Reddit is a treasure trove of hilarious stories, and sometimes the funniest stories come from the biggest blunders. In this article, we’ll look at some of the most outrageous misunderstandings and boneheaded mistakes shared on Reddit. From epic fails and embarrassing gaffes to head-scratching mishaps and amusing mix-up. We’ve found the best of the worst! So get ready to laugh as we delve into the world of the less-than-savvy. These stories may leave you scratching your head in disbelief, but one thing is certain: they will definitely make you laugh. So sit back, relax, and let’s laugh at life’s inconsistencies together.
1. Exploded with Joy
I was hanging out with a high-school acquaintance when she saw a spider in her room. She flipped out in excitement and explained that her Aunt was bitten by a spider and it plumped up her top lip. So, she was super excited that this was going to happen to her.
2. Why Did She Not Know?
I have a friend named Rachel. Now this one night in high school, we all got the munchies and decided to go get ourselves some late-night Sonic. We pile into Rachel’s car even though we’ve heard stories about her bad driving but that’s another story. Anyway, she asks us how to get to Sonic and we proceed to give her directions to turn for a turn until we finally pull into the Sonic parking lot. Upon our arrival, she smirks and says, “Oh I work here!”
3. Uncle Not Who You Expected
I am half-Korean going to high school in the Midwest during the 1992 LA riots. My typing teacher pulled me into the hallway and asked if I had an uncle or something I can call in LA to make the riots stop. She said she knew that we are all close and we all have stores and what not, therefore I must have a connection there. I was like, “Lady, even if I did have an Uncle I could call do you think he is Batman?”
4. Most Likely a Bad Idea
Someone I knew from high school decided to give her children a “unique twist” on their otherwise “common” names.
Her son’s name is spelled Maxkr (pronounced as Mark) and her daughter is named Vlernixe (Vernice). I wish I was kidding. Pity those kids when they’re old enough to go to school.
5. He is Also Sleeping
One night during high school, my friend and I got invited to a party. I didn’t drive back then so my friend picked me up. All went well on our way to the party. On the way back, however, he got pulled over. As we were pulling to the side of the road, I told him that I was gonna pretend to be sleeping (since I was the passenger). Anyway, I hear the cop get out of his cop car, walk towards our car, and stop at the window but don’t say anything. I can feel the brightness of his flashlight but I don’t hear him or my friend say anything. After about what seemed like an eternity, I decided to open my eyes to see what was going on. That’s when I see my friend, the guy who is driving, pretending like he is sleeping too.
6. Thrown-Away Clothes
My cousin. All through public school, she was a snob who looked down on everyone. She was super stylish and struggled academically.
We graduated in 2014. We both went to colleges (not the same one.) She got a job at a bar and stayed out late drinking. Her boyfriend told her she didn’t need to complete college, so she just stopped showing up. Didn’t drop; just stopped showing up. Completely flunked out.
Our families live hours away from her college at the time. Her family went to move her back home. My cousin’s mom noticed a pile of clothes in the corner. The mom said ‘what’s that, your laundry? Pack it and we’ll wash it when we get home later.’
My cousin (I kid you not): ‘you can wash those?!’
Turns out, she’d been throwing away clothes instead of washing them. She claimed she didn’t know she could, yet she washed her undergarments and bras without a hitch.
She’s now at home with her family and has started doing more chores to show an increase in responsibility. She still tries to throw clothes away, citing that she didn’t know they could be washed and reused. Makes me wonder what she thought all those years before college before she left home. She wore some of the same outfits repeatedly, she had to have known they could be washed.
7. Moon Obstruction
I had a boss named Tammy. One night, we were all working late doing stocktakes, and we were discussing the impending lunar eclipse. Someone asked what happens during an eclipse. Tammy grandly explained that the eclipse would occur when America went in front of the moon, blocking our (Australia’s) view of it. Like she literally thought the earth stretched itself into like a U bend or neck pillow shape, and half of it stayed in our normal orbit, and the other half stretched itself over and around to casually block the moon for the rest of the earth.
