These Creepy and Unexplained Encounters Will Give You Goosebumps

Julie Ann - February 1, 2023

Many people have had experiences that defy explanation, whether it be encounters with ghosts, strange phenomena, sleep paralysis, or other equally frightening experiences. These events leave a lasting impression and can be deeply unsettling, often leaving people searching for answers and struggling to make sense of what they experienced.

This article’s goal is to highlight the spookiest and creepiest tales, leaving the readers shaken and haunted by their memories. The eerie atmosphere these stories create, gives the audience a sense of being a part of these individualised, spooky experiences.

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1. Hey Son

About 10 years ago, my Dad was in the hospital and my Mom asked me one night if I could go and stay with him for a while the next morning because she had a medical appointment of her own. It was a cold November morning and when I went out to leave, there were starlings swirling everywhere, a murmuring I think it’s called. They were all around me, like a bird tornado. I headed to the hospital and made my way up to his room. When I got there, he was laying in bed facing the door. He was suffering from dementia and not all at the moment. He saw me and said, “Hey son, what are you doing here?” I said that I thought I would come and keep him company for a bit. He stated, ‘You didn’t have to do that, I sent the birds to tell you.” I felt chills down my neck and turned toward the window. After a few seconds I asked him how he sent the birds. His response was “what birds?” Just strange, and it still gives me chills.

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2. Down On Luck

Maybe around age 14, early 90s. We were traveling from TX up to Tacoma, WA. We were about out of money, almost out of gas, no food, and stuck in Chico California. I sat in the car while mom took my younger sisters to the restroom at a gas station. I was riddled with anxiety about our situation and looking down. The car door opened and I looked up. A lady that looked like a brown-haired Brady mom sat in the seat and faced me. She said “It seems like you’re down on your luck. Take this and give it to your mom. Tell her to pay it forward someday to someone who needs it.” I looked down into my hand and there was a $100 bill. I looked up and she had disappeared. Nowhere in the parking lot, just vanished. I cried. When mom came back I told her what happened and she cried. We got gas. There was a guy selling oranges on the side of the road and we bought a bag and went to a local park that had a part of the river with a little spillway dam and went swimming and ate oranges for a couple of hours before getting back on the road. I never saw the lady again but she saved us and we did make it up to Tacoma to start our new life. Thank you stranger lady with invisible powers, we never forgot your kindness!


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3. His Memory

To this day, there was a kid in my class that no one else remembers. I distinctly remember playing with this kid in kindergarten, and we were pretty much inseparable. About a month past Christmas break he disappeared. No one remembered him. Not the teachers, or the others in my class. No one. I even asked the school counselor if he was okay, and she humored me by going through records to see if he’d transferred. She couldn’t find a thing. I think about it at least once a month.


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4. Welcome Letter

When I was in second grade I was getting the mail and when I picked out a letter for me I got a flash of this lady who I had never seen before and I was like okay whatever, turned out it was an image of my second-grade teacher before I even met her on the first day of school, wearing the exact clothes I pictured. The letter was a welcome-to-class letter from her.

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5. She Has No Idea

In college, I was roommates with my childhood best friend for about two years. We are very trusting with each other, we would go into each other’s rooms freely and grab whatever we needed. To borrow clothes, a hairbrush, perfume, etc. No questions asked, just a knock if we were in the room to let each other know we were going in. Our rooms are across the hall from each other, with the hall facing the kitchen. So from the kitchen, you could see down the hall where our rooms were. At the time my friend had very long black hair and she was very fair-skinned.

