People Confess The Odd Things They Find Attractive

Trista - December 14, 2021

There are all sorts of attractions when it comes to someone you’re interested in. You may be interested in sexual, platonic, romantic, or sensual attraction to someone. The platonic attraction includes the need to be close to someone emotionally, while sensual attraction includes the desire for input or output of ideas. No matter what type of attraction you feel for someone, there are some odd things people feel attracted to. Keep reading to find out what some of these things are! We’ve scoured Reddit to find some interesting and odd things people find attractive and found some pretty interesting ones that you wouldn’t expect.


30. Glasgow Girls Taking Big Bites of Food

A deleted user shares his odd attraction when it comes to women. He goes on to say, “I’ve always found it super cute when a girl is eating, and she takes too big of a bite, and she does that thing where they bob their head back a bit and raise their hand to their mouth, and half eat half giggle. Also, a cute girl with a Glaswegian accent is weirdly sexy. Reading that back, I’m confident at least the first one is weird enough.” This man can’t help what he finds cute!

He’s attracted to a pretty specific thing, but I don’t necessarily find it odd. Taking big bites is a little strange, by hey, everyone is attracted to something, right? When he talks about a Glaswegian accent, he means he’s attracted to a woman with an accent from Glasgow, Scotland. This accent is one of many in Scotland and is specific to the Glasgow area. Many famous actors and actresses with this type of accent, including Gerard Butler and Elizabeth Sellars.


29. Baggy Clothes on a Small Frame

AeoSC has an oddly specific attraction. He says, “I find a girl wearing comfortable-looking clothing more attractive than the same girl in clothes designed to be sexy. Also, loose-fitting clothing on a small-stature woman has always been attractive to me. Like baggy jeans or cargo pants. Tight jeans don’t do much for me.” We can tell you this – girls love wearing comfortable clothes, so this person won’t have to look too far for a girl who loves her comfies. There’s just something about sitting back and relaxing in something comfy after a long day.

Loose-fitting clothing is also very comfortable, so there’s nothing wrong with it if this guy finds it attractive. Like I said before, you can’t help what you’re attracted to. If you’re attracted to types of clothing, certain accents, or even certain smells, who are we to judge?


28. They Aren’t Blood Related…

u/throawayadvice1 says, “Well, this is gonna be a long/confusing one, so try to keep up. Basically, I’m worried that an attraction I have is sinister and weird. My mother and father have been friends with this family for 40 odd years to the point we treat them like family. I call them my aunties/uncles/cousins etc., as we are all still very close. From this, here’s the part I’m concerned about. I have my ‘aunty’ Ashley and her husband my ‘uncle’ Albert; uncle Albert has two sons to a separate marriage who I’ve probably seen about six times in my whole life as they don’t come around the rest of us often as they go with their own blood family.

(They aren’t my blood family, by the way, I just call them that as that’s how it’s always been, and I love them). The other night I saw them and felt slightly attracted to them. I’m not related to them, but because I call all the rest my cousins, this just feels very weird, and I’m ashamed and embarrassed. It just feels strange as I call their dad my uncle, but they are very distant from my life, as I said. Can I just clarify I would never act on this that makes me sick? I’ve been panicking about this a lot. Do I go to therapy?


27. A Confused Man With a Strange Attraction

Lichsenate says, “I (male) don’t know how this happened. I suspect it has to do with my general frustrations with dating. I often completely lose any attraction to women I date after a few dates, to the point I wouldn’t even accept intimacy if she paid me for it. Unless she offers to split the bill. She doesn’t even have to split the bill but offers it. And if she does split, well, my engine’s going to get overclocked. Other small insignificant acts of kindness on their initiative also do the trick. Typically throughout a date, the vibrancy of the lady just fade away until I’m waiting for an opportunity to go home, annoyed that I wasted my time and money. If she does any small act of kindness, to anyone, that initial attraction returns at full force, yet rarely does this happen.”

“The feeling I often have is akin to starvation. Like I’ve been starved of these small acts by any romantic interest. I was raised to play the gentleman, to always pay in full, to be kind in all my actions towards a date, yet doing so without reciprocation drains the life out of me. I just can’t. I’ve recently started straight-up refusing to pay for the whole date if she didn’t at least make a gesture or show some kind of appreciation. I’ve tried talking about this to a female friend of mine, and she sarcastically responded I was just frustrated that paying for a date doesn’t immediately equal getting laid. My reaction was of pure disgust.”