8. Okay, Mr. Sierra
I work at a Chevrolet dealership. A customer called in to schedule an oil change. I proceed to ask for his name to get the vehicle scheduled. He tells me 2015 GMC Sierra 1500. I asked him once more what his name was. He told me again GMC Sierra 1500. I decided to use caller ID to look up names by phone numbers. Once I got his name I decided I would ask him to spell his name to see if he understood the question. He then said G-M-C S-I-E-R-R-A 1-5-0-0. I say ok Mr Sierra we have your appt set up for the morning.
9. Energy From The Sun
My roommate for the last 3 years once said that if solar technology keeps advancing at the rate it is, we will absorb all the energy made by the sun and fix global warming. Not 5 minutes later after attempting to inform this poor fellow about how the sun’s energy output is not determined by what the energy eventually interacts with, he states that wind farms are worse because they cause tropical storms. I hope he is just an epic troll. I just… I don’t know…
10. Macaroni and Cheese
Once at a restaurant in New Orleans, my friend ordered macaroni and cheese. At the table with about 15 other people he says out loud, “How did macaroni and cheese become a thing?” To which I replied, “What do you mean?” He says “I mean, it’s so redundant, you know?” I say “What? How are macaroni and cheese redundant?” And he says “Think about it. You’ve got cheese and then you have pasta, which is made of cheese.” HE THOUGHT ALL PASTA WAS MADE OF CHEESE…
11. Nothing is On Fire
This is actually my SO’s story but it always makes me laugh. My SO used to work as a squad leader in the military. In his country, they have a 3-month introduction education for new people. One time, my SO had the task of leading them on a two-day field trip in the middle of the forest. Mind you, it’s February and -15 degrees celsius at night, at least. So, during the night they set up a guard schedule, cause someone needs to take care of the fire. At around 4 am, my SO wakes up because he is freezing cold. He walks up to find a new recruit sitting by a cold fireplace.
“Hey recruit, what happened to the fire?”
“It’s okay sir, I took care of it. Nothing is on fire.”
12. Music Channel All the Time
A girl my dad dated for a while.
One day, she sat down to watch a movie with my dad. The movie was all about this guy and his twin brother. She sits and watches the whole thing, with no interruptions. In the end, she turns and asks, “So there were two of him?”
Would explain why she always had the TV turned to a music channel. Apparently, she couldn’t follow normal TV or movies.
13. Two Simple Rules
He put a whole bunch of effort into forging 10 pounds of notes – research paper, found some spray adhesive that was just the right consistency, got hold of a very sharp craft knife and cutting board, figured out how to fake the metal strip and watermark with kitchen foil and crafty printing. He had an excellent printer.
His copies were pretty good, but by no means perfect. So he and his accomplice Joe decided to keep to two simple rules: only use them in dimly lit bars when it was too busy for staff to check every note and only ever take one copy out of the house. That way if they were caught they could claim it was an honest mistake, they got them in their change, etc.
Well, at first it worked surprisingly well. They’d buy one drink with the dodgy ten, pocket the change and nip back to the flat to grab another. In fact, it worked so well that they got cocky.
One day, my flatmate was out with Joe in a crowded area in broad daylight when they decided to roll a joint. Joe took a bag of weed out of his pocket and passed it over. Right in front of two police officers. Of course, the officers stopped and searched them and found over 200 pounds worth of forged notes, all with the same serial number.
14. Different Cuts of Meat
We were on a drive through an animal park. We see an animal. She asks “what kind of meat would that one be?”. Someone replies “oh…it’d probably taste similar to beef I’d imagine”. A few minutes later we see a different animal. She asks “and what about that one? Would it be, like, a fillet or a T-bone or something?”. Then I realized…this woman thinks different cuts of meat come from different animals.
15. Simply Don’t Show Up
I worked with a man named Roy. Roy had theories about how to live life. Royconomics.
