On the surface, being a flight attendant seems like a relatively easy job. They pass out food and drinks, and make announcements over the intercom. But in reality, anything can go wrong on a flight full of people. Flight attendants are trained to deal with any number of crazy situations in order to keep people safe. Now, more than ever, people are misbehaving on airplanes at a record high rate. The people of Reddit got together to sell some of the craziest stories they ever experienced while working as a flight attendant, or witnesses as a passenger.

30. The Smelly Suitcase Was Actually Full of Fish
This story came from a Reddit user called drsameagle. “Relaying a story for a flight attendant friend of mine: We see all sorts of stuff, typical customer service nonsense. I have plenty of stories of people thinking they’re being subtle about touching themselves when everyone around knows what’s happening. For me, though, the strangest one is when the gate supervisor came up the jet bridge and paged a passenger. The passenger hit his FA call button and we let him come up to the main door. The gate supervisor asked the passenger to describe his suitcase. Then the supervisor asked him what he had in his suitcase. ‘Fish.’ “
“Apparently, this guy had packed a bunch of fish he caught into his suitcase. He managed to get it through check-in and even through the TSA screen, but after being bumped and tossed in handling, by the time it got to the plane it was wet and smelly and the baggage loaders refused to put it on the plane (thank God). The gate supervisor had to explain to this guy that everyone is going to be much happier if he gets off the plane and retrieves his suitcase, and even offered him rebooking and a voucher if he would come back without the fish. He deplaned and that’s the last I heard of it.”