The Creepiest Incidents That Woke People Up

Julie Ann - January 17, 2023

We have all had that one night when we were abruptly jolted awake by a feeling of fear or terror. It’s a common experience for many people, and it can be difficult to shake off that feeling, even after we are fully awake. This type of experience can be caused by a number of factors, such as a nightmare, a loud noise, or even a physical sensation. Whatever the cause, it can be unsettling and leave us feeling on edge for the rest of the night.

The following tales are a collection of spooky and ominous accounts from people who have been startled in the middle of the night by something ominous and eerie. These types of experiences can be quite disturbing and can leave a lasting impact on the individual who has gone through them.

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1. Bonus Song

When I was about 15 I bought the Sticks and Stones album by New Found Glory and as I went to bed that night I decided to listen to it on my stereo start to finish for the first time. The last song on the album, The Story So Far, is a slower song so I fell asleep before it ended and didn’t realize that after the song, there were 20 minutes of silence and then a “bonus song” played. This bonus song starts off with a scream, then a whispered voice repeating “someone’s in your house, you’re not safe right now” for about 30 seconds before it begins to play music. For those 30 seconds, I was in a pitch-black room not having a clue where it was coming from and completely accepting that my life was over.


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2. No Response

5-year-old daughter had a nightmare instead of making a mad dash for the parent’s room like I used to. She quietly and calmly got out of bed came into our room and stood at the foot of our bed in the dark and just waited. Needless to say, my husband and I awoke to a creepy little outline just standing at the end of the bed watching us. We both started saying our daughter’s name trying to get a response cause we are spooked. She just stands there no response doesn’t even move. He finally yells her name and she gets scared and runs out of our room crying.

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3. A Nosebleed

Woke up to my dad covered in blood shaking me like a lunatic. Apparently, he had a dream that he was in an army and was killing people he woke up went to the bathroom saw he was covered in blood (from a nosebleed) and thought he sleepwalked and murdered his family.

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4. He Didn’t Stop

Was on vacation with my family and I was about 7-8 years old. Woke up one night because of these weird gagging noises. My brother was in the bed beside the mattress which I slept on, so I told him to cut the sh*t and go to sleep. He didn’t stop, so I turned on the light and saw he was choking to death on his own vomit. Scared, I ran and woke up my parents. We rushed out of the door and got in the car, as he was lifeless. Luckily, we saw a cop car and yelled at them while speeding on the highway, and we tailed them to the ER after they understood it was serious sh*t. My brother lived and we found out that he had had an epileptic seizure for the first time ever, which combined with overeating had caused him to almost choke to death.

He lived, but holy shh… I still think about if I had not woken up and we had not spotted that cop car (We were in a small town in Spain, so we didn’t know where the ER was). So many coincidences. D*mn.

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5. Somewhere to Sleep

Somebody trying to break in.

I was living alone at the time in a little studio flat in the city centre. It was about 3 am and I was woken up by some crashing sounds in the hallway, and then somebody started kicking hard at my bedroom door. Fortunately, my door at the time was a pretty hefty fire door with a good strong lock, so I had enough time to call the police before he did any damage to it. I was living pretty close to the police station so they turned up fast, with dogs, and caught him still inside the building.

As it turned out the guy was absolutely wasted and looking for somewhere to sleep, and from the outside, my place still looked like the empty nightclub it used to be before it was converted into flats. So my guess is he thought it would be empty, rather than actually attempting to rob/attack anyone living there. I was still very shaken up by it at the time.

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6. Meet The President

When I was 14 I was woken up by my dad screaming, “WTF ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?” I run down the stairs and see a man in a full green suit being dragged by his knees out my front door by two cops.

Apparently, we left the porch light on outside and my dad went downstairs to turn it off. When he makes it into the kitchen, he sees a dark figure sitting at the table. The man tells him, “I’ve been waiting for you.” My dad loses his sh*t and calls the cops.

We find out later that he had escaped from a mental institution down the street after stabbing a man. He came to our house to meet the president.

At least he told me to have a good day as he was being carried out.