One day, he turned to me and the other member of the crew. “You boys wanna know how you get nice things?” he asked. “You go to the store, and you finance everything. New furniture, new appliances, televisions, stereos, everything. Then, you don’t make any payments, and you don’t show up for your court date. They’ll end up garnishing your wages, but they take way less than the payments would have been!”
Then, about a week later, “You boys wanna know how you buy a house? You apply for every credit card you can possibly get, you take out your entire balance in cash from all of them, and you use that for your downpayment. Then, you don’t make any payments, and you don’t show up for your court date…”
16. Mispronouncing His Own Name??
There was this receptionist at the veterinary office we have taken our dogs to over the years who argued with my dad about how to pronounce his own name. He went in to pick up some prescription something for our dog Daisy and this girl asked the typical “name of the dog, name of owner” type questions.
“We have it listed as Michelle and you don’t look like a Michelle,” she says. Dad asked how it was spelled on the monitor and sure enough, it was still spelled “Michael,” dad’s name.
He said “That says, Michael. That’s my name.” And she argued with him about it! He had to get his driver’s license out to show her, and even though she finally relented to let him pick up whatever it was he was down there to pick up, she was adamant my dad has been mispronouncing his own name for 50+ years.
The best part is Dad tells us this whole story and we think nothing of it til like 3 months later when Mom took the dog in for a check-up. The girl still thought the owner of the dog was “Michelle” and that my mom must be in a lesbian relationship. Mom gently corrected the lady that it was Michael and again this girl was adamant it was pronounced Michelle. Mom, bemused, said something along the lines of “It’s literally a name from the Bible. It’s pronounced Michael and has been for thousands of years.” The receptionist sat in silence outside of the minimal amount of talking needed for the rest of that visit.
17. Just to Have Fun
My ex-husband. We were playing Rock Paper Scissors to decide who had to go change the baby-best two of three. In Round one, I throw scissor and he throws rock. “I win!” He proclaimed. In round two, I throw paper and he throws a rock. “I win!” He says again. “Umm, paper beats rock,” I tell him. His response? “No, rock beats everything.” I spend like 5 minutes trying to wrap my mind around this. Finally, I ask him “Then…what’s the point of even playing?”
In total sincerity, he says “To have fun!”
18. First Impression Always Lasts
The first time I ever met my future sister-in-law, she asked me: “If you’re Canadian, how come you speak American?” She was 20 at the time.
19. Inkings of Roses
Someone I used to work with got a tattoo of a rose on her arm with her boyfriend’s name underneath.
A few months later they split up, so she got his name covered up with more rose tattoos.
A few months later, they got back together, so she had his name tattooed again under the now expanded rose design.
A few months later they split up, so she got his name covered up with even more rose tattoos.
A few months later, they got back together again, so she had his name tattooed again under the now considerably expanded rose design.
At this point, I stopped expressing an interest in her love life/tattoo status, but it wouldn’t surprise me if this cycle repeated several more times.
20. Why He Was Fired
Literally, this guy got fired last week for doing this. Whenever a customer would enter the store he would mimic everything they said whilst already bad enough he would try his best to copy their accent too no matter what accent it was.
Multiple complaints to our store have been made about this guy and he had plenty of warnings. Well, last week he finally got fired while serving an Asian customer and in FULL view of our manager he says this.
I got pulled into the office where apparently he still maintained he’d done nothing wrong and couldn’t understand why he was being fired.
21. The Look in His Eyes
An old coworker of mine. He was helping me move and while we were carrying a couch he dropped it. Thinking he was hurt I asked if he was ok and with the most serious and frightening look in his eyes he said pointing: ‘Look it’s the moon and it’s daytime.’ …. he was 25 at the time.
22. This Uber Driver
I once called an Uber driver. When he arrived, he immediately asked me: “Are you going to (X location?)?”. I said: “No.” He responded: “Great because I’m not going to take you to (X location).” “Fine”, I said.
The journey got underway, and I was curious as to what he would’ve done if I’d said that yes, I wanted to go to X location. So I asked him: “Hey, what would you have done if I had said that I DID want to go to X location?”. He responded: “Look man, I’m not going to f*cking take you to X location, OK? I told you already.”
