Unbelievable Cat Burglar Home Invasion Stories

Shannon Quinn - April 6, 2021

The thought of a cat burglar breaking into your home is one of the most terrifying things anyone can imagine. However, the reality of what happens usually isn’t as frightening as the movies make it out to be. Here at Home Addict, we have gathered dozens of different stories from Reddit about home invasions. Some are funny, while others are deadly serious. And some of them just might help prepare you for what to do, should you ever become a victim someday.

30. Brownies Saved the Day

Apparently, a cat burglar can’t resist a good brownie. Credit: Shutterstock


This story comes from QuantumMechanic977 on Reddit. After reading this, you just might consider making batches of fresh baked goods every day “My mom made a lot of brownies. We ate a few, but didn’t finish them and we left them out on the kitchen stove. My mom knew my dad would be home in just a few minutes, so she didn’t think she needed to lock the doors before she went to sleep. My dad pulls into the driveway. The first thing he notices is that our garage is open, and his bike is standing outside. Then he turns and looks into the house. Standing in our kitchen is a man. At first, he assumes that one of his friends had come over and wanted to borrow his bike. 

“Then the man inside our house sprints out the back door. My dad starts to chase him, but stops. He knows we’re inside, and he wants to make sure we’re OK. So now we’re all gathered downstairs, and we notice something. On the kitchen table were three wallets, all untouched. Then we look over and see the plate of brownies, completely destroyed. The man who had broken into our house, skipped over our valuables and went straight for the brownies. At the time, I was more disappointed by the fact that we didn’t get to finish them than scared that we had kind of been robbed. Obviously my mom and dad  freaked out. They bought an alarm system for the house, and my dad didn’t sleep for a few days. Other than that, the only thing we lost were some brownies.”

29. Beware of Those Who Knock

If random people start knocking on your door, it’s best to ignore it. Credit: Shutterstock


This next cat burglar story comes from ZarkMatter on Reddit. Unfortunately, the kindness this person showed to this person backfired. “I go and walk my dog around my house pretty late at night (12 am-1 am)…Maybe not the safest thing, but I live in the woods and away from people. Anyways, I start walking downstairs and notice my sister’s door is open and the light is on. It struck me as odd considering she moved out 6 years ago, and nobody goes in there. I walk in to turn the light off and I see a man trying to hide behind the closet door. It’s filled with boxes, so there was no real way he could hide. I act like I didn’t see him and I went and grabbed my shotgun from the other room. Went back in and told him not to move or I’d kill him.

He jumped out from the closet and took off running as fast as he could, right past me, into the garage, and out into the woods. I could have shot him, but I didn’t. When I saw his face, I remembered…A few days earlier he knocked on my door claiming to know my neighbor and said he was looking for copper to sell…asked if I knew or had any old copper he could have. I gave him a few old car batteries I had and that was that. He said he had two daughters he was trying to take care of…I didn’t call the cops, but that’s the extent of my mercy…if he came back the next night he was dead.

28. The Cat Burglar Stole $5,000 in Video Games

This story just might make you want to go digital with your video games. Credit: Shutterstock


This story was by a Reddit user called hey_arnold93. “I was away on vacation with my family. I returned to my apartment and the door was open. It was like in a movie, when the main character goes to open the door and realizes its already open.  I turn on the light and I start cursing because I immediately see that all of my movies and video games have been stolen. This doesn’t sound like much, but I had a pretty extensive collection, valued at about $5,000.   called the police and there was not much they could do. The thief even stole my pocket change and my deceased grandfather’s watch.

The most bizarre thing about it was the fact that they left many of my valuable items. They left electronics, memorabilia, and art, but all they took were items they could easily pawn off. A week later, I actually found one of my old games at a Gamestop (the receipt with my name on it was still in the case). The experience had a profound impact on me. I sold my xbox and haven’t played video games since. I just can’t justify the money anymore. In the next few months after the incident, I never left valuable items in my apartment. I always carried around my laptop, hard drives, and anything that had value to me.”

