Awful Parking Jobs That Were Given A Justified Dose Of Instant Karma

Ashley - June 9, 2023

Sometimes it feels as though there isn’t enough justice in the world. From big problems to minor annoyances, there are situations we run into every day that could benefit from a good dose of instant karma. We’re all familiar with the frustrations that come along with driving around, but inconsiderate parking jobs are probably one of the most annoying. Some people appear to have a sense of entitlement that gives them the incorrect idea that they can park wherever and however they want. Most of us will simply sigh and shake our heads when we see these types of awful parking jobs. But there are real heroes in this world that will go out of their way to teach the person who committed the awful parking job a lesson. You don’t want to miss this list of awful parking jobs and the delicious instant karma that everyday heroes doled out!

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You’ve Angered The Potato Clan

More and more people are getting fed up with entitled parkers. A common way to combat entitlement is to carry around little notes you can stick on people’s cars to scold them for their nefarious ways, but some people take this a step further. This person was so fed up with one awful parking job that he decided to do something that would leave a lasting impression on the parker’s mind. They grabbed a few cursed-looking potatoes, carved furious and evil expressions onto them, and left a note to warn the parker of their misdeeds. The note says they’ve angered the potato clan, and they will call on their produce army if it happens again!

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The Parking Contest Award Winner

Public shaming with a heaping scoop of sarcasm is always an excellent way to embarrass someone who did a bad parking job. One Redditor got fed up with seeing awful parking jobs in his work’s parking garage and took action. He took a picture of the latest offender, printed it out, and taped it to the wall inside the building. Around the picture are the words, “Congratulations to today’s parking contest award winner. If you know this person, please treat them with the utmost respect. Clearly, they are better than you are.” We hope someone who knows the owner of this car brought it up to them. Maybe they’ll stop parking like they’re more important than everyone else after the embarrassment of this award!

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Inconsider Shopper Gets Instant Karma

There are several reasons you aren’t supposed to park directly in front of the store. Yes, sometimes it sucks to have to find a parking spot way in the back of the lot and walk, but it’s better than causing a hazard as this car does. When you park along the curb in front of the store, you’re creating a traffic hazard, and your car could get in the way of emergency vehicles if they’re called out to the store. Plenty of people will do this with the mindset, “I’ll only be a few minutes.” But those few minutes could cost you! A shopper fed up with people parking like this decided to box in the offending car with a ton of shopping carts. Have fun moving those and dealing with the awkward stares and raised eyebrows when you get out of the store!

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It’s Not A Prank- It’s A Message

This photo looks like a prank war that’s been taken to the extreme! Plastic wrap has completely wrapped and trapped this car in its spot, but it was a well-deserved act of justice. The owner of the car apparently decided that they were more important than everyone else on the street and took up more than their fair share of street parking spaces. Anyone who deals with street parking frequently knows what a serious problem this is! A helpful neighborhood vigilante took action and trapped the car in plastic wrap. It’s going to take a while to cut through all of that.

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A Special Spot Just For You

Why do people feel the need to park like this? Just by looking at this photo, we can tell the parking lot wasn’t that busy, so clearly this person had time to reverse and fix his parking job. However, he decided to just create his own spot because he’s so much more important than everyone else who’s learned to park inside the lines. Thankfully, a helpful passerby refused to let him get away with this atrocity. Someone drew new parking lines around his car in blue chalk and wrote the words “special spot” behind the car. That should send a clear message, but sadly, many entitled people will just smirk and continue on their path of chaos.

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Royalty-Only Parking Spot

This is one of those parking annoyances that really grinds our gears. When people take these striped spots that are very clearly not meant for parking, it shows a strong sense of entitlement and disregard for others. Many stores have these spots to comply with local codes, and it’s very important to ensure no one parks there. However, these spots are usually close to the entrance, so there are always people who will feel they’re above the law and can park wherever they want. A bystander noticed this awful parking job and decided to call out the owner. They grabbed some pink and blue chalk and wrote, “Princess parking” behind the car. We love the passive-aggression of this!

