Rare And Captivating Historic Photos They Didn’t Show Us in Class

James Loftus - October 11, 2022

Learning about the past was fun for some history buffs, but those school lessons could be a dread for the rest of us. The mere sight of a history textbook was sufficient to lull us to slumber! Now, with the aid of these captivating pictures, we find ourselves once again harboring disdain towards the curriculum. Why? Because it turns out class didn’t have to be so dull, and these snapshots giving a peek into our world’s wild past prove that. Prepare yourself to witness historic moments in a manner that you have never experienced before.

Mr. Rogers and Officer Clemmons Defy Segregation Laws


When Mr. Rogers comes to mind, you probably reminisce about either his enduring children’s program or the biopic depicting him, featuring Tom Hanks. However, this photo is from a pretty special episode in which Mr. Rogers brought out a guest named Officer Clemmons, and the two shared a dip in a pool. Though it may seem ordinary now, it’s important to recall that segregation still existed in the United States of America in 1969. And one of the flashpoints around desegregation was public swimming pools. Therefore, their act was essentially a form of protest, demonstrating to children that despite their different skin colors, both individuals were equal.

Therefore, their act was essentially a form of protest, demonstrating to children that despite their different skin colors, both individuals were equal.

Robin Williams Rocking a Denver Broncos' Cheerleading Outfit In 1979


Not many people know this, but Robin Williams was actually the first male cheerleader for the Denver Broncos. While he only held the position briefly, he did wear the uniform for a game in 1979. On this occasion, he appeared as Mork, the character from the widely popular TV series Mork and Mindy. This photo shows him at the game, which the Broncos ended up winning against the New England Patriots.

As you’re likely aware, Williams passed away prematurely, but he never hesitated to sport unorthodox attire to elicit a chuckle or two.

A Guardsman Faints in London During a 1966 Ceremony
Evening Standard / Stringer via Getty Images


As you’re likely aware, Williams passed away prematurely, but he never hesitated to sport unorthodox attire to elicit a chuckle or two. The guardsmen are known for their strict compliance with their rules. Some examples of such behavior include executing the movements of the changing of the guard with extraordinary precision and barking at anyone who attempts to impede their path. With that in mind, the rest of the guards continued on with the ceremony as if nothing had happened after their fellow guard fainted. Oddly enough, this occurrence has taken place numerous times in recent years.

Many have attributed it to the sweltering temperatures and the weighty, cumbersome nature of the guards’ costumes.

After 57 Years, North and South Korean Family Members Briefly Reunite
Pool / Pool via Getty Images


The Korean War left a lasting impact on many individuals, yet we often overlook the families who were divided during the conflict, some of whom remain separated to this day. This photo really puts that aspect of the conflict into perspective. It shows two family members who were allowed to meet briefly and then forced to depart for their homes. As evident from the image, it appears that they had not seen each other in quite some time – to be precise, 57 years.

The saddest part is that this was probably the only time they were allowed to visit each other, with hostilities still ongoing today and no sign of relief in the near future.

Native American Olympian Wears Mismatched Shoes After His Were Stolen
Bettmann / Contributor via Getty Images


Taken in 1912, this photo shows Native American Jim Thorpe at the Olympics after having one of his shoes stolen. After discovering an unmatched pair of shoes in the garbage, Thorpe donned them as he proceeded to earn two gold medals in track and field. Additionally, he made history by becoming the initial Native American to achieve gold for the U.S. Thorpe was actually so dominant that he set decathlon records that stood until 1970. Presently, the existing records surpass his only by a second.

Sadly, the International Olympic Committee revoked Thorpe’s medals when they discovered that he had briefly participated in minor league baseball before the Games. Fights are still ongoing to recognize this largely forgotten American icon.

NYC Parents Exhibiting Pride in Support of Their LGBT Children

NYC Parents Showing Pride for Their LGBT Kids
Bettmann / Contributor via Getty Images


Nowadays, it’s commonplace to witness gay pride parades taking place all over the globe. However, this photograph captures a pride parade that took place in 1974, long before the federal government endorsed any sort of human rights protection for individuals who identify as LGBTQ+. Apart from drawing a pretty sizable crowd, the photo is notable for the parents pictured marching through the streets of New York City. Even today, many parents aren’t supportive of their children in the same way as the parents pictured here.

It’s important to mention that comparable parades occurred throughout the nation during the same year as the one depicted in this photo. The New York Times reported that the march stretched for around eight blocks and that people began stepping off the sidewalk and joining marchers.

