full sun locations. Therefore, they will need very bright south or east-facing window or some supplemental grow lights to thrive. Interestingly, unlike most annuals that must be fully regrown from seed each year, specific varieties of Nasturtiums can be grown successfully from cuttings to be propagated very similarly to many houseplants be a fun experiment for the botanically minded. When happy with their growing conditions, Nasturtiums have rich, jewel-toned flowers in warm oranges and reds that are an absolute joy to behold.

16. Polka Dot Plant

It’s a cheerful plant with so much color variation one can find a Polka Dot Plant for any occasion! Costa Farms

The Polka Dot Plant, or Hypoestes phyllostachya, is a beautiful houseplant. It would be a perfect addition to any country kitchen or rustic decor. The plant takes its name from the speckled variegation on its leaves. They range in color from dark crimson with green specks to the most commonly found green with bright pink or white bits. Numerous cultivars provide color variation. The plants can typically be found in a range of sizes to fit any pot. When happy, the plant also puts out small, delicate purple flowers along its stalks. They offer an appearance highly reminiscent of mint flowers.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

The plants grow quite similarly to mints. They have rapidly increasing stalks. You can pinch them back to encourage a nice bushy growth habit versus height. If grown too far from a bright window, this plant can become quite leggy looking for sunlight. You may have to move it back to a sunnier location. Also, you might have to prune it back for stronger growth. Polka Dot Plants like regular watering. However, like most plants, appreciate time to dry out between watering to avoid root rot. They are quite easy plants to care for when given enough light. Also, these plants are cheap and readily available at most any greenhouse or garden center.

15. Camellia 

These rose-like flowers are beautiful to have inside your home even when they aren’t in bloom. Source: Shutterstock.

These flowers are the definition of spring blooms, and they brighten up any space. Not only are their flowers beautiful, but so are the leaves. When the flowers are not blooming, you will still enjoy the rich and dark glossy leaves of this plant. The flowers are rose-like in appearance and can create a fabulous bouquet. They can also live for decades if you look after them properly. Both the leaves and flowers of this plant are non-toxic to your household pets. These can do well indoors because they like sheltered and shaded areas with a moderate amount of moisture.

Photo Credit: Aruba Desert Cart

Camellia has similar care requirements to most other houseplants. It needs a bright and optimally south-facing window to receive adequate sunlight and frequent, regular waterings that allow the soil to dry out between waterings. However, one exciting hiccup of the Camellia is that it requires cool temperatures in order to flower. Thankfully it’s not quite as dramatic as the common lilac, which requires a freeze to set buds but does require exposure to temperatures under 60 degrees to flower. That is quite unlikely in a typical heated home, so you may need to place your Camellia outside on a few cool (but nowhere near freezing!) nights to coax it to flower.

14. Inch Plant

These plants have a beautiful leaf design that has a few variations that you can choose from for your home. Costa Farms

Unfortunately, this plant is most commonly labeled with the uncomfortable name of “Wandering Jew,” which has put off many potential buyers. However, try to overlook the problematic word. The Inch Plant, or Tradescantia genus, contains several beautiful subspecies: quick-growing, vining plants. The zebrina variety has deep green and light green variegation, while the pallida is a lovely rich plum. Finally, the fluminensis combination has beautiful pale pink and white iridescence on the green. All three types are typically relatively easy to find at any greenhouse or garden center. The quick growth habit makes these plants ideal for filling a large space.

Photo Credit: Moose Plant Shop

The Inch Plant is an ideal starter plant in many ways, thanks to its absolute abundance in greenhouses and plant shops as well as its low price. The Nanouk variety, which features bright lilac and white variegation, is harder to find and more expensive, being included in many trendy collections from nurseries. The Inch Plant looks best in hanging baskets so that the glossy, almost iridescent foliage can hang down and catch the sun. They require relatively regular, deep watering and don’t do well if they get too dry. They can tolerate lower light but tend to get leggy in it, so moderate sun is best.

