The Cheapest Home Hacks You Could Ever Hope To Find

Alli - September 22, 2023

In today’s world, where the cost of living seems to rise continually, finding affordable solutions to everyday challenges is a valuable skill. Home hacks that are not only effective but also budget-friendly are like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. From ingenious ways to repurpose common household items to DIY tricks that save you money, this guide explores some of the cheapest and most resourceful home hacks you could ever hope to find. Whether you’re looking to streamline your daily routines, spruce up your living space, or tackle various tasks with minimal expense, these hacks offer practical and economical solutions to help you make the most of your home.

Home-Cooked & Handmade

Cinnamon Can Scare Bugs Away & Freshen Your Home

Although we find cinnamon to be a delightful spice, it serves as an effective repellent for unwelcome household pests. Simply scatter cinnamon in areas where you spot these critters, and they will steer clear of the treated zones. Additionally, you can create a soothing remedy for itchy bug bites by mixing cinnamon with honey. Moreover, cinnamon can even enhance the ambiance in your home during vacuuming. While it won’t perform a deep carpet clean, sprinkling two tablespoons of cinnamon throughout your house and proceeding with your regular vacuuming routine will infuse your living space with a delightful fragrance. This occurs because the vacuum’s heat activates the release of aromatic essential oils from the cinnamon, leaving your home smelling truly inviting.

YouTube/Smart Fox

Mouthwash Can Be Used To Clean Your House/Body

The antibacterial properties found in mouthwash extend its usefulness beyond oral hygiene to various aspects of both household and personal care. In instances where cuts or scrapes require cleaning, mouthwash can effectively serve as an antiseptic solution. In a pinch, mouthwash can also stand in for deodorant when needed. It can provide relief from itching caused by poison ivy, offering a soothing remedy for skin irritations. Moreover, should you find yourself out of traditional cleanser, mouthwash can step in to tackle toilet cleaning duties. By pouring approximately a cup into the bowl, allowing it to sit, and subsequently scrubbing away grime, it can help maintain bathroom cleanliness. Surprisingly, mouthwash can even assist in addressing dandruff issues. By combining equal parts mouthwash and water and applying the mixture to your scalp for a few minutes before regular shampooing, you can effectively combat dandruff and enjoy a flake-free scalp.

The Kitchn

Olive Oil Can Be Used As Makeup Remover & Wood Polish

Olive oil is a versatile, all-purpose solution that can be applied to a wide range of uses, from skincare to household maintenance. This nourishing oil serves as an effective makeup remover, shaving cream, and moisturizing lotion for your skin. When it comes to furniture care, massaging your wooden pieces with olive oil provides the same rejuvenation as traditional wood polish. It’s also an excellent remedy for various household annoyances; for instance, it can free a stubborn zipper and silence a squeaky door. Scuffed rain boots can be restored to their former glory with a simple olive oil rub. In the unfortunate event of gum getting tangled in your hair, forget about the scissors and opt for a bit of olive oil—it will effortlessly release the gum. Furthermore, olive oil proves handy for removing unwanted paint from your skin and hair.

Business Insider

White Vinegar For Windows & Fabric Softener

When it comes to an effective substitute for Windex, white vinegar reigns supreme. A simple spray of white vinegar on your windows and mirrors, followed by a thorough wipe, will leave those surfaces gleaming and spotless. Moreover, you can harness the cleaning power of white vinegar as a versatile counter spray in both your kitchen and bathroom. Running low on fabric softener? No problem! Just add a quarter cup of vinegar to your laundry, and it will help keep your clothes soft and fresh. And for pet owners dealing with house training challenges, vinegar becomes a valuable ally. Not only does it effectively clean up after your pet, but its strong scent also acts as a deterrent, discouraging your furry friend from soiling the same spot again.

