They always say that we need Mother Nature, but Mother Nature does not need us. Without human interference, nature has no issues taking over what was once hers. There are tons of abandoned buildings and places around the world that were once bustling and thriving, but since their abandonment, nature has fought back and taken over.
According to photographer Romain Veillon, who is working on photographing many abandoned places overtaken by nature, said, “We are all fascinated by this post-apocalyptic vision,” he says. “Maybe we need to be the witness of that to enjoy what we have and the time in front of us.” He claims it is a necessity to live in harmony within our habitat.

The Stop Sign Tree
Whoever said a tree couldn’t be a stop sign, too? This tree decided to set up shop inside of this stop sign and make it one of the most fabulous signs on the block. There’s no way anyone can accidentally miss this stop sign now, considering how tall the tree is and how obvious it is against the bare street (Reddit).