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7. Best friend and Girlfriend

I was up at my dad’s cabin for the weekend and at around one we heard a huge crash on our porch (it’s a big wrap-around porch that has 2 openings, we forgot to lock one and then we heard a voice yelling “F*CK F*CK F*CK!!!” really loud. This mysterious stranger was now trying to pick the lock on our door to get in.

My dad gets his .44 magnum and I get a baseball bat. My sister, little brother, and stepmother all locked themselves in the attic. I and my dad went out and my dad yells at the person ” you have about 10 seconds to get the f*ck off my property before I kill you.” Then that’s when we realize it’s a 17-year-old kid, and he just collapses and starts crying. We don’t know what to do and my dad tries to calm him down while still holding the gun at him. I go and call the cops. They come and get him.

Apparently, this kid was in a car crash about 6 miles down the road that killed his best friend and his girlfriend and he was just trying to find help:, (

I guess what happened is they were driving back down from their camping trip when they were driving down this really narrow road. They rounded a corner and a deer jumped out, so they swerved to avoid it but careened off of a cliff and to a river. The driver and one of the passengers were unconscious and the kid on our porch was relatively ok. He was able to get out of the car as the water was getting in. He thought the other two were right behind him. When they weren’t he tried to save them but he couldn’t as and watched his friend and girlfriend drown right in front of him.

I don’t know where he is today, but if you’re somehow reading this buddy, I am really sorry we were about to shoot you, and I am so very sorry for what happened to you and I hope you are ok 🙁

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8. The Horrible Sound

The husband runs into the bedroom, choking.

Something about the way his footsteps were pounding woke me up instantly. He swallowed one of those “easy swallow” Tylenol, ironically enough and it caught in his throat. I asked if he was OK and he violently shook his head no.

So I went from asleep to Heimlich in about 2 seconds – a really terrible way to be woken up, especially since he said the last time it happened (he has a constricted esophagus from stomach acid scarring so he’s prone to choking while eating), his ex-wife had been unable to do it and he had passed out. You expect some big heroic adrenaline wave to come sweeping over you and empower you to magically save your spouse, but I was just terrified and swearing. I also thought I did it incorrectly because it wasn’t a neat little ptooey like in the movies – He bent over, violently throwing up. (Do I still do it? DO I STOP? WHAT DO I DO) but he was coughing and could speak – told me to call 911. The 911 op reassured me that if he was coughing, he was getting air, and encouraged him to keep coughing. Then she let me off the line which in my state of hysteria, I took to mean that NO ONE WAS COMING. The paramedics and firemen showed up and filled my kitchen while I stupidly stood there in half a nightie with a blankie wrapped around me, and they took him off in an ambulance. The capsule apparently melted on the way to the ER, but I’ll never forget the horrible sound it made, rattling with WRONGNESS in his throat as he would grab and pinch at his neck.


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9. Several Hours

Woke up to my wife (now ex-wife) standing with the man she had been cheating on me with for over a year.

At the time, I lived with my wife. I got home after a business trip and surprised my spouse with flowers and a movie in our bedroom. We cuddled, watched the movie, and after some fantastic coming-home sex, I went to sleep. Apparently, she was cheating on me for about a year, and when I got home, she was in bed with the guy she was cheating on me with. They panicked and he hid under the bed. After I fell asleep, he got out and was angry that he had to hide for several hours, and so they were arguing. The whispering woke me up, I walked out and saw them, and asked what he was doing and why my wife was talking to him.

He tried to just leave, and I refused to let him just walk out. My wife eventually told me who he was. Needless to say, divorce followed.

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10. Scared and Sleepy

I woke up with a girl standing next to my bed, staring at me.

At the same time, I hear horrifying screams; not from the girl but from somewhere far away.

It took around 10 seconds for my scared & sleepy brain to realise my daughter (toddler) had woken up to look for me & so had my baby son in his room.

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11. Hours of Sweating

Just a few weeks ago, woke up to scratching noises. I’m talking intense, I mean nails scraping down a blackboard intense. Freak out, lights on. Staring at the wall where the scratching noise is coming from. Go to the next room over to investigate if it’s coming from the other side. Nope. Sit awake for 3 more hours sweating profusely and coming up with conspiracies, and investigate as the sun comes up.

Turns out it was a possum that had somehow gotten INTO my walls because it was too cold outside. Freaking Australia.