Bob Villa

Paper Clip

Paper clips may not initially come to mind as versatile household tools, but you’ll be surprised at their various practical uses. Here are some creative ways to make the most of this handy little item:

  1. Zipper Tag Fix: If the tag on your zipper breaks, simply thread a paper clip through the slider, allowing you to zip it up again with ease.
  2. Unclog Bottles: For bottles with clogged openings, insert the tip of a paper clip to unclog them, ensuring a smooth pour.
  3. Ornament Hooks: When you misplace or run out of ornament hooks, paper clips can be a handy substitute for hanging ornaments on your tree.
  4. Miniature Screwdriver: In a pinch, paper clips can be used as miniature screwdrivers. When the screws on your eyeglasses come loose, use a paper clip to tighten them securely.

These clever uses of paper clips demonstrate their versatility beyond their typical office or school applications, making them valuable tools for various everyday tasks around the house.

Step To Health

Nail Polish Can Help Thread Your Needles

Nail polish isn’t just for enhancing the beauty of your nails; it also boasts a range of practical applications. For those who struggle with threading needles, a dab of nail polish on the thread, allowed to dry, will stiffen it and make threading the needle a breeze. Cheap jewelry often loses its color, especially when exposed to water, but a coat of clear nail polish on the metal can effectively prevent tarnishing. Anyone who wears tights understands the frustration of runs, but clear nail polish can come to the rescue by stopping runs from getting larger. A simple swipe at the top and bottom of the run can prolong the life of your tights and save you from unnecessary inconvenience. These inventive uses for nail polish demonstrate its versatility as a handy tool for various everyday needs.

Rosenbaum Creates a Sprawling Vertical Garden from Hundreds ...

Plastic Bottles Have Countless Epicycle Possibilities

Instead of simply recycling used plastic bottles, why not embark on a creative journey of upcycling, transforming them into practical items you’ll actually use? For instance, those 2-liter plastic bottles can be ingeniously cut in half to serve as eco-friendly planting pots, giving your garden a sustainable touch. Small plastic creamer bottles can find new life as convenient storage containers for liquids and spices, adding an element of organization to your kitchen. For those who accumulate a surplus of plastic bottles, consider embarking on a DIY project to construct a vertical garden, turning old plastic into a green oasis. To ensure your garden thrives, craft a DIY plastic bottle sprinkler by poking some holes in a 2-liter bottle and attaching it to a hose. When the water flows, it will mimic the action of a sprinkler, effortlessly tending to your plants. These creative upcycling ideas not only reduce waste but also breathe new life into everyday items, demonstrating the potential for sustainability and innovation.

The Krazy Coupon Lady

Duct Tape Can Remove Sticky Residue & Lint

Duct tape’s versatility is no secret, with countless practical applications, but there are likely a few you haven’t considered. Surprisingly, duct tape is an adept sticky residue remover; simply apply it to the adhesive residue, peel it off, and watch the area become clean. In a pinch without tweezers, this robust tape can also serve as a splinter remover. Repairing holes in your garden hose is a breeze with duct tape. Plus, you can transform it into a DIY lint roller by wrapping it around your hand, sticky side out, and effortlessly remove lint from any surface you desire.

Bon Appetit

Cleaning With Lemons Makes Everything Smell Incredible

The same tangy acidity in lemons that causes your mouth to pucker also boasts impressive cleaning abilities. If your garbage disposal is starting to emit unpleasant odors, simply run a few lemon rinds through it, followed by a flow of cold water, and your disposal will be infused with a refreshing scent. Lemons prove effective at stain removal, even on delicate or vintage fabrics. Create a mixture of lemon juice and salt, apply it to the stain, and let it sit for half an hour before rinsing it out with a combination of vinegar and warm water. Additionally, lemon juice serves as a natural sanitizer for wooden cutting boards, making it a versatile and eco-friendly cleaning solution.

How a Pair of Old Socks Cured My Insomnia | Wirecutter

Socks With Holes

Don’t toss those old socks with holes – they have a plethora of clever uses beyond their original purpose! They make excellent dusting and cleaning rags, perfect for tackling tasks like dusting blinds, polishing your car, shining your shoes, or erasing whiteboards. You can also repurpose them by putting a damp sock in the dryer for a few minutes to help prevent your clothes from wrinkling. When it comes to storage, wrap socks around small, delicate items to provide extra protection and prevent breakage. For a homemade heating pad, fill a sock with rice and microwave it, creating a soothing and reusable heating solution. And if you have a feline friend, transform old socks into cat toys by filling them with catnip and securely tying off the opening – your cat will thank you for the playful entertainment!

