These Hilarious Home Renovation Disasters Are a DIY Fail

Shannon Quinn - March 10, 2021

A lot of people are a big fan of DIY or “Do it Yourself”. This has become even more prevalent in recent years, where we can find video tutorials on the Internet to help us to pretty much anything. People also try to save money whenever they can, so they can avoid hiring a licensed contractor. However, sometimes, these projects totally backfire, and become a massive DIY fail.

30. The Bathroom’s Up the Stairs… No Left or Right. Just Up the Stairs.

This homeowner thought it would be a good idea to keep the toilet at the top of the stairs. Credit: Dan Hagman

They say that it’s vital to make a good first impression when walking into a home. Now, imagine walking through your door and being greeted by a toilet. Yes, a toilet. This next DIY fail was originally brought to the Internet by a home inspector from Iowa named Dan Hagman. On a home inspector’s forum, he said, “I have never seen this before, come in the side door and don’t even have to take off your shoes, and they like it!”  At the very least, this is good that it’s on the side door of the house, and not the front. Imagine what the Amazon delivery guy would think. But where’s the bathroom sink? Answer- There isn’t one. So they immediately touch the door knob to go inside. 

Many houses have space for a powder room or water closet. Credit: Shutterstock

The cringe factor is off the chart. Also take note of the large popcorn tin sitting next to the dog food bowls. We really hope that tin is filled with dog food, and not a snack for when you get hungry on the toilet. At least the dog has somewhere else to drink from if his water bowl gets low. Obviously, something like this would make reselling the home very difficult, and it’s likely that this home inspector told them it needed to go. When you do a DIY project, make sure it’s something that will actually add value to your home, not take away from it. 

29. A Two-In-One Special

These homeowners tried to pass this as a bedroom with a bath. Credit: Reddit

When you go to put your house on the market, it’s always better to have more bedrooms. The more bedrooms and bathrooms your house has, the higher price you can ask for rent, or to sell the property. This meme has been circulating throughout the Internet, so it’s impossible to pinpoint exactly where it came from. But we think we found the original post, which said, “They told me it’s a single bedroom with an attached bathroom.”

This is what you would expect for a one bed, one bath apartment. Credit: Shutterstock

Yikes! Who would want to sleep in the same space where you use the toilet? This is giving me jail cell vibes. It’s hard to imagine what this person was thinking, unless they were desperate for additional beds in their apartment, and had no other option. On the other hand, if the caption is correct, and they are touring an apartment that was a false advertisement, it is definitely a real estate scam. And it’s a lesson in why you should always visit an apartment in person before you say “yes” to signing the lease.

28. These Bunk Beds Give Me Anxiety Just Looking at Them

When you’re young, you do stupid things. Credit: Reddit

Youth hostels profit from stuffing as many young travelers in one room as humanly possible. So it’s almost not surprising that a few owners have pulled a stunt like this. This feels like a dirty secret hotels don’t want you to know. If a health and safety inspector got a look at this place, I’m sure it wouldn’t pass. It should go without saying that stacking this many bunk beds on top of each other isn’t safe. Think about if there was an earthquake, fire, or some other emergency situation. Structurally speaking, this doesn’t look that safe, either. 

Bunk beds should be safe for your kids, so it’s best to get something premade. Credit: Shutterstock

There were a few of these photos floating around Reddit, but the one comment that sticks out the most was- “Yes, I slept in one of these. And yes, it was terrifying.” We truly hope that no one would actually do this sort of thing for their own children. If you’re installing a bunk bed, it’s best to stick with the pre-made beds that you can buy from the store if you want to avoid committing a DIY fail. These are guaranteed to be safe and sturdy for your kids to sleep in.

27. A Sagging Ceiling Revealed a DIY Nightmare

It’s never a good idea to do your own structural work. Credit: Reddit

Unfortunately, inspectors don’t catch all of the issues when you first buy a house. This new homeowner was doing repairs on his new house, and posted a photo on Reddit of what he found. “I was wondering why the ceiling was sagging before I removed it… There was extensive reframing done, and I just removed those joists entirely. Everything was wrong on that house, especially major soil and structural no-nos.” 