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12. For So Long

The wife and I had been married roughly two years at the time. About two months after we were married, she started having problems. Mood swings, anxiety, irritability, that sort of thing. But we were working opposite schedules at the time, so I was pretty irritable too.

Well, her anxiety got worse and started a beautiful friendship with paranoia. Eventually, she wasn’t able to work anymore. She got to the point where she couldn’t even leave the house most days. She required more time and effort to care for. Things were pretty intense for a couple in their 20s. We tried doctors but weren’t getting much response from them. Mostly wait and see. She kept getting worse, and things got harder for us.

By this point, I’d been forced to quit my job so that I could keep an eye on her full-time. I went to college, taking courses online so I could make sure she stayed safe. Student loans basically sustained us for a while. We moved in with her mom and sister so that they could take turns watching over her.

So anyways, after a couple of major depressive spouts, some self-harm, and a suicide attempt or two to spice things up, the doctors decided they should be dosing her up. They tried putting her on a bunch of different medications. Some made her numb. Some made her heart race so badly we ended up in the er again. One of the medications ended up making her extremely violent.

She’d lash out at me, bite me, scream insults and such. A couple of times I had to physically restrain her to keep her from hurting me. And I was the only one in the house that she’d listen to even in the slightest when her brain was misfiring.

As you can imagine, I try to sleep when she sleeps. Usually, I’m a really light sleeper, and I wake up whenever she makes an unusual noise or rolls over on the bed. But sometimes I have schoolwork due, and the only time to finish it is while she’s asleep. So eventually I get a decent amount of sleep lag, crawl into bed, and sleep heavily.

Then suddenly I’m awake. There’s something wrong. The wife isn’t in the bed next to me. I realize that there’s more light in the room than normal. The door is slightly ajar, and light is coming in from the hallway. She’s standing at the foot of the bed. She’s gotten a big kitchen knife from somewhere. We’d been locking up the sharp implements so at the time,

I don’t know how she got it.

And she’s mumbling very quietly to herself. I strain my ears and she’s arguing with herself about the merits of killing me vs leaving me alive. They were nonsensical, but mostly ran along the lines of, “He stops me from doing what I want, hurting people, and killing myself.” Those were the cons. And, “There’s no one else I can talk to.”

And that was… pretty much the whole of her debate. So you can imagine how I’m feeling at this point. Scared, terrified, and exhausted. I’d been dealing with such a high-stress level for so long that I’d started hallucinating that she’d called for me when she hadn’t. And I’m just at the point where I turn into a seventeen-year-old girl and me just. can’t. even.

So I look at her, and I tell her, “Take my life if you want. It’s yours already. I gave it to you when we got married.” And then I roll over and pretend to fall asleep. Of course, I’m straining my ears for any sound to warn me I might lose my spleen.

But after a moment, she crawls into bed, puts the knife under her pillow, and falls asleep.

Once she starts snoring, I carefully pull the knife from under her pillow and return it to one of the locked drawers in the kitchen. Then I take five minutes to shake like a leaf as the adrenaline wears off, and then another ten to cry silently on the couch. And then I crawled back into bed, wrapped my arms around her, and fell asleep.

To this day, she still doesn’t remember it.

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13. Regular Guy

For a few days over the weekend, I was visiting family down in Denver. It’s not usually a bad area, but around 12:00 at night I was sleeping on the couch when I was woken up by an extremely loud banging outside.

I stood up and listened. After a few more seconds of banging, I heard the front door to the apartment complex I was in slam open. (We were on the ground floor). All I heard after that was a bunch of people yelling “Get down! Get down!). I could hear cops knocking on people’s doors for about 15 minutes afterwards.

Nothing bad happened to me or my family, but I was chatting with the manager of the apartments the next morning and learned that a man that I had normally talked to once or twice had shot his girlfriend in the head and killed her. It was crazy, and I’ll never forget the poignant sense of knowing that this seemingly regular guy had snapped so easily.

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14. Crying For Help

The sound of my mother sobbing and screaming for help.

Granted, it wasn’t actually the middle of the night. It was like 7:30 AM. But I woke up from a dead sleep and had bolted halfway down the hall before I even really registered what it was I was hearing. All I knew was that she sounded hysterical and she was screaming the word “help” over and over. Thinking back on it now I specifically remember hearing “Emmy help me please!” And just “Emmy help” “Help me” and just my name alone, over and over.

