The experience of being betrayed by someone you thought of as a close friend has happened to almost everyone. These situations can be extremely upsetting and have a long-lasting effect on the betrayed party. The act of betraying someone can take many different forms, such as disclosing information that was shared in confidence, spreading untruths, or even stealing or causing property damage. It can be challenging to comprehend why a person you believed to be a true friend would behave in such a manner, but it’s crucial to keep in mind that people are complex, and their actions could be the result of their own struggles or issues.
We’ve put together 40 of the most hurtful cases of friendship fallout. A Knife in the Back!
A woman, I thought was my friend (we worked together for years, our kids were friends, I helped her and her husband out when he was having mental health problems, and she was at my sister’s wedding party) appeared in court as a witness for my ex-wife in her bid to gain full custody.
THANKFULLY she failed and I now have custody of my kids.
Asked two of my friends if they wanted to live together in college. Then one of them asked another person in our friend group if he wanted to join in as well. Then they asked another…and another. And then once there were too many people in one apartment, they dropped me out of it. No longer “friends” with any of them. Was kinda a wake-up call though because I definitely gave way too much of myself to those people not knowing that I was the most expendable one. It really taught me not to put others on a pedestal and respect myself more and has since led to me developing far more healthy relationships that bring me a lot of happiness.
I had a best friend that I knew for 16 yrs. She got pregnant and her parents tried to kick her out. Her parents wanted her to get an abortion but she refused. One of our HS friends told me someone should push her down a flight of stairs so she can miscarry. I told her that was a very bad idea and defended my best friend. The next day, the principal came by my class to ask me if I could attend a meeting about something important. If I didn’t attend, I was going to be expelled. When I arrived at the meeting, our shared friend claimed I was going to shove my best friend down flights of stairs so she can miscarry. My best friend believed her. We stopped talking after that.
Made plans to go see a movie with my friends for my 16th birthday and planned it weeks in advance. Everybody bailed the day before/of but I decided to still go see the movie.
Ran into my whole group of friends leaving the movie theater while buying popcorn.
We (my husband and I) had a friend that we helped get back on his feet. Paid off some tickets he had. Got his license reinstated. Hooked him up with a solid connection for a reasonable, well-running car to replace his beater…AND gave him a place to live and a job (automotive repair)….he decided it was a better choice to tell all our customers we were overcharging them (spoiler: we weren’t) and he’d do the jobs cheaper if they’d bring it to him at his house (this was a short time after he moved out of our house, after never repaying anything he owed us. Not that we’d asked). Broke my heart….
My best friend asked me to donate my eggs through IVF because she was unable to conceive. I did. She was successful and had a baby. The hormones I had to pump into my body for the egg extraction played havoc with my body and completely screwed me over. I ended up with cancer of the uterus and I was extremely sick and I thought I was going to die. I hadn’t met my friend’s baby yet as we live in separate states. I asked her if she would come to me so I could see her and meet the baby and help me out too as I was bedridden at the time. I asked three times. She said no all three times. The last time she also said, “just because you did something nice for me, doesn’t mean I have to do something nice for you.” Broke my heart. I ended up having a full hysterectomy and have been cancer free for six years and never spoke to that stupid b*tch again.
A friend’s family fell on hard times. I had an emergency fund and let them borrow a five-digit amount of money to swing their mortgage and groceries.
A few years go by and there’s no attempt at paying me back, the couple gets divorced and life goes on.
One day the dude emails me and shows me an ad for a classic car for $11000 and asks me what I think (he knows I’m into cars).
I give him my opinion but add at the bottom that maybe he might consider paying me back before spending money on frivolous toys (he already had two cars).
He went off on an angry two-page rant about how his ex-wife was the one who f*cked me over and he was ripped off much worse, blah blah blah and then never talked to me again.
It was an expensive lesson to learn from A, never loan out money you can’t afford to lose and B, if it’s friends and family, give them the money, don’t loan it. It’s not worth risking friendships over.
