Zero Waste Tips and Tricks For Eco-Friendly People

Ashley - March 17, 2023

Just like people, our Earth isn’t getting any younger! The more waste and carbon emissions we produce, the more the Earth ages, and the less likely it is to be capable of sustaining life. That’s why so many people have jumped on the zero waste movement! Reducing your waste and carbon emissions is the best way to ensure the longevity of our planet and help it recover from years of human interference. Every effort made by every person on this planet will make a massive difference in the health of our ecosystems. Are you ready to help our planet recover from ages of wasteful living? Get your notebook out because we have 45 zero-waste tips, tricks, and hacks to help eco-conscious people reduce their waste and carbon emissions!

Zero Waste Confetti

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Confetti takes up a ton of space in landfills. It’s damaging for the environment and your wallet! So, try out this nature-based decoration hack. All you need is a decorative hole puncher and the materials in your yard! Grab leaves, plants, and other resources from right outside your door and get to punching. You’ll create gorgeous, natural confetti that doesn’t cost you a dime and can simply be thrown back into your yard when you’re done. Using natural confetti is a great conversation starter and party-goers at your home will be massively impressed by your ingenuity.

Rent Your Christmas Tree

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How awesome of an idea is this? This farm allows people to rent their Christmas tree in a pot and return it when the holidays are over. Then, the tree gets planted so the cycle can continue. This is an amazing idea and an excellent alternative to using a tree once and then tossing it or, even worse, buying a plastic tree! Reach out to local tree farms near you to see if they have a similar program available. If they don’t, you can suggest they start it! It’s an excellent program for the environment and can help these businesses by providing an additional stream of income.

Don’t Throw Away the Last Drops of Shampoo

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Most people simply throw away the bottles when they get down to the very last few drops of shampoo and conditioner. However, you can turn those final drops into soap with minimal effort. All you need are shape molders, but you can even use an ice cube tray. Add a little hot water to the bottles if necessary and pour out the remaining shampoo, conditioner, or other liquid soap you have sitting around into the molds. Put them in the freezer for 24 hours. When you pull them out, you’ll have little homemade soaps you can use or gift to others! This is a great way to stretch your supplies and avoid buying more products frequently.

Appreciate Local Libraries

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Libraries are seriously underappreciated. They are one of the few places in the world where people are allowed to exist without having to spend money, and they can also help you live a zero-waste life! Instead of throwing away old books you don’t want anymore, take them to your local library to donate. Also, libraries are also great places to look up local resources on recycling and donation drives. You might be surprised about the resources that are right in your town that you never knew about.

Pencil Case for Utensils

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There’s no need to use plastic utensils in today’s world. You can easily carry your utensils from home with you when you’re eating out. All you need is a simple fabric pencil case like the one in this picture! If you have a sewing machine, you can even make one yourself. This fabric case will allow you to carry your utensils with you to work or an event and is easily washable in case of food messes. You’ll never use plastic utensils again after learning about this hack.

Get Creative With Old Containers

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With a little creativity, you can always turn an old object into something new. Old containers, in particular, almost never need to be thrown out because you can always find a new use for them. The man in this picture gathered several old coolers that were headed for the landfill. He put in a little time and elbow grease and turned them into little shelters for stray cats! Not only is he helping the environment by reducing waste, but he’s also helping the local cat population.

Reuse Plastic Packaging

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No matter how hard you try to buy products that aren’t covered in plastic and other wasteful packaging, it’s nearly impossible to avoid plastics completely. Plastic packaging like the ones in this photo often comes along with buying essentials, so it’s unavoidable. However, instead of throwing all this plastic away, find another use for them. You can use these in place of small freezer or trash bags or use them as makeshift gloves when dealing with kitty litter. They’re also the perfect size for wrapping up a couple of fruits to send to school with your kid. If you want to get really creative, you can also use them to create decorations around the home!

Impressive Example of Ingenuity

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These Turkish garbage collectors decided to put an end to the excessive book waste in their town. They opened a library and filled it with all the books that the citizens of their town threw in the garbage. Look at how many books are in that room! If more towns implemented programs like this, then it would significantly reduce waste. Books aren’t the only thing we could pull out of people’s garbage. Many people throw away perfectly good utensils, kitchen implements, bedding and other fabrics, etc. Always think before you throw something away- can this be reused, recycled, or donated?

Save Old Candle Wax

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There’s no need to throw away your old candles when they’ve burnt down to the last few drips of wax. Instead, pour all the remaining wax into a container. Eventually, you’ll have enough wax to mold new candles! You can pour the wax into shape molders or ice cube trays. Another idea is to heat the wax on the stove until it reaches a soft, easily moldable consistency. Then, you can use your hands to mold the wax into any shape you want!

