People Share Stories of The Worst House Guests They Ever Had

Shannon Quinn - December 22, 2022

Almost everyone has experienced hosting a bad house guest. Maybe they were rude, or maybe they overstayed their welcome far past the end of a party. But we can guarantee that for most of you out there, your bad experiences can’t top what these people from Reddit have been through! Here are some of the worst house guest stories on the Internet.

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This House Guest Stole Change Out of a Child’s Piggy Bank So He Could Buy Beer

Some people have absolutely no shame. This first story comes from a user called Bobdigi36: “My wife’s cousin was staying at our house because he was going through marital problems. One night I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard some change rattling. He walks down the hall with my 5 year old’s piggy bank. He was taking money from my daughter’s piggy bank to buy beer and smokes.” The audacity you’d have to possess to steal from a child is bad enough. But imagine doing it to buy booze. What a piece of work.

A vintage Super Nintendo (SNES). Credit: Shutterstock


All They Got From This Guest Was Insults and Stolen Video Games

This story comes from a user called Johokie: “A friend of my dad lost his house. We had a former B&B so we invited them to stay with us. We housed and fed them for weeks while they found another place. For that, we got roaches, criticisms of our food (my dad was the executive chef at a freakin country club and was a damned fine cook). But that wasn’t the worst for me, then in my late teens. The day they left, I went to play my favorite game on PlayStation: Sled Storm. Couldn’t find it. Overturned everything, but I couldn’t find it. In searching, I noticed something even worse. My SNES, all games, and half my N64 games were missing in addition to Sled Storm. They had stayed with us as a favor and stolen half my shit that I had paid for with birthday money saved up over years.”

A very clogged toilet. Credit: Shutterstock


His Brother’s Friend Pretty Much Destroyed the House and Ruined Houseguests Forever

A Reddit user called F0000r explains an almost unbelievable series of events that happened when his brother invited a friend over the house. “He cranked my dad’s speakers up to the max and blew them (they were from the 70’s so impossible to replace or repair). Then he clogged our toilet, grabbed a bunch of grandma’s quilts to sop up the water. He then tried to stop the water by violently shaking the tank, cracking the bowl and dislodging it from its base. In a panic he tried to bolt from the house. His wet feet slipped on the wood floor and he crashed into a wall leaving a nice body sized impression. That’s how my brother’s friends were barred from the house.”

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His Aunt and Uncle Came to Stay and Completely Trashed His Childhood Bedroom

This story comes from a user called SquilliamFancySon95. “My uncle and his wife came to stay for a while. They got my room and I slept on the couch for a few months. What actually ticked me off is that when they finally left we found out that they’d seriously messed up my room. Everything reeked of cigarettes, there were ground up peanut shells in the carpet, cigarette burns on my mattress, etc. We couldn’t figure out why the room smelled like death until we lifted up the bed and found mummified cat poop stuck up in the shag carpeting. They either had such bad hygiene that they didn’t notice the smell or they knew and they just didn’t care.”

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A Party Guest Ate Their Friend’s Pet Goldfish to Try to Impress a Girl

A user named CaitieGonzo threw a party in her apartment, and one of the house guests did the unthinkable. “Back in college my roommates and I hosted a birthday party at our apartment. Earlier that day we gave her a pet goldfish. Our friend Mike decided he needed to find a way to impress our friend Darla. Mike tries every lame joke and pick up line on Darla and fails. Then he sees the goldfish in his tank and scoops him up in his hand. He says, “Check this out, Darla!” Then plops the fish into his mouth and swallows it alive. My roommate and I immediately rush over and start trying to make Mike puke the fish back up. Darla quickly makes for the door and leaves the party. Sadly that fish met its doom in Mike’s stomach that night. He never apologized.”

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An Unwanted Overnight Party Guest Lingers the Next Day to Smoke Out of a Potato

This next story comes from a user called simononandon. “Friend brought a guest to a party I was having. They knew I didn’t really like her guest and I asked her not to bring her. She did anyway.” Apparently, the unwelcome guest proceeds to drink too much wine and overindulge in… grass. This caused the guest to pass out on the couch. “For some reason, my friend leaves without taking the unwelcome guest with her. Wake up the next morning, and the unwelcome guest has opened up one of the leftover bottles of wine from the night before and she’s also carved a pipe out of a potato or carrot or something and was smoking more on our couch.”