26. The Eyes Are Everything

_aladynevertells_ shares her odd attraction to men. She says, “I find men with dark circles under their eyes very attractive. I think that’s what it is? I haven’t been able to pinpoint exactly what it is about certain guys yet. Think along the lines of Vince Vaughn and John Mayer. There’s a darkness to their eyes that I just love.” We think we understand what this person is talking about. She’s attracted to men that have a certain look to them. She likes men with interesting eyes. I don’t think that’s strange or odd at all. In fact, most women I know are attracted to someone because of their eyes.

This attraction is actually due to a release of oxytocin in the brain. When you find someone you’re attracted to, you’re most likely to try to look into their eyes. Oxytocin is a chemical in the brain related to sending messages throughout the body. It controls aspects of the reproductive system and human behavior. Oxytocin is released for a variety of reasons, including attraction to others. When oxytocin is released, you may feel warm and fuzzy and lower stress levels. Oxytocin is often referred to as “The Love Hormone” due to its ability to make you feel better when in the presence of those you love most.


25. Hating an Entire Profession

JSP27 shares his odd attraction to his current girlfriend. He says, “I’m being bluntly honest here. I told my current Significant Other (via online dating) that I’m in law school. Her response? “I hate lawyers.” No feigning of being impressed, no false curiosity, no nothing except for honesty. Just telling me that she doesn’t like where I’m going is her knee-jerk reaction. I freaking loved it.” Most people would be upset if their boyfriend/girlfriend told them they hated what they did for a living in normal situations. This guy seems to be somewhat turned on by the fact that she hates lawyers.

Oddly, he seems to like this reaction. It also makes you wonder what happened to make his girlfriend hate lawyers. How could he possibly be attracted to something like that when he plans to spend his life as a lawyer? He wouldn’t be putting himself through law school if he didn’t plan on seeing it through. Law school is expensive!


24. When Your Family Is Racist

A deleted user talks about his southern upbringing. According to him, his attraction is strange for people living in his area. He says, “I live and was raised in the south, so this is kinda odd for people here. I’m very attracted to girls of other races. I’m a white guy, and I love girls of other races – to me, they’re really hot. My mom told me that she’d kill me if I ever brought home a “terrorist” girl.” Well, that’s a terrible thing to say! We understand that everyone is raised differently through the generations, but nowadays, saying something like that isn’t okay.

If he’s attracted to girls of other races than his, it’s perfectly fine! His mother should try to be a little more understanding of his life choices. I’m sure he’d never brought home anyone dangerous. Living in the south shouldn’t make any difference when it comes to physical attraction. If he likes girls of other races, his family and friends should accept rather than discourage his choices. Race should never matter in any kind of relationship. As long as the couple is happy and healthy, then everyone should be happy for them! It’s so sad that there are still people who believe in the importance of choosing a partner based on race.


23. Stretch Marks for the Win

Glorfon says, “I find stretch marks attractive on women. By the nature of how they happen, they will trace out the contours of the body. Also, the skin is softer, and they form little grooves, which I enjoy running my fingers along or across. It is difficult to find a girl who doesn’t get self-conscious when I draw attention to her stretch marks.” While I believe everyone should be proud and own their bodies, it’s difficult to feel attractive with stretch marks. It’s completely normal to feel self-conscious and avoid wearing certain things that showcase parts of your body with stretch marks.

Stretch marks occur when your skin stretches or shrinks in a quick frame of time. These marks occur due to the collagen and elastin in our skin rupturing. When this happens, the skin will try to heal and cause the marks to appear. It’s difficult for women to feel attractive with these marks because they’re so noticeable. You can see them, as they are often darker compared to the skin around them. So if a woman feels comfortable enough to show you her body – stretch marks and all, you should feel important. Women don’t show off their bodies to just anyone.