It’s not an easy job to install a new ceiling, so it’s understandable why it became a DIY fail. Credit: Shutterstock

As you can see from the photo, the wooden beams used to support the ceiling were not properly installed. There are slots cut out of the wood, without a beam used to support it. Basically, the previous home owner decided to do a bit of DIY, or hired a cheap contractor who didn’t know anything about engineering. When most people do a DIY project, they’re only thinking about saving money in the short-term. They’re not always thinking about the long term effects, or how it’s going to hurt the next home buyer. This falls under the category of projects that should NEVER be DIY. Instead of attempting structural work like this on your own, always hire a professional.

26. Conserving Nature, or Plain Stubbornness? 

This homeowner laid down his driveway around the existing trees. Credit: Reddit

On Reddit, someone called out his neighbor for refusing to pay anyone to work on his house, because he wanted to do every single thing on his own. “Guy in the neighborhood chose to build his house instead of hiring contractors and people who know what they’re doing. We watched in amusement as they deal with various problems. Most recently, instead of removing a tree that partially blocks their garage, they just poured the driveway around it.” Saving these trees doesn’t seem to be out of respect for nature. You can see in the photo that he cut down one of the trees and left behind the stump, because he didn’t have the right equipment to remove it. He just completely gave up trying on the second tree. While it’s impressive that he built this house on his own, it doesn’t mean he needs to do everything alone. 

It usually takes an entire team to pour a driveway. Credit: Shutterstock

If you need a tree removed, it’s best to hire professionals to deal with it. They often need to bring in a cherry picker to remove the high branches first, before using chainsaws to bring down the main tree trunk. Stump removal is an extra fee, because of the difficulty of the ordeal. Cleanup is also a big issue, especially if you don’t have the ability to mulch or burn the wood that’s leftover. Unfortunately for this person, he’s only making his own life more difficult by keeping a tree in front of his driveway. The tree roots are potentially going to crack the driveway as they grow, and future buyers are going to be scared away from buying this property.

25. This is Why You Need to Measure Things

This is what happens when you don’t measure things properly. Credit: Inspector Aaron

On an Instagram account owned by Inspector Aaron, he posted this photo saying, “Sometimes renovations need to be coordinated a bit better…” As you can see in the picture, someone installed a new oven without measuring to see if the door could open all the way. It looks like this was installed at an awkward angle in a small kitchen. Not only is this inconvenient to cook, but it’s also a fire hazard. Something like this would never pass a home inspection. 

Always hire a professional to install your appliances. Credit: Shutterstock

This is an important lesson on how you always need to measure things! Before you install a new appliance, always measure the distance between the door and the cabinets. You also want to give yourself plenty of room to stand behind it, if at all possible. Think about the cooking experience. If you don’t give yourself plenty of space, it’s likely that you (or your kids) will get burned.

24. These Stairs Make My Eyes Hurt

Someone tried to make their own stairs, and this is what happened. Credit: Reddit

This next post was found on Reddit with the simple caption, “Someone made some stairs.” Oh no! This is really bad. Uneven stairs are a tripping hazard for sure. By the looks of it, this person didn’t take the time to measure the stairs to make sure that they were all uniform. It also looks like they aren’t the same width, either. 

Installing stairs is no joke. Credit: Shutterstock

Most of the time, you want to leave this project to the professionals. But if you’re determined to build your own stairs, at least check out Home Depot’s guide to building a staircase. They go through a step-by-step process on how to measure, cut, and install your staircase. However, in many cases, you may need to hire an engineer or a pro contractor to get the job done.

23. They’ll Need the Curtains to Hide the Shame

This poor woman tried to install curtains on her own. Credit: Shutterstock

This story comes from Krista P. of Geneseo, IL which was originally posted on Zabitat. “After numerous days of begging my fiancé to hang my curtains, I finally attempted it on my own. It took me about 6 hours to hang curtains on two windows. When it was all said and done, it was kinda crooked so I made the curtains cover the crookedness. I was happy with my job well done. My fiancé gets home from work in the evening and when he arrived I brought him to the living room and showed him my hard work. He opened one of the curtains and at the same time was saying, ‘good job baby’. Not a second later the rod and the curtain both fell and hit him on the head. I felt so bad! He got a huge bump on his forehead from the end of the big rod. “

Make sure to measure, and follow instructions closely. Credit: Shutterstock

We feel so sorry for Kristina! Instead of committing a DIY fail like this, watch a YouTube tutorial in order to get the step-by-step instructions. When done correctly, hanging a curtain rod should only take a few minutes. The idea of it taking 6 hours and still not working out is sort of mind-boggling. This is a great example of how sometimes, if it seems too hard, just need to wait for help. Or, if your fiance is ignoring you, call a handyman! If he gets upset that you paid money for help, maybe that will motivate him to get the job done more quickly next time.