Companies Making An Effort

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As people become more aware of the damaging effects our waste has on the environment, more companies and big businesses are doing their part to reduce waste. Barilla has taken a helpful step in reducing waste and needless use of plastic by removing the little plastic window from their pasta boxes. It seems like a small step, but when you consider how many boxes are made and sold each day, you realize that this little step adds up to reducing the use of plastic considerably. It’s great to see large companies making an effort!

Save the Veggies

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Many people throw away the ends of their veggies, but you can still get some use out of them! Just like this picture shows, you can easily grind up the ends of celery and other veggies to turn them into a powder. You can then add this powder to smoothies for a little boost of vitamins and minerals or use it as a spice or garnish in your food. This is a great option for people who don’t have access to composting and want to reduce their food waste.

No Toothbrush Waste

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Are you tired of throwing away your entire toothbrush every six months? Image how much space toothbrushes take up in our landfills! There’s an eco-friendly alternative that you absolutely need to try. This brand of toothbrushes has recyclable bristles, so you don’t have to throw away the handle. You simply pop the old bristles out, send them to recycling, and pop a new set in. This is far less wasteful and will save you money in the long run.

Create Art from Trash

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This tip is for the artistically minded people in the world. The person who took this photo created this amazing work of art from old wine foils! Imagine how much art could be created from little pieces of packaging that would normally get thrown away. This is a great side hobby to get involved in for people who love art. Or, if you’re not the most artistic person, you can still use this idea as an awesome crafts project to do with your kids, nieces, nephews, etc.! Kids will love the opportunity to create something beautiful from things that would normally be thrown away.

Create New From the Old

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This man couldn’t stand the idea of seeing all these scrap materials thrown away. While the school he worked at was closed down during the pandemic, he went to work and transformed all this scrap material into useable benches! Not everyone has the time, talent, and skills to do a project this extensive, but the principle is what’s important. Look at the things you plan on throwing away or hauling to the dump. Many pieces of old furniture can be sold or given away for free to people who refurbish and resell them. You could even do this yourself for an interesting side income!

Wrap Produce in Banana Leaves

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So many companies package their food and other products in massive amounts of plastic and other materials that aren’t eco-friendly. A small farmers market in India decided to start wrapping their veggies in banana leaves to cut down on packaging and waste. This is an amazing idea that more companies should implement. While this isn’t something the average person has control over, you do have control over how you buy things! Try to buy in bulk and at stores that let you bring your own containers. Buy reuseable bags and avoid using plastic bags whenever possible. We all need to do our part to protect our planet.

Turn Old Notes Into Gift Wrap

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Most people throw away their old notebooks when they graduate from high school or college. However, there are plenty of creative ways you can use that paper! This person used their old notes as gift wrap, and honestly, it looks fabulous! If you don’t need to use your old notes for gift wrap, then you can find other uses for them. You could use them to line your counter or table when you’re doing craft projects. Always see if you can find another use for something before you toss it!

Another Idea for Gift Wrap

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Gift wrap is a super wasteful industry. The paper is so thin that you can really only get one use out of it, so finding other things you can repurpose into gift wrap is a great way to reduce waste. Paper shopping bags made for excellent gift wrap! Many paper shopping bags will get tears or holes in them after only a few uses. Instead of throwing them away, cut them up to wrap gifts. Some already have a holiday-themed design, like the one in this photo, but others can easily be colored or painted to give them a festive look.

Creative Use for Leftovers

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This baker held onto the broken gingerbread men pieces he couldn’t sell and used them to decorate a cake! They look great and prove there’s always a way to incorporate leftovers. The next time you’re baking or cooking at home and go to throw away food, take a careful look at it. Can you add it to a dish? Grind it up to use as a spice? Throw it on top of a cake? This is a great way to use the creative side of your brain and reduce food waste.

Do A Public and Planet Service

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What do you do with your free time? Have you considered doing a public and planetary service by picking up garbage in your local area? The man in this photo was working on his 8,000th bag of garbage when this photo was taken. Cleaning up the environment by picking up waste off the sides of the roads or local parks is an excellent way to participate in protecting our planet and other people. Imagine how much more beautiful the world would look without piles of trash everywhere! If you have the time, this is a great hobby to pick up.

Rent Instead of Buy

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What do you do when you need an item for a single project? If you can’t borrow from a friend, then you probably buy the item and then try to get rid of it or just throw it away. Instead, try to rent whenever possible. Stores like the one in this photo have opened up all over the world and allow you to rent items like cake pans for a short time. When you’re done baking for that birthday party or family event, simply return the pan.