One day, I get home from work, with my headphones in my ear talking to my mom about my day. I go into the kitchen and grab a snack. I see her walk out of her room and go into the mine, leave my room and go back into hers. She looked like she just got out of the shower, her hair was soaking wet and she was wrapped in a white towel. Her long black wet hair is what I distinctly remember. Also, she made no eye contact with me but I didn’t think it was weird. I didn’t say anything to her since borrowing each other’s stuff was normal. I’m still on the phone with my mom so I don’t think much of it. I grab my snack, hang up with my mom and go into my room to watch TV. I figured she was getting ready to go somewhere and we’ll talk later. About an hour passes and I go to the kitchen to clean the plate I ate on. I see her in the kitchen making something to eat and I tell her, “hey, what did you grab from my room earlier? Did you find what you needed?” She looks at me like if I was crazy and says, “what are you talking about?” So I say, “yeah earlier when I got home I saw you go into my room and grab something. Did you get what you needed? Sorry I didn’t say hi I was on the phone with my mom.” She asks me if I’m sure I saw her. I said yes 100%. She tells me to grab my phone and go to her car ASAP, that she needs to show me something. I had my phone on me and she grabbed my keys from the kitchen counter along with her purse and she drags me out the front door and into her car. She then tells me she got home maybe 5 minutes before we started talking. She had spent the night at her boyfriend’s and hadn’t been home all day. So she has no idea who I saw. I’ll never forget the look on her face when she told me this. Complete fear and panic. She called the cops and they came along with the apartment manager. They checked the whole apartment and found no one. Nothing amiss. And they were in there a while checking every nook and cranny. The manager got maintenance to change our locks and gave us new keys that day. My friend then tells me that for a week she’d been hearing noises from her bathroom like bottles moving, and when she went to check she found nothing. I have no idea who I saw going in and out of our rooms, but it looked exactly like my friend. I don’t drink or do drugs. Not on meds. This was in 2014 and I still freak out when I think about it.

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6. Guardian Angel

A random cat on the street once protected me from a man who I didn’t realize was following me.

I was (stupidly) talking on my phone while walking home at night. I saw a man who was talking to himself near a park and I deliberately chose to walk down another street to avoid him. In the middle of my phone conversation, this orange cat comes up beside me and starts walking next to me. We walk in tandem for about three blocks, me telling the person I was talking to how funny this was.

Suddenly, the cat starts to turn around and head back the other way. I look and see that same man I’d seen earlier, who had changed his original direction and had been following me for a few blocks. The cat got in between us and howled at him until he turned around and went the other way.

Then the cat and I walked another block together, at which point he peeled off into a yard. I double-checked and the man had disappeared. I can’t be sure that the man wished me harm, but I know I wouldn’t have noticed him if it weren’t for that cat. I never believed in guardian angels or anything of that sort until I had that experience.

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7. Daily Newspaper

Was delivering newspapers on my paper route when a longtime customer pulled his car next to me and asked me to just give him his daily newspaper now because he was going on a long trip. I handed him his newspaper and then skipped his house as I continued my route.

The next day I was collecting the weekly fees (you used to have to go collect the money back then, no internet payment yet) and I went to his house to collect my fee. His wife answers and promptly complains that I missed her house on my deliveries the day before.

I explained to her that her husband pulled up next to me, I told her what he said and that I gave him the paper. She started crying and told me that he had died a couple of weeks ago and it was obviously not possible that I spoke with her husband the day before.

I know what I saw and nearly 30 years later I still think about that situation. I have no way to logically explain what happened and it still gives me the creeps.

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8. The Only One

When I was a freshman (I think?) in high school we had a pair of new students start who were twins. I remember both of them because while they were twins, they had slight differences so I could tell them apart. Anyways, a few years after high school I get a friend request from one of them. I was looking at her Facebook randomly one day looking at her pictures and didn’t see any of her sisters which I thought was odd. I mentioned it to my friend and she looked at me strangely and said “she doesn’t have a twin.” I asked another couple of people we went to high school with and they all said the same thing. I have no idea what happened and it still baffles me because I distinctly remember two of them, but apparently, there was only one.

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9. For Someone Else

I don’t believe in the supernatural, but I sure did remember this pair of events from over twenty years ago.

