Walking through life, minding your own business might be the best route for some people. But for others, feelings and thoughts build up at an alarming rate. For mental health, it can sometimes be beneficial to just let it all out. According to a Time Magazine article, ” Emotions have energy that pushes up for expression, and to tamp them down, our minds and bodies use creative tactics—including muscular constriction and holding our breath. Symptoms like anxiety and depression, which are on the rise in the U.S., can stem from the way we deal with these underlying, automatic, hard-wired survival emotions, which are biological forces that should not be ignored.”
Right now, a growing community on Reddit is taking to r/TrueOffMyChest to get their deepest and most personal thoughts off their chest. Some of the confessions are just plain sad, while others are hilarious anecdotes in their daily lives. But one thing is for certain when it comes to these people: they really needed to get something off of their chest.
The sad reality for women

“I’m a big dude 6’2/240. Whenever I’m out in public by myself (running, jogging, walking, running errands) it’s not uncommon for women to intentionally put themselves on guard when I approach. I do the best I can to give him as much room as possible but sometimes it just can’t be done. The constant looking back over the shoulder a bunch of times or doing the best they can to cover themselves with whatever they were wearing or try not to be seen, the removing of both headphones until I pass etc.
“It used to make me feel bad about myself but now it just makes me feel sad for these women. We’ve created a society where harassment and assault is so common that women have conditioned themselves… And rightfully so… To be on high alert whenever a fairly large guy by himself is near them. I don’t blame them but I do feel sad for them. Edit: get lost with all that “not all men” or “this has never happened to me so OP is making it up” crap.” – Confessions by Jim_from_snowy_river