13. Lucky Bamboo

It might not be bamboo but it certainly has the same relaxing aesthetic that traditional bamboo has. Photo Credit: The Spruce

Bamboo is, of course, best known as the food of the Giant Panda in China. However, as seen in other items on this list, botany has a trick in store again in the form of Dracaena sanderiana. It isn’t bamboo at all! Lucky Bamboo is native to Central Africa. This plant is a semi-aquatic plant of the large and ever-popular Dracaena family, including numerous other houseplants. Yes, it is a beautiful houseplant that can tolerate a great deal of watering. However, this plant is a plus if you love tending plants. Why? Because it can also grow submerged in a fish tank or enclosed in a self-sustaining vivarium!

Photo Credit: Feng Shui/ Love To Know

Like most other Dracaena family members, Lucky Bamboo likes to stay reasonably moist. It can even tolerate more over-watering than most family members; hence its ability to thrive even when submerged in well-lit fish tanks. Lucky Bamboo is often sold at a premium in pre-potted arrangements at greenhouses and plant stores. However, it can be found reasonably priced at many fish and pet stores as an aquarium plant. If you decide to try growing your Lucky Bamboo in a bowl of water, as is quite popular, make sure you use filtered water to avoid fluoride toxicity common among Dracaenas.

12. Coreopsis

Enjoy this very easy to look after the flowering plant that contains no dangerous toxins for your pets. Source: Shutterstock

If you want a long-blooming flower, try out the Coreopsis. It is a beautiful plant that has captured all the plant lovers’ attention throughout the years as a beloved garden plant. This plant is non-toxic in both flowers and foliage. Surprisingly, it also requires little to no maintenance, which is even better news. Coreopsis bloom so well when they are in poor and dry soils. It also doesn’t attract pests, so you should enjoy this plant for many years. It is a perennial flower as well. Finding a plant that isn’t toxic to animals is difficult, but this one is an easy choice for everyone.

Photo Credit: Lowes

If you want to grow Coreopsis inside for year-round joy, you will likely need to invest in at least a small grow light since they thrive outdoors in full sun garden beds. Even a south-facing window likely wouldn’t generate enough light to make the Coreopsis thrive and flower. However, with a grow light, you could probably enjoy the sunny, cheerful flowers indoors with a beautiful bloom time similar to the long-flowering zinnia. Like many other outdoor flowers, it requires regular deep waters to dry out a bit between waterings, much like mother nature would provide with rain showers.

11. Bromeliads

Add a little bit of something tropical to your home and make the space feel a lot brighter with this plant. Photo Credit: Air Plants

Bromeliads are familiar sights in grocery stores and gift shops around Easter time. They look like plants that should be fussy and difficult to grow, like Orchids. Thankfully, they’re surprisingly easy to care for. Also, they are a fantastic way to introduce an exotic tropical look with a burst of color to your home. The Bromeliaceae family includes the pineapple. It is a tropical family containing a massive variety of sizes, appearances, and colors. Bromeliads are commonly found, ranging from coffee cups sized up to full-sized planters. Furthermore, they can have beautiful spear-like waxy flowers in shades ranging from yellow to pink to red.

Photo Credit: The Spruce

Bromeliads have a few different needs than the majority of houseplants but are still relatively simple. They like bright indirect light. Thus, they need to be close to a sunny window. However, not in direct sunlight, quickly scorching the leaves and stressing the plant. Like many others, they like to stay moist but not waterlogged or soggy. Uniquely, they need to have adequate airflow around them to avoid issues. A cluttered or still corner of your house would not be ideal. They also need reasonably high humidity as a tropical plant. A humidifier with a fan would be suitable for a truly healthy, happy Bromeliad.