I was driving down the freeway in a big city after work and my car stalled in the left lane. Some guy immediately came up and offered to tow me to the next off-ramp with a tow strap. He dropped me off, and I tried giving him some money.

He declined, telling me to instead do something nice for someone else.

A week later, there was a rare downpour as I got in my car (same one, fixed) after work. Two scruffy-looking guys came running up to me and one said, “Hey brother, we missed our bus.” He wanted to know if I could give the two of them a ride. This was not the best part of town, and I wouldn’t have been inclined to let them in, but I remembered what that Good Samaritan had told me. Pay it forward. OK, I said, hop in.

We drove onto the freeway and I made all my usual turns heading home. It was the same way my two passengers wanted to go. After a while, we got to an exit where they asked to be let off.

It was the same exact spot, in a city of millions of people, where that other guy had unhitched my car from his truck and told me to do something nice for someone else.

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10. I Said Something

One day I was working late, which was unusual for me. I went downstairs to get some food and bumped into a colleague. Was going to say hi but instead said “What are you doing here? You should go home!” Weird. Had no idea why I said that.

Turned out his son had tragically died in battle earlier that day and the family was waiting for him to come home so they could break the news to him. I had no idea that this had happened until the next morning.

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11. Everybody Did It

I used to work in a nursing home where I cared for dementia patients. Every patient in the hall I worked on would steal spoons from dinner to give to “the kids” because “they like shiny things.” It got to the point where once a week I’d have to go through everyone’s room to take back the spoons. I asked the patients about the kids many times but never got a good answer. I’d hear things like “they just live here” “they stand outside in the snow and look in the windows” or “they’re my friends who visit.” Wouldn’t be so weird if they all didn’t do it, but it was everyone, the ones who were still capable of speaking anyways. One time at 3 am one of my patients started screaming so I ran into her room and found her laying in bed, seemingly fine. I asked what was wrong and she said “That boy is here again and won’t get out of my closet! I’m scared!” Like me too, Delores what the heck

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12. Never Left The House

About 10 years ago, I was dating my ex who had very strict and extremely religious parents. The only way we could meet up or have some private time was by her sneaking out of her window in the middle of the night. I usually met her halfway, because she was scared. So this one night she called me and told me she is on her way, which was weird since we never agreed on meeting that night. Tbh, I did not really think of it as being weird or anything. Also, it was the beginning of our relationship, so I was pretty excited to see her. Now to the creepy part. The first thing that happened is that my cat at the time was blocking my door, like really trying not to let me pass. I ignored it and went downstairs to put on my shoes. My cat was meowing and following me the whole way. I put my keys on the shoe shelf and put my shoes on, just to see that my keys had vanished. I started searching for them literally everywhere. All the while my cat was really going on my nerves with that excessive meowing. 5min go by and I get another call from her telling me that she already arrived and waiting outside. I was kind of surprised how she made it to my place that fast. I told her I lost my keys and that we can just keep chatting until I find them. She got impatient really quick and at some point started screaming at me, telling me to “open that f*cking door”. All while my cat is still just going crazy. In the last few seconds, I could swear her voice changed a little and she just screamed before hanging up the phone. I was really stressed because I had no idea what was happening. My keys vanished, my cat went crazy and my girlfriend was screaming at me on the phone. After she hung up the phone, I turned around just to see that my keys were exactly where I left them. I opened the door and went outside searching for her. She was nowhere to be found. I went back inside thinking she got pissed and just left. I picked up my phone and called her again. She picked up the phone and I asked her where she went and that I found the keys. She told me she did not call me that night and never left the house.

To this day this whole scene just f*cks with my head. Never figured out what had happened.