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This Childhood Playdate Destroyed A Dollhouse Handcrafted by Her Grandfather

In this story, we hear the traumatic childhood experience of a user called UnrealDisco. “My grandpa was a carpenter. When I was 6, he made me the most beautiful dollhouse for Christmas. It had tiny chandeliers, furniture, fireplaces, doors, wallpaper, you name it. My mum organized a play date at our house. I remember watching in horror as the chandeliers were ripped from the ceilings, doors ripped off their hinges etc. It was mindless. I ran crying to my mum and the other mum of my play date. The other mum laughed it off and said that’s why she won’t get expensive things for her daughter. It absolutely broke my heart, and probably my grandpa’s too. I hope someone explained to him it wasn’t me that destroyed the dolls house so quickly. The older I get the more I realize what an awful thing that child did.”

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His Coworker Tried to Ruin His Marriage on New Years Eve

This story came from a user that has deleted his account, but you can read the thread on Reddit here. “Had a bunch of people over for New Years. One woman I worked with was invited. We were pretty good friends at work. The whole night she was hitting on me and trying to put her hand on my knee. It was really weird. Not to mention she had recently gotten married, which made it extra awkward. I wrote it off until I talked to my wife the next couple days. Turns out she had been talking to my wife a lot that night and kept trying to imply I had cheated. Basically kept trying to wedge her way into our relationship. Luckily my wife isn’t stupid and just ignored her all night. So I cut ties with that person and luckily we don’t work together anymore.”

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His Sister-in-Law Ruined His $150 Chef’s Knife Trying to Cut Open a Coconut

A user called multivac7223 told the following story. “My ex-wife’s sister used a $150 chef’s knife to try and crack open a coconut in my kitchen. She dented it all over and also bent the tip somehow. Then she said it must be a cheap knife because her sister in Thailand cuts them open super easy with a cleaver. It’s one bright side of divorce that I never have to suffer her presence ever again.” Yikes! Here at Home Addict, we have a list of 20 Kitchen Knives Available Online For Aspiring Home Chefs. Check it out if you’re in the market for a new knife. (Just don’t use them to open coconuts.)

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A Young Girl Was Invited Over For a Playdate and Threw Popcorn All Over the House

A user called Theonionenthusiast had this story. “When I was in like 2nd grade, I invited this girl over and we made popcorn. Not even 5 minutes later, she started running all over my house throwing it everywhere. I chased her down, but the damage was done. The popcorn is in between couch cushions, under the fridge, under my bed, in my laundry basket, all over the floor. My mom sat us down and told her that what she did was disrespectful and to help clean up. She pouted and said no, saying since it wasn’t her house she didn’t have to clean. My mom called her mom and pretty much told her to leave and never come back. I haven’t spoken to her in a while, but she got banned from the mall for trashing a Lush store.”

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This Guy Did the Classic “Poop and Run”

This story from hyperorbit sounds ridiculous, but I actually believe it. “Once, a friend was sleeping on my boyfriend’s couch after a night of drinking. We woke up the next morning, and the only bathroom was locked from the inside – no answer. I just KNEW he was dead. After quite some time, we were able to jimmy something that could unlock the door, only to find the bathroom empty and no friend. He had filled up the little bathroom trash can with diarrhea and fled in the night.”

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House Guests Tried to Skip Out on Paying the Pizza Guy and Attempted to Steal From Them

This story comes from a Reddit user called graeuk. “Housemates had people come over. They ordered a pizza, then decided they didn’t want it and refused to answer the door so they didn’t have to pay – at 4am. Pizza guy could hear them through the door so kept knocking louder and louder. I eventually went to the door and opened it, then explained to the pizza guy what was going on (so that they didn’t blacklist the property) and forced them to pay. As they were packing to leave the next day I noticed them trying to take some of my extra PS4 controllers by sneaking them into their bag. I’m normally an introvert but already being cranky from no sleep I lost my shit at that point. Called them a disgusting thief and told them to get out.”

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A Complete Stranger Crashed Their House Party and Threatened Violence

The next story comes from a user called cbrewdrummer. “Threw a party. Random guy shows up claiming he’s a friend of one of the invited guests (who didn’t end up coming to the party). He proceeds to do a bunch of cocaine that he brought as no one else there was into it and pulls a knife on my friend. I tell him he needs to leave. He points the knife to me, everyone surrounds him, he leaves. I don’t remember his name but he was the worst guest I’ve ever had and hopefully will ever have over.”

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A Guest Costed their Host $10k In Septic Repairs After Flushing Sanitary Napkins

This next story comes from a deleted user, but you can find the original story here. “Had some relatives over, and despite very, very clear instructions to not flush feminine products down the toilet, they did anyway. Destroyed our septic field, almost $10,000 in damages overall. When confronted, they just denied it, despite the fact that the 32 pads that were pulled out of the system matches the brand that they had while they were over.”