Turned out she’d slipped and fallen in the backyard and thought she’d broken her ankle because of how terrible the pain was. It was raining and cold outside and it was only she and I in the house so there was no one else there to help her. I sprinted down a flight of stairs and out into the backyard at top speed. In fact, I crashed through the back door so quickly that it slammed onto the outside wall of the house and rebounded hard enough to nearly shut itself again.

To this day that’s one of the scariest things that’s ever happened to me period, the sound of my mother crying for help.

She turned out to be fine, by the way – it was one of those injuries where it hurts and swells really bad when it happens, but turns out not to be a break – just a bad sprain.

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15. Glowing Eyes

Well, it was about 8 months ago at about 2:40 am. I was sleeping in my bed when I heard a loud bang in my kitchen. Unaware of what it was I got up and wasn’t sure of anything. I get my gun from my safe and walk out. I then hear a huge rattle of pans and plates falling on the floor. I was really freaking out. My blood was pumping so hard and it was so bad I was starting to get a headache from it. I creep out of my hallway. It’s pitch black, I look in the kitchen poking my head in. I see two strong glowing eyes staring at me. So f*cking scary man it rustled my jimmies so hard. I booked it back in my room and popped open the window and hopped out cause I don’t get time to deal with that. I was scared. I was on my phone about to dial 911 when I remembered… that I bought a cat about a month ago and it ran away and came back that night. Needless to say, I saved a nice pair of undies from being slaughtered by my fatal bowel movement of terror. I knew I shouldn’t have bought a f*cking cat.

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16. Heart Broken

Just moved in with my boyfriend (now husband) when I had to leave for a week on a business trip and then leave for ANOTHER week on a family vacation that was planned before he and I got serious. Basically, just as I got used to sleeping next to someone, I got used to sleeping alone again.

The first night back, I fall asleep pretty early. By the time he comes in, I’m in a deep sleep. The old bed sinks just a little too much and I become aware that someone had just crawled into bed with me, but I was too sleepy to remember that I was now living with another human being.

Freaked out, yelled “Who are you!” and my boyfriend, and essentially broke his heart. He now climbs in bed extra, extra quiet.

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17. That Part

When I was younger (5-7 years old) I kept having the same dream for months. It started with me being in a black limousine with about 10 (seemingly) rich, elderly white men. They were all popping champagne bottles and toasting each other. The chauffeur would drop me off at my house, the men would say bye, and I’d stand in front of my driveway.

For some reason, I could hear every footstep coming from the inside of my house, and I could hear two sets of feet running around. I would hear my Mom’s blood-curdling scream, and then the sound of a (very terrifying) roar would follow her scream.

I would always jolt awake right after that. I’ve never made it past that part.

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18. Awful Silence

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake.

The sound is unbelievable. Like a freight train steaming through your bedroom. The chimney’s exploded down the steel roof. The walls roll like the mast of a ship in a storm. The ceiling cracks and falls in. Things are thrown against one wall, into the air, against the opposite and back again.

Then there’s an awful silence – just for a second – before the hissing and bubbling of broken water mains creep through the air and you notice the screech of burglar alarms in the distance.

Then you light a cigarette and the sirens start.


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19. The Beds

My family was staying at this haunted hotel in Savannah, GA. It was an old hospital during the Civil War or something like that, and my brother and I were sharing a bed. The first night, I woke up to him smashed up against the headboard, with no noise and movement at all. When I asked him what he was doing, he said he was afraid to move because he wasn’t entirely sure if he was dead or paralyzed. That he woke up to this enormous pressure and was pushed up against the headboard. Freaked me out and I refused to share a bed with him again out of fear of another ghost attack. The next night, I was sleeping with my sister and she rolled over on me. I kept trying to push her off when I noticed she wasn’t anywhere near my side of the bed. Almost peed my pants, and then watched tv until the sun came up because of ghosts.


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20. Terribly Morbid

Massive explosion outside of my window, I woke up to find that there has been a crash at the end of my driveway, A van going about 120kilometers an hour crashed into a telephone pole and the pole cracked and the transformer somehow got knocked off and exploded and there were sparks everywhere.