Good night yall 🙂

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13. One Night

I would cut weight/train for wrestling in high school, which meant a lot of dark-night runs at the middle school track. It was an old gravel one close to the woods with no lights. I didn’t like running at the high school track for some reason so I’d just go there. I’d hold my phone to time my laps and one night while I was looking down at it, someone tackled me out of nowhere. We rolled around on the ground and he never said a word. Just grunted. Luckily, I got up and ran towards the middle school. I ran into some people and they called the cops. I left all of my stuff behind and he didn’t take any of it. It was pretty strange.

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14. It Went Backwards

Driving from Northern California to Southern California through the middle of the night about a decade ago.

I was tired, and the scenery along the freeway through the central valley isn’t very interesting. I remember passing an old silo, looking at my car clock and it was 3:17 in the morning.

Drove some more, passed a powerline, and it was 3:21.

I blinked, shuffled in my seat, and passed that same old silo, and it was back to 3:17. I was in disbelief. I just stared at my clock for a few moments.

Drove a little bit more, and passed the same powerline, at 3:21.

Don’t know why or how, but I went backwards for about 4 minutes. Never experienced anything similar since.


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15. Baby Hands

You know on cold days inside your car you can breathe on the window and draw on the glass?

I got in my car, and as I look at the windshield I see a few small baby hands. I thought it was strange someone would let a baby play on the windshield of my car. I had the urge to touch the baby prints and as I touched them, I wiped away the hand prints. The handprints were made from the inside of my locked car.

This is probably the strangest creepiest unexplained phenomenon that’s ever happened to me

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16. No Explanation

We had a rescue dog years back, a terrier mix. We lived in the countryside on a wooded hillside and owned about five acres of woodland and rough fields mostly wild. This dog loved to be up there chasing rabbits but loved her home too so would never be gone for very long. One day she went missing. We took our other dogs up there and searched thoroughly but nothing. We had another friend bring his dogs, but nothing. We advertised, put up posters, we did little but search high and low for six days but nothing. On the sixth day, we had pretty much given up hope but I decided to go up one last time because I had a hunch, a tickle in my belly, about one particular area which had already been thoroughly searched. I took a sickle and a pair of gardening gloves and hacked my way towards the centre of a huge bramble patch. It was summer and all I could hear was birdsong and insects, but suddenly I heard a muffled yip. I called her name and then heard her again getting excited. She was deep underground in a rabbit warren. I stayed calling her until help arrived, the local fire brigade was kind enough to come and help and advise and we got her out eventually. She ran around like a demented muddy pup and amazingly the vet said she was basically ok and had probably been getting enough moisture from eating mud to keep her alive. I am not generally a fanciful person, but I just knew in my “knower” she was there. No explanation for it.

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17. Left Wondering

One time in the army I was out doing field exercises and we were going to “raid” the enemy forces during the night. So we hunkered down for an early rest before the sun went down. Next thing I know, I wake up and I’m wandering in the field holding nothing but my rifle and field blanket. Scared the crap out of me but somehow I could sense people around me, I thought at the time they were part of my unit. Took me about 20 minutes or so to somehow make it back to the campsite without anyone noticing. Still makes me wonder what could have happened to me.


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18. Dreamed About

Since I was a child, I’d have a nightmare about this haunted house and, specifically, the balcony and upstairs. The upstairs floor plan was such that there was a hallway running horizontally, with each door to the left facing the balcony. I would be so unnerved in my dream, walking down this hallway, the hair on my neck standing up, just feeling the presence of evil.

In 2019, my wife and I went to an architect to design a house for us to build in the Acadian/Creole style. The upstairs floor plan was exactly like the one in my nightmare.

We scrapped the plans. And it’s a good thing – we all know how 2020 turned out. I feel like someone was warning me not to build that house since I was a child.

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19. Incorrect Answers

Not really noteworthy but being at my apartment and doing work for school. Only to receive a text to be told that my online assignment had 4 wrong answers. Just out of the blue, no contact id or anything. I began to slightly panic and do virus checks and other safety measures. I saved my files to my cloud and reset my computer for safety. To this day I run a VPN and anti-virus. For someone to look at what you are doing and to just say something in a text makes second guess how safe you are on the internet.