A Monumental 25-Year Marriage


Kris Scharoun-Deforge encountered Paul at a dance in 1988, and after five years, the duo tied the knot. Remarkably, they remained married for a quarter-century until Paul’s demise shortly following their 25th anniversary. The two had Down Syndrome, but Paul still managed to live to the age of 56, which was not common for people with Down Syndrome back then. On one occasion, Kris even made an appearance on the Today show to discuss the couple’s journey together and share her life story with the world.

And judging from these two pictures, they seemed to have lived a long and wonderful life together after getting married all the way back then. If there ever was a tear-jerker, this would be it.

Heath Ledger Shortly Before He Passed


Heath Ledger was a truly iconic actor even before his role as the Joker, in which he passed away shortly after. At just 28 years old, the young Australian overdosed on medication and was discovered in his apartment. He was undeniably at the peak of his career, making his death in 2008 an unexpected and devastating loss to countless fans. This rare photo shows the actor while he was still wearing makeup from The Dark Knight. It’s a great portrait because the dark tones seem to capture Ledger perfectly.

It is widely documented that the actor was struggling with insomnia, which was exacerbated during the filming of his final movie.

Bernie Sanders Arrested While Protesting Segregation


You may be familiar with the meme featuring Bernie Sanders during his presidential campaign, but you may not have seen the original and rare photo of him being arrested in 1963. Sanders was actually protesting segregation at the time in Chicago and ended up being fined around $25. It’s unlikely that those who saw the photo back then would have predicted that the young man being arrested would one day run for president.

With the amount of spectacle that accompanies politics today, it’s refreshing to see an old photo capturing genuine, on-the-ground activism.

A Holocaust Survivor and the Soldier Who Freed Her


The woman in these photographs was confined by the Nazis during World War II, and the soldier who rescued her is captured in both images, which were taken many years apart. She was at Auschwitz, one of the most notorious and brutal camps, when a Scottish commando unit managed to rescue a number of survivors from the camp in 1944. The camp remained unreleased until the Red Army managed to liberate it after another year had passed. The second photo shows the two on their 70th anniversary.

When they first met, they likely had no idea that they would spend the rest of their lives together. Nevertheless, their story turned out to be a heartwarming one amidst the otherwise dreadful conditions.

Mary Ann Bevan, the Winner of the "Ugliest Woman" Contest
Wikimedia Commons


Things were really different back in the day, and this photo is a great example of that. The woman depicted in this image goes by the name of Mary Ann Bevan, who was awarded the title of “Ugliest Woman” back in 1914. After her husband passed away years before these photos, she started suffering from a very rare disease that enlarged her cheekbones. In order to provide for her children, she started working at sideshows in Coney Island and also with the Ringling Brothers Circus.

She passed away in 1933, but not before she ensured that her children were taken care of by working a humiliating job. Her tale highlights selflessness at a time when women were left to fend for themselves in the event of their husbands’ demise.

Patrick Swayze at Home Dressed in Drag
Via the Mary Ellen Mark Foundation


When Patrick Swayze made the decision to star in a markedly distinct film, he was one of the top male actors of his era, taking a big gamble. The actor, who had to lock himself and his wife away inside a secluded compound to avoid being mobbed by women, played a drag queen in 1995’s To Wong Foo. During this era, there was a societal expectation for men, especially leading men, to portray macho characters.

During an interview, the actor said that he was tired of caring about what other people thought of him. Perhaps this is why he opted for an unconventional role, but it also enabled him to demonstrate that he wasn’t simply another action star.

Women In 1970s Afghanistan


These photographs display women in Afghanistan during the 1970s, prior to the country being controlled by extremists in an authoritarian manner. It looks totally different from what most of us picture Afghanistan to be like. Regrettably, the country is presently on the path to reintroducing forms of oppression that existed following the time when these photos were captured. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to recollect that Afghanistan was vastly dissimilar from its current state at one point in time.

And these rare photos give us a look at just that. Before this point, Afghanistan had suffered a couple of coups and a transition from a monarchy to a (sort of) republic.

Anwar Hussein / Contributor via Getty Images


You may have heard that Princess Diana was a bit of a rebel during her time, but it’s likely you haven’t come across this photo before. It shows her taking part in her son William’s sports day at school. Royals were forbidden from taking part in activities like this, so when it happened, it was kind of a big deal. Though she didn’t emerge victorious in the race, it seems like she had a good time.

Additionally, it’s pretty neat to witness one of the world’s most renowned figures of that period participating in a regular activity that most people can relate to.

What Job Hunting Looked Like During the Great Depression
General Photographic Agency / Stringer via Getty Images


The degree of extreme poverty and scarcity of employment opportunities that coincided with the Great Depression can be challenging to fathom. The closest thing that we’ve had since was the Great Recession, and even that paled in comparison. Captured in the 1930s, this image depicts a man donning a sign enumerating all of his credentials. Despite being fluent in three languages, a veteran with proficiency in three trades, and a father, he remained jobless.