I had to run down my driveway after putting on dress shoes (the only shoes I could quickly find) and I immediately had to become a first responder, The driver hadn’t been wearing his seatbelt and he was thrown from the vehicle through the front windshield and it actually saved his life as I was attending to the passenger and she was in horrific shape, her seatbelt had caused severe lacerations on her front and there were massive amounts of blood and the only thing she kept saying was “We were just going to pick up bread”, I consoled her but she quite blatantly had many broken bones and was probably torn up on the inside she also said she couldn’t feel her body which really sunk it in for me.

I was standing there watching an innocent 20-24-year-old woman die simply because the driver had been drunk and somehow thrown from the vehicle into the nice cushy forest floor and managed to run away on foot after I had seen the accident scene. It was the longest 12 minutes of my life waiting for the police/ambulance/fire trucks to arrive. It was terribly morbid and yes, the girl died later in the hospital.


Needless to say, ’twas the most fucked up thing I’ve ever had to wake up to and I had to throw away the shirt I wore to bed that night as I couldn’t get my mind off the bloody fingerprints and she left on it as well as all the stains from placing it on her shoulder where her seatbelt had literally just ripped open a flesh wound. I won’t say I have any kind of PTSD or anything like that because I’m aware of the situation and what happened and the effects it had on my psyche. But it was one of the saddest and most brutal experiences I’ve had to deal with and it’s not the first time I’ve been a first responder to a terrible ordeal. It was just the way the girl was explaining she had just gone out to buy bread and then lapsing in and out of consciousness continually trying to explain to me that all she wanted was to pick up bread.


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21. Open Windows

I was spending the night at my friend’s house who happened to live across the street from me. He had two brothers and we all decided to sleep out in the living room together. I was the last one to sleep and the house was pitch black when out of nowhere I hear somebody opening and closing the front screen door which immediately froze me in terror. Unsure of what to do and thinking maybe it was just in my head I let it slide & then out of nowhere something hits the front living room window, probably a snowball seeing as it had just snowed and then the screams… Oh god the screams, a man’s voice screaming bloody murder, screaming for help and that ‘they’ were going to kill him. Of course, this didn’t wake any of my friends or their parents up and it was still just myself frozen in terror too afraid to stand up because I thought they might be able to see me through the windows if I stood. Thinking back it had to just be some stupid teenagers f*cking around with houses late at night. Throwing snowballs, screaming bloody murder for the heck of it. Little did they know it seriously f*cking traumatized me. I was unable to walk by open windows at night and had this constant phobia of people breaking in and killing my entire family.


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22. The Only Thing

I woke up to smashing on the front door at 2 AM. I can remember it so clearly, the heavy smashing and my confusion at being woken up like that. It’s a memory I’ve tried to shake in the last 2 years.

I ran upstairs and opened the door to 3 cops. I immediately noticed that my dad’s truck wasn’t in the drive. My heart leapt into my throat, I was sure they were there to tell me he had gone driving and died in a collision. To my surprise, they immediately asked who I was, and then if I knew where my dad was. I said he had been home and passed out (I thought) at midnight, that his truck was gone, and I had no idea where he was.

I told them to come inside so we could figure out what was going on, and brought them into the kitchen area. It is a larger house with an open floor layout, so they started grilling me for information as we walked. I demanded to know what was going on, and they only said they had been informed that he might be in danger by a caller.

I was still maybe a quarter asleep as we walked into the kitchen, but the memory of what happened next is vivid beyond belief. I can’t count how many times I wish I could forget that night.

As they followed me into the kitchen, my mind recognized that something was different. I couldn’t figure it out immediately, but in a matter of seconds, I realized there was a single sheet of yellow legal pad taped to the door to the garage. In my dad’s handwriting, scrawled in all capitals it read :



The only way I can describe what happened next is that somehow my mind just snapped. Something felt like it broke in my brain, and it was like I knew what had happened before I realized I knew it. I ran to the garage door at the same time as the first cop saw the sign. I booted it open, to find my dad’s truck running and the garage completely saturated with exhaust fumes. By the time I was halfway to the truck, the first cop had grabbed me by my shoulders and was pulling me back into the kitchen. The other cops clued in and ran past us to the driver’s side door, wrenching it open.