27. Back in the 90’s, Clunky Computers Were So Much More Valuable

Now, these old computers are not worth as much as they once were. Credit: Shutterstock


This next story is by a user named rempel on Reddit. Nowadays, old computers from the 90’s are so useless, people are getting rid of them at the recycling center. It’s hard to imagine now, but there was a time when these computers were so valuable, it was worth it for a cat burglar to break into your house and try to steal them.

Our house was broken into when I was a kid. We were on vacation at the time but came home immediately. I remember the house being a complete mess. My father owns a business and at the time had just upgraded his home office to new Windows 95 computers, and an office of the 90s was a gold mine for home thieves. The cops told us it was probably 5 or 6 pros, who promptly left when they heard on their police scanner that our new neighbors had called it in. None of us have ever felt that safety of a home. The most startling part was finding kitchen knives in all of our bedrooms. Knowing they had watched us for some time to know our schedule and finding weapons that the police confirmed were probably to be used if someone was home still keeps me up at night 20 years later.”

26. That Time The Burglars Trapped Themselves in the Attic

If you hear a strange sound, don’t hesitate to call the police. Credit: Shutterstock


In this next story from a user named Knightricer, the authorities didn’t believe a woman at first when she called her security company. Thankfully, security companies always show up just in case something is happening. If you can learn anything from this story, it’s to call for help, even if you’re not totally sure if there is something going on or not.

“I work in alarm dispatch, so I hear a bunch of good ones from customers. We had a woman who insisted that there were burglars on her roof. The cops saw nothing suspicious and left. A few minutes later we were sending the cops back out there, turns out they had been on the roof and had trapped themselves in the attic. They couldn’t get back out the way they came in and all of the attic access from inside required a panel to be pushed up from below.”

25. This Thief Stole a Laptop Without Even Entering the House

It’s hard to imagine, but this person stole the laptop without ever setting foot in the apartment. Credit: Shutterstock


This next story is almost unbelievable, but ArtOfWot explains how someone stole her friend’s laptop without even entering the apartment. “I live in Los Angeles near the USC campus. For those of you that don’t know, it’s not the nicest neighborhood. One of my housemates came home to find her laptop stolen. The interesting bit is that the front door was locked, and her laptop was sitting six feet away from the nearest, barred, first floor window.”

“The thief walked around the side of the house, opened the window, pulled the bottom of the security bars out from the wall a little ways, and proceeded to tug on the charger cord until the laptop was near enough to the window to grab. They lifted the laptop, and left the half of the charger that was plugged into the power strip behind. No one was hurt, we all just feel a little…violated. It should also be noted that we called campus security. They showed up immediately, were very polite, and started geeking out over the Super Nintendo we have hooked up in our living room.”

24. Apparently, Swords and Nudity are the Best Security

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Swords seem to be the most effective weapon against a cat burglar. Credit: Shutterstock


This next story is from AbanddonSF. “One night about 7 year ago, Just moved into my new home. The neighborhood was a good place with no major crime. About 2 months after I moved in, I hear a huge bang at 2 am at the door and then a loud redneck voice. I am in bed (I sleep naked BTW), my first reaction is to grab the sword near my bed, and charge to the living room yelling. The look on the guy’s face was priceless, a 300+ plus lb naked guy, with a sword yelling at the top of his lungs charging at him.”

“He G-T-F-O asap, tripping over him self, and fell in the yard while running. Call the cops, put on some pants, and wait for the cops to get to me. Once they arrived they had already had someone in custody, saw him trying to break into another home down the street. I confirmed it was him. Once trail came and pasted found out he was on meth, and looking for an abandoned lot to crash in.”

23. Just Get a Lock

Never leave your valuables in the car.Credit: Shutterstock


This next story by a user named Srxtr isn’t about a home break-in, but rather, a story about how someone had their belongings stolen at the gym. Since more people are working out from home now, maybe stories like this can be avoided in the future. “My cousin and I went to the gym to work out on New Year’s day. I was at the cash register to buy a new lock to keep our wallets and stuff secure inside a locker, and my cousin stops me and says “‘Why are you buying that?’.