My best friend since fourth grade called her my soul sister. I genuinely was so grateful to have what I thought our friendship was. She fell on hard times, got weirdly religious, and stopped working while going to a private uni. I was always there for her, a shoulder to cry on, visited her all the time because she didn’t have any friends and I knew she was lonely, helped her with groceries and rent, and helped her family out. One day she came over and after buying her groceries, she told me a higher power has been telling her to cut me off for two years and she had to listen. Now she wants to be friends again. Issa hard nope from me dawg.
My “best friend” and I worked together for 3 years at a restaurant. I was the night manager and was really cool with all of the employees, but especially her. We hung out outside of work all the time, she went with me to the beach and carnivals with my kids, who adored her.
She started dating this guy at work who was slowly becoming a drug addict. I could see it (my crackhead aunt made it easy to spot) but no one else could. After he f*cked up for the 10th time in a week and started nodding out at the sink, he was fired by my boss on a Saturday.
The following Monday night, at closing time, he came in the backdoor wearing a ski mask. I was walking towards the front door to lock it when I was grabbed from behind and felt something cold against my neck. It took me a second to realize it was a knife. He said “get me the money” but I couldn’t move. I was literally paralyzed with fear. My brain was screaming at me to move towards the register but my feet just wouldn’t move. He screamed “give me the money” again but I was frozen.
He then drugs me to the register, made me open it, grabbed a fistful of 20s and ran out the back.
My best friend at the time this whole thing went down? Conveniently, in the bathroom. I was still in shock trying to explain to the police on the phone what had just happened. When I hung up the phone, she asked what had happened and I told her I had just been robbed at f*cking knifepoint. Her exact response was “I hope no one thinks I had anything to do with this”
Ummmm what? So long story short, they find the guy (I told them I recognized his voice) and he rats her out on the set-up (the “set up” was her texting him an all-clear when only she and I were in the building) He didn’t have to though, she quit the next day. And stopped replying to my texts.
When I found out I was heartbroken. This is someone who was around my kids regularly. I was diagnosed with extreme anxiety and PTSD after being robbed and still have flashbacks randomly. If someone comes up behind me and startles me I panic.
The amount of money my life was worth to them? $440
The punishment they received? He got 2 years in jail, and 50 years suspended. 1 year of probation.
She got 1-year of probation.
I had to quit the job I had for over a decade because I couldn’t stand being in there anymore.
I had one friend. I was bullied by everyone at elementary school. Because my friend would be bullied too when they hung out with me at school, we only played outside of school.
One day a popular kid asked to play with me during recess. I was ecstatic! After a while, they said, “You’re not as bad as ‘friend’ said you are”. And that’s how I learned WHY I was bullied.
I’ve told bits and pieces of this story before, but in short, several years ago I moved to Florida. Almost immediately after I met a friend, he was a great guy (or so I thought) and we’d constantly hang out/ he’d show me around the town/this state, etc.
After about a year and a half of knowing him, he stole a couple of my credit cards and racked up really big bills. Unfortunately for me, and I know this now but didn’t then, I simply thought calling the credit card company to report your card stolen and cancelling the account also vacated the charges. That’s not true, you actually have to formally contest the charges separately, and you only have 60 days.
By the time I realized this it was too late. I tried, in vain, to semi-reconcile with him to try to get a payment plan. He begged me not to call the police. I regret now that I didn’t. I did believe that he had fallen on hard times, and he would get back on his feet, and try to repay me. That didn’t happen. Although, later on, he did get arrested for something else and was put on probation.
I figured that would have been the best time to try to recoup the money lost (I had fallen behind on these payments and my credit was starting to suffer. I had to drop out of college because of that). I did try instead to take him to small claims court. I do realize that civil court is not criminal, but with him now being a convicted felon I might stand a better chance at looking much better.
Instead, when we got to court he denied everything, said everything was a gift, and completely slandered me in open court. Why he was allowed to get away with it is beyond me, but that case was dismissed: I got nothing.
