Almost everyone has experienced hosting a bad house guest. Maybe they were rude, or maybe they overstayed their welcome far past the end of a party. But we can guarantee that for most of you out there, your bad experiences can’t top what these people from Reddit have been through! Here are some of the worst house guest stories on the Internet.

This House Guest Stole Change Out of a Child’s Piggy Bank So He Could Buy Beer
Some people have absolutely no shame. This first story comes from a user called Bobdigi36: “My wife’s cousin was staying at our house because he was going through marital problems. One night I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard some change rattling. He walks down the hall with my 5 year old’s piggy bank. He was taking money from my daughter’s piggy bank to buy beer and smokes.” The audacity you’d have to possess to steal from a child is bad enough. But imagine doing it to buy booze. What a piece of work.