The first officer was telling me to look away and that they would save him, and trying to drag me away from the garage. In hindsight, it was probably a smart idea. I was in hysterics, and not much use to anyone. Unfortunately, before he wrestled me away, I had seen too much. My dad was slumped over the steering wheel, his skin a shade of blue I had never seen before.

The officer pulled me into my dads home-office and sat me down in his desk chair, and asked me some basic questions about firearms in the house (this question in turn lead to another nightmare, which is a story for another day), what my dad had ingested that night, and questions of that nature. He then asked me to please stay there, that paramedics were on the way, and he was going to go assist the other officers with my dad.

I can’t describe the state of mind I was in. By this time, my girlfriend had come upstairs and I managed to tell her what had happened in between hysteric sobs. She was cradling me in her arms in the office when things got even worse.

There was a pad of yellow legal paper sitting on his office desk, the same colour as the warning on the garage door. On it, he had scrawled a page-long suicide note. On it, among his reasonings for suicide and goodbyes, was a list of how to divide his assets and accounts.

Somehow, reading that list was so much worse than anything else on that page. Not because of how the assets were divided, I couldn’t tell you today who was supposed to get what. It was more just that it really solidified the reality of the situation. It made things even more real than they were, the fact that there was an estate to be divided.

If I hadn’t lost it before that moment, reading the note destroyed what little was left of my psyche. I grabbed it before my girlfriend could read it, just as the first cop who had grabbed me came back into the room. I handed it to him, and the only thing I could manage to say was ‘I think you’ll need this.’

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23. Community Service

One of my best friends was staying the night on my couch downstairs. At about 2 am, a highly-intoxicated guy, 25 years old, knocks on the back door. My friend tries to shoo him off, but he won’t leave, so my friend (like an idiot) opens the door. He lets himself in and begins telling him that he’s going to die. Now, naturally, my friend is concerned, so he asks him to elaborate. “Extraterralians–they’re coming for you,” he repeated about 6 times.

At this point, my friend decides to come to wake me up. He opens my door and just says “Eighthnote, there’s a random guy in your house and he won’t leave.” I didn’t believe him, but could you blame me? About 30 seconds later, the intoxicated man came upstairs, entered my bedroom, TOOK OFF HIS PANTS, and got into my bed with me still in it. He then passed out. We called the police. My friend and I tried pushing him, screaming at him, everything…but he wouldn’t budge. Five minutes later, he woke up, puts on his pants, and then grabs a pair of my pants laying on the ground. My friend says “Bro, those aren’t your pants,” to which he replies “Well, they’re not your pants either.”

He left shortly thereafter, my pants in hand, and got picked up by the cops who were right outside of my house. He ended up getting charged with felony breaking and entering because my wallet was in my pants (unknown to me at the time). My friend and I had to write numerous letters and make several phone calls, but we got the guy reduced to just community service.

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24. 9/11

My mother’s blood-chilling screams. ‘We’re being attacked!! WE’RE BEING ATTACKED!!’. I sat straight up, going from completely asleep to complete adrenaline in 2 seconds, and run up the stairs to her. She was watching the morning news and it had just been interrupted to show footage of a plane going through the world trade centre, and she was losing it. So then I watched 9/11 happen while trying to calm her down. Worst morning ever.

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25. Low Volume

Ohh I’ve got a good one. My wife is deathly afraid of scary movies, but I finally convinced her to watch one with me. We put on Insidious, and I streamed it from my computer to my television at around midnight.

At 2 am, the movie is finished, and she is thoroughly terrified. I convince her that everything will be fine and we should try to get to bed. As we are lying there, she swears she is hearing the same creepy violin noises that played throughout the movie. I told her it was just her imagination, and I put on some music in the bed to help her sleep.

About a half hour later, we both hear an alarm go off outside, and we are in an apartment complex. She slowly asks me if I heard it too and I said I did, but it went off right away so it was probably an accident. Unfortunately, the exact same thing happened in the movie, and it was from GHOSTS, so she is now terrified beyond belief. I think it’s a very odd coincidence. She is sweating and it’s making the bed too hot, so I got up to turn up the AC.