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His Fiance’s Friend Let A Criminal Into the House

This next story from Elboato144 is truly horrifying, but at least it had a happy ending. “A (married) friend of my fiance was staying with us for a week. She ended up going out and meeting some dude and invited him over to our place. My fiance and I were both home, so the friend asked if she could “borrow” our bedroom. We said no, the guy asked if he could shoot up heroin in our apartment. When my fiance asked him to leave, he groped her. She told me to call the cops, so he pulled a knife and threatened both of us. This is the only time I’ve ever pointed a loaded gun at another human being. When the cops arrived we found out he had several warrants out for various crimes. We don’t talk to that friend anymore. And we did inform her husband of this situation.”

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A Selfish Friend Eats Half of the Food Meant For an Entire Family

Some people are so selfish, they can’t even see how rude their own behavior is. This story comes from a user called ChrisTheDog. “One of my best mates came to spend the night, so my folks decided to splash out and get Chinese takeout for everyone. I come from a family of seven, so he made eight. We got 5-6 dishes and two big tubs of fried rice. My mate helped himself to the ENTIRE first tub. When confronted about it by me, he helpfully pointed out that there was still another tub. For the seven of us.”

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A Bedwetting Child Stayed Over For a Week and Proceeded to Ruin Their Mattress and Couch

This next story comes from Nbelcik7. “I had two kids staying at my house for a baseball tournament one time. One of them was a chronic bed-wetter but never told us. He stayed for 5 nights and peed the bed each night without telling us. Instead each night he pushed whatever he peed on to the end of the bed. First night the sheets, second night the mattress protector to stop any pee from getting to it. (It was a bunk bed my brothers and I slept on as children) and lastly he peed directly on the mattress for 3 nights. Ruined the mattress and we had no idea until he left. He also took a nap on our new couch. Peed all over it and then fled the scene and we assumed the dog had done it, until we saw the bed.”

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An Uninvited Guest Throws a Wrench in All of Her Plans

This next story may not be as shocking as the rest, but it was still a pain for wickedpixel1221. “My parents were coming to visit from the opposite coast for the first time since I’d moved away, planning to stay in my guest room for the week. My aunt invited herself along at the last minute, guilting me into giving her my bedroom, leaving me on the couch. Then in the morning she complained that my bedroom tv didn’t work properly (it didn’t have cable – was just set up with a Chrome Cast). I also had to change all the reservations I’d made for 3 to now be 4 and had to sell tickets to a performance I bought because it was sold out and I couldn’t get a 4th ticket for the aunt to join us.”

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This Girl’s Grandfather Kicked Her Out of Bed With a Fever Just So He Could Take a Nap

Our next story comes from a Reddit user called lemonedpenguin. “My grandpa was visiting us for a day and I was ill. I had a fever and all so I was in bed, resting. After we all ate lunch, I crawled back into my bed. Five minutes later, he came into my room, kicked me out of my bed and started to have a nap. My mom came to my room to check on me a few minutes later. She found me lying on the floor next to bed. She kicked him out of my bed, and told him to leave. I was like 10 years old then. I was weaker than him, so I was an easy target for him. He did so much more than take my bed like he tried to run me over with his car, but that’s another story for another time.”

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A Cub Scout Turned Criminal After Attempting to Steal from this Home

This next story came from a deleted user, but you can read the full original post here. “When I was in cub scouts, my mom hosted a meeting where we built birdhouses. While we were waiting for everyone to arrive, we started playing in my backyard. One scout, let’s call him N, told us he had to go to the bathroom and left. When everyone arrives to start the project, I notice my mom was REALLY angry. Five minutes later N’s mom arrives and is apologizing profusely. Turns out N went into my room and stole around $150 in game boy cartridges, pokemon cards and toys and around 3 months of allowance. My mom caught him red-handed.”

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Grandmaw Sheltered a Homeless Family and Ended Up With a Meth Lab Upstairs

The next story from lestrades-mistress is about a grandmother who tried to host a family out of the kindness of her own heart, but they ended up doing something truly shocking. “My grandmother took in a family off the street who lived in their car. She lived alone, and no one was happy about it, but grandma does what grandma wants. One day, she goes upstairs to clean their bathroom-finds their meth lab. Calls my uncle to ask if she should call the police, because she doesn’t want to put the family into more trouble. Yeah, She called.” Good thing the police were called. This is an incredibly dangerous situation.