Learn to Crochet

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People who know how to sew or crochet are able to find super creative ways to prevent old items from ending up in landfills. This photo shows an old sweater a person bought that didn’t suit their style when they saw it in person. Instead of throwing away the garment, they turned it back into yard and crocheted the yarn into a cat bed! If only more people could utilize this skill.

Reuse, Reuse, Reuse!

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Finding new uses for old items is the best way to cut down on waste. This person knew how to get creative and reuse old materials. They transformed their old trampoline structure into an epic garden stand! You don’t need a trampoline frame to get creative. You can use old tires and crates for garden beds. You could also use old shelves, bookcases, chairs, window frames, etc. Get on that creativity train!

Bring Your Own Cups

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This coffee shop posted a sign stating that they don’t use takeaway cups. You can either sit in the cafe and use their cups or bring your own travel mug. This is actually a great idea because takeaway containers are a huge waste issue that’s difficult to combat. Imagine if restaurants let you bring your own Tupperware containers, and more coffee shops encouraged people to bring their own cups! The world could really benefit from more businesses taking this initiative.

Repurpose Old Water Jugs

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Old water jugs like the ones in this picture take up a ton of room when they’re thrown away. If you aren’t refilling them with water to use, then there are tons of other ways you can use them! The person who took this photo transformed their old water jugs into cat beds, but there are a ton of other ways you can reuse them. Turn them into storage containers around the home, use them to haul debris like leaves and twigs out of your yard, or fill them with rock salt to use during the winter if you live in a cold area that gets a lot of ice.

Eco-Friendly Sponges

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Plenty of people still use sponges to wash dishes by hand, but most sponges are not biodegradable or eco-friendly. Here’s an excellent alternative that will save you money and help cut down on waste. The objects in the photo are actually plants called loofahs. You can grow these in your home and use them to wash dishes. They’re biodegradable, long-lasting, and a huge money-saver!

Handmade Wooden Cooking Utensils

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Now, this is a creative way to transform old furniture and cut down on waste! Ditch the silicone and plastic cooking utensils that get worn out and thrown away after a few years in favor of homemade wooden utensils. You can make these out of old shelves, tables, chairs, and any other wooden furniture you’re considering discarding. All you need is a few tools and a little spare time.

Plastic-Free Deodorant

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Switching to brands that promote the health of our environment will make a massive difference over time. Old Spice has an entire line of deodorant that is 100% plastic free. There are other companies that make plastic-free soap, shampoo, conditioner, and more. With a little research, you can replace many of the brands you’ve been using with more eco-friendly alternatives.

Cat Climber Made From Old Materials

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You’d be surprised how many things you can make from old materials. All you need is a little creativity, some free time, and the right tools to transform old materials into useful products! The person who posted this photo on the zero waste subreddit used a dead tree and materials he had around the home to create a cat tree. It looks fabulous, and his cat looks thrilled with his new spot!

Use Tin Can Lids to Hang Pictures

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Old picture frames often get thrown away because they no longer have the hardware needed to hang them on the walls. Rather than throw away these old frames, all you need is a tin can lid! Glue these lids on the back of the picture frame and then use the tab to hang it up on a nail. The creativity here is off the charts!

Tie-Dye Stained Clothes

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Sometimes clothes get stained beyond repair. When this happens, you don’t want to donate a stained shirt, so many people throw the garment away. Instead of tossing your stained clothes, turn them into something new! You can tie-dye your stained clothes to create a new, stylish pattern that looks great. If you really want to be 100% eco-friendly with this method, then use colors found in nature. You can use red onions or beetroot for the dye.

Worm Farm

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Did you know that superworms and mealworms can consume styrofoam and turn it into biodegradable waste? Neither did we! This Redditor’s boyfriend wrote a paper on the subject, and the couple decided to start their own worm farm to dispose of their styrofoam waste in an eco-friendly way. This is actually a super cool idea, and it’s easy enough for most people to do. You can set up your own worm farm in a little plastic container just like they did it, or set it up outside if you don’t want the worms in your home.

Repurpose Plastic Bottles

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All plastic bottles should be repurposed whenever possible. The person who took this photo used an old plastic honey container and filled it with hand soap to use in their bathroom. This is just one example of how you can reuse plastic bottles. You could also fill an old container like this with condiments for your kitchen or fish feed for your pets! Once you start thinking about the possibilities, you realize how many options exist to reuse old bottles.

Make Juice Out Of Unused Fruits

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The person who took this photo was demonstrating how their local grocery store makes and sells juice from old fruits to cut down on waste. This is an amazing idea, and it’s actually something you can do yourself at home! Have you left a banana or apple sitting out too long and don’t want to eat it anymore? Cut off any parts that are inedible and throw them in a juicer. Make sure to put the parts you cut off into the compost pile!

