If you ever look at your bank account and wonder where all your money goes, you might be an overspender. No matter how much you take care to stick to your budget, there might always be a few purchases that put your home and daily spending beyond your monthly budget. That’s why we’ve curated a list of the best tips and tricks so you don’t overspend and can save money throughout the year.

Travel During Off-Peak Times
Plan vacations during non-peak seasons for lower travel and accommodation prices. This means cheaper hotels and flights, and the chance to see major destinations with smaller crowds. According to Dean Wicks, chief flights officer of WeGo, “You’ll also find that in most destinations, locals will be more receptive to unique requests.” This might even mean cheaper food, transportation, and souvenirs. This prevents unwanted and accidental overspending during vacations when tourist prices are at their highest. Wicks continues to say, “If you can’t travel during off-peak times, select an off-peak day,” like Tuesdays. If you’re flexible about your itinerary, then travel hacks are some of the best ways to stick to a budget. You might even end up saving money in the end (CNN).