I was a bit befuddled, but I tried again: “No no, I don’t want to go there. In fact, you already know where I want to go, it’s on your destination map. I’m just curious, what if I DID want to go to X location? Would you have refused me the trip? Would you have driven off?”
He said: “Look man I can’t change the trip now. And anyway I told you I refuse to go to X location. You gotta understand I’m busy.”
we spent nearly 15 minutes with variations of this back and forth. He was a fluent English speaker, by the way. By the end of it, I was 100% convinced that he couldn’t understand the syntax of a hypothetical. He literally couldn’t understand the question “if (X situation which is NOT the case) then what action would you take?”
I wasn’t even mad, just astonished. How had he navigated through life thus far? What were his financial decisions like? I really wanted to follow him home and make a reality TV show about him or something.
23. She Wasn’t Kidding
I had a manager named Roxanne (Rocky). She was a bleach blonde (literally bleached her hair once a month and then wondered why it broke/fell out) bubblehead who only had the job because daddy owned the restaurant.
Rocky was really obsessed with her looks and not much else. One day she told me, and a co-worker, that she had her nose job done so that her eventual children wouldn’t grow up with the same nose as her. She wasn’t kidding. The co-worker and I just looked at each other and walked away. We knew it wasn’t worth the effort.
24. Two Days Later
The guy I worked with named Buddy bought a huge Snap-On roll-away toolbox for over $3,000, on credit. Two days later, he sold it to a coworker for $1,500 because he had some overdue bills and had to pay them.
Needless to say, he never paid Snap-On for the toolbox he was off into the winds after he was fired for starting his fourth fist-fight at work. One of the other guys I worked with told the Snap-On salesman where Buddy’s new job was, and last we heard they are now garnishing his wages.
25. The Trainer Was Joking, Of Course!
The guy in my aircraft technician class. I’ll call him Jim. The module at the time was about electrical power. We were having a review one Friday before the exam started. Earlier that week we had covered the batteries used on the aircraft, what types, how they were constructed, etc. The trainer turns to Jim and asks him about the different types, expecting him to say ‘lead-acid, lithium-ion and so on. Nope. Jim thinks for a moment and says ‘AA, AAA, C….’
When we got to the hangar for work experience, the same trainer had lost all faith in Jim. We were all assigned jobs in the morning. Me and another guy on wings, a couple more on landing gear, all down through the group. Then he gets to Jim. Placed an A4 sheet of paper on the ground and told Jim to stand on it so it didn’t blow away. We all laughed, Jim included. The trainer was joking, right?
He wasn’t joking. Jim stood there all day.
26. Something About Gardening
I once had a property manager (the person in charge of the rental I lived in since homeowners who lived out of state) who did a bunch of obnoxious things. My husband and I thought she was greedy and maybe getting money for herself and hiding it from the homeowners for repairs or something like that because of shady seeming things she would do when we had repairs.
Then we mentioned something about gardening.
She said “You know, I’ve always wanted to try growing tomatoes and just watering them with salt water. That way, the tomatoes would already be salted when you ate them!”
27. Barbecue All Over The Place
This one lady at Atlanta’s Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Festival who clearly didn’t know where she was. I’m getting started on this rack of ribs, quietly minding my own business with a glass of beer, when from the group in front of me this lady comes up to me and tells me how she can’t stand the smell of meat, roasted or smoked, and tells me to get away from there. This is despite the fact that the event’s name has Barbecue in it and she had to pay $40 to get in.
28. Google Earth
I had a classmate in 10th grade who thought Google Earth was like a live stream from space. This was in 2008 or something.
His dad was deployed overseas and was supposed to come home that other week. I asked him about when his dad should arrive and he answered that his dad is already there because he saw the ship in the harbour on Google Earth.
He wouldn’t believe me as I pointed out that he saw an image. It was overcast that day, too.
29. Dead Serious
Me (the teacher): What was the way people were transported in the past?
She (the student): On foot
Me: Ok. Could you give me one more example?