Toilet Paper Tubes

Toilet paper tubes offer a surprising array of practical uses beyond their intended function. Transform them into textured rolling pins by applying glue in your desired design on the outside, allowing it to dry, and then using it for unique culinary creations. If your desk is in disarray, attach cardboard to the bottom of the tubes to fashion convenient organizers for pens, pencils, and various office supplies. During the holiday season, repurpose them as handy wrapping paper holders, making gift-wrapping a breeze. Lastly, toilet paper tubes can be employed for starting fires, much like regular cardboard, making them a versatile addition to your DIY toolkit.

12 ways to reuse plastic shopping bags | Hello Homestead

Grocery Bags

Unless you reside in a city with strict bans or charges for grocery bags, chances are you’ve accumulated quite a collection of them in your home. While you may already be aware of their role as miniature trash bags, these versatile carriers have numerous other practical applications. They come to the rescue whenever you need to store something messy or damp, serving as shoe wrappers in your suitcase, car trash bags, or containers for wet swimsuits. Repurpose ripped or unusable bags by stuffing them into shoes and purses to help maintain their shape. The beauty of these bags lies in their reusability; there’s hardly ever a reason to discard them, making them a sustainable choice for various purposes.

Permanent Coffee Filter vs. Paper: What's The Difference? • Bean Ground

Coffee Filter

Coffee filters, known for their durability and tear resistance, have a range of unexpected uses that are quite handy. To safeguard your plates from chipping, insert coffee filters between them; the same technique can be employed with pans to prevent rust and scratches. Keep nails and screws in check by placing them on coffee filters, ensuring they stay organized and in one place, rather than rolling away when you’re not looking. When it comes to cleaning windows and mirrors, coffee filters leave behind less lint compared to traditional paper towels or rags, yielding a streak-free shine. Additionally, you can line your plant pots with coffee filters to prevent soil leakage, making them a versatile and practical addition to your household repertoire.

Thrifty Thursday: 30 Alternative Uses for Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Baking soda, akin to vinegar, serves as another universal cleanser with a wide range of applications. Placing an open box of baking soda in your fridge effectively absorbs and neutralizes unwanted odors. For rusty metal pans, a DIY baking soda scrub works wonders in restoring their shine. To clean and sanitize your makeup brushes and sponges, soaking them in a solution of baking soda and warm water not only preserves their quality but is also gentler on your skin. On occasion, you can even use it as a heavy-duty shampoo to remove stubborn buildup from your hair; a teaspoon is all you need for an effective scalp cleanse, leaving your hair refreshed and revitalized.

Unusual Uses for Zip Ties : 12 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables

Zip Ties Have Endless Uses

Zip ties are indeed a versatile household item that never seems to run out of practical uses. Here are a few clever applications:

  1. Travel Buddy: When flying, add a colored zip tie to your suitcase zippers to easily identify your luggage and deter potential theft.
  2. Tool Organization: Keep your tools organized and prevent them from rolling away by attaching zip ties to them.
  3. Winter Traction: In the winter, loop zip ties around your bike tires or even your shoes for added traction in snowy or icy conditions.
  4. Garden Support: In your garden, use zip ties to secure your plants to stakes, promoting straight and upward growth while providing support.

These are just a few creative ways to make the most of zip ties around your home and beyond, demonstrating their versatility in various situations.

Southern Home Express

Pool Noodle

It’s interesting to note that the insulation material used around pipes is akin to what you’ll find in pool noodles, highlighting their shared protective qualities. In fact, pool noodles can serve as excellent tools for insulating and safeguarding your home. When it comes to childproofing, repurposing old pool noodles is a brilliant idea. Simply cut a pool noodle in half and attach the inside of the halves to areas where kids are prone to bumping into, such as table edges, door frames, or trampoline springs. This clever use of pool noodles not only enhances safety but also provides peace of mind for parents, making your home a much safer place for your little ones.



