The Perfect Interior Paint Color For Each Zodiac Sign

Trista - September 14, 2024

As the Earth revolves around the sun over the course of a year, different constellations line up with the axis of the Earth and are said to be in the zodiac. As the Earth orbits the sun, it passes through each of the 12 zodiac signs. The Greeks named and followed 48 constellations, which sprung up from traditions passed on to this civilization. From the Mesopotamians comes the all too familiar 12 signs of the zodiac that are assigned animal constellations and developed from a religious or ritual tradition. The second tradition comes from utilizing various constellations for the navigation of ships. This is thought to come from the Meditteranean area.

Astrology and the Babylonians

Photo Credit: Viacheslav Lopatin/Shutterstock


Babylonians are believed to be the creators of the science of astrology. They were accurately able to predict seasons and certain celestial events. Their form of astrology sprung out of the common practice of divination. For the first 2,000 of its existence, astrology was indistinguishable from astronomy. The Babylonians decided to pass on their knowledge of astrology with the Greeks in the 4th century B.C.

They, too, had divided the zodiac into 12 signs and assigned each a constellation. Astrology was highly popularized by intellectual thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle. The science became so popular that it eventually spread to the Romans and the Arabs. Sumerians and Babylonians both had their divination practices, as well. They would often observe the liver and entrails of animals to read someone’s future. They also looked to the heavens for answers: they tracked Venus using the Venus Tablet of Ammisaduqa and also used this device to predict omens.

Astrology and the Armenians

The first discoverers of astrology. Shutterstock


The Armenians also created their own zodiac. An observatory was discovered in Metsamor that could upset tradition: it seems to be from before the time of the Babylonians, meaning that the Armenians are the true discoverers of astrology. They, too, divided the year into 12 sections. These early astrologers were able to create a calendar and predict the curvature of the Earth.

Astrology and the Hindus

Photo Credit: Dipak Shelare/Shutterstock


Hindus even had their own version of the zodiac. Though the languages are strikingly different, it has been determined that the Greek and the Hindu symbols of astrology are the same. This suggests that the two cultures interacted frequently and openly exchanged ideas. While this is one hypothesis, another asserts that it was the Sumerians, not the Greeks, who introduced the Hindus to the science of astrology. This is supported by the presence of references to the zodiac in ancient texts such as the Rg Veda and Mahabharata, which predate Greek references.

Astrology and the Chinese

The use of animals makes their astrology quite interesting. Shutterstock


The Chinese also had their hands into astrology and the zodiac signs. Their chart differs from other similar maps of the time. Their table is divided into a cycle of 12 years, not 12 months, with each year being represented by an animal and that animal’s attributes.

The calendar counts years in cycles of sixty. Each year consists of two parts: the first component is the celestial stem (which is one of the five elements), while the second part is the terrestrial branch (which is one of the twelve animals). Another interesting fact about the Chinese: they would use eclipses and sunspots to predict good or bad omens.

Astrology and the Egyptians

The Egyptians relied on the stars a lot. Shutterstock


The Egyptians also had their own beliefs when it came to the stars: they held the view that star patterns made up constellations; through this observation, they determined that the sun moves at specific times during the year.

Though ancient astrology did not resemble what we know of it today, it eventually morphed into a science able to predict weather patterns and other agricultural purposes. As time went on, civilizations used astrology to forecast natural disasters and war. Nothing close to what it is being used for today.

Discovery of the Lascaux Planetarium

The oldest cave painting. Shutterstock


What is quite interesting is the discovery of the Lascaux Planetarium. The Lascaux is actually a cave, and inside there is a painting of a bull. Not that interesting, right? Well, behind the beast, there appears to be a depiction of the Pleiades, which is a cluster of stars more commonly referred to as the Seven Sisters. Today, we recognize this as the constellation of Taurus. Recent research into the Lascaux Planetarium indicates the presence of ancient star charts.

Astrology in Modern Day

People rely on astrology to this day. Pixabay


In modern times, the central aspect of astrology that is embraced by society as a whole is the use of the twelve zodiac signs. How did the zodiac come into existence? It is believed the idea originated with the Egyptians and was later adopted by the Babylonians. By this time, it was well established that the sun takes a total of twelve months to complete its circuit around the Earth. From here, twelve separate constellations that were connected to the seasons were identified and given names and other attributes.

The Zodiac Signs

The 12 zodiac signs. Shutterstock


The zodiac signs are then further divided into four groups: fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo), water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) and earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo). Each of these four groups is further divided into four quadrants on a circle. This division is based on Earth’s daily rotation and relates to various aspects of life, such as relationships, finances, and travel. On the other hand, the division of the twelve zodiac signs is based on the year-long rotation around the sun and relates to different character traits and areas of life, such as affection, speech, and writing.