22. Attractive Armpits

Acydetchx shares his odd attraction to a certain part of a woman’s body. He says, “All right… I’ll drop the oddity. I am really attracted to a well-shaped underarm (I avoid the word armpit because it sounds gross, and I don’t like to put such a gross name to something I find attractive). I have no idea why, but the smooth area along a girl’s side and under the arm is probably my favorite single area. And yes, I will judge a girl’s overall attractiveness based on how attractive her underarm is to me. I’m glad to know there are others out there. My girlfriend is amused that I compliment her underarms and play along with the whole thing.”

Well, this is an odd one. This man finds armpits attractive. He says he will judge a girl based on this part of her body and base her attractiveness on that. There are people out there who find all parts of the body attractive, whether it’s noses, breasts, or even legs, but underarms are one I’ve never heard of. His explanation makes sense, but I still find it odd that he bases attractiveness solely on that aspect. There are plenty of other things to look for in a partner, so what makes the underarms the best part of the body? Most people look for a variety of aspects instead of just one.


21. Straight Shoulders vs. Sloped Shoulders

Audania says, “I find shoulders that are horizontal to the ground attractive; they come straight out from the neck, as opposed to the sloped shoulders, which, well, slope downward.” When asked why she finds this part of the body most attractive and if a slender physique is part of it, she replied, “It’s not necessarily a slender physique, and shoulders don’t have to be muscular to appear strong-looking. I wish I could post a pic of my husband. He has straight shoulders. He looks like he can hold the world on his shoulders. If you Google “straight shoulders vs. sloped shoulders,” you’ll get an idea.”

Well, this is a new one we’ve never heard of before. I’ve heard of broad shoulders, but not horizontal or sloped. This woman is pretty particular about the type of shoulders she likes. When Googling what she says, it looks like horizontal shoulders just go straight across from the collar bone instead of sloping downward. This is actually caused by the muscles in your shoulders. Sloped shoulders are caused by genetic conditions or lifestyle choices that, in turn, cause the sloping.


20. Going Rogue in the Woods

BongjaminFranklin tells an interesting story about his attraction. He says, “I knew a girl once who, when we were playing in the woods, tripped and got a really nice looking gash on her arm. She promptly stood up and, without brushing off the dirt, began to poke and prod her wound. She seemed pretty amused by it. When she was apparently done playing with her wound, she began to cut her hair with a sharp rock. I was shocked and immediately attracted to her. When she finished, it looked essentially like these hairstyles. I asked her why she did that with some degree of dumbfounded intrigue.”

“With a smile and bloody, dirty arm, she responded, “Well, if I’m going to walk around like a dirty vagabond, I want to look the part!” The gist here being I liked that type of weird. What you call it is up to you, but I saw a girl forgo public opinion to look for a role and took apparent amusement in playing with her wounds. I thought that was weird and kinky.” This is certainly strange. Even if she wasn’t upset or hurt, what would cause her to cut her hair.


19. There’s Nothing Quite Like a Raspy Voice

A deleted user shares their odd attraction. They say, “I’m not really sure how to word this, but I like girls who have slightly deeper voices. I don’t mean deeper than the ocean trenches, but a little deep and maybe a bit raspy? I’m not sure if raspy is the right word. For example, a voice like Emma Stone’s.” So, this one isn’t too odd, but deeper voices in women aren’t as common as one might think. This person’s particular tastes may be difficult to find. The actress, Emma Stone, does have a slightly deeper voice than most women, but it doesn’t make her any less attractive.

This attraction may make women feel uncomfortable if their voice doesn’t sound how he likes. He should try to look for other attractive aspects of women like intelligence, eyes, honesty, and more. There’s more to a woman than just her voice. It does sound like he looks for more than just how a person looks, so that’s a plus in his favor. There are so many different things that make up a person, and each thing will be attractive when you find your person. It won’t be just how they look or the sound of their voice, but everything about them from the top of their head right down to their toes and everything that encompasses their personality.


18. Talking About Outer Space Is Sexy

Myhandsareuseless discusses his turn-ons when it comes to women. He goes on to say, “I’m very attracted to girls who challenge me. I like to debate, so a girl who can keep up or destroy me in a debate is a total turn-on. As well as girls who will discuss multiverse theory with me (my ex refused to talk about space and multiple universes with me because the thought scared her).” This person likes women who can debate and talk about space for hours on end. While it isn’t super odd, it’s certainly different. There are those of us out there completely fascinated by space, so I’m sure this man will find the right girl for him eventually.