10. Snapdragons

These plants look beautiful in vases in your home and outside in all of your flower beds. Source: Shutterstock

Burst into spring with this colorful plant, the snapdragon. They are beautiful when they come to life in the early spring months and late fall. They also can tolerate colder weather quite well. If they are looked after well, they will flower with spikes in rainbow colors with sunshine and rich soil. These won’t harm your cats or dogs, so you can fill your indoor vases with them and the outdoor flower beds. Enjoy these to the full as they are safe for everyone and look amazing when they bloom. The petals can also easily entertain children with the ability to open the “mouth” of the dragon by pinching the sides of the flower.

Photo Credit: Gardening Know How

At the very least, Snapdragon seeds can be started indoors several weeks before the statistical last frost of the year in your area. It gives them a head-start for outdoor growing. They are relatively quick to germinate and grow into delicate little seedlings. In turn, making them a great indoor activity to beat the winter doldrums. Do you want to grow them entirely indoors? You will likely need a grow light to replicate the full, direct sun conditions these flowers thrive on. As seedlings and adult plants, they like routinely warm temperatures. Give them as much sun as you can. Also, do regular, deep watering that mimic what they would ideally get outdoors from rainstorms.

9. Strawberry Begonia

This variation of the plant is absolutely safe to have in your home if you own pets. Photo Credit: Sunnyside Gardens

Strawberry Begonia is a particularly important plant to buy by scientific name, as it is not truly a begonia. Most Begonias are incredibly toxic to dogs and cats and should be entirely avoided for pet households. However, the commonly named Strawberry Begonia, which is called Saxifraga stolonifera, is more closely related to Coral Bells and Piggy-Back Plants than true Begonias. It is a beautiful little vining plant that is covered in tiny soft upright hairs. The plant has a unique growth habit, sending out countless bright strawberry pink runners that will dangle like a curtain from a hanging pot. A joy to see, a Strawberry Begonia would be a welcome addition to any window!

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Strawberry Begonias are sadly out of fashion right now, both good and bad depending on how you look at it. On the downside, they are slightly more difficult to find at plant stores since they don’t sell well. On the plus side, old-fashioned nurseries and garden centers still sell them, and they’re cheap due to the lack of “trendy” appeal that Philodendrons and Hoyas are currently enjoying. Strawberry Begonias are very easy to grow and require only semi-regular watering and indirect sunlight. They are very easy to propagate and send out constant runners with baby plants in a very similar manner to Spider Plants.

8. Bloodleaf

That magnificent plant is small but it can grow to a much more mature size that looks incredible. Photo Credit: The Spruce

Bloodleaf, despite its ominous name, is a cute little plant with dark red foliage. Often found in tiny sizes for fairy gardens, Bloodleaf can also be purchased more maturely for a more massive planting. Due to its color and its leaves’ shape, it is sometimes given the rather unappetizing common name of “chicken gizzard plant.” Yuck. Bloodleaf, Iresine herbstii, is a member of the Amaranth family, which includes many annoying weeds commonly found in backyards. Despite the uncouth family members, the dark crimson leaves with bright pink veins set off any other plants or made a beautiful solo planting.

Photo Credit: Gardening Know How

There is currently increasing popularity for this plant thanks to some new cultivars that feature flashy fuschia and white variegation, as well as green and white cultivars. These feature the same stark ribbing like the original red plant. They are commonly sold as outdoor annuals very cheaply at major garden centers, making them an excellent plant for beginners. They require relatively regular watering and bright indirect light, as most houseplants do, so they are a great plant to learn standard houseplant care on as well. Try to set aside all of the terrible names and their connotations and give the underrated Bloodleaf a second look!

7. Rose Of Sharon

A plant reminiscent of a hibiscus – the Rose of Sharon is safe for all animals and looks beautiful. Source: Shutterstock

If you’re on the lookout for a strong but beautiful plant – this is incredible. They are bloomers that can thrive in harsh conditions, including droughts, humidity, and frigid winters. If you are a fan of hibiscus, these flowers will remind you of those with their shapely leaves and colorful, tropical-looking blooms. They are available in a variety of shades, including pink, blue or white. They are also known as althea. These are non-toxic plant options for people who own cats and dogs. If you plant them outside instead of having them as an indoor plant, they may even attract hummingbirds.