Each planet is associated with two different zodiac signs, while the sun and moon are represented by one symbol each. When astrology was in its infancy, Babylonians truly believed that the celestial bodies in the heavens possessed distinct powers. The original zodiac chart is not without its flaws, in any case. As we have seen, the signs and constellations were chosen to correspond to the position of the sun relative to the Earth. Since its creation, the Earth has moved on its axis, so now the dates used to mark the signs do not really match up to the constellation they are paired with. So, in reality, the zodiac sign dates correspond to the sign right before it.


People read daily horoscopes to govern their lives. Shutterstock


Another well-known aspect of astrology is horoscopes. A horoscope is a map of the zodiac circle with Earth at the center, with the top of the circle representing the sun at its highest point during the day, the left and right representing the eastern and western hemispheres, respectively. What is done with a horoscope? The map is used to chart the positions of the sun, moon, other planets and stars on a specific date and time of your choosing. It is important to note here that astrologers do not use “clock time”; instead, they track “sidereal” time by using the sun’s position at the spring equinox. Once the date and time have been selected for the horoscope reading, they are calculated into sidereal time, and the location is plotted.

At this point, the astrologer would consult an astronomical ephemeris, which is a table listing the areas of the sun, moon, planets, and constellations at any given time) to construct your chart. Then, the map is interpreted. The chart can reveal personality insights and current trends. Today, computer software has been created that makes chart construction easier. While astrology has been around for quite some time, it has not always been as popular as it is today; it seems to phase in and out of popularity. To date, there are professional astrologers in almost every country. Some say that there is no scientific basis off which astrology is based, while others realize that gravitational forces between planets must indicate the worlds hold other powers that can be predictably charted and observed. There are others still who believe in the more profound symbolism of astrology. It stands to reason that there is some value to science since it has survived intact for so long.

The New Astrological Sign

The discovery of a new sign. Shutterstock


What if I were to tell you that everything we just discussed is pointless? Why would I say that? It is because NASA has recently announced the addition of a 13th zodiac sign. NASA claims that while the Babylonians created a zodiac calendar based on the moon with only 12 signs, they knew about a 13th sign, but kept it out so the zodiac calendar would better align with the 12-month calendar. That long lost zodiac sign is known as Ophiuchus. This creates a shift in all of the zodiac signs, which will be touched on later. This shift was all due to the Earth’s axis change mentioned previously.

Never fear, my friends, for most of the time, this 13th constellation is never mentioned and is still not widely adopted and used in zodiac charts. So if you are wondering if this new addition affects your sign, do not worry and stick to the one you have always used. Just for informational purposes, let us look at how this 13th zodiac sign would alter the traditional timeline.

Aries changes from March 21 to April 19 to April 18 to May 13. Taurus from April 20 to May 20 to May 13 to June 21. Gemini was May 21 to June 21 and is now June 21 to July 20. Cancer used to be June 21 to July 22 and is now July 20 to August 10.

Leo once was July 23 to August 22 and is now August 10 to September 16. Virgo went from August 23 to September 22 to September 16 to October 30.

Libra changed from September 23 to October 22 and is now October 30 to November 23. Scorpio moved from October 23 to November 21 to November 23 to November 29.

Sagittarius switched from November 22 to December 21 to December 17 to January 20. Capricorn was December 22 to January 19 and is now January 20 to February 16.

Aquarius alters from January 20 to February 18 to now February 16 to March 11, and lastly, Pisces goes from February 19 to March 20 to March 11 to April 18. The new zodiac, Ophiuchus, now covers November 29 to December 17.

Now that we know all we can about the zodiac signs, it is now time to discuss each in detail. In this article, we will be excluding the newest addition, Ophiuchus. Not only will we talk about each sign in detail, but we will also touch on the best paint color that fits your sign’s personality.

Capricorn (December 22 through January 19)

The fish-tailed goat. Shutterstock


Let us start with some of the character traits most often associated with Capricorns. People under this sign are often described as responsible, disciplined, and have a high degree of self-control. What about weaknesses? Capricorns can often be viewed as a know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, and often expect the worst out of a situation. Capricorn’s constellation is known as the Goat of Fear; the constellation depicts a goat with the tail of a fish and is believed to represent facing your fears and creating panic. Capricorn is one of those confusing signs: they often have a brave face but are fighting their own personal demons inside.

While they may appear to be strong on the outside, in reality, they may be much weaker than that. These individuals tend to get wrapped up in the feeling of guilt and tend to focus on the past rather than the present moment. They have a hard time with forgiveness, which can make them appear to be unforgiving and distant. Capricorn may also have trouble accepting people who are different from themselves. Despite this, they are highly likely to learn from their mistakes. The color that best represents this particular character is gravity gray. This neutral color allows you to add a pop of color to really bring a room together. Gray is a color of control, which directly correlates to your inner workings. Gray is all about balance, which is integral to your make-up. Retain your inner peace by sticking with neutral colors, primarily gray. Other similar colors that may work for you are brown or black, though painting in these colors may darken a room too much.