22. Where Do I Start?

This sink vanity is very confusing. Credit: Reddit

The caption on Reddit said, “Luxury trailer DIY living.” When you look at this photo quickly, you might not see much wrong with it. Even some of the people comments asked why this was a terrible DIY fail. But look closer. This vanity has two different sinks, and their faucets don’t match, other. The wooden vanity itself was painted unevenly with a single coat of black spray paint. Clearly, the owner was proud of themselves, because they took this photo and posted it online. But in reality, it looks like they picked everything that was available on clearance, and just put it all together.

You can do a simple and affordable his-and-hers sink like this, and it still looks great. Credit: Shutterstock

If you’re going to do a DIY project of renovating your bathroom, make sure you choose a cohesive color story first. Find matching sinks and faucets. Also choose to add color with a product that’s appropriate for furniture, like chalk paint or wood stain. Even if it takes longer to save up money for a project like this, it’s better to do it right the first time.

21. Does This Make The House Automatically Haunted?

Someone thought it was a good idea to burn a ouija board in the floor. Credit: Wood Floor Business

A tattoo artist named Robert Bulla burned a ouija board into the hardwood floors of his shop. After ripping up the carpet, he discovered that there was an antique hardwood floor underneath. He used chalk paint to create a stencil, and then went in with a wood burning tool to get all of the fine details. When Robert posted this on Instagram, it became a meme, and got over 22,000 shares overnight. Let’s hope that going viral helped Robert get more customers to his tattoo shop, because as far as real estate goes, this was a huge mistake.

Even if you sanded those floors, you can’t get out deep burns like that. Credit: Shutterstock

Sure, this looks very cool in a tattoo shop. But antique wood floors are very expensive, and highly sought-after by buyers. So by burning this perfectly good floor, he’s wasted thousands of dollars. One of the ways you can accidentally devalue your home is by over-customizing. For Robert and his customers, maybe they think this mural on the hardwood floor is very cool. But for 99% of people who will be looking to buy the property in the future, it would be a total nightmare. There isn’t going to be any way to fix this floor art, unless they just completely replace the floor boards.

20. Purple is Not Your Color

This homeowner wanted her entire bathroom to be purple. Credit: Kelly Smith

Real estate agent named Kelly Smith found this photograph on the MLS. She left the caption, “Stuck out this stunning bathroom!” Clearly sarcasm, with the laughing emoji. This is an example of how trends can quickly become outdated. There was probably a time when this bathroom makeover cost a lot of money!  But over time, this is clearly outdated and no longer in fashion. 

A more modern version of a purple bathroom without a carpet. Credit: Shutterstock

I can’t imagine stepping outside of a tub and immediately feeling carpet underneath my feet. Without any way to air out a wet bathroom rug, there is a big chance that there could be mold underneath. If you have a house like this, I suggest doing some modern renovations before you try to sell the house.

19. Does This Count as an En-Suite?

Someone decided to put a shower and toilet right next to their bed. Credit: Reddit

It’s hard to nail down who found this photo first, but this was yet another one shared by real estate agents over and over again. Kelly Smith said, “Not every bathroom adds value!” But does this even count as an en-suite bathroom? A lot of people have an ensuite as part of their master bedroom, but there are usually walls there to separate the space. We can only imagine how much it smells in there.

Most en-suite bathrooms have walls. Credit: Shutterstock

Hopefully most of you out there would never even attempt to replicate this DIY fail. But the reason why you shouldn’t do this goes far beyond aesthetics. The moisture from a shower can cause mold in the room, especially if it’s in your bedroom, only a few feet away from where you sleep. It will also make it incredibly hard to sell the house to anyone else in the future.