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She Allowed Her Coworker to Stay Overnight, and The Man Trashed His Apartment

Red user called AnUnusuallyLargeLeaf wrote the following story. “A colleague was coming into town for a meeting. I invited him to stay with me so he didn’t have to stay with our boss. When he arrived, I specifically told him that the beer in the fridge wasn’t mine and asked him not to drink it. Not only did he drink all my roommate’s beer and refused to replace it, he also trashed my apartment. All the cupboards were left open, toilet unflushed, beer cans and cigarettes everywhere. The following day, he made me so uncomfortable in my own home by repeatedly telling me that he was disappointed that we didn’t have sex and that he thought that’s why I invited him to stay with me. He knows that I live in a work apartment and that we have a guest room specifically for company employees that travel to the city.”

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A Guest Left Dirty Feminine Hygiene Items on the Floor During a Child’s Birthday Party

One of the nastiest stories that we’ve found so far came from a user named MommaJess08. “Left nasty used feminine hygiene items laying on the bathroom floor. It was during a party, so I’m still not 100% on who it was. To clear something up, this was a kid’s birthday party, not some wild rager. No alcohol, but we did have ice cream and tons of candy.” After a few of these odd stories about feminine hygiene products, maybe we should go over the rules on disposing of these items properly.

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A Buddy Crashed on Their Couch and Was Straight Up Annoying The Whole Time

Sometimes, you try to do a kind favor for a friend and it totally backfires. This story comes from whitebabyjesus. “My old roommate told me she had a friend who had fallen on rough times and needed a spot to crash for a while. No worries, I told her. Oooh, big worries. He was a professional beatboxer, but more than that he was a professional smoker. Like, I’m fine with weed generally, but this dude was on 12-15 blunts a day, and would roll one as soon as he rolled his tighty whitey clad butt off of our couch. So for like 4 months, as soon as I woke up, it was nothing but clouds of white owl and BRRRRMMMCHKCHK-FRKAFRKACHCKABRRRRMMM. He didn’t fall on rough times. He WAS a rough time.”

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They Invited a Couple Over to Stay, and They Brought Three Dogs That Destroyed the Apartment

This story comes from a user called neon_dave. “Couple came for a weekend to my small apartment… surprised that they brought 3 dogs and an extra friend. The puppy took a dump on my floor in the night, which nobody got up to clean. Another dog had a crate but managed to get a hold of a carpet outside of the crate, drag it in, and shred it. They also chewed up cardboard and wooden furniture. When they left, all the shredded stuff was just where it fell.” Can you even imagine having the audacity to take advantage of somebody’s good will that way?

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The Landlord Invited Himself Over to Hang Out in the Backyard

This story comes from a user named SavanaBanana914. “My former landlord was OBSESSED with his garden that was on the property and would just show up out of the blue and start gardening. I had a newborn at the time and he gave me super creepy vibes. So if he would knock on the door, I’d just hang out in my room until he went away. My husband worked during the day so I would always be home alone when he would randomly show up. This one particular day, thinking I was not home, he just started hanging around the yard. He mowed the lawn, picked a few apples, and then took off his shirt and went for a swing on our tree swing. Then he hung out in our yard for three hours while we ‘weren’t home.’ Dude used to freak me out.”

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She Dyed Her Hair in the Bathroom and Stained Literally Everywhere Around the House

Our next story comes from a user who deleted their account, but you can see the original post and comments here. “Dyed her hair red in our bathroom sink – staining the brand new granite countertop. Then dripped onto the new tile floor, then dripped onto the hardwood floor in the hallway. Ultimately she slept in our guest bed with wet, freshly dyed red hair – staining the sheets and pillowcase.” I wonder if they even confronted the person about this? I can imagine these conversations don’t go over too well.

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He Tried to Help a Friend and Was Totally Taken Advantage Of

A user named squidazz tried to be a good friend, and it ended up backfiring in a major way. “One of my best buddies from high school called me up and begged for me to come get him from a town about three hours away. The idea was he would stay with us for a couple weeks while he looked for work and then get his own place. Six months later I ended up renting him a room for one month and dropping him off with his junk and wishing him well. His father had warned me he would ‘drain me dry’ and he wasn’t kidding. All those months he was supposedly using my vehicle to look for work, he was instead going out to a local bar. Every bottle in our liquor cabinet was drained down to the last finger.”