What’s really scary is just how similar the sign reads to something you might see today. One can only hope that he ultimately secured employment to provide for his family, but those were undeniably difficult times.

Shortly Before the Islamic Revolution Transformed Iran


Captured towards the conclusion of 1978, a few months prior to Iran’s Islamic Revolution, this picture displays beachgoers in Tehran, presenting an appearance that almost seems to be of an entirely distinct country. Today, women must cover up when going outdoors, and it’s kind of crazy to see them in more revealing bathing suits in this photo. One individual can even be seen playing the guitar towards the left of the photo’s edge. It appears that those were indeed happy times.

It might be hard to believe, but there are also other photos out there showing similar scenes from around the Middle East before other countries had their own conservative movements.

Grease 1978 Vs. 2019
Evening Standard / Stringer via Getty Images


The majority of individuals have witnessed this iconic scene from the film Grease. However, not everyone has observed the moment when the cast reunited and sported outfits akin to those from the beloved movie. And despite the two photos being taken around 40 years apart, the actors really don’t look like they’ve aged more than a couple of years. If you saw the movie when it originally came out, then try not to think about that year gap too hard.

Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta were received with an exceedingly warm reception when they reunited and donned their iconic costumes. The original jacket had been auctioned off only a couple of months before for charity.

Robin Williams Early in His Career


In another infrequent image of Robin Williams, we catch a glimpse of the budding actor prior to reaching the pinnacle of his fame. Williams actually said before his death that he struggled with giving up cigarettes and was hooked for quite a while. The actor and comedian passed away in 2014 due to Lewy Body Dementia, which shocked the world and led to the loss of one of the most exceptional comedians and one of the all-time best to showcase his talents in both comedy and drama.

This particular photo of Williams was taken in 1977 while he was wearing his University of Moscow t-shirt. The actor was captured in character as “Joey Stalin,” his portrayal of Joseph Stalin.

Lady Norman on Her Electric Scooter in 1917
FPG / Staff via Getty Images


This snapshot from 1917 features Lady Norman zipping around on a scooter, way ahead of their current popularity in urban areas. Despite being from nobility, Norman was heavily involved with the women’s suffrage movement of the early 20th century. She was frequently spotted using a scooter as a means of transportation in the city, which may have been yet another way for her to champion women’s independence.

The first thing that strikes you about this photo is just how clear it appears despite being over 100 years old. Norman’s clothing and style are also quite striking.

Flying Pan Am in the Late 1960s
Bettmann / Contributor via Getty Images


Looking at this picture of a Pan Am 747 flight from the late 1960s might make you feel nostalgic for a time when air travel was more comfortable. The photo shows a spacious cabin with plenty of legroom, something that is hard to come by in today’s flights. To get this kind of space, you’d have to pay at least $1,000 over economy today, which is pretty sad. This truly was the golden age of air travel.

This photo serves as a great reminder of how luxurious and spacious air travel used to be, and we believe that more people should see it to appreciate what they may be missing out on in modern times.

Where 'The Simpsons' Magic Happened, 1992


When The Simpsons started there simply wasn’t any other cartoon on television quite like it. This is a photo of the show’s writing room in 1992. It’s interesting to see how simple the set of the show looks compared to the elaborate production facilities used in modern times. It’s clear to see where the show’s creativity and charm originated from. It just looks like a room full of friends hanging out and not really like these guys are creating an entirely new genre of television. The vintage posters on the wall give a nice touch to the photo.

It’s interesting to note that the TV show had only premiered around five years before this picture was taken, indicating that this was still the early days of the show’s production.

A Skateboarder in New York City's Central Park, 1960s


This photo was taken in New York City’s Central Park in the 1960s, during the infancy of skate boarding. In those days, skateboarding was mainly confined to the West Coast of the U.S. However, the man in this photo looks quite skilled as he effortlessly glides past people in the park. It’s also interesting to note how fascinated the onlookers appear to be. It’s almost as if they’ve never seen such a thing before.

The photographer who took this photo apparently just handed out some skateboards to random people at the park. Finding someone who can operate a unicycle in a city can be quite a rare sight, but this guy seemed to have struck gold with the unicyclist he found.

A Birthday in Iran, 1973


It could be difficult to conceive at present, but Iran had relatively liberal social norms in the past. This photo, taken in 1974, depicts a woman wearing whatever she pleased, which was acceptable at that time. Additionally, religion had a lesser impact on legislation in comparison to its current influence. Of course, the revolution happened in response to the corruption of the shah, and everything took a turn for the more conservative.