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20. A Scene From a Movie

I was pulling an all-nighter with my now ex-girlfriend in the living room at my parent’s house when we lived there. It was around 5 am and my dad walked out of his bedroom and passed us to head to work. He stopped and chatted for a couple of minutes but he seemed different, I couldn’t quite tell how but he just seemed a little off so I chalked it up to him being extra tired. He leaves the house. Not even 10 minutes later and he comes out of his room to leave for work.

You know those scenes in movies where the protagonist witnesses some catastrophic event and the shot focus on their bewildered face while they gasp and mouth “oh my god”? That was me at that moment. My entire body went numb and I started panicking. I don’t know why but it really messed my head up. I asked if he just left and came back but he said he just woke up and he didn’t seem off this time, he was normal.

Still can’t explain what it was, wasn’t lack of sleep since I’ve don’t the all-nighter thing several times before and after with nothing similar ever happening. I don’t expect to know and I honestly will not search for answers. I chalk it up to a glitch in the system or a divergence from one timeline/reality/strand. Who knows. I sure as heck don’t.


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21. Not Anymore

One day my mom and I were out doing yard work in front of the house. At the time we had a trampoline that sat in front of my bedroom window, which faced the driveway/road. My two little brothers were bouncing on it, they were probably 7 and 9 at the time, and my mom and I had sat down in a pair of lawn chairs to take a break. We were watching my little brothers play when suddenly they both stopped jumping and walked to the edge of the trampoline closest to my bedroom window and sat down, facing the window. They both started talking, but they were speaking as if they were having a conversation that we were only privy to half of.

The older one, S, said something like “…yes…yeah, they’re good…no…ok…” as if he was replying to someone asking him questions. My mom and I looked at each other like “are you hearing this right now?” And she asked them “Who are you guys talking to?” Without looking away from the window S said “She says it’s great gramma. She says she misses you.”

My great-grandmother had died before my little brothers had been born, they had no idea what she looked like. My mom replied, “Great gramma is in heaven baby.” To which he looked over at us and said “Not anymore.”

They stared at the wall for a little longer and then started playing again as if nothing had ever happened. This was, again, one of many incidents that happened at that house. I left Florida in 2017, and while I’ve visited the family home many times since leaving, I’ll never stay there at night by myself. And I try very hard not to leave the room I stay in.


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22. He Knew

I was chilling in a cafe several years ago when someone I had never seen before walked in. He came up to me and asked, “Are you [my first name]? [my full name]?” I said, “Yeah?” He nodded and then walked out of the store and I never saw him again. To this day, I don’t know who that was and how he knew who I was.


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23. Glowing Red

My girlfriend and I are in a long-distance relationship. We typically take turns travelling between each other’s countries (Australia and Canada).

About two years ago, it was my turn to travel over to Australia to stay with her and her mom. For a bit of background, my GF’s room was built as an extension/add-on to their garage. So to get to it, you had to walk through their garage to get to her room.

About a couple weeks into my trip over there, I woke up at around 1:00 am and the room is just glowing red. I look up at the ceiling and I see this black figure crawling through the ceiling. It moved in such an inhuman way, almost like it was breaking every one of its bones to move. I start screaming which wakes my GF up and she looks up at the ceiling and starts to scream as well. Instinctively, I grab my pillow and whip it at the figure. The next thing I know everything went black and I’m waking up a few hours later. My GF is fast asleep so I think it was just some weird dream.

At that point, I have to go to the washroom. So, I walk through the garage and try to quietly open the garage door to get into the main house.

Previously, her mom had mentioned that she was getting annoyed with us staying up late at night and going through the garage door to use the washroom. Since her mom’s room was down the garage door hallway, each time we would open it, the door would click loudly and wake her up.