The Multiverse Theory posits that multiple universes like ours have their own planets, stars, and civilizations. These universes make up everything that exists in our plane. It’s a popular theory discovered by Hugh Everett, a well-known Physicist. It’s an interesting topic to discuss, so I can see why this person would love to find someone to talk with about it. He likes women who challenge him and can hold their own in a debate. It sounds like he’s a scholarly type of person who keeps up-to-date on a variety of topics.


17. A Little Bit of Sass

Lowdownlow claims to go after a certain type of woman. He says, “I never noticed myself, but my friends say I go for girls who have a real womanly look that can instantly turn into one of those ominous death-stares. I didn’t realize it until my friends pointed it out to me, but all the girls I go out with have the potential to be sassy.” This user likes certain women based on their potential to be sassy. It must be difficult for him to calm these women down once they unleash their sass upon him. It might be best not to do anything to make them unleash it.

Depending on how you look at the word “sassy,” it can be a good thing or a bad thing. The positive meaning of sassy means spirited, lively, and confident, while the negative connotations include belligerent, disrespectful, and rude. If this person likes confident women rather than those who are rude, he will probably have better luck. Most women enjoy being a little sassy in the positive sense of the word. There’s nothing wrong with a woman or man, for that matter, filled with confidence and liveliness. I would personally prefer someone filled with confidence, although it’s not one of the qualities I would look for first.


16. This Guy Won’t Date Taller Women

Bucky_McGillycuddy shares what he doesn’t like in women. He says, “I like women shorter than me, not really short, but maybe at least short to my shoulders. I’ve always found that attractive for some reason.” In response to another comment, he says, “I know exactly what you mean. I have the same thing! So, I once dated a girl a few centimeters longer than me, and it was just… weird. I want to be able to feel like I’m needed to protect a girl (even though I’m a total wimp and would probably get knocked out in the first few seconds of a fight).”

“She was attractive and all…but it just didn’t work. Also, the kissing was terrible. It was something with angles. If a girl is 5-10 centimeters shorter than I am, between 170-175cm, that’s perfect.” This kind of attraction is normal. Men don’t seem to like women who are taller than them. It must be something having to do with their masculinity. Women are the same way but in reverse. They tend to like men taller than them. A lot of that has to do with comfort and protection. So while this isn’t technically an odd thing to find attractive, it’s worth mentioning.


15. Misaligned Teeth, Especially Prominent Canines

mwproductions shares their unique attraction to teeth. They say, “For some reason, I like girls who have prominent/misaligned canine teeth. I don’t know if that’s actually something I’m attracted to, or it’s all just a huge coincidence. I’d show you a picture to illustrate what I mean, but I couldn’t find one quickly, and I hate looking at photos of people’s mouths.” Interestingly, they like canine teeth but doesn’t like looking at photos of people’s mouths. There must be something specific about the teeth themselves that they find attractive. Did you know there’s actually a reason why canine teeth look different on different people?

Canine teeth often look larger than they are due to the gums in your mouth being recessed. So, the teeth look bigger than normal. They also determine the type of smile you have. Larger, more pronounced canine teeth often give people a more aggressive look, while smaller canines give you a gentler appearance. Interesting, huh? The canine teeth can also look larger if another tooth next to them is chipped or needs work. So, it makes you wonder if the people this person’s attracted to need some dental work done to repair their teeth.


14. Eyes That Are Far Apart

Phillymjs has an odd attraction. Keep reading to find out what it is. He says, “I’ve noticed that many, if not most of the women I find attractive, have eyes that seem a little too far apart, like Amanda Seyfried. That’s never the primary reason I find a woman attractive; likewise, the absence of it is not a deal breaker. It’s just a trait I apparently find desirable.” It’s good that this person doesn’t only look for women with eyes far apart. He looks at everything instead of a one-minute thing. Eyes are one of the most desirable aspects of attraction.

As William Shakespeare once stated, eyes are windows to your soul. Your eyes can tell someone a lot about you just by looking at them. Studies show that men and women choose eyes as one of the most attractive parts of each other’s bodies compared to other parts. It makes you wonder if it’s due to the quote’s validity! I wholeheartedly believe that eyes are windows to the soul. You can tell a lot about someone just by looking at their eyes. For example, if you look at someone, you can instantly tell if they are happy or sad just by looking at their eyes.