However, photos of women dressed in Western-style clothing like this were common before the revolution. Presumably, this woman celebrated her birthday at her residence in Tehran, and there were likely guests in attendance as she blew out the candles on her cake.

Once Forbidden Marriages


During the time when interracial marriages were looked down upon or even prohibited in some areas, including the United States, these two individuals fell in love. “When I told my father I was going to marry Jake, he said, ‘If you marry that man, you will never set foot in this house again,'” the woman pictured below recalled. In due course, she realized that he wasn’t the sole opponent of the idea.

But they ultimately married nonetheless and, as can be seen from these snapshots, grew old and happy together.

The (now-Demolished) Cincinnati Library


The antique photograph is marvelous in every aspect as it displays the Cincinnati library’s colossal interior before its demolition. It looks absolutely huge on the inside, and just the idea of being surrounded by this many old books is pretty awesome. Regrettably, this place is forever lost, and this photograph serves as one of the few surviving glimpses into the interior of this historical edifice. The man in the photo is dwarfed by the stacks of books in the photo.

The tall, metal columns are also very industrial while the sunlight filtering through the window evokes a sense of curiosity about how it might have felt to wander around this ancient library. It’s truly regrettable that the building no longer exists.

Polish Resistance Fighters - Then and Now


This side-by-side comparison of Polish Resistance Fighters back when they were active versus later in life is really striking. It feels somewhat unusual to observe a younger version of an individual seated beside them, as if they were present in the original snapshot. Nevertheless, we appreciate the effort made by someone to create this composite image. The younger version of the people pictured here look like persons you might come across today while still looking similar to their older selves.

This not only offers us a glimpse into the appearance of individuals from the past but also provides us with a perspective on aging and the bodily transformations that occur over time.

A Young Ben Stiller With His Dad, Jerry Stiller


Did you know that Ben Stiller’s father is actually Jerry Stiller? This photo shows the two taking a trip to go and see a play in 1978. We wonder if this was the start of the younger Stiller’s love of acting. Regardless, it’s an enthralling view of the prominent duo before Ben achieved his individual recognition and fame. The style definitely looks 1970s-era as well.

However, the younger Stiller certainly has changed a lot since this photo was taken. You might be hard-pressed to even recognize him if he weren’t standing next to his father.

Behind The Scenes Of The Titanic


The Titanic remains one of the most unforgettable movies ever produced, largely because of the exceptional chemistry between Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. The two shined in the film, and these rare looks behind the scenes show that it wasn’t just on-screen chemistry. The two genuinely look like they are having a good time together, and this is exactly what she would go on to tell Rolling Stone in a later interview.

She said that the two were like “goofy” kids on set and that they’d confide in each other throughout the shoot. Reflecting on the movie, that’s pretty amazing. Nevertheless, the scene where she’s hanging off the ship may never be viewed in the same way again.

L. A. Women in the Early 60s


This photograph show the city at an intermediate point – when Los Angeles was not as modernized as it is today but still possessing a charm and elegance. It shows women going shopping in the city in the early 1960s. It was originally taken in black and white but was later colorized, and that’s probably the most striking thing about the image. The attire worn by the women in the photograph could effortlessly blend in with contemporary fashion trends, highlighting the cyclical nature of fashion.

Besides the clothing, the whole vibe still screams Los Angeles, and it’s kind of crazy how the city still resembles its and Hollywood’s so-called golden age. The only things that look out of place are the cars.

Los Angeles - 100 Years in the Making
Paul Harris / Contributor via Getty Images


It’s remarkable how some cities seem to develop rapidly overnight, and Los Angeles is a perfect example of this. The first photo was taken in 1901, and it only shows a few houses and what might be a general store of some kind. Fast forward to 2001, a century later, and the whole region had undergone a complete transformation. There are skyscrapers, residential buildings, and offices all packed tightly together.

The area had a pleasant appearance back in 1901, and it’s probable that current residents wish for the city to revert to the early 20th-century traffic levels, but that’s improbable to happen anytime soon.

A Divorce Court in 1948


We seldom ponder on how divorces were handled before equal rights became enforced in the U.S. This picture from a divorce court in 1948 offers a rare glimpse inside the courthouse during those times. We aren’t sure what this guy did to warrant getting a divorce, but the look on the woman’s face says that she probably didn’t accept his apology. Given the difficulty of obtaining a divorce during that time, it’s likely that the cause for such a decision was significant.

You can almost feel the tension in the room, even though the photo is black and white. We’re also curious about what the photographer was doing to capture this photo at precisely the right moment.