Aquarius (January 20 through February 18)

Symbols can be animals or astrology lines that connect the stars. Shutterstock


Aquarius could not be any different from a Capricorn! These individuals tend to possess qualities such as being progressive, original, independent, and humanitarian. They genuinely believe in making the world a better place. Their downfall is their emotions: they tend to allow their emotions to control their actions, which often causes them to become temperamental and uncompromising.

The biggest issue with being an Aquarius is feeling like you are being held back from your full potential. Due to their highly independent nature, their biggest fear is being contained and not being able to express themselves freely. By far, the worst situations to be in with an Aquarius is an intimate relationship: they often become cold and impersonal. This, however, is just one of their defense mechanisms, so if you are willing to overlook this small hiccup, it is well worth it to have an Aquarius as a partner.

Antique teal is the optimal color choice for this zodiac sign. Aquarius signs tend to go with the flow and crave independence and freedom: what better to do that than with the color of the sky? You may also want to look into shades of silver.

Pisces (February 19 through March 20)

One of the more popular zodiac symbols is the Pisces. Pixabay


As a water sign, Pisces can be compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, and musical. Despite this, these individuals may be fearful, overly trusting, and sad, looking for a way to escape reality. Due to their nature, people under this zodiac sign are often surrounded by friends; they usually give back more than they receive, which makes them great companions. They tend to reserve judgment and are quick to forgiveness.

Pisces is very intuitive, which allows them to tune into what others are feeling and act accordingly. They know how to empathize with others and are not afraid to express their emotions.

So what color would work best for Pisces? Since this is a water sign, a lovely blue hue would work well, say Breezy Beach. Surrounding yourself in your natural element brings out your inner calm. Since the ocean is a place where Pisces naturally feels at home, it may not be a bad idea to try out a sea green color. Everyone craves to be at peace and relaxed, which is exactly what this paint job will do to your space. Feel energized and free whenever you enter your home!

Aries (March 21 through April 19)

The ram represents Aries. Pixabay


Being a fire sign, Aries tends to be completely different from the water signs. These individuals tend to be compassionate, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, and passionate. On the flip side, they can also be impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, and aggressive. Being that this is the first sign in the zodiac, they also tend to like to be the first at everything– they love being at the top. They are the ones to take action to solve problems. The constellation behind Aries is called the Flying Ram and is inspired by the ancient tale of the Golden Fleece.

Being a fire sign, it is no wonder that the best color for this zodiac sign revolves around fire. As an Aries, consider Persimmon Orange as a color for any room in the house! This color exudes power, which is precisely how you see yourself, as powerful and bold. Do not fret over the boldness of color choice: Persimmon Orange is a soft orange hue that will satisfy your need for a catchy color while not being too harsh on the eyes. You will be entirely in your element with this color scheme while also surprising others with your strong choice in color.

Taurus (April 20 through May 20)

Taurus is often shown as a bull. Pixabay


Moving on to Earth signs, Taurus can be described as reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, and stable. However, they may also be seen as stubborn, possessive, and uncompromising. Taurus is unique in that they are drawn to the pleasures of life, being tuned into the material world, hedonism, and physical desires. Though they do like to succumb to pleasurable activities, they are also viewed as one of the most stable of the zodiac signs. The constellation that represents Taurus is named the Wandering Bull and was cursed by Hera to wander the world in search of freedom and love.

As an Earth sign, it is no surprise that the best color choice for them would be a green hue, something like Quiet Green. You are very patient, and you want that reflected in your personal spaces. Earthy tones will keep you grounded when everything else around you seems to be falling apart. Stay connected to your element and inner peace through every paint stroke. Feel inspired every time you come home to your comfort zone. Embrace your freedom by surrounding yourself in Earth tones, thereby reminding you of your free spirit.

Gemini (May 21 through June 20)

The twin sign is for Gemini. Pixabay


Moving back to air signs, Gemini is often described as gentle, affectionate, and adaptable. On the other hand, they can be viewed as nervous, inconsistent, and indecisive. Due to the dual nature of Gemini, these individuals often express opposing emotions. They tend to switch between being sociable and communicative to suddenly acting serious, thoughtful, and restless. They are curious to a fault, often feeling they do not have enough time in the world to experience and learn everything. The constellation representing Gemini is called the Caring Twins, highlighting the childish innocence held by this zodiac sign.

What color should a Gemini consider painting their humble abode? Consider Wax Pepper, which would be a mix between a tan and beige color. As a neutral color, it allows a Gemini to express both personalities without worrying about clashing colors.