My credit suffered for years because of that. I eventually did save up enough money to file for bankruptcy to just get rid of that debt that I couldn’t repay (nor should I have had to). I have never really forgiven him for what he did to me. AFAIK he still lives around, luckily I haven’t seen him in several years. IDK what I’d even say if I ever did encounter him. The bankruptcy did eliminate that debt so I cannot (and will not) ever say he owes me anything monetarily. But, he owes me a huge apology. But like I said I would seriously doubt the sincerity of it and likely wouldn’t accept it anyway. I think the best is as it is now: he just stays away from me.
Had a good bud of mine, who’s the godfather of my son, living with me and my wife. I travel a lot for work and was out of the country for about 6 months in the Middle East. Came back and found out she was pregnant, with twins, and that they weren’t mine.
I had a group of “friends” who slowly started hanging out without me around the time I was going through a breakup and my dad was in and out of the ER and at the point where he was undergoing testing for cancer. Every time I reached out to any of these “friends” to see if anything was planned for the night or weekend, I’d be met with “nothing”, and when offering to hang out they’d provide any number of excuses. Then one of them posted pictures on Instagram of the entire friend group hanging out without me over the course of those couple of weeks.
I felt absolutely crushed. I needed my “friend” group those past two weeks but they decided I wasn’t worth their time, and that devastated me to the point that I called one of them up at midnight telling them how hurt I felt. She blabbed to everyone in the group, and the person who posted the pictures messaged me telling me “Your feeling hurt was unwarranted” and then had everyone in that group block me on all social media. They then proceeded to spread a rumor that I wanted to kill myself because I wasn’t included in a picture. Naturally, they didn’t include any mentions of me going through a breakup or hearing that my dad was in the ER every couple of days or the fact that they were hanging out without me the entire time.
I only pray that it bites all of them in the a**. People deserve to know the truth about them and I will start with Reddit.
A guy who seemed like a good mate when it was just us, and then as soon as there was someone else, or a group, he took the piss out of me and tried to make me the butt of all jokes. Even worse if there were girls around. After a while, I called him out on it, and he was just like “dude, it’s just a joke”, but I was done with him after that. I saw him randomly earlier this year, after years of no contact, and it was amicable, and we caught up a bit on how we’re getting on with our lives, and while he has grown up and become a bit more grounded, there’s been no intention of rebuilding a bridge. I think if I ever met someone who has that side to their personality, I’d drop them like a hot potato.
In 2014 I woke up on Jan. 1st in horrible pain. I ended up needing emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. I was a single mom to 2 kids under 5 and had just moved back to my hometown after living out of state. We’d had to leave a really sh*tting living situation and had only been back about a month and I had not found a job at that point. I had a really close family friend who had been living with me before I had moved back and he ended up homeless so I bought him an $80 bus ticket and got him back to our hometown and let him stay with me for a few days. He quickly found another place to stay but we had invited him to my youngest son’s 2nd birthday, which is the 6th of Jan.
I was like 4 days out from surgery at this point and could barely make it down my stairs at this point so he offered to go and pick up the pizza and cake for my son for me. We didn’t have a huge party or anything. I was on food stamps and had cash assistance since my son’s dad was not involved at all and did not pay child support. Even so, I offered for him to get himself a small pizza to take back to the girl he was staying with since he and her kids couldn’t make it over.
So the party goes great, everyone has a good time, especially both my kids. A few days later my grandma was going to go grocery shopping for me so I go to get my card and realize it was not there. I never got it back from the guy, and I forgot he even had it since I was all doped up on pain meds from surgery. I tried calling him like 5 times and he didn’t answer, so I get onto my account online to check my balance and he took everything. I had like $600 in cash( paid my rent and bought my kids the things they needed), and then I had like $750 in food stamps. All of it was gone. He let the girl he was staying with convince him to steal my money from me. I’d only used the money to buy the bus ticket and the pizza and cake for my son since I’d been in the hospital for the first 4 days of the year and only home for 2 after that.
