When vacation time comes around, everyone is eager to go to the most popular places on Earth. Maybe they’ve heard of these places through travel blogs or from their friends who have been there, but caution should be exercised when making travel arrangements. Although these places have become popular over the years, they may not be all as they’re cracked up to be. Here are 45 of the most popular destinations that you should avoid because they are not worth the money.
45. Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is known as one of the Seven Wonders Of The World, and for a perfect reason. It’s magnificent that the ancient people that lived there were capable of establishing what they did. This obviously attracted the attention of the world… perhaps too much attention. Machu Picchu isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be outside of the marvelous view. Thousands of people go there yearly, riddled with mosquitos, and because it’s on a mountainside, it’s usually rainy and foggy. So don’t expect there to be great weather for pictures. And forget about trying to get the coveted sunrise picture; by the time the sun is visible from behind the peaks, it’s already 10 am.