We all have an abundance of items in our kitchen. We use some items more often than others. Some items might be collecting dust at the bottom of our drawer. They always say less is more, so the less clutter you have taking up your home and kitchen space, the clearer you might feel, mentally We’ve curated a list of the most useless kitchen items out there. Once you clean up your kitchen, you’re well on your way to becoming a professional cook. Imran Ali, from London’s Michelin-starred Tamarind, says the most important tool in the kitchen isn’t one you can hold. In an interview, he said, “There is no more essential a tool in any kitchen than knowledge. You could have the best equipment and tools in the world’s best kitchen, but if you don’t know your food and you don’t know your ingredients and how they come together, then you won’t be able to make even the simplest of dishes.”

A recent study from Cornell University revealed that having a cluttered kitchen leads to overeating and eating more snacks and food with higher calories. In the study, one woman waited in a messy kitchen with dishes in the sink, newspapers on the counter, and a ringing phone, while another waited in a clean, calm kitchen. The woman waiting in the messy kitchen ate twice as many cookies as the woman waiting in the clean kitchen. One way to combat this disorder in your kitchen is to get rid of useless kitchen items and keep your space clean and organized. If you’re going to invest in tools, invest in versatile ones that you can use for many different things, like knives, tongs, and large spoons. The one-use kitchen tools are the biggest killers in the kitchen.

Get Rid Of Your Citrus Juicer
It might seem counterintuitive, but squeezing your lemons and limes the old-fashioned way is better than using a citrus juicer. Even though it’s satisfying to drink a cup of water, knowing there are no lemon seeds inside, there’s no point in using the juicer. As a top chef and owner of Sydney’s Chiswick, Opera Bar, and Riverbar & Kitchen, Matt Moran says to toss the citrus juicer. He said, “I would have to say that for me, it’s a citrus juicer. I know people love them but we have one at home that just never gets used – by the time you get it out and put all the parts together, not to mention dismantling and cleaning it, it just seems to make more sense to me to do it the old fashioned way.” We’re sorry to say it, but it’s time to step up your kitchen game and get rid of that juicer (SMH).