“‘It’s to keep our wallets safe inside a locker’, I replied. ‘Well don’t be stupid. Keep your $5 and leave our wallets safely in your car.’ I hesitated but agreed to do so. So I ran back to my car, where I noticed a strange dark car slowing down. I took no note of it, and after hiding our wallets, I went back in and started my workout. When we got back, my car window was smashed and our wallets were gone. I ended up paying over $300 in damages and lost items, lost valuable pictures, and all this because I didn’t spend $5 for a stupid lock.”

22. Don’t Forget Your House Keys

If you forget your house keys, someone in your family might mistake you for a cat burglar. Credit: Shutterstock


Eboo143 on Reddit tells the story of how her mom forgot her house keys, and how it almost got her killed. “So, one night my mom was out babysitting and she got home after my grandparents had gone to bed. She realized she had forgotten her house key so she hopped the fence and went around to try and open the sliding glass back door. So she’s standing there trying to jimmy open the door when my grandfather hears the commotion down stairs and grabs a baseball bat to come investigate (It’s important to note here that my grandpa slept in his underwear and also wore false teeth, which he took out at night.)”

“So my mom prevails with the door and flings it open just in time to see her step father, clad in his tighty whities, sans teeth, jumping down the stairs wielding a baseball bat and jumping about in a manner described to me as that of a crazed hairless ape (I like to picture grandpa Lou from Rugrats). No cops were called, but I’m sure my mother was mentally traumatized from the sight. And I’m sure she never ever forgot her house key again. “

21. Never Open The Door

If you suspect that this person is a cat burglar, don’t open the door! Credit: Shutterstock


A user by the name of Anxious_midwesterner tells the story of how opening the door to a stranger is a bad idea. “Some friends and I were visiting another friend who lived in a questionable neighborhood in Cincinnati. My then boyfriend and I were sleeping in the front room of the house on a futon. Late at night, the doorknob starts rattling. This older and clearly f- up man is trying to get in. We tell him through the window to go away, and my then boyfriend opens the door a crack to tell him to piss off. (NEVER OPEN THE DOOR, IT’S STUPID!)”

“The guy tries to use his weight to force the door open, mumbling about just wanting to use the phone. I fly upstairs and wake the owner of the house, tell him what’s happening. He says ‘What? WHAT?’, grabs a lead pipe (bedside weaponry) and flies down the stairs. By the time I get downstairs, he is already outside screaming at the guy, and shoving him off the porch. The guy stumbles away. Apparently there had been a rash of robberies that all started with people coming to the door at night asking to use the phone. No cops called, the reason being that in that neighborhood, there was no point.”

20. Fat Man in the Window

This woman thought she had a cat burglar, but it was really her overweight brother sneaking back inside the house. Credit: Shutterstock


This next story by FFandMMFan is a hilarious false alarm story. “One night, my aunt (who was in her late teens/early 20s at the time) was awoken by strange sounds coming from downstairs. It was far too late for anyone to be wandering around the house, so she grabbed a baseball bat and walked into the hall. She checked the bedroom doors. Closed. Grandma wasn’t home, as she worked nights. Aunt decides to investigate on her own, and peeks downstairs to see someone trying to enter through the kitchen window, clad in black. She can’t see their face, but she doesn’t take chances. My aunt quietly sneaks back upstairs, grabs the telephone and calls 911.

She tells this person to send cops right away, that someone was breaking in. Within only a couple minutes, a couple police cars pull up to the house and cops head towards the kitchen, both inside and outside, guns drawn. It seems that the burglar was stuck in the window. The police grabbed him by the legs and pulled him out and had him pinned to the ground. Aunt comes running up to see who the burglar was.It was my uncle. He snuck out in the middle of the night to go and get drunk with his friends, and forgot to bring the key. So he locked himself out, and was so drunk (and fat) that he couldn’t manage to push himself through the kitchen window.”

19. Just Pretend It Isn’t Happening

Apparently a cat burglar can’t get you if you pretend they don’t exist. Credit: Shutterstock


The user has deleted their account, so it’s impossible to know the username. But her story is still fascinating, because apparently, just sleeping is enough to make a cat burglar change their mind. And when you’re broke and don’t have anything to steal, there’s no point in them robbing you! “In 2003, I had just turned 18 and was kicked out of my house. I worked night shifts at Mcdonald’s and moved in an old house (basement suite) with a friend.  Slept during the day obviously, since I did nightshift. Anyway, one day, about late morning, my roommate was at work and I was in bed.”