18. No One Will Steal This Car

How do you even get up there? Credit: IMGUR

This image of a garage door on the second floor was posted on IMGUR with the caption, “No one is going to steal my car!” We can’t tell if this was posted in earnest by the homeowner, or if it was a photo taken by a neighbor who thought this was plain ridiculous. The comments are filled with great jokes, like, “It’s obviously for an airplane” and “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.”

Normally, people have garages that are level with the driveway. Credit: Shutterstock

Honestly, this is 100% a DIY fail. No one can seem to figure out a rational explanation as to why someone would do this. Since this appears to be in a hilly area, maybe the homeowners originally thought that they would have dirt filling in the first floor. Or, maybe it was simply cheaper to put a door on that wall? No one seems to know, and it’s definitely going to make it more difficult to sell this house someday.

17. That’s Not Where That Goes…

In this DIY fail, someone thought it was a good idea to put wall spackle on the floor. Credit: Grease Ball 1987

On an Instagram account called Grease Ball 1987, they included this photo and wrote, “Creating open concept is every human’s dream! Patching the floor where the old wall was has never been easier with this tub of patching compound!” Ugh. If you’re not sure what you’re looking at, that’s wall spackle being used to patch up a crack in-between floor boards. Unfortunately, when you do DIY, you can’t always reuse the same materials for one part of the house on the other. And even if it was the correct material, you can’t use wood putty to replace actual wood.

Wood putty can be used to cover small holes before sanding. Credit: Shutterstock

If you wanted to do this job correctly, removing a wall and making a space open concept would require you to first make sure the under-flooring is secure, and in good shape. Next, you’d have to buy hardwood floor boards to match what is already there. Wood putty is used to fill in any small gaps between the spaces. After that, the entire floor of the new room would have to be sanded. Then, the entire floor would be stained to make sure the colors matched, and that everything looked cohesive, as if it was always one room instead of two.

16. Wrong Way

Remember- all of the floor board should go the same way. Credit: Trevor Lahey

This was posted by Trevor Lahey on Instagram, “My goal is to always make a splash and have my work stand out from the competition! I lined up this same pattern 3 times in a row, it is this kind of attention to detail that keeps me booking 2 weeks in advance. 4 rows would have been too much!” Umm…Okay. I think he was joking, making fun of someone’s DIY fail. But it’s understandable why someone might make a mistake like this, especially if that didn’t have anyone to help them.

Not all floorboards are going to perfectly fit your room. Credit: Shutterstock

You always want the floor boards to all go in the same direction. But when you buy a box of hard wood or vinyl planks, it’s not always going to fit perfectly into the size of the room. You have to measure those pieces, and then use a saw to cut them at the correct length. If there are corners of the room that go around a closet, you might have to cut out a chunk of the floorboard, too. This is something that a lot of people looking to do DIY don’t anticipate.

15. A Pittsburgh Potty Is More Common Than You Think

This looks like a DIY fail, but it’s actually all over Pittsburgh. Credit: NBC News

Want to talk about weird toilet placements? This toilet is in the middle of the basement. No walls, sink, or any privacy whatsoever. However, this is actually very common in older homes in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. According to real estate broker Roger Dolanch for Today, “Since we were a steel town, they were in the open part of the basement so steel workers could come home from work, clean themselves off, change clothes and use the Pittsburgh potty before going upstairs to have dinner with the family.”

Most people add walls to their basement bathroom. Credit: Shutterstock

Finally, something that makes sense! However, this wouldn’t be very useful in today’s world. And yet that doesn’t stop people from putting toilets in weird places, like we’ve seen on this list. On top of that, if I purchased this house, I think I would remove that toilet, or at least create walls around it so that I’d have a real basement bathroom, right? Just a thought.

14. Do They Know How Pipes Work?

This DIY fail totally defeats the purpose of having gutters. Credit: The McNabb Group

A home inspector named Cory McNabb posted this photo on his Instagram with the sarcastic comment, “No problems with this, right?” Yikes. If you’re not sure what’s going on here, that pipe that has been cut in half is a gutter. This means that rain water that’s coming down from the roof needs to filter through the gutter and go all the way down to the ground. Rain water needs to be directed away from the house, so that it prevents water damage from being done to the home.