Honey Is A Powerful Moisturizer

Honey boasts remarkable moisturizing properties, making it an excellent choice for enhancing both your hair and facial care routines. If you’re grappling with dry and coarse hair, consider saturating your locks with a honey-water mixture prior to taking a shower. Allow it to settle for a few minutes before rinsing it out with shampoo. For your facial skincare, gently apply a thin coat of honey, and then rinse it away with water to reveal soft and radiant skin. Furthermore, honey can also aid in alleviating anxiety and insomnia. Simply incorporate a dash of honey into your evening tea, and you’ll experience a restful night’s sleep.

Easy Tennisball Laptop Stand : 5 Steps -

Tennis Balls

When your tennis ball loses its bounce on the court, don’t discard it; instead, put it to good use around your home. Here are some creative ways to repurpose tennis balls:

  1. Furniture Floor Protectors: Slice an “X” shape into four tennis balls and place them on the legs of your furniture to protect your floors from scratches and scuffs.
  2. Laptop or Camera Mount: Cut a tennis ball in half, and you can use the halves to prop up your laptop for better ventilation. For a camera mount, one half of a tennis ball can serve as an effective stabilizer.
  3. Laundry Helpers: Tossing a tennis ball or two into your dryer can help clothes dry faster by agitating and separating them. They’re also excellent for fluffing towels, sheets, and comforters, keeping your laundry soft and well-aerated.

These ingenious uses for old tennis balls not only extend their lifespan but also provide practical solutions for various household needs.

Tennis Rackets To Beat Dust Out Of Cushions (Outside)

Upholstered furniture tends to accumulate dust, releasing it into the air whenever you sit down. While regular vacuuming helps, it may not catch every particle, especially the deeply embedded dust. To address this issue, consider taking the cushions outside a few times a year and giving them a good beating with a tennis racket. The force generated by the racket is more effective at dislodging and removing dust than a vacuum cleaner, and doing this on a windy day can make the process even more efficient. This simple and practical tip can help you maintain a cleaner and healthier living space.

11 Weird & Amazing Ways to Use Foil - The Krazy Coupon Lady

Aluminum Foil

Indeed, aluminum foil is a versatile household item with countless practical applications, and here are a few more innovative uses:

  1. Garden Pest Deterrent: Shiny aluminum foil can be employed in your garden to deter pesky birds and critters. The bright, reflective surface can scare away birds, especially when you draw eyes on the foil, making it even more intimidating.
  2. Silverware Polish: If you own real silver silverware, you can effortlessly polish tarnished metal items using aluminum foil. Simply scrub the tarnished areas with crumpled aluminum foil and watch the shine return.
  3. Critter Barrier: Use aluminum foil to create a barrier around areas you want to protect from critters, such as wrapping it around tree trunks to deter deer from nibbling on them.
  4. Effective Scrubber: Aluminum foil also serves as an effective scrubber for tough cleaning tasks, helping to remove stubborn stains and grime from various surfaces.

These additional uses for aluminum foil demonstrate its versatility and cost-effective solutions for a range of everyday needs.

sliced apple held with yellow rubber band

Rubber Bands Can Keep Sliced Apples More Fresh

Rubber bands are one of those ubiquitous items that tend to accumulate, and while they’re handy for various purposes, here are a few lesser-known uses:

  1. Apple Saver: Use a rubber band to hold a sliced apple together, preventing it from oxidizing and turning brown.
  2. Jar Lid Grip: When you’re struggling to open a stubborn jar lid, slide a rubber band around it to enhance your grip and make it easier to twist off.
  3. Book Protector: If you like carrying a book with you throughout the day, protect it from tears and stains by wrapping a rubber band around it to keep the pages together.

These clever applications for rubber bands show how this simple and readily available item can come to the rescue in various everyday situations.