So, I’m standing there at the garage door and I try to open it as quietly as possible. As I turn the handle and the door clicks as I push it open, her mom just starts screaming at the top of her lungs. I thought it was out of rage for waking her up, so I immediately close the door and speed walk back to my GF’s room. I climb into bed and gently nudge her awake to tell her that her mom is screaming. She gets up and goes to see whether her mom was still angry and tries to de-escalate the situation.

About 20 minutes go by and my GF comes back into the room completely silent. She asks me if I saw the room glowing red earlier as well as a figure in the ceiling. I say yes and she goes wide-eyed and says that she thought it was just a dream too. She then says that her mom wasn’t screaming at me. Apparently, when I opened the door, it did wake her up but when she woke up, there was a black figure standing at the foot of her bed and it was slowly moving towards her. She then experienced a blackout as well and was woken up by my GF checking in on her.

Yeah… the entire house slept with the lights on for a month after that.

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24. “Then Let’s Play”

Well, not the scariest thing ever but when I was 11 my family and I moved to another town because of my dad’s job. We were only going to stay there for a year, and thankfully we were given a house in a closed community of about 20 houses made for army officials and their families.

So one day my parents are out and they take my baby sister, my older sister is in a friend’s house and I’m left alone with our dog for like 2 hours. I was playing in my room when I remember that the black socks for my Monday uniform(kind of like a suit you wear on Mondays) are drying in the backyard. I go there with my dog and utter out loud “I wish there was something to do” and not a moment later I hear some young voice say very clearly “then let’s play”

I turn around to see my normally hyperactive Golden sitting and looking at me like nothing has happened, I freak out immediately and ran upstairs to my parent’s bedroom, I turn on the TV and hide under the covers until my family arrived, they saw me sweating, scared and paranoid at this point. They never figured out what happened but tried to make me feel better.

Now the part that freaks me is that each of the houses in the community was surrounded by 3-meter tall cinderblock walls, the place where my socks were was next to a wall separating from another house, one that had no children, the other house to the left was over 20 meters away and behind another wall, and the wall behind my house separated us from nothing but a steep hill.

There was no one who could have said that, and to this day it freaks me out every time I think of it.

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25. Every Danger Bell

When I was 17 I had just gotten off my shift at Wendy’s and was sitting in the parlor for my ride when a middle-aged man approached me about a job offer, he asked me questions about my job and Wendy’s then told me about the job he was offering. He said there were other girls and they all lived in like a dorm and the job came with benefits, it was in an office setting and other things I don’t remember but the entire time every danger bell in my body was going off full blast it felt like my body became a vibrator. I don’t remember if after the multiple rejections from me he left or if my ride had come and I zoomed outta there. The only thing I can think to this day is “Did I almost get sex trafficked?”

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26. The Rainbow Eyes

When I was about 5 I was going down the stairs of my house when suddenly there was some sort of mist in front of me. It had what I can only assume were eyes, and all the colors from the room were being pulled into individual strands and then sucked into the “eyes” like a black hole.

I screamed, and it disappeared through the wall to the other side of the house where my younger brother was. He screamed shortly after I did. My mom was nearer to him, so she went to him first.

When I got into the room where he was he was really scared and he kept on saying “the eyes, the rainbow eyes.” We hadn’t talked, so he didn’t know what I had just seen.

My parents knew a priest so they brought him over and he did some sort of a blessing. We never had any issues after that. It was definitely very creepy.

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27. Smarter Than Everyone

There was a kid in another class at my school in 6th grade that was a genius. I don’t mean like, oh he’s really smart cause doesn’t need to do the homework and still gets 100s. Like he was doing advanced calculus with a local college professor after school. This kid was smarter than everyone.

So one day our computer system for the entire school goes down. (I was in a poorer area at the time so this was normal). This occurred many times so normally it would affect us cause we barely used laptops and such. The only class that was affected was the computer class. This kid was in the computer class.