She: (after thinking for a minute starts jumping elated) Oh, I know, I know. What was the name of the flintstones’ car?
She was 20 years old. She was being dead serious. Her sister was more of the same. Both believed the antenna in a car was decoration, both were mindblown when I told them it was for the radio.
Oh, so many stories about them.
30. He Lived on the Other Side
I used to work with a kid at a movie theater. He claimed he could see the future and said he had a premonition that we would bring back the old Coke machines. The old Coke machines don’t even work anymore because they were scrapped for parts.
He loved to cosplay and was blown away by the amount of cosplayers he saw when Justice League came out. We had maybe six customers that were dressed up. He thought he started a trend.
He showed up to work on his first day of orientation and training at 10 pm. He was scheduled for 5 pm. He lived on the other side of town and walked. When asked why he didn’t leave earlier if he was walking his reply was “I didn’t think of that”.
That same week he took a 15-minute break and vanished for 2 hours. When my coworker found him he said the line at Subway was really long.
He said the first Jumanji movie was supposed to be about a video game but video games weren’t invented yet so they scrapped the idea.
He probably thought the world didn’t exist until he was born.
31. Master of Science
I had a roommate once who I guess was trying to one-up me when she found out a had a bachelor’s degree. She was younger than me and a nice girl but not that bright. The convo went something like this: Her: Girl I’m gonna get a Master of Science. Me: That’s awesome! In what? Her: Just a Master of Science. Me: Nice, are you working on your Bachelor’s right now? Her: No I’m gonna get a Master of Science. Me: Do you have an Associate’s? Her: I just know I’m getting a Master of Science. Me: Oh, well… congrats
32. Great Day
Had a guy in a third-year undergrad developmental psych course raise his hand in a full lecture hall and ask the professor; “Prof, do infants diagnosed with SIDS get asthma later in life… like are they more likely to get asthma??”
SIDS stands for sudden infant death syndrome. He just kept pursuing the question the prof didn’t understand how she could answer it, she thought there was some kind of logic in it that she wasn’t seeing. Finally, some girl took the initiative to shout across the room, “No they are not more likely to get asthma, they are dead.. they have died suddenly, and will thus not be at risk of developing asthma.” Great day. He always sat in front of me and I would see him writing just absolutely horrible poetry and song lyrics.
33. “An Astronaut”
I was 18, and my first girlfriend ever. We were talking about what we wanted to be when we grew up.
I told her I might be interested in becoming a lawyer.
She laughed in my face and said “Don’t you think you should have more realistic expectations?”
I said fine and asked her what she wanted to be.
She said
“An Astronaut”
I’m 27 now. I have a bachelors and working on a second bachelor’s in engineering. My GPA and extracurriculars were enough to go to law school, easily, if I had wanted to.
She works at a grocery store. Not to sound cocky, but it still makes me mad.
34. Against Everyone’s Reasoning
In my Junior year of high school, I was in a public speaking class. I had a vegetarian classmate who was a freshman. She said that she didn’t eat meat because animals were living things and thus had rights. So I wrote a speech for vegetable rights, arguing that since vegetables were living things they had rights and thus, we shouldn’t be eating them.
A year later, I’m a senior, she’s a sophomore. We’re in the same science class. I have all my science credits, this is just course filler. She needs this class. I already know all the answers to what’s about to be asked because I took this class when I was a freshman. So the teacher asks a question about what will happen, I know that the answer is going to be against what everyone thinks because I’ve been there already. So I answer with the correct answer which goes against everyone’s reasoning. The vegetarian speaks up “GreatJanitor can’t possibly be right. That idiot honestly thinks vegetables are living things.”
The teacher sat down on his stool, looked down, shook his head and said “Anna, vegetables ARE living things.”
35. You Definitely Are!
In the 7th grade, I noticed the guy beside me was copying off of my test so I wrote “Stop copying me Dan.” right on the page.
He looked at me angrily and said “I’m not!”