Photo Credit: Amazon

The Rose of Sharon can be brought indoors in the winter in truly harsh climates. Nevertheless, it is perennial and hardy throughout most of the United States. It honestly does best growing entirely outdoors. Outside, it experiences both the warmth and sunshine it needs while also getting the cold snaps of winter to set its flowering. Many perennial flowering bushes require this, including the common lilac. You would likely experience quite a bit of difficulty getting an indoor Rose of Sharon to bloom without sharing the cold snaps of winter. It’s no simple process to chill a whole plant, unfortunately, unlike the process of chilling Hyacinth bulbs.

6. California Pitcher Plant

This one is quite an unusual plant but it is more than safe for your household pets. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Flies and other insects would likely disagree, but a California Pitcher Plant is perfectly safe for our furry household companions. A carnivorous plant, the California Pitcher Plant, Darlingtonia californica, uses bright red colors and the scent of nectar to lure insects into its pitchers. There, they become trapped and are dissolved with enzymes to feed the plant. Like many other carnivorous plants, California Pitcher Plants naturally thrive in wetlands throughout the US. Thus, they should not be allowed to become too dry. They also need insects for food. Make sure you let at least a few flies into your home to give the uniquely beautiful plant a chance!

Photo Credit: Biolib

Carnivorous plants are trendy, with some house plant owners exclusively collecting and tending carnivorous plants. They are an excellent project for curious children since their growth and eating habits are unique among the plant kingdom. Pitcher Plants are becoming increasingly easy and inexpensive to find, thanks to tending carnivorous plants’ growing popularity. Depending on the variety you see, it may need anywhere from filtered low light to direct sunlight, so observe your plant for low light signs like yellowing leaves and leaning toward the sunlight. Pitcher plants enjoy distilled water and like to be kept moist but not soggy.

5. Venus Fly Trap

These fun plants are amazing to watch over as they work their magic in eating their dinner. Photo Credit: Gardening Know How

The Venus Fly Trap is another native American wetland plant that gets its nutrients through trapping and digesting live insects. While the California Pitcher Plant uses nectar and color, the Venus Fly Trap uses the color and scent to lure flies into landing on them. Once a fly lands, tiny hairs are moved, which triggers the plant to snap its jaws shut, trapping the insect. Much like the California Pitcher Plant, the Venus Fly Trap requires very moist conditions and new bugs access. Unlike the Pitcher Plant, Venus Fly Traps are very small and prove a great pet project for children interested in houseplants.

Photo Credit: Mental Floss

Few plants entertain children and carnivorous plant novices more than the fast-acting Venus Fly Trap with its eerily mechanical jaws triggered by pressure on tiny hairs inside the trap. While these plants seem incredibly alien and exotic, they are native to North and South Carolina’s wetlands! Due to their wetland nature, they are a rare exception to the rule of not letting your plant stand in water. Venus Fly Traps must have standing water at their base at all times, and the soil must never be allowed to dry out. They do best in distilled or rainwater as they are quite sensitive to some chemicals in tap water.

4. Goldfish Plant

This beautiful plant looks just like goldfish crackers and is bright and bold for your home. Photo Credit: Spruce Mn

The Goldfish Plant can genuinely draw the eye from across the room. The plant features dark green, almost black glossy leaves punctuated with frequent orange, pouched flowers with small openings that resemble goldfish crackers more than the actual fish themselves. A quick grower, a giant goldfish plant, is a sight to behold whether alone or in a plant-filled corner or bookcase. A native of Brazil, the goldfish plant enjoys humidity and decently moist, but not soaking, soil. Bright light is also a must. If placed outside in summer, they are a popular attraction for hummingbirds who sip nectar from the flowers’ small openings.