It is still to this day the most intentionally f*cked up thing anyone has ever done to me, mostly because it was such a huge f*ck you to my kids. Like who steals from a single mom recovering from life-saving surgery, on her kid’s birthday? Especially after I helped him! Like holy sh*t.
I had some “friends” who were always talking crap about me (found out from another good friend) and one day a came to school in my brand new jeans that cost around €150 and they put glue on my chair while I was in the bathroom. I sat on it. I asked which one of them did it, but none of them said a word. We went to the principal’s office and these pos had the BALLS to say that I put it there to get them in trouble. Their parents were called and I earned around €200 and a new pair of jeans.
In 7th grade, she wrote a 10-page letter on all the reasons I should kill myself and had all but one of my friends sign in agreement after I confided in her that I felt like something was wrong with me (early undiagnosed depression – go figure).
The day she gave it to me was arguably the worst day of my life at that point because my parents told my sister and me that they were considering divorce, and my grandmother died.
‘I suffer from major depression and social anxiety, don’t tell anyone, I’m seeing a therapist’. That took a lot for me to say. I was making progress.
Friend proceeded to tell the entire class. People thought I was crazy. That’s high school. I stopped being friends with the few friends I had. I was more alone. I graduated high school with zero friends.
Don’t worry though, in college I blossomed into a bearded man with no fears. Life has been swell ever since
This all starts out poorly with me following my boyfriend to the same college he went to (he was a year older; still don’t regret it after all as I loved my school and everything else out those 4 years). We were a bit off again, and on again the first semester I was there (again, red flags!). My new hallmate in my dorm became my “best friend.” She and my boyfriend didn’t really like each other but it wasn’t a huge deal; just a personality clash and she didn’t like how he treated me with the on/off crap.
Our school had a winter term in January. My boyfriend lived off campus so he was there and my best friend was taking a class; I was home. My best friend was lonely and didn’t know many other people on campus for winter term so I told her to hang out with the boys in my boyfriend’s [frat]house, whom she had friendly-ish with. So they all start hanging out.
And by that, of course, I mean they start hooking up.
I get back to school and I immediately can tell things are weird with my best friend (unbeknownst to me at the time, my boyfriend has had basically our entire relationship to practice covering his tracks and is a smooth and practiced liar by this point). Within a couple of weeks, it all comes out that they’d been hooking up and their best friend actually tells me “you know how much I’ve wanted a boyfriend; if you were a good friend, you’d let me have him.” (Why I still wanted to date him at this point is beyond many many MANY people’s comprehension, including mine, but it did involve a dog that I was beyond attached to).
I do fault them both equally, and did at the time too – I don’t remember being mad at either of them as much as I was just devastated. He was apologetic from the start; she was mean and manipulative (again, not trying to say it was “the other woman’s fault” – just explaining how it all went down). It totally sucked and I felt so betrayed by both of them. Unsurprisingly, I have had a lot of trust and loyalty issues since.
I was in the hospital having my first child. Two of my friends were going around telling anyone who would listen that my boyfriend wasn’t the father. My boyfriend never doubted me and our son looks just like a mini version of him. 15 years and 3 more kids later, the boyfriend is now my husband and those “friends” have been out of our lives for a long time now.
I was taking a culinary class with my buddy and he walked behind me with a knife and didn’t say anything. I stepped back and got mildly stabbed in the lower back.
After 10 years of friendship, you think you know a guy…
My “best friend” would tell guys to act like they liked me to prove that I would like anyone that showed interest in me. This went on for a couple of years and she and her sister kept track of it in a book.
In college, my best friend & I had an art class together with a guy I was hanging out with on the regular -getting to know each other to see if there was anything more there. He & I hung out, messed around, had fun, etc. Nothing formal or spoken just yet but we communicated daily. We were more than friends, but not a dedicated couple.
One day I stopped by his house after a morning class for a reason that I forget. Knocked, no answer, so I let myself in through the unlocked door (small Kansas town, nobody locks anything) so I could leave him a note (pre-cell phones/texting, at least for me).
