Tom Bob isn’t just an ordinary street artist. He’s a revolutionary creative running wild through the streets of New York and California. He’s on a self-proclaimed mission to make the unsightly and monotonous everyday objects filling our urban environments look whimsical and beautiful. Tom aims to accomplish this by transforming things like fire hydrants and electrical poles into cartoonish works of art that allow passersby to take a step back from reality and admire the objects with childlike wonder. Whether you’ve always been a fan of street art or never found an artist whose style resonated with you, Tom Bob’s unique style and uncanny ability to transform the most humdrum pieces of urban life into fantastic pieces of art will have you falling in love with these images!

The Perfect Place For Music
What better way to spice up a boring steel and concrete pillar in the city than to add a touch of music? Of course, his cartoonish drawing won’t actually be banging his sticks on the structure, but you can almost hear the sounds it would make as you look at this image. Tom Bob brings this area back to life by transforming the dull space into something colorful and fun! It almost makes you want to bring along your own sticks to hear the music Bob must have envisioned when he created this work of art.