Refill Stations for Cleaning Supplies

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There are stores all around the world that are doing their best to cut down on waste. Many stores now offer refill stations for liquid soap, shampoo, condition, and more! If you have a store like this near you, then you need to start visiting it! Just bring an airtight container you can safely store the liquid in and pay by weight. Not only will this help protect the environment, but it will save you money in the long run.

Reusable Makeup Remover Pads

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Many people are ditching single-use, disposable makeup remover pads in favor of reusable alternatives. You can buy reusable makeup remover pads in most stores and online, but you could also make them yourself! The pads in this picture were made out of an old blanket, but any old piece of fabric would do. Instead of throwing away that old sweater, turn it into makeup remover pads or cut it up into washcloths. There are so many ways we can reuse things around the home rather than throwing them away.

Don’t Throw Away Old Clothes

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What do you do when a hole forms in your favorite pair of jeans? Many people will simply throw away the jeans or cut them up to use for something else. However, there are ways to get a few more uses out of your clothes. Rather than throwing them away or cutting up the material, you can sew cute patterns and designs over the hole! It’ll give your clothes a nice new feel while extending their life.

Turn Old Fabrics Into A Rug

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If you have quick fingers and a little time on your hands, then you can easily make a rug like the one in this picture. The process for creating this rug is pretty straightforward, so we’ll walk you through it. All you need is some old fabric. Cut the old fabrics into strips and then braid them together. You’ll avoid throwing away old materials and get a gorgeous, one-of-a-kind rug out of the deal! It looks awesome, and it’ll be a great conversation starter.

More Stores Need to Do This!

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A Redditor posted this photo of their local supermarket showing this discount soap bin. Their local supermarket sells broken pieces of soap without packaging for a discounted rate. This is an awesome idea because most stores would simply throw away the soap and take the financial loss. Instead, this store cuts down on waste, still makes a profit, and provides customers with a way to buy soap without packing. Plus, it’s a great way to try out new soap scents!

Old Candy Box Becomes Medicine Carrier

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Sorting your medications when you have several prescriptions can be difficult. Many people buy plastic organizers to hold their medication, but you probably have something around the home that would work just as well! This person used an old candy box to sort their medications and carry them around. This is an awesome idea and there are a ton of other small containers that would work well for this purpose.

Make Your Own Soap Dish

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Learning how to make things you need around the home rather than buying them cuts down on waste and saves you money. The person who posted this photo made a soap dish out of unused chopsticks and leftover thread! Such a simple way to take two completely unrelated unused materials and create something useful out of them. We could all learn a thing or two from this resourceful human.

Turn Old Plastic into Bags

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Do you have any old catalogs or posters lying around that you’re no longer using? Here’s a great idea that will allow you to get some use out of them instead of throwing them away! You can fold up these materials and use some fabric strips to create a little carrying bag. Use these for light items you buy from the grocery store or for carrying clothes home the next time you go shopping.

Use Bird Seed Instead of Confetti

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Many people like to use confetti or glitter when they’re taking pictures of a major life event. Graduations, weddings, and gender reveal parties are all notorious for using materials that aren’t eco-friendly during the picture-taking process. Rather than using items like that, replace them with birdseed! You’ll still have your picture-perfect moment, and you won’t be creating waste or harming the environment.

Get Your Kids Involved

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Getting your kids involved in a zero waste mindset can be challenging. How do you remind young children to constantly think before they throw something away? By giving your garbage can a personality! Add some big googly eyes onto the lid of your trashcan to remind your kids to stop and think before they throw something away. They’ll definitely think twice when they see those eyes staring at them!

Zero Waste Play Kitchen for Kids

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Most kids love to play pretend with a little kitchen set, but these things cost a fortune and are made entirely out of plastic when you buy them in stores. You can make your own set with leftover fabrics, stickers, and other materials around the home. You can even get your kid involved in the process of making it! They’ll love playing with it and you’ll love how easy it is to wash the fabric pieces.

Use Old Balloons

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What do you do with old balloons? Probably just toss them in the garbage, right? There’s a way to get one more use of these foil ballons. Once they’re fully deflated, cut them up and use them as gift wrap. This works especially well for themed balloons that already say happy birthday on them.

Refurbish Old Furniture

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Refurbishing old furniture is a great way to breathe new life into old objects and prevent them from ending up in a landfill. Look at how adorable the transformed furniture is on the right in this picture! It really isn’t difficult to learn this skill, and you don’t need a ton of tools and materials. All you need is a few basic tools and a great DIY video on Youtube. This is even something you could do in your spare time to bring in a little extra income!