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His Roommate’s Friends Threw a Party in Their Apartment Without Permission

This next story comes from TylerInHiFi. “Had a roommate ask if the rest of us were okay with their high school friend crashing for a few days on their way through town to a festival. We were all fine with it under the condition that they didn’t get a key. Turns out it wasn’t just the friend, it was her boyfriend and another friend, too. The roommate gave them a key. They sold their festival tickets to buy acid and weed, and didn’t tell us they were no longer going. We were told that our roommate said they could stay for as long as they wanted because they were both actually homeless and jobless. One day, we came home to them having a party with a bunch of people over. Thankfully we had to renew our lease right away so we renewed it with one fewer name attached.”

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A Guest Invited Random Guys Over And Offered Them a Place to Stay

This next guest horror story comes from Fruitloops_for_B. “She invited a bunch of sleazy guys over, despite me asking her not to. I did not realize they were in my house, because she let them in while I was in the shower. She then took one into my housemate’s bedroom and locked the door. When I got out of the shower one of the guys was in my bed! And I was like dude, get out of my bedroom. He refused and said my friend said he could stay there. I was very not ok with tha, and physically had to push him out of my house. The next day when she sobered up, I kicked her out of my house and did not speak to her for three years.”

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The Foreign Exchange Student From Hell

Our next story comes from a user named blitz-dropshot. “When I was younger my family had to take in foreign exchange students to make some money. One student from Japan came, and he was very shy and awkward around us. So pretty much the only times anyone would see him out of his room was when we were eating. After a couple of weeks of him staying with us my dad found holes in the wall in our living room, which we later discovered he had been stabbing our walls with a knife. And after he blamed me for it (I was 9) we asked that he doesn’t stay with us anymore. The only thing we had left to do was clean out his bedroom because there was another student coming. Underneath his sheet was hundreds of tissues covered in semen.”

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This House Sitter Let Their Dog Destroy Their Friend’s House

This next story comes from a user named SpicyWonderBread. “We had a house sitter once who wanted to bring their own dog for the week. They assured us the dog was well behaved and housetrained. This was a pretty close friend, and their house is nice and clean so we believed them. Came home to find every rug in our house destroyed. The house smelled funky when we walked in, and I immediately found wet spots on our living room rug. Lifted it up and it had more stained areas than not. Same with the kitchen, hallway, bedroom, and guest room rugs. I’m guessing this dog didn’t pee outside a single time it was there. This was someone we paid to watch our house. I didn’t confront them. We had a lot going on in our lives, and just felt it was best to silently sever the relationship.”

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The Dog Walker Secretly Moved Herself In During Covid

This shocking story comes from Ida_Blownem. “Our dog walker was squatting at our place every time we left town. At some point in year 3 she excitedly declares she can do “stayovers” for an extra $25/day instead of twice a day visits. We never found out she’d been there all along, until COVID hit and we went on lockdown. My husband and I were living in a high rise loft with increasing positive cases and shared ventilation. This spooked my husband, so we went to an airbnb for the rest of the lockdown. Turns out she was staying at our loft the whole time. She had a key, the front desk knew she was the dog walker, so it raised no eyebrows. I dropped by to check on things and she had moved in. Clothes in closets, toiletries organized in drawers, the pantry filled with her staples.”

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They Asked Their Cousin to Help Them Recover From Surgery, But Got a Trashed House Instead

“I had surgery and was on bedrest for a week. So I asked my cousin, who was living with me at the time, to keep an eye on me, as I was on heavy painkillers. I stayed on the couch and let her use my bedroom. When I recovered, I found used hair weave piled up on clean towels in the bathroom cabinet, a douche nozzle behind my nightstand, trash piled all the way up the wall in the kitchen, dirty dishes everywhere, a plate of rancid food in the microwave, ketchup and mustard smeared on the floors. And she had stolen a bunch of clothing and CDs, along with one of my iPhone chargers (she had a Windows phone). She also poked a hole in my $2500 sleep number bed. I kicked her ass out immediately.”

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He Invited a Friend Over Their House to Watch the Game And She Stole All of Their Food

Last but not least, we have what is possibly the most infuriating stories of all, which comes from a user named YeahCallMeStevo. “This reminds me so much of something that happened to me a few years back. I hosted a Sunday football game viewing, and bought all the pizzas and typical snacks foods. As the host, I just wanted people to bring themselves and not worry about having to bring anything. One of my friends comes by to just say hello for like 5 mins. She ended up taking 2 entire pizzas and she even brought her own Tupperware containers to take back dips, chips, wings, and cookies… So that she and her boyfriend could eat it at her own place while watching THE SAME EXACT FOOTBALL GAME THAT WE WERE WATCHING AT MY PLACE.”