13. A Certain Accent

Mac_Anu recently found his attraction to a specific accent. Can you guess what it is before reading more? He goes on to say, “I just recently discovered that Swedish girls sound really, really sexy. I had only ever heard the cartoony stereotypical accent/voice before, and I had always thought it must sound similar while less exaggerated. I spoke to a Swedish woman for the first time last week. Oh, wow, she made me want to learn the language, but I guess this isn’t exactly useful. I can’t just say, “Get a hot accent.” That wouldn’t be fair. The accent thing is new, but I look for a variety of things in a potential girlfriend.”

Did you know the people of Sweden actually have two different accents? Swedish is based on different pitches in voices, so the first ascent starts with a low pitch, then goes higher before going lower again. The second ascent starts with a higher pitch, goes lower, then higher, before going lower once again. This gives Swedish speakers a sing-song type of voice. Saying words with significant importance in the Swedish language are often spoken in a higher pitch to prove their significance.


12. An Ink Attraction

Uh_oh_hotdog says, “I like girls with tattoos. Not when they’re over the top and covered everywhere, like Kat Von Dee (is that how you spell her name?). But if a girl has a good quality half-sleeve or something, I find it really hot. The weird thing is I don’t have any tattoos myself. Yet.” We feel like this is actually pretty common as far as attraction goes. Men and women have been getting tattoos for hundreds of years, and the practice has only grown in popularity. Finding a spectacular tattoo artist is difficult, as everyone can whip out basic designs with a tattoo gun.

Did you know more women than men have tattoos in the United States? A shocking 58% of women have tattoos, while only 41% of men have at least one. Tattoos gained popularity in the western part of the world in the early 1970s. The first tattoo was found on a man dating back to 3370 – 3100 BC. His tattoos were made of carbon ink and were simplistic designs made of only dots. The first electric tattoo gun was invented in 1871 by Samuel O’Reilly and immediately rose in popularity compared to the traditional single-needle pokes.


11. A Big Nose Does It For This Guy

standardguy shares his odd attraction to a specific body part. It’s not what it is that makes it odd, but the type he likes. He says, “Physically, I like a big nose… Think Blossom. For the younger gens, her name is Mayim Bialik. Mentally: they actually have to be of at least average intelligence. I’ve had some chances with (what most people would consider) really hot, attractive girls and just can’t get past the first conversation with them. Believe me; I’ve tried. I really don’t think it’s odd, but I don’t know anyone else who likes big noses.”

We’ve never heard of anyone who specifically likes big noses but to each their own. This person shouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed. You can’t help what you find attractive. Did you know people with bigger noses are less likely to get sick? That’s right! Researchers have found a correlation between large noses and protection from illnesses like the common cold. Bigger noses are also beneficial to help protect your mouth from germs. So for those of you with larger than average noses, don’t be embarrassed by it, as it’s actually keeping you healthy!


10. Gaming Woes

ImTrashAndThisIsDeep says, “I have an odd attraction to my gaming controller. I’m not honestly sure why or how this happened, it’s not like I have an uncontrollable urge to kiss it or something, but it’s a weird feeling. I just find everything about it perfect. I think my brain connected the happiness that I get from gaming with it or something. Also, a weird thing that’s been happening lately is I get the feeling that something is missing, and that thing is the controller. I game so much that it’s basically become a part of me. this post is really making me realize that I have a severe gaming addiction.”

“But aside from that, could someone explain why I have an emotional attachment to an inanimate object?” They could benefit from some therapy sessions to find the root of his attraction and get some help for his addiction. Like any other addiction, gaming addiction can lead you down a dark path and cause irreparable damage. It’s dangerous to spend all of your time in front of the tv or computer screen. Not only are you living in a fantasy world, but also detaching from those closest to you. It’s possible to lose those closest to you and lead to a severe case of depression.