Always pay a professional to install your gutters and pipes. Credit: Shutterstock

In fairness, we’re not sure if this was a DIY fail, or if it was just a terrible contractor who decided this was a good idea. My parents paid professionals to install their gutters, and they left it suspended on top of the roof of our shed, instead of channeling it down to the ground…And this was a company they paid $1,000 to get the job done. Even so-call-professionals make horrible mistakes like this, too.

13. The Cat Was “Helping”

Is this a DIY fail, or an adorable addition? Credit: @tobythefluffernutter on Instagram

This next DIY fail was posted by Toby the Cat on Instagram, “Fun fact: As a kitten I aspired to have a career in home renovations. That was cut short as the contractor and I parted ways due to creative differences. I like to call this masterpiece “Paws In Grout”. This is cute, and maybe it will add some character to the basement floor. But when you’re pouring concrete, always make your your pets don’t have access to that space.

This person is pouring concrete on their own. Credit: Shutterstock

Let’s hope that the owners got the concrete off of Toby’s paws right away, because something like this can do permanent damage to your pet’s skin. According to the CDC, “Wet concrete contacting the skin for a short period and then thoroughly washed off causes little irritation. But continuous contact between skin and wet concrete allows alkaline compounds to penetrate and burn the skin. When wet concrete or mortar is trapped against the skin—the result may be first, second, or third degree burns or skin ulcers. These injuries can take several months to heal and may involve hospitalization and skin grafts”

12. Uncle Fixed His Dock

This person tried to fix a dock on their own, and it’s still underwater. Credit: IMGUR

This next one comes from IMGUR, where a user posted this photo with the caption, “So my uncle ‘fixed’ his dock.”  Well…He tried. This is a huge DIY fail. Those planks of wood aren’t doing anything at all to help the situation.  When you live on the water, this only adds to the amount of things you are now responsible for as a homeowner. Fixing a dock is no joke. If you live on the water, you should always hire professionals to get the job done. One false move, and someone could end up drowning.

Having a dock on a lake can be beautiful. But it costs a lot to have it maintained. Credit: Shutterstock

Depending on the size of the dock and the depth of the water, fixing one can cost anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. It’s understandable why this person’s uncle tried to fix it on his own. However, docks are one of those things where you need to keep up with it every year before it all falls apart. And if you ever sell the house, it’s something that you will most likely need to fix before you can sell it to a prospective buyer who would want to enjoy the lake.

11. Fan Fail

This ceiling fan would have hit the beam, so they cut out the beam. Credit: Reddit

Here is yet another DIY fail where the person forgot to measure the distance from the fan to the beams. You would think that it might be easier to patch the ceiling and move the fan over more to one side? Nope. They decided to cut into the beam. Let’s just hope that’s not load-bearing, because that could cause even more trouble in the future. In a situation like this, they could have easily fixed the situation with a large ceiling rose and some spackle if they moved it just a few inches over. 

It’s best to hire a professional to help install a fan. Credit: Shutterstock

It should go without saying why this DIY fail is such a disaster. You should never damage a load-bearing part of your home in order to install an accessory. While looking through some DIY fail photos on the Internet, I actually stumbled across an example of someone who didn’t make any room for their fan, and it cut into the walls. Yikes. Always make sure to measure the space beforehand, or hire a professional to install it for you. Something like a ceiling fan installation shouldn’t be too expensive, and some companies will even include it in a package deal when you buy from them.

10. The Real Question Is…WHY? 

Why would someone do this? We don’t know. Credit: Inspector Aaron

On an Instagram account owned by Inspector Aaron, he posted this picture with this caption.A plumbing vent should really be vented to the exterior. Here we have one venting into the attic, and it has caused moisture damage to the attic because all that hot water evaporates up the vent. Also, the attic smelled terrible because of it lol.” This is a huge DIY fail. One would think that this is common sense, but I guess not.

Normally, plumbing needs to be vented out of the roof. Credit: Shutterstock

There is a reason why plumbers need to go through an apprenticeship before they can receive a plumbing license. And yet a lot of people decided that they can figure it out in one weekend. Plumbing is one of those things that you should avoid trying to do on your own, because it can cause permanent damage along the way.