3 or so hours later when I’m in class with him during social studies. 3 guys with FBI jackets on and our local chief escorted him out of the building. We were told nothing, and the parents were told nothing. It never hit the news. To this day we have no clue what he did. Every single teacher I’ve asked about this says they were also told nothing.

I haven’t seen the kid since and I can’t find a trace of him going to another school or ending up in trouble. He just fell off the face of the earth with his parents. (Yeah I forgot to mention that parents also disappeared and no one really looked for them after a month or so)

I still think about that kid.

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28. She Said Thank You

I (F 27) was training to be a nurse. Here in Germany, you have to visit and practice at a lot of places. I was working at a hospice, a place where terminally ill patients can stay until their last day. I was there for 8 weeks and was in my last year of studying. I was doing a round, checking on everyone, making sure they are not in pain, need any help or just a talk. One patient, a woman who was there for days, had different breathing and I called her husband who was in the group room (don’t know how to exactly describe it). She had her final breaths, while her husband was holding her hand. It was peaceful and I know she was gone. At this moment another patient made a call (we had phones, which would ring if someone requested a nurse). I excused myself and left her room. Deep breath and going to the patient who was calling. I entered and smiled “how can I help you?”. The man told me his guest would like to know where the exit was. I was a little confused, because he hadn’t had any visitors that day yet, so I asked: “who do you mean?” Maybe I just didn’t see anyone, because I was with half an hour with the dying patient. And he answered: “Well this lady here. She wants to know, where she could get out”. I went pale, blood falling to my knees. I was shocked. I stuttered while opening the window: “ahm. err. here is the way to the balcony and right to left, down the stairs is the door. I’ll get you some water.” Left the room, and was hardly breathing, leaning against the wall. Was standing there for 5min. One of the nurses saw me and asked if I was ok. So I told her what just happened. All she did was smile and say: “yes, that kind of stuff happens a lot here.”

A few hours later I asked the man if his guest found the way out. Him: “Yes, she did and said thank you for everything.”

Had to process that for days, weeks, and months. I still can’t believe it. But I am sure since then, that we carry a soul.

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29. He Was Never Home

Last night was no different, he left home around 8:15 pm. Our daughter, age 11, and I decided to make it a movie night. Around 11 pm, I heard keys in my backdoor and the usual sounds my husband makes when he comes home. I creep out to the kitchen to make sure it was him, and it was. He told me he needed to grab his knee compression sleeve, walks down the hall, says hi to our daughter as he passes the living room, and goes upstairs. He came back down, gave me a kiss and left again.

We finished our movie and went to bed. In the morning when he got home I made a joking comment about him forgetting his knee sleeve. He was genuinely confused as I recalled the previous night. Our daughter confirmed everything I said and he still was acting confused. I pulled up our security motion camera on my phone to show him when he popped in quickly. But there was no footage from the night before, or any other night, of him coming home after he’s left for work.

My daughter and I both heard him, saw him, and I touched him. But he was never home during that time. Nothing else out of the ordinary happened that night. We seriously have no idea what happened.

Credit: freepik


30. I Saw My Body

I fell asleep on the couch and got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Once I got there I realized I didn’t have to go. I headed towards the bedroom but decided to turn around and go back downstairs to the couch. When I got there I saw my body still asleep curled up on the sofa. I don’t remember what happened after, and I know it had to have just been a dream. But, it still freaks me out to this day to think about it.

Credit: freepik


31. Mad Episode

We used to have a night out every Christmas with the lads from high school. We went back to one of the lad’s houses and were all drunk and having a good time when one of the lads pointed into the kitchen and said “who’s that” – the kitchen was like a box room you could see the whole room from the doorway!

I had my back to the wall where it was and turned to look in, the lights were off and there was no one there. We all looked and said what are you looking at. He was adamant and just stayed sat pointing and just said “no who are those two there”

The lad whose house it was looking in turned on the light and again there was no one there, and we all said are you ok, what are you on about?