9. Bad Boys

Eshan97 says, “I am a 23 old male. I am attracted to men, but I am also attracted to strange things. For example, there is this group of boys (about 19 years old), and they smoke, and when I am passing by them, I just feel a strong attraction towards them. The smell of the weed and the fact that they are smoking kind of make me attracted to them, then when I go home, I can’t stop thinking about them. It kind of makes me feel somewhat depressed. I am even attracted to their voices. I just can’t figure out why I’m attracted to them.”

It sounds like this user is attracted to bad boys. He feels it’s strange to be attracted to them, but there are plenty of people out there with this same type of attraction. Even if they are smokers, they are probably still good people. We don’t know where this person lives, but marijuana is now legal in some states, so he shouldn’t worry if that’s the case.


8. Older, Chubby Women

Orangewhite5 shares his odd attraction to older women. He says, “I’m a 27-year-old male. Healthy and earning well. Since my teenage years, I have always been attracted towards women older than me, like mature women, not grannies. I had a couple of girlfriends in my age group along the way, but it broke off. This is not coming from seeing them as mere sex objects but the emotional maturity and the way they carry themselves. I’ve interacted with many women higher in age and love the classiness and knowledge on what to talk about instead of some 20s chick who’s just into traveling and all that Instagram crap.

Women who are responsible, mature, and eloquent are like a turn-on. I want to talk, flirt, and share, but I don’t pick up women in bars, so there is no way to meet older women (tinder is BS). Reddit is filled with catfishing and scamming, and I totally avoid any personal engagements at work. I’m frustrated now. I can’t seem to figure out a way in my age bracket, either. I just want a woman in the age bracket I desire.”


7. Washboard Abs

Prawnsinthebasement says, “There’s this guy I see in my gym all the time. We both mutually don’t like each other. We don’t personally know each other, and we’ve never spoken, but his mannerisms just irritate me so much, and I think he feels the same way about me. I think it’s because sometimes my face just contorts without me really realizing it. Oops. I always catch him shooting me looks from across the gym and not in a checking me out kinda way. He’s always yelling about something, never reracks the equipment, slamming the weights down, and he’s just really irritating.

Well, today, something happened, and my poor womanly instincts are really confused. He pulled up his shirt in the mirror and flexed, and I happened to be walking by at the same time, and I glanced over. He caught my eye through the mirror and gave me this little flirtatious smirk, and it was like something instantly flipped. I’m pretty sure my face turned the color of a sunburnt tomato. I saw him in a new light and suddenly found him insanely attractive. It’s been in my head now for a while too. I can’t get that smirk-washboard-ab image out of my head!”


6. Just Be Yourself

Imawildedible shares his opinion on attractiveness. He goes on to say, “I was in a thread about this a long time ago. Women are constantly having their looks vocally judged their entire lives. They get constant feedback on the good and the bad. Obviously, that can be both good and bad for the girl/woman receiving that feedback. Men rarely get feedback on our physical look. For the most part, we have no idea what we are doing that is socially liked or socially disliked. The most common feedback is to get mocked for trying to look too (insert whatever group your friends dislike).

That’s why when men are complimented, we don’t really know how to take it. Some men brush it off as something to disregard. Others take it in and get a big head because they never hear other men getting complimented, so it must mean they are superior. But, no matter what, when we get a nice, genuine compliment on our looks, it sticks and really means something. I would guess that the majority of men reading this can remember the last actual compliment they were given. Or, they can remember that it hasn’t happened in a very long time. Women, on the other hand, most likely had some comment on some part of their look within the last 48 hours.”


5. The More Body Hair, the Better

CZILLROY shares his strange attraction. He says, “I like dark and thick eyebrows on women – not those drawn on ones that have a fade in the middle. Natural thick eyebrows that are usually a bit hairier than most people are comfortable with. I think I just like hair on women in general – Arm hair, little treasure trail, those baby hairs on the back of their neck, pubic hair, even armpit hair. It’s all strangely attractive. I still remember when I was a teenager working at the waterslides and got glimpses of certain things. Everyone thinks I’m crazy, but I can’t help what I like.”

This user’s peculiar attraction to body hair probably makes it difficult to find women that appeal to him. Women aren’t fond of body hair. We spend so much time shaving to look our best and don’t like hair where it shouldn’t be. I hope this person isn’t just attracted to body hair but has other things he finds attractive, as well. Every woman is beautiful and deserves someone to spend her life with. Did you know body hair takes one to two weeks to regrow after waxing or plucking?