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No One Is Above The Law

There’s nothing worse than seeing a cop break the law or a parking enforcement officer parking like a jerk. These injustices aren’t always easily resolved, but it appears someone was watching out for the public good in this photo. You can clearly see this parking enforcement vehicle with a ticket on its windshield. While we can’t see how the driver is parked in a way that deserves a ticket, we still can’t help but smirk at the idea of a parking enforcement officer getting a parking ticket. No one is above the law! Just don’t park like a jerk and you’ll be fine.

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Bury The Hatchet- Literally

We’ve all heard the phrase, “bury the hatchet.” Usually, this phrase means to resolve a conflict in some way. It’s unclear just by looking at this picture what the driver did to create such intense conflict, but clearly, they did something wrong. They’ve either offended the entire neighborhood or a single person with an axe collection. Either way, vengeance was wrought via a dozen or so hatchets getting buried in this person’s car. If this doesn’t teach the owner of this car a lesson, then nothing will! Hopefully, they stop parking like a jerk and making the people around them so furious, or else the owners of the hatchets may feel the need to get even more creative next time.

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Garbage For A Garbage Parking Job

Most people are well aware of the fact that you are not supposed to park in front of the dumpsters. Not only does this prevent the dumpsters from getting emptied, but it also creates a huge hassle for being that need to use those dumpsters to, you know, throw away their garbage! The people who needed access to these dumpsters clearly didn’t feel like walking around this person’s car, so they decided to start throwing their bags of trash directly onto the car. It’s a beautiful example of a tit-for-tat situation. You decide to park like garbage and we will throw our garbage on your car!

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Why Not Stay For A While?

The audacity of some people when they decide to park like this and take up four or more spaces is too much. How important was it really for this person to park his vehicle across all these different spots? Well, an irritated bystander couldn’t stand for the audacity and wanted to teach the driver a lesson. They put boots on two of the vehicle’s wheels to prevent the driver from going anywhere when they got out of the store. Since the spot was so important to them, why not stay for a while? It’s going to be really embarrassing for the owner of this vehicle to call around and find someone to take the boots off for him!

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Laugh Them Out Of Town

When you park like a jerk in your own neighborhood, you’re taking a serious risk. People can easily become fed up with your awful parking and choose to take a stand. That’s what happened in this picture. A Redditor was tired of finding this car parked in awkward and hazardous ways. After several instances, they printed out this note that says, “You suck at parking. I just might post a picture of this on the internet for people to laugh at.” He did indeed follow through with his threat and posted a picture on the internet, which we are now laughing at. Maybe that guy will get laughed right out of town!

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You Get One Final Warning

There’s nothing worse than dealing with an inconsiderate neighbor who constantly blocks you in. Seriously, this is probably one of the biggest non-emergency calls local police receive, and there’s nothing they can do about it if the person is parked in public street parking spaces. Often, it’s up to the person getting blocked in to take matters into their own hands. When casual conversations with your neighbor and other non-confrontational methods stop working, you’re only left with one option. Leave a note on the offender’s car threatening to monster truck their car into a pile of scrap if they block you in one more time! We hope the neighbor stopped blocking this person in after this because if not, his car is going to get it.

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Jeep Vs Corvette

Often, it’s people with fancy and expensive cars that park like jerks. They figure their car is so much more important than everyone else’s that they deserve to take up two parking spaces everywhere they go. Maybe they think this will reduce the risk of their cars getting scratched or something, but it’s really just putting a target on their backs. Especially when you have helpful vigilantes driving lifted jeeps like the one in this photo! The Jeep easily manages to park half on the curb to squeeze in next to the Corvette. Good luck getting into your fancy little car with this local hero parked next to you!

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Did You Even Read The Manual?

