Home Owner’s Associations (HOA) are meant to beautify and regulate neighborhoods. You’ll typically find them in higher income areas of a city or town. But what happens when your local Home Owner’s Association gets a little power hungry? It seems as though many members of an HOA can easily take the organization’s original goals for a neighborhood and pervert them a bit. Many times, this is to further personal agendas and vendettas against other people in their neighborhood. And as these stories will prove, the HOA can get ugly.
The Mystery of the Black Mail Box (Part 1)

“I had just moved into my house a few months prior, when I got a letter threatening to be fined $200 stating that my mailbox wasn’t black. I thought surely they had the wrong house, because my mailbox was in fact black. So I contacted them and they gave a run around arguing that it wasn’t.
“I told them to come look and of course they said it was on me to prove to them it was black. So I snapped a photo and emailed it to them. I hear nothing back for well over a month, then get another letter giving me a “courtesy” week extension before I’m fined.” – HOA story by miggitiemac