Not everyone can afford a sizeable sprawling home to spread out their belongings as much as they want. Alternatively, some people like having smaller spaces to make it easier to clean and have everything within reach. Whatever your situation, small areas can feel cramped if you have a lot of stuff. Your house cost a big chunk of change, so you want to enjoy every inch of it. Besides, your home, no matter how small, should be a haven where you can relax comfortably. If you have tiny rooms, that’s okay. You don’t have to knock down a wall to make a functional space in a small room. There are stylish ways to create practical space in a tiny place from particular furniture to smart floorplans. Check out these helpful tips about how you can maximize the square footage of a small space.
40. Get a Stackable Washer and Dryer for a Small Space
The first idea on this list of practical ways to maximize a small space is a great way to help you save on space and help you get the most out of the small amount of space you might be working with. Smaller living arrangements don’t always provide for a dedicated laundry room. Stacking your small washer and dryer on top of each other can provide you with a lot more space for other things like the room to fold clothes, iron and just keep the room feeling more organized. Read on for more practical yet stylish ways to maximize your small spaces.
There are many options available now for this style of appliance. The washer and dryer stacked on top of each other takes up much less floor space and can easily fit in small areas, like a closet. Sometimes that is the only amount of space you have to work with. These kinds of appliances are energy saving as well and use much less water and electricity. They are generally less expensive than the more traditional models on the market, too. Do some research first, though, and look for the ones that have good reviews, as some stackable washers tend to leak.