9. That’s Not How You Find Studs

This woman put several holes in the wall before she found a stud. Credit: @xirandii on Twitter

A woman named Randi posted this photo on her Twitter with the caption, “I knew that stud was in there somewhere, follow me for more DIY projects.” Yikes. This is a big DIY fail. Those holes are going to need to be filled in with some spackle and repainted. If she lives in an apartment, this could potentially come out of her security deposit if she’s not careful. 

This electronic stud finder helps you put a hole in the wall once the right way. Credit: Shutterstock

Follow this tutorial to find studs in the wall without a stud finder. But if you have the money to spare, just buy a stud finding tool. This will be very useful if you ever plan to do more DIY projects in the future. Trust me, it’s worth it if you want to save your walls from filling it with holes.

8. Empty the Closet, First

This person accidentally painted their coats with white paint. Credit: Shutterstock

In this next DIY fail from Reddit, someone decided it was a good idea to paint their closet doors from brown to white. But just because you’re painting on the outside of the doors doesn’t mean everything inside is safe, especially if it’s slatted! As you can see, the white paint went straight through to the inside of the closet. Unfortunately, if they didn’t realize this until after the paint dried,  stains like that are not likely to come out in the wash. If this ever happens to you, follow this tutorial to see how to remove dried paint from clothes.

If you’re going to paint anywhere in your home on your own, make sure you’re protecting your stuff first. Credit: Shutterstock

Whenever you plan to paint something, make sure you remove all of the objects in the surrounding area. You never know if paint will accidentally splash and stain something nearby. Always put down a drop cloth, wear old clothes, and use paint tape to protect anything you don’t want getting wet. Also make sure you notify your family members when there is wet paint in the house, so that they can steer clear. Also make sure your pets get nowhere near it.

7. Don’t Forget to Measure the Ceiling, Too.

This man won’t be able to walk up the stairs without hitting his head. Credit: woodycarpenter1 on Twitter

Earlier on this list, I showed the image of someone building very wonky and uneven stairs. Unfortunately, even if you carefully measure all of the steps correctly, there is something else that can go wrong…The height. Remember that even if you’re a relatively short person, tall people are going to need to use the stairs, too. Always remember to measure the head height on the angle of a stairwell to make sure someone over 6 feet tall can comfortably climb the stairs without hitting their head. In the photo above, it looks like the opening needs to be larger, but that might not be possible in that house.

Professionals need to carefully measure every aspect of a staircase. Credit: Shutterstock

In older homes, it may not be possible for you to fix a problem like this. People used to be much shorter than they are in modern times. However, if you’re working on a modern house, or doing modern updates, there is no excuse for this terrible DIY fail. Like everything else on this list, you want to hire someone who knows what they’re doing when it comes to installing a staircase. This can be a very expensive and dangerous mistake if it’s not done correctly.

6. Not All Doors Are The Same Size

This door was way too small for its frame. Credit: Reddit

When you go to nearly every middle class home in the United States, it seems like everyone has the same door. It’s the white particle board door with the four rectangular panels. These are commonly found at Home Depot and Lowes. So it’s understandable why some people would assume that all doors are the exact same, especially if they seem to come in a modern standard size. But no. Door frames are all different sizes, and you need to measure them first. Never assume that just because a door looks the same, it is the correct size.

Hardware stores sell doors that come in all different sizes. Credit: Shutterstock

If you can’t find the correct size door in stock at your local store, it may be necessary for you to order it online. But trust me, it’s worth the wait. Otherwise, you may end up having to replace every door in the house if you don’t want one awkward unique door that seems out of place to everything else in your home.

5. Apparently a Lot of People Trap Their Ladders Forever

This person’s ladder is stuck inside of the wood beam forever, it seems. Credit: Reddit

While doing research for this article, one of the most common DIY Fail images I found was people trapping their ladders inside of the thing they’re trying to install. People have trapped their ladders around TV satellite dishes, plumping, wood beams, and so much more. To me, it’s mind boggling that someone could allow this to happen. But apparently, it’s a really common problem that people have. The only way they can fix the problem is to completely undo the work they did, and try again.

Be careful about your ladder placement, and consider having a spotter. Credit: Shutterstock

When you use a ladder, you should always have a spotter there with you. A spotter holds your ladder to keep it steady. They are also nearby to make sure you don’t make mistakes like wrapping your ladder around a wood beam. Spotters are also necessary to make sure if an accident does happen, they are there to help you. Think about it. If you were on a ladder working all by yourself and you fell, you would most likely be unconscious. And the impact might break your phone. According to the Industrial Safety and Hygiene News, 500,000 people fall from a ladder and injure themselves every year. It’s no joke, and something you should never take lightly.

