Laugh Out Loud: Unforgettable Moments from Hilarious Presentations

Ashley - June 26, 2023

Public speaking is one of those activities people either love or dread. Standing up in front of a crowd can be nerve-wracking, so it’s helpful to have some tricks to make yourself feel more comfortable. There’s the age-old trick of picturing your audience in their underwear, which is supposed to make you believe the audience feels as vulnerable as you do. But that’s kind of an odd trick. So many people have shifted toward a different coping mechanism- making their presentations as laugh-out-loud and side-splitting as possible! Seriously, you’ll want to take notes while you’re reading through this list to have inspiration on hand for your next presentation. Get ready to laugh, snort, and chuckle with these unforgettable moments from hilarious presentations.

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How To Translate Modern Slang

An Infomatics professor wanted to start his class off with a bang. Rather than sticking to the traditionally bland and boring opening slides introducing students to his class, the syllabus, and what they’d be learning, he threw this gem into his opening presentation. There’s often a wide divide between generational slang, and it can be confusing for older people to understand the latest terms. This professor wanted to give his class a heads-up about the way he interprets their modern language, and it’s absolutely hilarious. Hopefully, no one was offended by this joke, but you never know anymore in today’s world.

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How Your Neighbors Feel About Nudity Defines Where You Live

Many people confuse the terms rural, suburban, and urban. Teachers struggle to get their students to understand these terms using traditional definitions and simple examples, which led to one teacher thinking out of the box to come up with a memorable example no one would forget. Reading through this example, you can almost picture someone standing naked on their front porch in rural, suburban, and urban areas. It’s certainly an unusual example to use, and we bet the class couldn’t stop chuckling when this slide popped up on the screen.

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Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Do Meth

There are a lot of reasons why you shouldn’t do meth, and the toll it takes on your body is one of the biggest. People are transformed in unbelievably unfortunate ways when they put this drug into their system. One class got a visual example of how this drug can affect your appearance, but the teacher wanted to sneak a little humor into this dark topic. Look carefully at the faces in the photo. You might recognize someone who starred in the 1996 classic Fargo or the more recent Boardwalk Empire. It’s Steve Buscemi! We wonder how many people noticed this as the slide popped up on the screen.

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Would You Agree With This Statement?

Most people don’t bother scrolling past the first page of Google results to find the answer they’re looking for. If they can’t find what they need within the first 5 or so search results, they’re more likely to try rephrasing their query than continue scrolling. This presenter wanted to find a fun way to explain to his group that no one bothers looking past the first page of search results on Google, and he certainly found an interesting way to get his point across. What do you think? Do you agree with this statement?

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It’s Not What You Think!

This was an unintended moment of hilarity. At first glance, it looks like the man in this picture had a pretty unfortunate accident while giving a presentation, but it’s not what you think! The glass podium caught the reflection of the front row of chairs, which cast this shadow on the presenter’s pants. Someone must have pointed this out to him because the look on his face is one of utter incredulity! We don’t know how he managed to make it through the rest of the presentation knowing it looks like he didn’t make it to the bathroom in time. This guy must have an excellent sense of humor!

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The Evolution Of Technology

If you’re an older millennial or a member of the boomer generation, then you probably remember all the serious warnings that came out once the internet became popular. People were warned against talking to strangers on the internet, and everyone would think you were nuts if you got into a car with someone from the internet. However, technology has evolved rapidly and drastically, and it’s now common to order a ride online through Uber and similar apps. Did the people in the late 90s have any idea of how much things would change over the next two decades? Probably not!

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He Wanted To Make This Very Clear

Relative dating is a term used to describe the process by which scientists determine the relative order of past events without determining their absolute age. It’s a helpful technique to understand, and this professor wanted to ensure his class was very clear about the subject. He didn’t want his class to confuse the term with something else, so he added, “Not the Alabama kind” to his presentation. We sincerely hope he didn’t have any students from Alabama in his class that took offense to this! Most people would probably laugh at the slide and move on, but you never know.

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A Very Important Meeting

While hanging out in a local cafe, one Redditor noticed a very important meeting taking place across the street. Most presentations deal with educational subjects, but this meeting had an interesting topic. The presentation was about the proper way to bathe a cat, and the star of the show is an adorable kitty named Olive. Honestly, we have to wonder if the audience knew what they were getting themselves into when they signed up for this meeting. If you’ve never bathed a cat before, attending a presentation on how to do so safely is probably a good idea. Cats can get crazy when you try to introduce them to the water!