14 Easy DIY Methods How to Clean Rings at Home - The Krazy Coupon Lady

Clean Your Jewelry with Ketchup

Maintaining the luster of your jewelry is essential to keep it looking its best. While we often prioritize cleaning our homes, clothes, and sheets, jewelry can easily be overlooked. Silver jewelry, in particular, can tarnish and lose its shine over time. To revitalize your jewelry, even with unexpected household items like ketchup, follow these steps: Place the dull jewelry in a bowl of ketchup and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. It’s important not to exceed the ten-minute mark, as the acidity of ketchup could potentially damage your jewelry beyond that point. Afterward, remove the jewelry, rinse it thoroughly, and watch it shine like new in the sunlight! This simple cleaning tip can help you preserve the beauty of your jewelry collection.


Remove Sweat Stains with Aspirin

Workout clothing can lose its appeal quickly due to sweat stains, but you don’t always need specialized stain removers. Instead, you can turn to your medicine cabinet for a surprising solution: aspirin. Here’s how you can use aspirin to remove stains and whiten fabric:

  1. Heat up some water until it’s warm but not boiling.
  2. Add two aspirin tablets to the warm water and let them dissolve.
  3. Once the aspirin has dissolved, submerge the stained clothing in the water and let it soak for a few hours.
  4. After soaking, remove the clothing, and you’ll find it looking as good as new!

Aspirin’s stain-removing and whitening properties can help refresh your workout attire, extending its lifespan and keeping it in top condition.

Epic Fertilizing

Fertilize Your Garden with Tea Bags

Composting tea bags is a well-known practice, but don’t forget about the potential benefits of used tea grounds for fertilizing your garden. Tea grounds are nitrogen-rich, providing valuable nutrients to your plants and helping balance the carbon-rich materials in the soil. However, it’s essential to be mindful of the type of tea bags you use. Some tea bags contain polypropylene, a non-decomposable material. To ensure your tea bags are safe for your garden, check the bag itself. Tea bags made of paper, silk, or muslin are suitable for composting and can be added to your garden without concern. Avoid tea bags that feel slippery to the touch and have a heat seal on the edge, as these typically contain polypropylene and should not be used in your garden.

Use A Pencil Eraser As An Earring Back In A Pinch
Lifehacker Australia

Use a Pencil Eraser as an Earring Back

Earring backings have a knack for getting misplaced, but you don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite earrings. When you’re in a pinch, grab a pencil, remove the eraser, and use it as a makeshift earring back. It can help secure your earrings in place until you find a proper replacement. Furthermore, that same pencil eraser can come to the rescue in another way – as a jewelry cleaner. Rubbing the eraser gently on your gold jewelry can help absorb oils and dirt, leaving your pieces looking polished and refreshed. So, even if you misplace your earring backs and jewelry polish, pencil erasers have got your back, serving as a handy solution for both securing and cleaning your jewelry.

How to Make Mason Jar Soap Dispensers | Diy soap dispenser mason jar, Soap dispenser diy, Mason jar soap dispenser

Turn a Mason Jar into a Soap Dispenser

Creating your own soap dispenser can be a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution, as it allows you to buy soap in bulk and reduce waste. Here’s a simple DIY method to make your own mason jar soap dispenser:

Materials needed:

  1. A mason jar with a lid
  2. A soap dispenser pump
  3. Something to drill a hole (e.g., a drill)
  4. Optional: hot glue gun, paint


  1. Take the lid of the mason jar and use a drill to create a hole in the center. The hole should be just wide enough to accommodate the soap dispenser pump.
  2. Insert the soap dispenser pump through the hole in the lid, making sure it fits snugly.
  3. Secure the lid back onto the mason jar.
  4. Optionally, you can use a hot glue gun to firmly attach the soap dispenser pump to the lid. This step ensures that the pump stays in place.
  5. If you’d like, you can paint the mason jar to match your decor or add some personal flair.

By following these steps, you can create a personalized soap dispenser that’s both cost-effective and environmentally friendly, as it encourages the use of bulk soap and reduces plastic waste.
