Building a dream home means you have the ultimate freedom to develop and create it exactly as you wish. There’s no set of rules you have to follow, though people normally add to a typical home already built. But what about those other, lesser-known people who bend and break the rules to create their ideal dream home? We’ve curated a list of these people, to give you inspiration to get started building your dream home. Some of these people live in tiny homes or mobile homes, while others have flipped their homes from dilapidated to dazzling.
The Cabin In The Woods
This Reddit user did not shy away from a DIY project. They decided to build a log cabin in Finland, off-grid, with its “own waste-water treatment, water well, solar + battery storage, wood boiler for hot water and underfloor radiant heating and a masonry fireplace with oven.” But that’s not all, they’re “Cooking using propane gas in winter and because of excess solar, electric in summer – and outdoor kitchen of course. In summer, the excess power will also be used to cut/split wood – essentially storing solar for later.” That smooth wood says it all. People think dream homes have to be in a neighborhood or have all the glitz and glam that modern homes have. Well, take it from this Reddit user and think again (Reddit).