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This Teacher Hates Justin Bieber

Most math classes dealing with these types of calculations will use trains as the subject of their word problem. It can be fun to switch things up, but using a well-known pop star is pretty risky. Any of her students could have been fans of Justin Bieber, so we have to admire her bravery at using his “well-deserved death” as the subject of her math problem. Whoever shared this photo on Reddit clearly thought she was a comedic genius for this, and we couldn’t agree more!

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How To Add Filler To Your Presentation

Depending on your class, you could have one or two hours to fill with content. Even with complicated subjects, it can be difficult to fill all that time with relevant and useful information. During this contributor’s International Law lectures, his professor pulled up this slide. The slide is titled, “A slide with no useful information at all,” and it truly doesn’t offer his student anything relevant to their studies. However, it’s a hilarious way to add some filler to his presentation and kill a little time. Maybe you can try this trick during your next presentation!

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A Brief But Honest Account Of History

There’s so much to love about this presentation. In the first slide, the student wanted to give a brief history of colonialism in South Asia. Her brief history consisted of a photo of her Dad with the quote, “It sucked.” As if that weren’t hilarious enough, the very next slide reads, “In conclusion. I am bitter.” We can’t imagine a more honest first-hand account of such a charged historical event. This student’s dad was probably thrilled to help her learn about this era of history, and he provided her with an honest first-hand account.

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How To Make Science Memorable

Trying to memorize elements on the periodic table is not easy. There are a lot of tricks to help people remember things like this, but we have to say that this is probably the most memorable idea we’ve ever seen! This professor created a slide of a variety of elements from the periodic table and arranged them to sound like the melody from “Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga. This is a great way to add a little fun to what most people would otherwise consider a fairly boring subject.

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So Little Has Changed In Four Years

Some high schools will have students make a presentation at the end of their senior year to discuss what has changed in their lives and about themselves since their freshman year. Many people will talk about the academic or social skills they learned, favorite clubs or sports they joined, or their goals for after high school. But one student stood up with all the confidence in the world and gave this presentation. In freshman year, she hated herself. Four years later… and she still hates herself! It’s hilarious in a sad way, and we hope she was just kidding.

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This Slide Doesn’t Seem Appropriate

Inappropriate humor can make or break a group, so it’s important to make sure everyone’s on the same page. Showing a slide comparing a topic like big data to teenage sex is a little odd, but we can’t deny it made us laugh out loud. We can only imagine what the students in this class were thinking when their teacher pulled up this slide. It must have been an odd day for that class, unless this type of humor is normal from that teacher. If that’s the case, then the students probably got a kick out of this slide and enjoyed their professor’s wacky sense of humor.

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Giraffes: Myth Or Reality?

There are some creatures on this planet that many people question. Plenty of us grew up believing reindeer were fictional characters created for Christmas stories, only to grow up and realize that these beautiful creatures actually exit. However, wondering if giraffes are a myth is a little silly. Have you never been to a zoo? For anyone confused by this slide, don’t worry. We can confirm that giraffes are 100% real! The professor did a great job catching everyone’s attention with this first slide of his presentation. We can’t help but wonder what the rest of the slides were about!

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Sounds Like These Are Reasonable Assignments

Who remembers the way everyone in the class would groan when the teacher announced they were handing out homework assignments? It was most people’s least favorite part of school. No one enjoys it when their work follows them home, especially kids! One teacher seemed to understand the lack of enthusiasm students have for traditional homework, so they decided to give their students plenty of reasonable options. Instead of a worksheet or something similar, all they requested was for their students to master Kung Fu or end world hunger.

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A Geology Presentation With A Twist

It’s always fun to find a way to spice up your presentations. Rock formations may not be the most fascinating subject, and it could be a struggle to retain your audience’s attention. This person came up with the perfect solution and threw a twist into their geology presentation by having Dwyane “The Rock” Johnson star in one of their slides. It’s a hilarious way to make everyone in the room do a double-take and refocus their attention on what’s going on. We can’t imagine the students didn’t appreciate this break from the monotony of learning about rocks.