Cancer (June 21 through July 22)

Sign of the crab. Pixabay


This zodiac is another water sign that can be described as tenacious, highly imaginative, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, and persuasive — all excellent qualities to possess. But the bad must also come with the good: Cancer may also be moody, pessimistic, suspicious, manipulative, and insecure. Due to their inherent nature, this zodiac sign is often the hardest to get to know each other on a profoundly personal level. The constellation that represents Cancer is named the Brave Crab and is thought to express their inner strength and need to defend others. These individuals are usually the first to offer help to others and tend to do so without causing conflict.

So what color best suits this water sign? We came up with Lilac Sand, which is a very soft tone of purple. Due to being highly emotional, choosing a calming sound will help keep emotions in check and help you feel centered.

Leo (July 23 through August 22)

Leo is for the lion. Pixabay


Another fiery individual, Leos can be seen as creative, passionate, warm-hearted, cheerful, and humorous. Their inner fire helps fuel their passions but may also lead to the conclusion that a Leo may be arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, and inflexible. These people tend to be natural-born leaders and have no problem taking command of a room. The constellation illustrating Leo is known as the Lion in the Cave. The story behind this constellation is often rife with bravery. They are the individual who knows how to ask for what they want, and they generally have no problems attaining whatever it is that they seek.

Going along the lines of fire-inspired colors, the best hue recommended for these individuals would be Electric Kumquat. Due to your ability to draw people in with your personality, you should also choose a color that stands out and grabs the attention of guests.

Virgo (August 23 through September 22)

The virgin represents the Virgo sign. Pixabay


Let us switch it up and start with the less desirable traits first. While a Virgo can be described as being shy, someone who worries a lot and self-critical, they can also be extremely loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, and practical. Due to their attention to every detail, they tend to earn the reputation of being the most careful of the zodiac signs. They are very tied up in emotion, often feeling like they are experiencing everything for the first time. The constellation behind Virgo is known as the Disappointed Goddess, always seeking the goodness in humanity.

eing an Earth sign, you would think some Earth tone would be the most soothing for a Virgo. However, it has been determined that the best color option for these individuals would be Cosmic Sapphire. This dark shade is a practical choice for bringing a room together.

Libra (September 23 through October 22)

A balanced scale is often the symbol for Libra. Pixabay


The final air sign of the zodiac, Libra’s can often be indecisive and will often avoid confrontation. They hold much self-pity and are the type of people who hold grudges. Despite this, they can be useful to work with, as they are often cooperative, gracious, fair-minded, and social. This is the one sign that hates being alone and tends to gravitate towards others. Due to the nature of their symbol, they like to keep things in balance and symmetry. The constellation associated with Libra is called the Measure of Our Souls and is seen as a spot of balance.

As the final air sign, what shall we choose for a perfect color to represent you? Let us choose another soft hue: Rose Power. Since you crave the attention of others, you want to select a color that will make guests feel welcome, which is exactly what this color does. This soft color will help to bring balance and harmony to any room in the house, which is precisely the emotional level you are searching for.

Scorpio (October 23 through November 21)

Obviously, the scorpion represents Scorpio. Pixabay


Scorpio, being a water sign, can be viewed as resourceful, brave, passionate, and stubborn while also being distrusting, jealous, secretive, and violent. Due to their nature, Scorpios do not handle being lied to very well and can often turn jealous and distrusting if they suspect something is amiss. Since they are a water sign, they are very in tune with their emotions, but they are manifested somewhat differently than other water signs. Like Leo, Scorpio tends to be in a leadership position due to their passion and resourcefulness. Since they are so emotionally involved, they tend to be great secret keepers and confidants.

So what color should we assign this water sign? A beautiful neutral shade of Cold Brew would work splendidly! This color scheme will only heighten your passion and intensity. This bold color directly reflects your natural-born abilities to take control of a situation, much like you command the space of a room.

Sagittarius (November 22 through December 21)

Sagittarius can be seen as a bow and arrows. Pixabay


The last sign of the zodiac to discuss is Sagittarius. Another fire sign to deal with here: these individuals tend to be associated with traits such as being generous, idealistic, and having a great sense of humor. It is not all good, however; these people can also be impatient, make promises they cannot keep and have no control over what they say in certain situations. If you like moving around a lot, it may explain things: Sagittarius is seen as the most prominent traveler out of all of the signs. A search for truth and discovery motivates you. These individuals are highly curious and are always looking for new ways to interact with the world around them. Due to their need to roam, it is no wonder that a Sagittarius would value freedom.

What color would best represent a Sagittarius and bring out the best of their personality? We could think of no other color than Blue Marlin. Though traveling is integral to who you are, it is still essential to create a calm space to come back to when the travels have ended. The blue color not only helps to maintain a relaxing atmosphere, but it can also be used to remind you of the wide-open spaces of the sky or ocean. Get lost in your home after a long trip: fall into a trance as you reminisce about all of your incredible adventures.