36. Huge Pink Birds!
Jenny told me she stayed at The Flamingo hotel in Vegas and there were “HUGE PINK BIRDS IN THE BACKYARD!!” But she couldn’t remember what kind of bird.
“…. were they Flamingos, by any chance?”
“OH ya!”
I believe she is a biomedical engineer now.
37. She Can’t Have Red Meat
My ex-girlfriend had some minor health complications and had to refrain from eating red meat for a couple of weeks. Fast forward to us going to get some Applebees for dinner a few nights later, and she orders a steak. As the waitress walks away I just looked at her puzzled. She asks “what’s wrong?” I told her how I was confused and didn’t understand why she ordered a steak when she knew she can’t have red meat. Her response was “well that’s why I ordered it well done, it won’t be red anymore”. I didn’t know how to explain that to her. I just laughed.
38. The Things You Must Do for Apple
We’re eating lunch and he gets an apple. He wants to wash the apple, and instead of just putting it under the sink with clean water, he gets a cup and fills it to the top with water. He goes back to the table and puts the apple in the cup. The cup overflows, and water spills everywhere. Drops the apple in the process of this happening.
39. Ice Gets Hot
Once when I was in my late teens and early 20s I had a friend who told me I was going to burn my hand when I picked up an ice cube off of the hot grill. He could not wrap his head around how it was cold still and swears on his soul to this day that ice gets hot before it melts. I have been trolling him about it for almost 20 years now. He said things like. “You mean to tell me if a nuclear bomb goes off on an iceberg it wouldn’t be hot first before it melted? Yeah right, dude.”
40. Physical, Actual Lines
She was looking at a globe, talking about how she was down some trip in Europe. then asked “so longitude and latitude aren’t real?” or something
the teacher assured her it was real and was confused.
“But I didn’t see the lines when I flew over the ocean! did I just miss them?”
she thought the lines of latitude and longitude were real, physical, actual lines that you’d be able to see. she could have thought they were man-made and placed but imagine the logistics of that
41. What Did You Mean?
It would have to be the woman who lived next door to us when we lived in New Jersey. She had bought two Persian kittens, a male and a female. As the kittens grew, one day as we sat in her kitchen I noticed that the female was in heat. I made a comment about how she needed to keep the two separate and she said “oh no, that has already been taken care of.” I figured she meant that she had already had the male neutered.
Two months later she called me in a panic one morning that there was something wrong with the female. I went over to check the cat out because I was a licensed vet tech at the time. When I entered her house, I discovered the female Persian, who was still just an 8-month-old kitten, in active labor with a kitten stuck in the birth canal. It was trying to come out with the middle of its back first, so I had to turn the kitten and help it get through the birth canal and out since this was her first kitten. Four kittens later we were all finished and we were sitting at her table having coffee. I asked her how the female got bred in the first place because I know she was never outside and the male was neutered. She looked me dead in the face and said “oh, Charlie (the male) isn’t neutered.” I said to her “but when I told you to make sure to separate them when Charlotte (the female) was in heat, you told me that had already been taken care of. If you didn’t neuter Charlie what did you mean?” She said (and was as serious as a heart attack) “well, I sat them both down and I told them, SEVERAL times, that they are brother and sister and they should NEVER mess around with each other. I THOUGHT they listened to me but I guess not.”
You can’t make this sh*t up.
42. It is Not Bad
I know a guy who said there’s no way dumping trash in the ocean is bad because the ocean is ‘so big.’
His logic was ‘can you even picture something that big? How could we possibly influence it?’
We can because there are seven billion of us, you
43. It’s Just Not Logical
I used to have a friend who would go to IKEA once a week for food only, one day he invites me along and then when we get there, we go through the main entrance (the one where all the products and furniture are etc) and then I asked him “are we buying anything, I thought we were just gonna eat?”. He replies “yeah, you have to go through the main IKEA to get to the food court”.
I looked at him puzzled and said “no you don’t, follow me”. Then we go out of IKEA from the entrance and simply go left to the food court and the look on his face. . I blew his mind… But the most stupid part was what he said next “OMG! This is where I always leave the food court from!”