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A Case Of Mistaken Identity

Two girls were holding a presentation about Nelson Mandela. They wanted to add a visual representation of him to their presentation, so they added this picture. However, there’s a major problem. This isn’t Nelson Mandela, but the highly successful actor Morgan Freeman! How these two got confused is beyond us. They don’t exactly look alike and they led wildly different lives. We have to wonder if someone in the class pointed out their error or if the girls just continued on with their presentation without realizing their embarrassing mistake.

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Happens To Every Psychology Student

Psychology is a challenging field, filled with information about disorders and the types of symptoms people will experience if they have these disorders. How many times have you read an article on the internet about anxiety or ADHD and instantly convinced yourself you must have it? Imagine sitting in a class day after day and learning about all the different psychological disorders that exist, along with their symptoms. It’s no surprise people begin to over-analyze themselves and become convinced they have every disorder they’ve learned about! This slide is so accurate it hurts!

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The Cringiest Moment In History

When you know you’re about to give a presentation to an auditorium full of people, it’s common sense to make sure nothing is loaded onto your computer that you don’t want others to see. Most people have their slides pre-loaded and ready to go before they connect their laptops, but apparently, this guy missed the memo. When he opened his laptop to begin his presentation, an adult site popped up for all to see. This has to be the cringiest thing we’ve ever seen! There’s no way this guy managed to give his presentation after this. He probably hung his head in shame, grabbed his laptop, and booked it out of there.

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This Was A Genuine Slide By A Recruiter

When recruiting a project manager, most businesses would make an effort to make the position seem appealing. They may give a presentation about the benefits they offer, salary information, and workplace culture to help convince applicants to take the role. However, someone saw this slide pop up during a recruitment presentation and immediately had to snap a picture before they left. Either the recruiter is seriously artistically challenged, or he was trying to prove how badly they needed a project manager to handle the creation of presentation slides!

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Cats Are Liquid- It’s Science!

While trying to explain the technical definition of liquids to a room full of high school students, one teacher took it upon himself to give them an example that they could all relate to. He put a picture of a cat squishing itself into a glass bowl while looking perfectly comfortable and adorable. Then he added the definition of a liquid and continued, “That’s it. So cats are liquid.” Well, there you have it! If someone ever questions you about this knowledge, just show them this picture and give them the definition of a liquid. It’s science!

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Anthropology Memes For The Win

Meme culture has evolved significantly since the early days of the internet. It’s almost become a language of its own at this point, and memes have made their way into every aspect of our lives. Even academic environments can’t escape epic memes. An anthology student needed to create a presentation for his final exam in the class. Rather than fill his slides with bullet-pointed information that no one would really pay attention to, he decided to make his presentation stand out by filling it with anthropology-related memes. Honestly, we love this! Where was this guy when we were in college?

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Terrifying And Attention-Grabbing Opening Slide

A psychology professor must have been fed up with his students never paying attention to his presentations. He went completely into left field for this opening slide. While discussing abnormal behavior, the professor captured his students’ attention with this terrifying opening image of Winnie the Pooh carrying the decapitated head of his friend Eeyore. The slide is shocking, terrifying, and very effective! We can’t imagine a single person in that class wasn’t giving the professor their full attention after seeing this opening slide.

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How To Make Your Neurophysiology Students Laugh

There isn’t a whole lot to laugh about during neurophysiology classes. Many of the subjects covered are intensive and dark, which doesn’t exactly lead to a room full of smiles. One professor was determined to throw a little humor into his classes whenever possible, so he came up with this slide. It’s pretty on-the-nose, but we image his students appreciated the effort. Slides like this are probably a nice break from all the doom and gloom their subjects usually involve.

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A New Way To Deal With Social Anxiety

Not all of us are blessed with the natural confidence needed to get up in front of a group full of people and speak. Public speaking can be the worst part of some people’s academic lives, but there are plenty of ways to handle the social anxiety. Take a close look at this picture. There are actually two people giving a presentation today, but one is dressed from head-to-toe in black. He’s even wearing a black ski mask, so he completely blends in with the chalkboard. That’s one way to make yourself feel invisible during a high-pressure presentation!

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A Blunt And Honest Slide

Corporate presentations can often feel bland, stale, and boring. Most people go over the same information as everyone else, and there are only so many creative ways you can teach someone about how to be a good boss. However, this employee wanted to ensure they were grabbing everyone’s attention and helping them remember the information presented. To do this, he gave this blunt and honest slide as his opening. It’s simple, to the point, and extremely memorable. We bet he got a laugh out of his audience and started the presentation off on a high note!