4. A Face With a Scar

A deleted user says, “I’m a straight guy, and I like scars. I remember dropping my parents off at the airport when I was young, and I was at a coffee shop about two hours before departure. There was this gorgeous dark-skinned woman with this musical accent … that asked if she could sit next to me. It was crowded, so I said sure. Then I looked at her face. It was covered in these razor-thin scars. There didn’t seem to be a pattern to them, but they were all a uniform length of about an inch long each, all the same length. None through the lips or on the eyelids, but several bisected her eyebrows at odd angles. Her skin was dark, but these were as light as the coffee I was drinking two cups of cream in a standard cup.

We had a lovely conversation, and I kept looking at her face. … I don’t know if I made her feel self-conscious, but one of my biggest regrets in my life was that I didn’t tell her that she was one of the most gorgeous women I had ever met in my life. Maybe it was that she was a little exotic, but that wasn’t totally it. Maybe it was her natural beauty, but that wasn’t it. I think it was that at some point in her life, something obviously horrible happened to her, and she could smile as she did. But I don’t want to say something trite like “broken is beautiful” because it isn’t. … I think that when you’re hurt badly by life, but you are mentally, physically, and emotionally tough enough not to let those hurts keep you down, it’s beautiful. I like scars.”


3. Big Teeth, Glasses, and a Lazy Eye

Sariusmonk says, “I have a strange attraction to girls who have weird teeth, especially pretty big front teeth, but any weird is fine as long as they’re clean and all there, alignment is no concern. Glasses can be a bonus. A slight lazy eye is often a plus. Maybe a crooked nose ridge or just something asymmetrical. Red hair is a bonus. Now, I’m not saying all of the above at once; it might work, might not. But, interesting faces tend to be a plus for me rather than a negative. That being said, I’m now in my happiest relationship, and my girlfriend has none of the above (except glasses), and I am absolutely attracted to her. But still, prior to her, everyone said I had a strange taste in women.”

It sounds like this user found what he was looking for. He didn’t need all of those things when he found the right person for him. It just goes to show that even if you are attracted to something, it’s not all you should look for in a partner. You may be surprised what you find if you step out of your comfort zone. This man found happiness with someone who only checks one item off his list. Stepping out of your comfort zone may be scary, but that’s when you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for in a partner.


2. Tall Blondes

GamblerShinobi shares what he finds attractive. He goes on to say, “I like tall girls, but height isn’t a deal breaker. So, I just got out of a relationship of five years with a girl who was 5’2, but I’m always attracted to tall women. I once worked at a casino, and there was a tall blonde slot attendant. And I assumed she was wearing heels or platform shoes, but then I saw she was actually wearing slippers. And she was an inch taller than me! (I’m 6’2). Then she transferred to the cocktail waitress department because the tips were better, and I was thrilled.

She had to wear a cocktail waitress uniform that was a size smaller than what she needed. I ended up dating my previous girlfriend before I could even introduce myself to this slot attendant/waitress, though.” This user has a specific attraction to tall girls. He says it’s not a deal breaker if she isn’t tall, but he does like it better when girls are taller than him. It must be difficult to find women taller than him at his whopping six feet, two inches tall. There aren’t many women taller than that out there. At least he says it’s not a deal breaker.


1. Strong Ladies — Like a Battleax

shArkh says, “My wife thinks I have attractive wrists. Something about being slender & artistic. I don’t see it at all; they’re weird to me, being quite a tall chunky guy. As for me: short well-built/chunky women. Chicks that look solid. They get extra points if they are olive-skinned. Someone you’d have your back to in a bar fight. Strong like a bull. Almost everyone else I know has a thing for tall needs-a-sandwich-or-ten ladies (I can see why they’d be attractive to some, just not me), but I’ll take a battleax over a rib-rake anyway.” I don’t know anyone who has an attraction to wrists, and I think It’s a first for our list.

This person’s attraction to strong women isn’t strange. It’s actually a pretty popular attraction. He also likes women with olive-colored skin. So imagine someone like Salma Hayek. People with olive skin mostly come from Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Afghanistan, Spain, and India.
