Have you wanted to revamp your lifestyle and atmosphere by getting rid of things you don’t need? You may be eyeing a more minimalist lifestyle, in which you stop worrying about acquiring something that you don’t even need in favor of focusing on things that serve you and help you fulfill your needs. The result is a higher level of happiness and more focus on your relationships with the people who mean the most to you. Maybe you are stuck at home because of the current crisis, just as spring arrives, and want to use this extra time for some serious spring-cleaning. When the world comes out of self-isolation and no longer social distancing, you will be ready to go with a new outlook on life. Furthermore, you will have a renewed appreciation for the things in your life and the people who are life’s essence.
Minimalist 101: Get Rid Of What You Don’t Need
If you want to have a minimalist home, the first thing that you need to do is get rid of all the excess stuff that is weighing you down, taking up extra space, and keeping you from finding the things that you do need. Go through every single room and pull out everything that you have not used in the past year. Make two piles, a keep pile, and a throw-away pile. You don’t necessarily have to throw the things away, but that pile is for items you won’t be keeping.
Plenty of us have convinced ourselves that we will repurpose our old junk into some kind of genius Pinterest masterpiece, but the fact is, we probably won’t do that. Put the stuff into trash bags and take it to a donation center for a thrift store or local charity. Just get rid of it. You will clear up so much space after getting rid of things you don’t find useful to yourself anymore. And it will help make your home feel more opened up and fresh as well.