4. Drywall is Harder Than it Looks

This DIY fail looks like a jigsaw puzzle. Credit: Reddit

On a lot of websites, they claim that hanging drywall is easy to do on your own. But this DIY fail proves that apparently, it’s a lot harder than it looks. This was posted on Reddit with the caption, “How do I even piece together this puzzle?” It’s hard to tell if this person was trying to use up all of the scraps they had left over from other parts of the house, or if they were having a hard time covering something that was a strange shape. Obviously, this is not going to look good when you spackle and paint this. There is absolutely not fixing this situation, and it’s surprising that they committed to it for so long.

A professional hanging drywall. Credit: Shutterstock

Even if it costs the extra few hundred dollars, it’s better just to hired a professional contractor to hang your drywall. They can get it done quickly and efficiently. In most cases, there needs to be at least two people working on it together. This is especially true if a piece needs to be lifted up to the ceiling. Drywall and sheet rock is a lot heavier than you would imagine. It’s dangerous for someone to do this on their own, even if they have a ton of experience.

3. That Doesn’t Go There

Spray foam doesn’t belong in the cracks of a brick wall. Credit: Reddit

This next DIY fail has me doing a face palm. Someone thought it would be a good idea to put spray foam into the cracks of their brick wall. Sure, this might be a temporary solution to their draft problem. But it’s not going to be structurally sound. It also looks really unattractive to have all of that spray foam oozing out of the wall. At the bottom of the wall, it’s hard to tell if there is a foundation issue causing the crack, or if that just came from a messy job of someone trying to slather concrete all over the wall.

Hire a professional to fix your brick walls. Credit: Shutterstock

Fixing brick and stone walls are more involved than you might think. It’s not exactly difficult, and anyone can learn. But it’s something you need to be taught how to do by someone with experience, or at least watch a few YouTube videos, first. Depending on the age and the color, you will need to use a mortar that matches the existing wall. Since that can get a bit involved, it may be best to hire someone with the experience to get the job done correctly.

2. Smashing Through the Mistakes

Less than 24 hours after they built a new wall, a car smashed through it. Credit: KEPR Action News

Imagine working hard to install a brick wall in front of your house to help you feel protected from the highway right outside your door. Then, just a few hours later, a car comes crashing through your cinder block wall to destroy all of your work. Then, they get out of their car and run for the hills, because they’re afraid of getting arrested for drunk driving. Now you’ve got a car on your front lawn. Maybe this homeowner somehow predicted this would happen. It’s a good thing that something was there to stop the car from going into this person’s house!

Hopefully those home owners can use their insurance to pay someone to build a new wall. Credit: Shutterstock

This image was posted on a sub-Reddit all about people who have committed a DIY fail. It’s funny, because instead of talking about how crazy it was that a random person crashed through the wall, everyone is commenting on the poor craftsmanship. “It wasn’t going to last very long anyway”. And, “Best thing to ever happen to these folks. Now they can hire someone to do it right.” From the looks of it, the wall seems like they didn’t actually put anything in-between to help the block stick together.

1. An Unfortunate Arrangement

Something doesn’t look right about this mirror. Credit: MLS and Reddit

Someone who posted this on Reddit left the comment, “Good if you only want to see half of yourself.” The photo was originally found on the real estate MLS system. This is going to make the house difficult to sell, because no one will want to deal with this on a daily basis. People like symmetry, and they like being able to look at themselves in their mirror when they brush their teeth or wash their face. Moving side to side is going to get old fast. Clearly, this is a DIY fail, because no professional home builder would ever design a bathroom this way.

Smaller vanities can hold plenty of space. Credit: Shutterstock

Sometimes, a room can be an awkward shape that seems difficult to work with. The solution to this problem would be that the home owner should have installed a smaller bathroom vanity that would fit in-between the two windows. Then, they could have purchased an extra piece of furniture to use for the storage they needed. Or, they could use the corner of the room for a basket of towels, plants, and so many other things that would make the room look more appealing.