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Did Someone Tell Her?

A great way to get to know your new class of students is by asking them to create a presentation about themselves. People will make slides about their past, their dreams for the future, and some of their likes and dislikes. Usually, these presentations are pretty simple and predictable, but every once in a while, you’ll run into something like this. One girl created a slide about her favorite animals, which are apparently dragons. Apparently, since she’s Viking, all dragons love her. Do you think anyone had the heart to tell her that dragons aren’t real?

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The Joys Of Graduation

People spend years looking forward to their graduation and breaking the academic chains that have bound them for the majority of their lives. When creating an end-of-year presentation, one student wanted to share his joy with the rest of the class. His final slide, meant to discuss future studies, simply read, “Nothing, I’m graduating.” Of course, he added a picture of a guy laughing uproariously on the slide. You can literally feel this student’s glee through this single slide. We bet most of the students in his class were feeling exactly the same!

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This Professor Gets It

There are a lot of fascinating psychological occurrences that happen as a result of people spending too much time on social media. It’s created an interesting field of study for mental health and psychology professors. However, it can difficult to get your point across to a room full of students who are so deeply embedded in meme culture. This professor clearly gets it, and he included this hilarious meme in his presentation to grab his student’s attention. Good on you, professor!

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Only In College

High school teachers spend a lot of time trying to prepare their students for college. They talk about how you can never be late on assignments because second chances don’t exist in college and the importance of conducting yourself as a professional adult once you enter university. However, when you actually get to college, the reality is very different. You start encountering things like this. One student’s presentation took an unexpected and wildly hilarious turn while discussing the Dakota Access Pipeline with this slide. You could literally never get away with this anywhere else in life. Enjoy your college years while they last!

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The Proper Way To Make Amends

Sometimes it’s impossible to avoid creating an extra-long presentation. Certain subjects have to cover a ton of background information before they can get to the meat of the subject, which can lead to a bored and inattentive class. One professor felt pretty bad about this and wanted to make it up to his students. Rather than offering them some candy or coffee to keep them awake and occupied during the presentation, he waited until the very end to make amends. His final slide is a picture of a potato with the message, “Sorry for long presentation. Here’s a potato.” We have to admit, this does make us feel better!

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College Life Is Hectic AF

Anyone who’s worked their way through college understands just how hectic their schedules can become. It’s not at all unusual for students to spend their days running from one place to another without a chance to breathe between transitions. This poor guy was working at a local dealership as one of those cartoon figures that waves their arms around to encourage people to come inside the shop. He ran straight from work to class and had to give his presentation while still wearing his work costume. Honestly, we wouldn’t even be upset if this was an intentional choice. He looks hilarious and it’s a great way to keep the attention of his audience.

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Way Too Much Information

This guy took TMI to an entirely new and uncomfortable level. This is exactly why it’s important to make sure your school stuff is fully loaded on your computer before you connect it to the projector. Instead of having his slideshow already loaded and ready to go, this student had to search through his array of seriously inappropriate folders and documents to find what he was looking for. Everyone in the class learned way too much about that student that day. While we can’t blame him for having some interesting file names on his computer, we can blame him for not loading his presentation before connecting his laptop!

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An Untrustworthy Source

Science classes are one of those subjects where you have to be very careful about backing up any information you give with authentic sources. If you can’t provide a source for the information you’re using, then you probably shouldn’t use that information! One student apparently didn’t feel like completely his works cited page because he already knew enough about the subject, so he put a picture of Danny DeVito on his works cited slide instead. While we can appreciate the hilarity, we also understand that the teacher probably didn’t give this student a pleasant grade.

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Proof Your Student’s Powerpoints!

Once a student enters middle and high school, parents often take a step back and don’t check their homework as thoroughly as they used to. However, when you have a third grader preparing a slideshow about wolves, it’s probably a good idea to check their work before allowing them to present it to their class. One third-grader created this slide, and the teacher obviously panicked when it popped up on the screen. The poor kid probably had no idea what was happening in that particular picture, but it definitely gave the teacher a heart attack. Hopefully, she sent an email reminder to parents after that about checking their kids’ work.

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Say Big Data One More Time

Apparently, Big Data is a hot topic in the college world. This is the second slide we’ve seen making fun of the term, and it just keeps getting better. Once again, we have a slide starring Morgan Freeman, and you can practically hear his voice shouting, “Say Big Data one more time!” We love the serious look on the presenter’s face while this slide sits on the screen. You can tell he’s trying to impress the seriousness of his point on his students, but he’s also seconds away from cracking up.