Well her purse was on the chair by the door. Nobody answered when I called out his name. Or hers. His car was there. Her purse was there. They were there. Ugh.
I got back at her though, almost 20 years later: she friend requested me on Facebook & I denied that b*tch. Take that, Jessica.
Not a friend, but a sister. I had this enormous crush on this guy. I was too shy to talk to him and just adored him from afar. Sister says “be his secret admirer” that way he can get to know you. For a month I put notes and cards in his car a few times a week. One weekend, sis and I go out and I see him. I point him out and tell her that’s the guy I’m in love with. She tells me she’s going to go talk to him about me and get us hooked up. I wait for thirty minutes, but she doesn’t return. I go inside the restaurant they are in, and turn a corner to find her making out with him. That was a devastating blow.
A “friend” of mine told me to go kill myself just like the rest of my family” over me not going to his house. To clarify, I have one dead sister due to suicide, and two brothers who attempted, so let’s just say I’m not his friend anymore
I had a college roommate who had been a high school best friend. He was sometimes a d*ck, particularly when he was drunk. One night we had both been drinking. I’m not exactly sure what was said, but he left the room, and apparently went and peed on my bed. He then left the room and went to a mutual friend’s dorm. I went and watched my sheets and flipped my mattress over, then poured a bunch of water all over his bed and put a nice-looking lump of peanut butter on his pillow (I couldn’t bring myself to actually piss or sh*t on his stuff). Then, I went to our friend’s place where folks were hanging out.
He had this sly look on his face when I came in and he made a comment about pissing on my bed. I told him that he was a dumb*ss for doing that and then leaving the dorm with his room unlocked. The look on his face flipped in a second and he ran out of there. I had locked my door, so I had a good laugh about it and brushed it off.
When I went back to my room later, I discovered that he had gotten into my room. (I later found out he had gone to an RA, told them he lived in my room and was locked out, and they unlocked my door for him and left him alone. WTF.) He peed on my bed (again), peed on my cell phone, peed on my computer, and peed in a bottle of adderal (that I had a prescription for). Hundreds of dollars of damage.
But that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was that, while I was dealing with the fallout, he was hanging out with our mutual friends and a group of girls we were all friendly. I don’t know what he told them, but none of them would even speak to me afterwards. They wouldn’t even tell me why they weren’t speaking to me. He decided that he was just going to ignore me and our mutual friend/roommate and pretend we didn’t exist for the rest of the year. He poisoned my relationship with high school friends and new college friends, and after an evening in which he did the vilest sh*t I have ever experienced. And I couldn’t even bring myself to piss on his bed.
He has reached out to me over the 15 or so years since then. In big groups, I can be polite, but this is the only person I have ever not been able to forgive. To rub salt in the wound, he is still friends with a girl I was crushing on at the time, and who I know had been attracted to me as well. She was a part of the group that never spoke to me again, and it has to be because of a lie he told her.
Also, he continued to leverage the relationship he had developed with a relative of mine who was kind of a big deal at the university and in the town. My relative would tell us to get together and work things out, and I would say I can’t do that and ask him to cut off contact. He thought we were just in a spat or something, and kept trying to be a mediator. While continuing to help my “friend” and get him into programs at the school, and jobs afterwards.
Stopping here because this is long, but obviously, this has opened the wound for me.
I decided to be friends with this girl that was crying. Was ok at first. Then she started to show signs of being crazy. She wouldn’t let me hang out with anyone else and when I said that I would be right back( I had to use the bathroom) she started to cry and say that I would leave her. I( being naive af) decided to stay with her. This continued until she literally punched one of my friends cause I decided to hang out with them for a day instead of her. I tried to break it off, but then she wouldn’t let me. She eventually threatened to kill me and our parents got involved, and the principal too.
I tried to be a normal person, even though I lived within one square mile of my assailant for two years and I was generally a mess. I would see him all the time. I relied heavily on a group of women in the women’s center and the director of the center. They were my lifeline when I wasn’t in therapy twice per week.