“I could hear an engine outside and then someone messing around at the front door. Somehow they had broke in. I could hear them quickly and frantically moving around. This had me completely frozen, and literally could not move. I decided to just keep lying there… facing the wall, not making a sound. Then my heart dropped, I heard my bedroom door open. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I heard silence for a couple seconds, then footsteps running out the door. As soon as I heard my front door close and the engine start, I ran out and saw a van speeding away. By the way, they stole absolutely nothing. We had nothing of value. My bedroom was a mattress on the floor in a tiny closet area.”

18. Just Act Crazy

A cat burglar won’t want to deal with crazy people. Credit: Shutterstock


A user by the name of TheresThatSmellAgain tells a hilarious story about how he acted insane when someone robbed him. This was enough to scare the cat burglar away. “You won’t believe this, but I actually shouted ‘have at thee’ when some guy broke into my house. 2am, I’m alone (wife’s away) and I hear a door, someone climbing the stairs, etc. Still half asleep I figured it was in my head until I saw a flashlight walking into my bedroom.”

“Went for my 4-cell and leap out of the rack with the stupidest war whoop ever and he pearled before I could grab him. I’m still pissed off I wasn’t awake enough to catch him. At any rate, seeing a 200lb, barely dressed, hairy fat-ass come charging at you out of the dark has to be terrifying enough. Oh, I missed grabbing my mag-lite and instead grabbed the power strip. Halfway out the room before I realized I was brandishing a power strip, alarm clock, cell phone charger, and night lamp. File under: “crazy white boy with issues.”

17. It’s Always Best to Stay Calm

Remember to stay calm under pressure. Credit: Shutterstock


A user named diogeneselpirata demonstrates exactly what you should do in a frightening situation. Keep calm, and call 911. “While I was in graduate school, I was getting some much needed and probably pretty deep sleep in the afternoon after pulling an all nighter and turning in a paper that was due earlier in the day. Woke up to hear two guys talking to each other in the next room. I was very confused but luckily realized what was going on before I said anything or got up. Heard them talking about how to get my TV out of my apartment and decided it was probably best to just act like I was sleeping.”

“While laying there I realized I had a cordless phone nearby. Dialed 911 and didn’t say anything – just whispered ‘help.’ Cops showed up 10 minutes later just as the two guys were walking out the door. Woke up. Felt good. Got my TV, Laptop, and a bunch of video games back. Did not go back to sleep. Finally appreciated the mandatory response to any 911 call. Moral of the story: if you need to call 911 and aren’t sure what to say, it’s the thought that counts and you don’t need to say a word.”

16. Always Lock the Hotel Door

When you go on vacation, don’t forget to lock your hotel door. Credit: Shutterstock


A Reddit user by the name of BobJones12123 tells a story that gives two lessons: One, if you have your kids in a hotel room, teach them how to lock the door properly. Secondly, don’t trust your kids to protect your valuables while they’re all alone. “When I was about 8 years old my family and I were away on holiday staying at a motel. My parents had their own room. My sister and I were sharing a  single bed room, and I was on a little fold out bed. My parents went to bed early telling me to lock the sliding door before i went to bed then my sister went to bed shortly after. I forgot to lock it and went to sleep in my fold out bed located in front of the door.”

“The cat burglar came in through the door stepped over me when I was sleeping. They went into my sister’s room stole her bag, then went into my parent’s room to steal their wallets and cash from the bedside table. Then they walked back over me and were on their way out. Scary to think what he would have done if any of us had woken up but couldn’t sleep for a week after that and always conscious about locking doors.” Nowadays, most hotels have electronic key card systems. 

