When most people get ready for an interior design makeover, they usually look for advice. They might find inspiration from books, magazines, blogs, Pinterest, YouTube videos, or TV shows. Only a small percentage of people can actually afford to hire a professional interior designer. For the rest of us, we have to just figure it out on our own. We recently discovered a really cool subReddit called Design My Room. People post pictures of their spaces, and ask advice about what they should do to renovate their home. If you’re not familiar with how Reddit works, the community up-votes the best comments so that they make it to the top. Basically, by posting on this subreddit, you’re getting thousands of people who love interior design giving their input. Here are some incredible before-and-after photos of people who actually took the advice from strangers on the Internet.

From Bare to Built-Ins
Our first before-and-after images come from a living room that looks beautiful, but it was really plain. There was a TV hanging on the wall, and that’s pretty much it. But after taking the advice from people online, she decided to build built-in shelves to surround the TV. There is also a faux brick background on the wall, which gives it some texture and a lot of color. The original poster added the caption to this photo, “Doubt anyone remembers my post, but adding built-ins to our big bare living room made a HUGE difference.” In the comment section, someone jokes that they evicted the poor dog from his favorite spot! Some sacrifices have to be made in the name of interior design.