There was one person I was very close to. We can call her W. She had been through some tough stuff too. She encouraged me as I started to date someone, who we’ll call C, and regain some remote semblance of normality. What I didn’t know was that C was (credibly) accused of r*pe right before we started to date. W knew about it because her boyfriend helped the victim report anonymously, but didn’t tell me because she thought I was happy for the first time in a long time.”
I actually struggled throughout the entire relationship. C would guilt me into having s*x with him, and it devolved into other unhealthy things. Before and during the relationship, W told everyone in the women’s center about the report of the r*pe involving C. It was apparently a frequent topic of conversation, despite the fact that confidentiality is supposed to practiced VERY strictly regarding r*pe reports so that the victim is protected from possible retaliation.
When I finally made the decision to break up with C, I called W to tell her. She then casually offered something that she thought would help me break up with him: he was reported for r*ping someone right before we started dating (and she identified the victim to me), and told me that no one told me because they didn’t want me to be unhappy. All of the people in the women’s center broke confidentiality to tell each other about it, but apparently, they didn’t consider the one person who didn’t know their own safety was at risk every minute with C. W then said in an effort to justify the everything, “but it’s okay, you taught him how to have a consensual relationship.” I ended the phone call and found myself in the worst depths of depression for days. I decided to cut all of those people involved out of my life. What kind of friends doesn’t make reasonable efforts to look out for my personal safety?
When I was about 25, my (now former) best friend since 4th grade told me that during middle school, when I was painfully awkward and for sure the weird kid, she and my other former best friend would deny being my friend to everyone else. They would tell people that they only let me think we are friends because they feel sorry for me. Learning that broke my heart. I thought that we were so close, we hung out every weekend during school and even lived together after high school. Those were my only friends during those tough childhood years, and finding out that they weren’t really my friends was so sh*tty. I was picked on a lot and always took solace in having two real best friends, even if they were my only friends. And then they stayed my friends into adulthood, except now I’m not sure about that either. Couldn’t trust her after that.
I had some friends who lived in my street, they were literally the best friends I ever had. ( at the time) We were playing footy in the park and my friend fell over, his phone screen was smashed (old school Walkman phone this was 10 years ago) and said I should pay for it.
I was like no way man if you play footy with a phone in your pocket and it gets broken that’s your fault. Next thing you know all my friends turned against me and alienated me in the village I lived in. I got really depressed because my best friend from school who I’m still best friends with now lived 45 mins away.
Next thing I knew pizzas were being delivered and the police were being called to my house by all these restaurants. Then I started getting stones thrown at my house, my dad’s BMW got vandalised and other stupid stuff and my phone kept getting random calls from numbers I didn’t know threatening violence.
Turns out the phone was smashed before the game of football and he thought my parents would just replace it. When I said no they decided they didn’t much care for me and wanted to see how far they could get with “terrorising” my family.
It got dealt with though and I was best man at my friend’s wedding this year and he and my other best friend have each other’s back 100%
Had a mental breakdown in college and spent a weekend on a mandatory hold in the psych ward. When I got out I found out a close “friend” of mine was telling me all about what happened and how crazy I was. She claimed she was just concerned and was trying to get advice. It’s been almost 4 years and I haven’t spoken to her since.
I had my 17th birthday and invited my mates to go get a drink at a bar. Everyone accepted. But no one came. After a few hours of drinking alone and phone calls not getting picked up, I saw on Instagram that they were at an electro-party having a good time. Apparently, they were pregaming without me and spontaneously decided to go to this event and forgot about me. Everyone said sorry but it still haunts me. Didn’t celebrate my birthday ever since
I did nothing but support her, cover for all the times she skipped class and made me make up excuses, lent her money and gave her support when she had an unexpected teenage pregnancy.
She called me up after a few months of completely ignoring me and we spent a morning talking about work (We work in the same industry, but different jobs, hers is more admin and mine is more technical.) I later found out that she had poached a (well-paying) client of mine, given the job to her sibling (who is in the business too), pocketed the commission and instructed our client to not pay me even though she had already signed a contract. It got nasty, and I ended up having to let it go.