15. Standup Comedian Jim Jefferies Tells His Break-In Story

The thieves took the heat for Jim Jefferies. Credit: Shutterstock


A comedian named Jim Jeffries was robbed, and he once told the full story on a podcast. We’re going to abbreviate the story for the sake of this article, but if you want to hear him tell the full version, click here. “Two guys came through the window. One with a hammer, one with a machete. I got a scar when they cut my head. They tied us up and took all types of stuff. Then, they took the keys to my car and drove off out of the house. They got caught speeding in my car before we had ever made the call. They’re now serving 12 years in prison for grievous bodily harm and aggravated burglary.”

The story continued, ‘They also got him for possession of drugs, right, which was brilliant because they were my drugs. The cops are questioning us and they go, ‘Mr. Jefferies one last thing…Do you know anything about those drugs?’ I told them that I don’t know I don’t know anything about them. And the cop goes, ‘funny your fingerprints are all over them’ and I went, ‘they made me touch it.'”

14. Saved by the Sword

We learn again and again that swords are effective against cat burglars. Credit: Shutterstock


This story came from Waterguardian. “I was living in Las Vegas at the time, and was asleep in my bed when I heard banging at my door around 10am.  This was early for me, so I was still really tired, but decided to just go see who the hell was beating at my door. When I looked out the peephole, I saw no one there. Pissed off that I just imagined someone beating at my door, I went back to my bed. Three minutes later I hear someone messing with my window. Confused, thinking it was probably maintenance fixing something. I see a man walking away with my window screen. Suddenly I realized I never received a notice of work, nor asked for any.”

“By this time the guy came back and I heard what sounded like him trying to pry my window open. I kept a decorative sword by my bed, so I grabbed it, unsheathed it and braced my back against the wall next to the window remaining out of sight. He popped my window open and took his hands to slowly open a view from my blinds. Adrenaline had begun to pump into my veins like nitrous to a car. I raised my sword and blindly stabbed it out the window. Missed his eye by an inch. Mr. Cat Burglar fell back into the bush under my window allowing me to swing again. It landed, but, it just merely cut his jacket. He got up and ran like the wind as yelled at the top of my lungs, “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE”.

13. Keep Calm, and Load Your Gun

In the United States, it’s legal to own a gun. Many people are afraid of cat burglars, and use the weapon as protection. Credit: Shutterstock


A user named Drunkeness is likely shows a scenario why so many Americans like to own guns. “My dad was living in an apartment on the second floor. One night he was woken from slumber from some noise in the living room. Being from Texas, he grabs his shotgun (standard Texas issue when any Texas citizen comes of age) and slowly and silently moves into the living area like a redneck ninja.”

“He sees the balcony door open and a dude rummaging through the stuff in the darkened living room. My dad, the badass, says nothing. Does not move. Does not make a peep. He simply cocks his shotgun.Upon hearing this, the burglar does not turn around. He does not hesitate for a second. He runs through the open door, leaps off the balcony and just starts running when he hits the ground.I don’t think my dad even bothered to call the cops. I honestly never even thought to ask him if he did.”

12. An Entire Minecraft Server Listened to a Break in

This cat burglar struck while the homeowner was on Minecraft. Credit: Shutterstock


A user by the name of TaylorHammond9 told the story of how he witnesses a robbery over a Minecraft server. “About a year back, I was sitting at home playing Minecraft (how I spent most of my time last summer) with a few buds on a server. We were all from different states, so we didn’t know each other in real life or anything. We’re all in a call together on Skype. We’re all playing, as usual, and all of the sudden we hear a huge bang come from someone’s microphone.”

My friend lived with a roommate, but was home alone at the time. As he lived in a rather small apartment, he turns around and could see the guy right there. Obviously the 15 seconds consisted of sort of things going back and forth like “GET THE F- OUT” “F- YOU B-“. Luckily enough, the robber wasn’t armed or anything, and when my friend began to run at him with a (laugh if you’d like, but it was effective) wireless keyboard. I’ll never forget it. Because other than the screaming going on, on his side of the chat. Everyone else was dead silent for a few minutes as he called the police.”