Photo Credit: World Of Flowering Plants

The Goldfish Plant is widely considered an “old fashioned” house plant right now. Along with the Strawberry Begonia, it is sometimes more difficult to find at upscale plant stores. However, old-fashioned nurseries and garden centers still have at least a few Goldfish Plant pots. Also, they are typically at low prices. The plant thrives on bright indirect light and frequent watering with time to dry in between. It is basically standard tropical house plant care. Do you like the thick, almost succulent-like leaves contrasted with the adorable little orange flowers? They make this plant an absolute treat to grow in your home.

3. Marigold

Fill your home with sunshine colored Marigolds that also act as an insect deterrent. Source: Shutterstock.

If you have a beautiful sunshine-filled spot in your home just waiting for a plant, Marigold is the way to go. They have quite a strong smell – so beware. However, toxins do not come with this strong smell, which is excellent for pet owners. The scent may even deter your pet from trying to snack on it in the first place. The great thing is that it will prevent insects from that space in your home, a use they are also put to outdoors. They are easy to grow indoors starting from seed and need lovely rich soil and adequate moisture to thrive.

Photo Credit: Garden Seeds Market

There are many Marigold varieties, Calendula officinalis. The non-cultivar true species a popular healing plant with its petals used in many medicinal salves for skin irritations. Any option is still a sunny, cheerful plant. They have tightly stacked petals in warm shades of reds, oranges, and yellows. If you want to grow them to bloom indoors, you will likely need an artificial grow light. Why? Because they are adapted for Mexico’s full sun conditions. However, whether you grow them indoors or outdoors, they are easy to care for. Furthermore, they reward you with beautiful flowers that can’t help but make you smile.

2. Earth Star

This safe indoor plant is truly spectacular when on display with a few different varieties of the plant. Costa Farms

The Earth Star is typically sold with succulents and cacti due to its appearance, but don’t let that fool you: it is a bromeliad and considerably thirstier than its succulent greenhouse neighbors. The colorful, low-growing bromeliad is from the Cryptanthus genus, not confused with the earth star fungus. Varieties can be found in shades ranging from variegated peach and cream to crimson, curled to beveled edges, and stripes that run vertically and horizontally. If several varieties are combined within a larger container, they are truly breathtaking. They are incredibly unique plants and will be a conversation starter if you add them to your home.

Photo Credit: Post And Courier

Much like aloes, despite their different growth habitat in many other ways, Earth Stars benefit greatly from wide, shallow pots that allow airflow around the plant while stabilizing the shallow root system. Like other Bromeliads, they like frequent watering with dry periods in between and ample airflow. Try to avoid the temptation that many greenhouses fall to pair them with succulents since your succulents will drown to keep in the conditions required for your Earth Star to be happy. If you notice your Earth Stars losing color, that is a sign they are not getting enough light. They can tolerate quite a bit of sun without stress.

1. Banana Plants 

Banana plants make a statement in a home if you are looking for a large and tall houseplant. Source: Shutterstock

Do you want a big and bold plant in your home that is safe for your pets as well? A Banana Plant is what you should be getting. Weeping figs are beautiful, but they are toxic to dogs and cats. This banana plant makes the same impact without the toxins. It has the same large foliage on tall fronds as the Bird of Paradise without the toxicity. The dramatic plant is safe for all your pets. It needs rich soil, bright light, and also regular watering. This formula is to help create the natural habitat of your stunning banana plant.

Photo Credit: Garden Tabs

The Banana Plant is one of the few on the list whose common name isn’t playing any tricks. It is the same plant that produces the yellow fruit made famous by Dole. Banana Plants sold for house plant purposes are usually miniature versions. These will never reach the soaring heights of the Banana Plants you see in tropical rooms at botanical gardens. However, they are still lusciously tropical. This plant can be placed outside in the summer in warm climates and brought into the house for the cooler months. It a versatile plant that can give a tropical blast to a patio set.