Found out a few weeks after that the only reason she called me was to see if I had any idea that she had taken my client. Made me feel really warm and fuzzy inside
One of my best friends was getting married to my cousin. I had known the guy way before he had met my cousin (I didn’t introduce them) I had this group of friends who I knew for many years. I myself wasn’t close to this cousin. We would get together almost every week to play video games, drink, etc. all year long the cousin would keep showing all the plans, decorations, and sh*t that excited women do.
Then one day one of my other buddies in the circle called me and asked why I wasn’t at the wedding. I never got an invite, the guys wanted me to crash it because I deserved to be there in their opinion. I saw on FB, pictures of the wedding with all my circle of friends. Then everything made sense. I just didn’t see the cues. I heard less talk about the wedding, some of the other friends were told to keep quiet, and some of them had no idea I wasn’t invited. At the same time, I was quite busy getting ready for licensing exams for school and graduation so I didn’t pay attention but I was still waiting for the invitation. I’ve been there for their firstborn, I’ve always helped them out, never asked of anything in return. You know, just being a good friend. So this hurts pretty bad.
After a couple of weeks, I confronted my buddy and he told me they really wanted to invite me but his wife’s parents were bankrolling the wedding and gave him an ultimatum, don’t invite me and he gets money for a wedding or invite me and he gets nothing. So he obviously went for the former. I get it, it’s his father-in-law and all. I was never close with my cousin or her family because they were pretty much scumbags. They would cheat family and friends, manipulate people, ask for loans, lie and try to ruin your reputation if they didn’t get their way, etc. I always kept my distance and I always came to hang out with my buddy and only tolerated my cousin. The funny thing is my buddy knew all about her family and their deceit but he stayed with her because honestly, he couldn’t get another girl and then eventually they had a kid together. So it was far too late to do anything about it. Everything just got awkward from there, so I just walked away from them and my other friends have also stopped contact with me too. In the end, I was better off without them. Just sucked because I got blindsided.
My best friend and I get arrested together for something we were both doing. Made a promise never to rat if we get caught. We get caught. I get interviewed all I say was about my right to a lawyer. The same detective leaves the room I’m in, and walks across the other room they’re holding my friend in. I can see inside from a mirror at a weird angle outside. They’re in there for about 30 minutes, see him moving his lips nonstop. After they were done they uncuff him, make him sign a paper and he walks out the front door with all his property. They come back inside my room and tell me they’ve upgraded my charges as they have a witness now. Turns out he sang like a bird.
Probably 30 years ago now my best friend and I worked in the design industry, mainly freelance to start off with, but we built a great reputation. We got to the point where we really started to look long and hard at setting up our own company. Over a Friday night beer, my friend announced he’d been offered a great job at one of London’s top agencies, which he took and I wished him well. Fast forward 10 years and he’d done massively well, I had done well too, but nowhere near the same cash return. The lease agreement ended on my studio, so it was time to clear out all the years of stuff I had left lying around. And I came across a portfolio, it had his name on it, the date and the company to which it was presented to. It was his job interview from years before. It contained 12 pieces of work- 9 of which were mine!
Had to move to another country for work and didn’t have time to complete the paperwork for my dog. Traded my car to my best friend to follow through with the pet transport. He got attached to the dog, understandably because the dog is f*cking awesome, and reneged on the whole deal. We haven’t spoken since. He ended up with the car and the dog. It’s been 10 years and it still breaks my heart. I made promises to that dog.
I was assaulted by a guy I was seeing and called my best friend who lived out of state. Her response? “Well, you told me you really liked him. Are you sure you didn’t want it? I’m sure you were sending him some mixed signals.”
When I proposed to my now wife, one of my good friends from childhood messaged her on FB and told her I am not a “Man of God, and not religious, so I am not worth marrying and she is wasting her time on me.”