11. Saved by the Bible

All this grandma needed was a Bible to protect her from a cat burglar. Credit: Shutterstock


This story from the user RedRobin15 is very short, but it’s hilarious. “My great grandma, being the hardcore Christian she was, told the robber in a commanding voice, ‘GO WITH GOD.’ The dude freaked and booked it out of there in fear of this old grandma with a Bible. And she did it all from her easy chair.”

10. The Naked Archer Banished the Heathen Robin Hood Style

This woman used her bow and arrow to get rid of the cat burglar. Credit: Shutterstock


A woman who goes by the username TorchIt tells the story of how her archery skills saved the say. “I do traditional archery. I also sleep naked. These will be relevant points in about twenty seconds. My last house wasn’t in the nicest of neighborhoods. Not bad, but not really the kind of place you want to leave a door unlocked. Luckily for me, I remembered to lock the door…but forgot that I’d burned something in the oven earlier and left the kitchen window cracked.

About two in the morning, I heard my cat going crazy in the living room, and I knew something was up. So I grabbed my bow off of the wall and knocked an arrow. Walked into the living room quietly, flipped on the light, and behold…a young man half-in, half-out of my kitchen window, straddling it like a horse. It’s not an easy window to climb through, the sill is about at eye-level. Drew back to my anchor, lined up my shot, and said ‘Wrong house, mother-!’ He stared at me completely dumbfounded for a moment. Considering that he’d just been caught in the act of breaking into a house by bow wielding woman wearing nothing but socks, I think he handled himself quite well actually. He promptly rolled out of my window and beat feet.”

9. What Happens in Texas Stays in Texas

In Texas, they have a rule called The Castle Doctrine, which allows you to kill an intruder in your home. Credit: Shutterstock


This story is from a user called emreveles. “I live in a two bedroom apartment with my best friend and my dog. When we moved in we decided to buy a shotgun for home protection since we lived on a more dangerous part of town. So one night I wake up to the sound of my dog growling. He is a Lab who is always friendly so as soon as he was showing aggression towards something, I knew someone had broken in. I grabbed the shotgun from under my bed(we decided to keep it in my room because I had more experience shooting.) and went to go check out what was up.”

“As soon as I opened the door my dog ran out and started barking at the guy that had broken in. My dog didn’t do anything but stand there and bark. Right at that moment I pointed my shotgun at this guy and told him to lay down. I gave him a choice, either stay still and wait till the cops show up, or I will shoot you if he tried to run. I live in Texas so it’s legal to shoot an intruder inside of your house. He decided to stay on the ground and wait for the cops to show up. I yelled my roommates name until he woke up and told him to call the cops. I’m glad he decided to wait for the cops to show because I don’t think I would’ve been able to shoot him.”

8. Don’t Ignore Someone At Your Door

It’s probably best not to ignore the cat burglar knocking at your door. Credit: Shutterstock


A young woman who goes by the username Melishka on Reddit wrote about a terrifying experience she had living in a city alone. “I was working the morning shift at the time and was about to go to sleep around 9am when I heard a knock at my door. After looking through the peep hole and there was a huge dude that I did not recognize standing there. I figured if I didn’t say anything he would just go away. He did not. After a minute I walked into the other room trying to decide what I should do. While I was pacing, he threw his whole weight (probably a good 400 pounds) into my door and busted the frame right in.”

“I screamed as loud as possible ‘WHAT THE F-?!’ and grabbed my phone to call 911. Ten minutes later locked in my bathroom the cops finally showed up, he ran off once I screamed. I rode in the cop car and id’d him a street over. Thinking back, if I had just said “who’s there?” he probably would have left…but oh well. I was disappointed in myself, because I had taken self defense classes and everything but all I ended up doing was yell and fumble to call 911. I was standing in my kitchen and didn’t even grab a knife. As a 23 year old girl who grew up in the suburbs where nothing bad ever really happened, it sucked. I promptly moved.”

7. Wrong Place, Wrong Time

These intruders were no match for this man’s nunchucks. Credit: Shutterstock


When a Reddit user by the name of DarrenEdwards moved into a new apartment, he encountered an unexpected intruder. But he was ready with his nunchucks. It just wasn’t exactly what he thought was happening. “Had just moved my stuff into my new ground level apartment and crashed on the couch. Hardly anything had even made it into the bedroom. That first night I heard voices, then a knife click, then my screens being cut. My nunchucks were right where I could get at them so I started into the bedroom.”