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You Have To Appreciate His Honesty

College students suffer from burnout just as often as workers do, and sometimes they deal with that awful feeling even more frequently. Plenty of full-time college students are also juggling part or full-time jobs, which leads to zero free time and zero time for pretending everything’s okay. You have to appreciate this student’s honesty when his slide says, “Please just give me a B so I can go home and drink wine.” The look on his face tells us that he could probably use that glass of wine. We hope his professor gave him the B he was hoping for!

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This Doesn’t Bode Well

Many professors give a presentation during the first day of class to give their students an idea of what they can expect from the class. They often discuss their syllabus, projects, and expectations for the class. One professor wanted to give his students a little glimpse into how exam times would go. Their final slide said, “Smooth sailing during exams.” That sounds nice until you realize the ship pictured in the slide is the ill-fated Titanic! That doesn’t bode well for his students.

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Memes For Days

One student took to Reddit to talk about his astronomy professor’s proclivity for including memes in his presentations. Apparently, he snuck a meme into every presentation since the beginning of class. One fellow Redditor wanted to see an example of this, so the OP uploaded this beauty. The meme of Isaac Newton getting bored and inventing calculus is simple but still funny. Mostly it’s funny just because it’s accurate and also a little unbelievable that someone could just randomly invent calculus. Yet it happened, and it’s an important part of our history!

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No One Wanted To Know This

Usually, it’s students who forget to check their computer before connecting it to the projector, but sometimes it happens to professors. This professor’s last watched YouTube video popped up on the screen when he prepared to give a presentation to his class. All we can say about this is that his students probably did not want to know that type of intimate information about him! Hopefully, the professor learned his lesson after this and started checking his computer screen before connecting it!

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About To Crack A Knowledge Egg On You

Hearing Neil deGrasse Tyson speak in person must be an extraordinary experience. He’s a brilliant astrophysicist with a knack for explaining complex concepts in terms the rest of us can understand. One student was lucky enough to hear this legend speak at his school, and we can’t help but love the humor of his opening slide. We know everyone in that audience sat up a little straighter and prepared themselves for that knowledge egg to crack!

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That Awkward Moment

That awkward moment when you forget you have to present a project on the dangers of drinking and driving and end up wearing a shirt that says, “Let’s get drunk” during your presentation. This guy embodies the “I don’t care” attitude that many students, unfortunately, suffer from. His presentation doesn’t look very well done, and he clearly put no thought into his presentation attire. Unless he was trying to be ironic with that shirt, but we think that’s giving him way too much credit. He probably just rolled out of bed and threw on the first semi-clean shirt he could find.

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When You Accidentally Turn Off Your Presentation

This professor almost did everything right. He made sure his presentation was loaded on the screen before he connected his computer to the projector, and it seemed like everything was going to go off without a hitch. Unfortunately, he made the mistake of closing his presentation early. All his students got a good look at his screensaver while he worked to pull the presentation back up. We have to admit, it’s not the worst screensaver we’ve ever seen, but it was probably still a very embarrassing moment for the professor!

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A Presentation About Anything

Some teachers aim to give their students as much freedom as possible, especially during college classes. This is a great way to help your students make the transition from being a high school student to an adult in an adult academic environment, but perhaps some guidelines would have been helpful here. A teacher told her students to make a presentation about anything they wanted, and one student created an entire presentation about why the class should buy his mixtape and follow him on social media. It’s pretty hilarious, and we envy this guy’s confidence!

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Too Tired To Care

While college students are known for being exhausted and burnt out all the time, that doesn’t mean high school students are immune to the feeling. Many high schoolers have part-time jobs, and other commitments like clubs and sports. It can lead to a heavy dose of exhaustion, which this student captured perfectly in his presentation. He simply says, “I’m so tired. Give me an A.” We wonder if his teacher took pity on him and gave him the A.

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Short, Sweet, And To The Point

We’re going to wrap this list up with a life lesson served up by this teacher. While discussing the merits of life is an interesting topic, it can usually be summed up into two categories, which she perfectly captured during this slide. Her slide simply says, “Life is painful and hilarious.” We couldn’t agree more with this assessment. That’s why it’s so important to find the hilarity in every situation you possibly can, including presentations!
