Are you planning to have guests over? Whether you’re inviting friends and family over or bringing in a little extra income as a host, it’s important to make your guests feel pampered and cared for. You’ll be sure to impress them with these amazing hosting hacks.

Keep Your Guest Area Clean
Want to impress your guests? The rooms better be spotless. This may seem like common sense to most people, but you should keep your guest room or area clean at all times. Especially when you know someone is coming over, make sure you go over the basic cleaning. Dust the furniture, vacuum the floors, and pick up any clutter that may be in the room. It’s also essential to make sure the sheets and bedspread have been washed. Yes, you may have to wash the sheets again when they leave. But it’s worth having a clean space for everyone when they come over your house.

Don’t forget to clean your bathroom and kitchen area, too. Basically anywhere in the house where your guests are going to spend a significant amount of time should be cleaned thoroughly before they arrive. Here at Home Addict, we already have a great list of tips for you called 40 Things You Didn’t Know You Should be Cleaning. (via HGTV)