“The window opened and I saw two legs slide in, bam bam bam I beat the f- out of the back of those legs. I had a free and clear shot and I wailed on them. I got shots on both legs. Not something that would f- someone up, but they weren’t going anywhere. I let him go out the window and raced around the front to confront him. It turned out to be two teenagers that had been using the empty apartment as their f- den. The guy was crying, the girl had to help him walk. They were terrified. I didn’t do anything, they weren’t going to do it again.”

6. At Least He Was Ready

A kid almost shot his cousin, because he assumed it was a break-in. Credit: Shutterstock


A Reddit user who goes by the name of FirstStateJake was so ready for a cat burglar when he was young, he almost made a huge mistake. “About three years ago I was staying at my grandmother’s house and sleeping in the living room. I heard someone messing with the front door and went to the basement to grab my shotgun (I’ve been shooting since I was 8 and know how to use it). I load four shells and wait behind the kitchen wall. The door opens and I swing around the wall and point the gun right at him…It was my cousin from North Carolina who was coming down for the weekend (something my brother failed to tell me). Funniest part was he just walked past and said “Quit messin’ around”

5. Almost Kidnapped by the Nanny

This next story is not about a cat burglar.  Credit: Shutterstock


This person has deleted their reddit account since writing this story. However, I wanted to include this on the list, because the concept is terrifying. You think you can trust your nanny or babysitter to look after your kids. But this woman clearly got too attached to this toddler, and the result was insane.

“I was 3 years old, my older brother was 14. My mom and dad slept upstairs. A burglar (my nanny’s brother) broke into the house at night through my brother’s open window and he screamed. The robber got him in a choke hold and held a knife to his throat. When he took my brother into the hallway he looked up to see my fat, British, naked father standing on the other side with a .357 magnum trained on his head. The robber made it out of the house alive and my father didn’t take the shot as he ran away, as that is illegal here in California. My brother, who is now 36, still sleeps with a night light. Later it was discovered that the burglar’s intent was to abduct me because we were moving away and my nanny didn’t want to let me go.”

5. Industrial Apartments Seem Cool, Until You’re Living in a Literal Horror Movie

An industrial apartment is catnip to a cat burglar. Credit: Shutterstock


From Professionaleisure; “I was living in a 3 story building, with only the top floor as a semi-official apartment. The bottom 2 was a printing business and rooms for storage. This place was huge and dilapidated. The lights weren’t always working in the rooms of the business, lots of dark nooks and crannies. It was literally like something from the film SeVen. Anyway, I always thought I’d react so coolly during a robbery, but I actually just froze solid in bed out of sheer terror. I mustered sitting up in bed, and heard a person stepping out of the room beside my bedroom. It took me a good few minutes to fumble around for my phone, all the while listening. 

It took me about 10 minutes of nerve-wrecking silence to convince myself that the person had left, and I got up to investigate. I had a good 5 minutes sneaking around the top floor, trying to keep my ears open for any noise around the apartment. Made it to the kitchen where I stored a baton and a torch, and found the door that had been pried open. I had to basically search the whole building top to bottom to make sure the intruder hadn’t just hidden somewhere in one of the many rooms on the lower floors. The entire time, I was never entirely sure if the person had left, or was just around the corner. It was the most terrifying, adrenaline-inducing, heart-pounding half-hour of my life.”

4. The Cat Burglar Was At His Mercy

A college student apprehended the thief on his own, but didn’t know what to do next. Credit: Shutterstock


In this story from a Reddit user called Burnetts199, we see how acting before thinking can potentially get you in trouble. “During my sophomore year at University, I lived in a 4-story house notorious for throwing parties. Anybody could have used this opportunity to scope out what we had inside. One late Friday night around 4 am, my buddies and I heard some odd noises coming from the living room. As I walked down the hall, I saw the intruders drop what they were doing and bolt out of the side door. I ran out the door by myself and chased after them barefoot. During the pursuit, I see a large green suburban that is clearly their escape vehicle. One of the three cuts to the left and runs up somebody’s driveway. 