He said “look that fella is leaning on the worktop and the other is leaning and pointing and laughing at me” – we all kept saying there was no one there. After a back and forth for about 10 minutes, he was describing what they were wearing etc and then the lad who could see these people realised we couldn’t and started freaking out, tearing up and shaking uncontrollably saying he had to get out of the house. He was shaking so much that we had to put his shoes on.

Once he had gone and being drunk (no drugs, that we knew of!) we just laughed it off as him being off on one but the lad whose house it was said he described his uncle and grandad who had long since died EXACTLY how they used of stand and what clothes they were wearing.

I wouldn’t have believed it if I wasn’t there, and honestly, I still think he just had a mad episode. We have all met his grandad and uncle before they died so it could have been some mental moment he had. To this day anytime we mention it he refuses to talk about it and doesn’t even entertain any notion of it. Like I said, it sounds far-fetched but that is 100% true, I don’t believe in ghosts etc and still think he had a “moment” but it was genuinely weird and unsettling!

Credit: freepik


32. One Last Time

I was living in Boston. I woke up at 3 am or so by my cat jumping up on my bed and curling in between my calf muscles and going to sleep. My cat would do this every night since I was 5 years old. That was his spot. It was something I was very familiar with.

Thing is, My cat was living with my parents on the west coast. So I couldn’t understand what the heck I just felt. But I knew it was my cat.. I just figured I was dreaming.

Got a call from my parents the following morning that my cat died around midnight the previous night. 3 hours behind since I was on the east coast. Guess that was my cat traveling to Boston to come to see me one last time.


Credit: freepik


33. Perfect A

Normally I don’t believe in ghosts or the sixth sense, but after experiencing this first-hand, I sometimes have doubts about my very own belief. So this happened back when I was taking a test in middle school. Normally, we were given enough paper to complete our test; however, on that day, I had this weird sudden urge to ask for extra paper. So I went up to the teacher’s desk while only halfway through with my assignment. And out of nowhere, the ceiling fan fell right at the spot I was sitting at. I got called into the principal office later and they gave me an A on the test with the promise not to let this be known to anybody. Up until this very day, I still don’t know what exactly went through my mind that day but I do know I am still alive thanks to it.

Credit: Cuurio


34. No Human There

When I was a teenager I worked at a grocery store. I had just gotten a root canal done and was talking to my friend about it during downtime. An older man (who I have never seen before) injected himself into the conversation and told me that root canals were bad and then told me that they did a bunch of dental experiments on rabbits and they all died. He then wrote down a website and gave it to me to see for myself. The website was a bunch of conspiracy b*llsh*t. But what was so off-putting was the guy had no expression on his face while he was talking. There was no light behind his eyes. He looked so pale and off and it freaked me out. As bat-sh*t crazy as it sounds saying this, I don’t think he was human.


Credit: freepik

35. The Exact Same Thing

When I was 13 I moved into my brother’s bedroom, as it is an extension to the original house with an en suite and is far larger than my old room. Originally it was a tiny boxroom with an entrance to the attic but was extended outwards. The attic entrance is always open, with a permanent set of metal ladders angled up into it. There’s a picture of it here, the grey arch is where the original room ended.

Within a few weeks of moving in, I’d wake up in the middle of the night to see a figure staring down at me, with a white head like a skull and a formless black body. It would slowly move down to the foot of my bed and stare at me until I moved, at which point it would sink into the floor.

Just sleep paralysis, right? And I’d begged to move into the room and had just got it set up so I wasn’t going to leave. I didn’t really talk about it to anyone, it gradually became less frequent over time.

Eight years after this my brother mentioned at a get-together that he used to have a sleep paralysis demon when he lived in that room a half-joking, half-freaked-out way to other people when the topic of them came up.

He described the exact same f*cking thing.

Neither of us mentioned it to anybody else at the time it was happening so we have no explanation for us both experiencing the same thing.