I could only imagine that all this time he spent like 20 minutes getting through the entire IKEA catalogue just to eat.
44. “So, How Bad Is It?”
The boys and I were chatting in our WhatsApp group when suddenly one of my mates said, “Oh sh*t, guys, I dropped my phone and the screen cracked real bad”. Some of us were curious and wanted to know how bad the damage was to see if we can fix it and I kid you not, said a friend took a screenshot of the chat and asked “So, how bad is it?”
45. The Atmosphere Was Not For Her!
There was a girl I worked with in retail at a telecommunications company. Let’s call her Jess, she didn’t really understand the concept of work or doing anything at all. Alright, let’s get this list going.
She would constantly eat on the counter you were supposed to be serving customers. She gets hungry, she takes out her lunch on the counter and starts eating it. Openly slices fruit with a knife on the same counter anytime she feels like it.
Watch the entire tv series on her phone while serving customers. Doesn’t pause it, lets it run while the customers are talking to her. Pretends the customer ain’t even there half the time.
Doesn’t check ID half the time. Ended up disconnecting some random person’s phone service and putting his number on another random person’s sim card, when some other guy asked for a sim replacement.
Would do anything to get out of serving customers, hiding from them, pretending not to notice them, pretty much anything. Didn’t really understand that’s what the company was paying her for.
She didn’t even get fired, she just quit because everyone was being too mean to her and the atmosphere was not for her. She was doing nothing, getting paid and she still quits.
46. A Heart Next to His Name
My friend (let’s call him J) liked a girl (actually, still does, going on three years now). J confessed his love numerous times, and she politely turned him down each time. It’s a little bit weird because I’m friends with both of them and often knew when the awkward asking-outs were going to happen.
At the end of last year, he asked her out. During lunch. In front of hundreds of other kids our age. While holding and spinning a fidget spinner…it was…sad. She just kind of reaching across the table and grabbed her friend’s hand and said that they were dating and she was lesbian (she’s not but she had decided it was her only option).
Nonetheless, he persisted. That summer, J told me he had figured out that she liked him. I asked him how he knew or what he had done since that was pretty out of the left field. J told me that she had written a heart next to his name in his yearbook. Plenty of girls at our school did that, and she did it to every single person whose yearbook she signed. He wouldn’t believe me until I showed him.
I told her and she’s started putting parentheses after her name and the heart and saying “To clarify this holds no declarations of love, marriage proposals, or other romantic symbols of affection.”
To this day, J still likes her. We’ll see how long he persists, but…yikes.
47. Dangerous Bite
A friend of mine has some pretty special moments but my all-time favourite was when we ordered these grilled cheese sandwiches in this cafe. Now it’s packed, must be 30 people in there. Mine arrives just before his, I take a tiny bite from the corner to test its temperature and it burns. I say, “sh*t, be careful that’s red hot.” He looks at me, nods then just take a massive bite. He then screams so loud everyone in the cafe looks around at us. He makes a real thing out of it, acting like he’s been attacked or something. When it all calms down I ask him why he took such a big bite when I told him how hot it was. His reply… “I’m just really hungry”
48. Cheese Made of Yogurt?
Girl I went to school with (this is going back almost 10 years now) she was in my circle of friends but I never got along with her because she just never thought about anything before she said it. Once she tried to justify why she ate yoghurt she left sitting in the sun for 3 hours by saying “it turned into cheese so what’s wrong with eating cheese?”
49. Whether an Hour Early or Late
I worked with a girl who was either an hour late or an hour early every time there was a time change. We would give her several reminders the day before, but no matter what, she would mess it up. Finally, I asked her why she kept making the same mistake over and over, and she said she couldn’t wake up at 2 am to change her clocks when the time changed.
50. An Animated Look
My best friend is a stereotypical blonde and one day we were watching Titanic. I was telling her how my great-grandmother almost boarded the titanic but she ended up on a sister ship. My friend looks at me excitedly and says “Maybe we’ll be able to see her in the movie! Like in the background and stuff??”