As soon as I caught up, I grabbed his shirt, threw him to the ground, secured one of his arms, and slammed my knee on his head. His friends ran over to rescue him. Since I was alone, I didn’t know if they would try to beat me up. So I lift my knee up off of his face. The kid gets up and runs away. To this day, I do not know why I didn’t beat the kid I had in the palm of my hand that had just robbed me. When I returned home, I discovered my Wii and my roommate’s car keys and iPod were missing. Looking back, I realize that I am lucky that they did not use any weapons against me, as I would have not had any way to defend myself. At the same time, it’s one of my biggest regrets.”

3. This University Student Followed A Burglar Until the Cops Showed Up

The police can’t apprehend the cat burglar is they don’t know where he is. Credit: Shutterstock


A reddit user named Gudgrim was brave enough to take matters into his own hands. “Was sitting on my computer playing games at around 16:30 (4:30PM) when I heard a sound. Thought my girlfriend might be home early from work. When I walk into my bedroom and I see a druggy standing there putting stuff in his pocket! I ran up to him screaming “what are you doing here!” and threw him to the ground and started picking his pocket for everything he had. Found my girlfriend’s engagement ring and an old wallet as well as his car keys. Well I didn’t want him in my apartment so I pushed him out the door and when I saw he had a bag right outside, I snatched it before him and locked my door.

In the bag was 4 mobile phones (not mine) and a projector from my university. He probably wanted it back since he was standing hammering at my door screaming that he had friends outside coming to get me and that it “needed to happen”, like it was planned or something. So I found my mobile and called the cops. I told him I was, and I could hear him leave. Proceeded to follow him on the street out of sight and talked to some operator that connected me to a civilian marked patrol car(?) that finally caught up with me and I could point him out in the crowd. He was arrested and justice served!”

2. This Child Cat Burglar Was So Dumb

This kid cat burglar was hoping to cash in on the objects he stole. Credit: Shutterstock


Some people fantasize about living in a big frat house in college. Based on this story by the used called GoodandBluts, it’s probably not the safest place. “Lived in a shared student house when I was in my final year at university. In that 12 months, the house had 5 attempted burglaries. It had an alarm on it, which stopped 3 attempts. They kicked the door in, and the alarm scared them away. The fourth time I was home on my own, and I heard something from the back yard. I looked out the window and saw a youth with a brick in his hand. He made eye contact and dropped the brick, saying he had kicked his soccer ball into our yard and was trying to find it. The funny thing was this idiot was only from 3 doors down.

The final time, we were burgled when nobody was at home and nobody seemed to care about the wailing alarm – and the thief finally got hold of some of our possessions (guitar amps, etc). We mentioned the previous attempted break in to the police, and sure enough, they checked 3 doors down and found this imbecile sitting in his bedroom with all of our belongings.”

1. This Family Gets Revenge on the Cat Burglar Who Stole From Them

This family’s friend betrayed them, so they did the most to bring justice. Credit: Shutterstock


A Reddit user named craigeryjohn tells the story of how his dad almost got arrested for attacking the burglar. And the worst part is, she was someone who pretended to be their friend. “Woke up at 2am to a rustling sound. I go to the living room to find my mom’s ‘friend’ removing the tv, vcr, stereo, etc. She tells me my mom and dad had a fight, and she’s just helping my mom move out. Mom was at a party. She leads me back to bed, and continues to remove our belongings. While she is outside, I go to wake my dad. He begins yelling and choking her as she stands by her car full of our stuff. Immediately, we see police lights across the street. The two cops tried to arrest my dad. 

After a lot of arguing, they finally put her in cuffs and took her away. By the time we arrived at the county jail to press charges, she had been released. This woman was the Sheriff’s niece. There was a string of unsolved thefts in our county that summer. She didn’t come back for her car for a while. Rumor is that an angry family towed the car into the street, busted all the windows, slashed the tires, and recovered the patriarch’s wallet from the glove box. When the cops showed up, the family didn’t know who did it.”