The 'Friends' Cast Before They Were Famous


You might know this cast of characters before we even mention some of their names. Indeed, all of them appeared in the popular sitcom Friends during the 1990s. These photographs show them during their high school days, and remarkably, they didn’t appear to change much from then until their time on the show. Some still look the same today, despite more than 20 years passing since then.

David Schwimmer, who portrayed Ross on the show, certainly made some changes to his hair since this photo was taken, but he and the rest of the cast members still look strikingly similar, only younger.

A Llama in 1957 New York City
Three Lions / Stringer via Getty Images


This photograph, taken from a Life magazine feature on famous animals in New York, is titled “A Llama in Times Square.” The photo was taken in 1957, but it just seems so out of place because you’re not likely to spot a llama in Times Square even today. Magnum Photos reports that Linda the Llama was photographed in Times Square while on her way back from the studio.

The series also features several other high-earning animals. We love seeing these quirky images from the past. Photos like these make us wish that Life was still around and printing.

Departing at Penn Station to Go Fight in WWII


This rare photo shows a soldier saying goodbye to a wife or girlfriend at Penn Station in 1944. As World War II was nearing its end, neither of these two individuals knew if they would ever have the chance to see each other again. Today, the station is only a fraction of its former size, but it has certainly witnessed some historical moments. It’s difficult to imagine what the world must have been like during another world war.

Fortunately, we don’t have to experience it firsthand. We also have memorable photos like this to remind us what these people must’ve felt like and help us better understand this time in history.

The 60s, But in Rome


After seeing these photos, one might prefer to spend some time in Italy during the 1960s, despite the reputation of the era being wild in the U.S. There’s literally a guy taking a photo from the passenger seat of a car while the car is up on two wheels. What events were unfolding in Rome during this era? Whatever it was, it would be great to experience it once again.

Everything about these shots is great. The individual dressed up in costume and skateboarding bears a striking resemblance to Hugh Jackman, while the couple riding the moped possesses a sense of style that surpasses that of most modern-day riders.

Early 1900s New York City
Bettmann / Contributor via Getty Images


Speaking of historical city photos, this image captures New York City in the early 1900s. The first thing that strikes you are how out of place the people look when compared to the buildings, but that’s probably just because the buildings are still around while the style has changed quite a bit since then. Most of the people in the photo appear to be dressed in formal attire, but there is a man on the left side of the frame wearing overalls.

It’s also notable how immense the city looks, even 100 years ago. Life seems just as frenzied and bustling back then as it is today.

San Francisco in 1964


This photo of San Francisco in 1964 is a bit mind-boggling. This photo truly captures the steep inclines of the city, taking it to a whole other level. In fact, some people have compared it to scenes from the movie Inception, where cityscapes bend and twist in impossible ways. However, this photo is very much the real deal, and it shows a pretty famous street in the city.

Although you can still ride a trolley down the street today, walking down it is not recommended unless you are accustomed to steep treks. You also probably shouldn’t drive a manual up this street.

The Twin Towers in 1979


This photograph captures the New York skyline in the 1970s, giving us a glimpse of what the city looked like before the tragic events that led to the fall of the Twin Towers. The towers are domineering and huge compared to the surrounding buildings. There is also quite a bit of smog obscuring the city. This indicates the relatively lenient regulations on pollution during that time period, but the smog does contribute to the eerie atmosphere of the photo.

Today, the city looks much different, and not just because the towers are no longer there but because everything else is also built up and pretty tall in comparison to the two towers.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire in 1989


It’s worth noting that the two kids seen bowling in this photo are no ordinary children – they happen to be a young Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire. They were both trying to make as child actors in the 1980s in Los Angeles, and it would turn out that they both would. It’s unlikely that anyone could have predicted the immense success that both Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire would achieve decades after this photo was taken.

Their appearance also hasn’t changed much over the years, despite this photo being taken in the 1980s. It’s actually kind of hard to imagine that the two are that old.

Brenda Spencer in 1979
Bettmann / Contributor via Getty Images


This rare photo shows Brenda Spencer being escorted by police. In 1979, she was arrested for shooting at children and adults in the schoolyard across the street from her home. She injured eight kids and killed two adults as they were trying to shield the children. She was later sentenced to life in prison and remained there to this day. Before the 1970s, school shootings were relatively uncommon, unlike today where they unfortunately occur frequently in the US.

While Spencer was still hiding out in her house after the shooting, a reporter had managed to find her number and ask her why she did it. When asked why she did it, her infamous reply was, “I don’t like Mondays.” The line became the inspiration for a popular song.