As I walked into the living room, I heard a voice, very faint but definitely inside my apartment say, “What are you doing?”. I froze. Now I never get scared, but this was different. For about 5 seconds I did not move. Then I realized what happened haha.

After the movie was over, I shut off the tv. The HDMI switch kicked back over to my computer, but the monitor was off so only the sound was playing out of my computer speakers at a very low volume. VLC was playing the movie and it just looped once it got to the end. So all of the sounds she was hearing were actually playing from the movie again very softly haha.

I ran back in all excited to tell her that I had an explanation for everything, and she could finally sleep! She did not sleep.


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26. Faked Sick

I’m in Suburbia, USA. Apparently, some guy had broken out of a prison a couple of miles away and had been spotted near my street. The SWAT team had knocked on the door and asked my dad if he’d seen anything. Our backyard opened up to a big field, across which was the next street over. My dad told them this, and, being the suburban hero he is, told them they would have a great vantage point from his daughter’s bedroom window. They accepted and came in. He didn’t think to wake me up himself before allowing these scary men dressed in all black with giant guns to rush into my room. I, of course, immediately assumed they were coming to take me away for having faked sick to get out of school that day.

The good news is they caught the guy. The bad news is I still have nightmares about it, 15 years later.

Credit: freepik

27. Total Loss

After the tornado in Joplin, Missouri in 2011, we were left without power for several days. Our home was only slightly damaged, so we were able to stay there. My daughter had just turned 11 at the time and was sleeping on a pallet next to our bed because she didn’t want to sleep in her room by herself with no electricity. She had been in a bathroom of her aunt’s house during the tornado and that bathroom was literally(and I mean literally how it’s meant to be used) the only place in the house left “standing”. Anyway, this was two nights later. The three of us and our three dogs were all asleep in the room and I woke up to my daughter screaming that the house was on fire. Sure enough, flames were coming from the master bathroom. Small flames, but flames. I got up and ran to the garage to get our fire extinguisher, but it was pitch black with no power. I had to go back in, get my phone and go back out to find it. By this time my wife and daughter had gathered up our two french bulldogs and gone outside but we couldn’t find the pit bull puppy my daughter had gotten from us for her birthday. We couldn’t find the cat either. So I went back into the bathroom but the flames were too much already for our fire extinguisher so I decided it wasn’t worth it to die of smoke inhalation so I bailed. We called 911 about six times but emergency personnel was so spread thin with the tornado that it took about 20 minutes for anyone to get there. We sat in the road and watched our house burn. Total loss. My daughter was in the heart of the Joplin tornado and two days later watched her house burn.

Credit: freepik


28. Halfway Through

Two people broke into the window in my room. I’m attending college that’s in the city and my house is right next to a rough high school. There was one kid propping the other kid up and through my window. I woke up from a faint rustling noise and opened my eyes. Then, the boy that was halfway through my window started yelling “She’s awake!” and they both took off before I even had the chance to scream. Being a female living alone had never bothered me before that morning and I feel so lucky that I didn’t get hurt.

Credit: freepik


29. Moderate Pressure

I woke up with my girlfriend’s hands wrapped around my throat with a moderate amount of pressure. She was dreaming and didn’t wake up when I said her name. I repeated her name and she still didn’t wake up. Her face had no expression. I gently pushed her away and fell back asleep. We eventually got married, and are now divorced. She had anger issues. I should have seen it coming.

Credit: freepik


30. Answer That Phone

A couple of years ago, my cell phone rang at about three in the morning. After groggily considering not answering it, I decided to anyway.

I was greeted by the voice of my 80+ grandfather telling me that his left leg was completely numb. Now VERY much awake, I sprinted to my parent’s room and got them up. After tearing ass across town and calling 911 once we arrived, we got into his home where we found him on the floor next to his phone; he had crawled through half his home to reach it. 8 hours later, after an ambulance ride, tests that determined he had a blood clot, and surgery to remove said blood clot, the doctors told us that he would recover just fine. If he had been in that state for too much longer, it is a distinct possibility that he would have lost his leg, and maybe much more. Over a year later, he’s still with us today, and better than ever.

Man, am I glad I decided to answer that phone.