There’s a reason everyone is expected to read the driver’s manual and pass a test before they get their license. You need to understand the laws of the road before you can be trusted to drive around with the rest of society. Unfortunately, even after passing the test, many people ignore a lot of the rules that they feel shouldn’t apply to them or aren’t that big of a deal. Everyone knows you’re supposed to park a minimum of fifteen feet away from fire hydrants, but apparently, no one explained to this person what happens if you don’t do this. When a fire broke out and firefighters needed access to the hydrant, they had to break out this person’s windows to run their hose through the car. His insurance premium is about to go way up after this!

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Park Along The Path And I’ll Slide Across Your Hood

No one expects to run into a car while they’re strolling down a walking path. Unfortunately, entitled parkers will find the worst places to park their cars, and they have no regard for the people around them. One person consistently parked across the walking path this person followed daily on their way to work. Rather than get mad, they decided to get even! The person left a note on the car saying that they appreciate the driver parking there because it gives them a chance to feel like a movie star and slide across the hood of the car! We feel like that’s a fair trade.

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A Very Messy Lesson

This seems a little extreme. The red car is parked across four or five parking spaces and takes up far more space than they need. We could understand leaving a note on their windshield or creating a new special parking space in chalk for them, but apparently, this was the straw that broke the camel’s back for one bystander. It looks like the bystander threw a ton of drink cups at the car, wrapped it with caution tape, covered it with toilet paper, and drew on the windows with chalk or marker. It’s a pretty extreme reaction, but we can understand their frustration! The owner of this car will probably think twice before he parks like this again.

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The Drama At Outback

When you head to Outback Steakhouse, you’re probably looking to enjoy a relaxing evening and a delicious meal. So, what do you do when you come across someone parked like a jerk in front of the building and taking up twice as many spots as they need? Band together with your fellow diners and block him in! This vehicle decided they were special and created a horizontal parking space directly in front of the building. His fellow diners didn’t appreciate his entitlement and parked very close to his front and rear bumpers. This person is going to have to wait for his fellow diners to come out and move their cars before he can leave.

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Not Your Parking Space

When searching for parking in a residential area, it’s best to find street parking or unreserved guest spaces to park your vehicle. Parking in someone’s spot in front of their unit will likely get you ticketed or towed, or it will have other consequences. This tiny car took a risk and parked in someone’s spot, probably thinking nothing would come of it. Unfortunately for them, their car was the perfect size for the parking space owner to take their revenge! They carefully threaded a chain through the wheels and knotted them in the middle. This person will need a lot of patience and possible power tools to get themselves out of this situation.

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A Business Card For Awful Parkers

Printing mass amounts of business cards is easier and cheaper than ever. Many websites will let you create your own card and print hundreds for you at a very low cost. Most people would use these to advertise their business, but someone thought of a more creative use for these cards. Someone printed a ton of business cards to tell people they suck at parking. The warning in the bottom right of the card is what really makes this hilarious. It says, “If I see you do this again I will key your sh*t.” It’s time to go make some business cards of our own!

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A Teachable Moment

Something about this parking job is absolutely infuriating. The driver managed to park perfectly straight but couldn’t seem to stay inside the lines. A helpful passerby realized this could easily be turned into a teachable moment. In an effort to help society by hopefully teaching this awful parker a lesson, the person grabbed a strip of yellow tape and taped it up over the car where the line they should have parked within goes. This is a very effective and non-intrusive method to remind people of the proper way to park. We should all start carrying yellow tape in our cars for situations like these.

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If You Could Park In Your Own Spot, That’d Be Great

Not everyone carries around business cards, yellow tape, or a handy piece of chalk in their car. When you run into an awful parking job that you simply can’t walk away from, it’s necessary to improvise. Thankfully, this person happened to have a piece of notebook paper and a pen on hand to create this hilarious note. He drew an unimpressed person holding a cup of coffee and saying, “Yeah, if you could go ahead and park in your own spot, that’d be great.” We appreciate the time it must have taken this hero to write and draw this note. Hopefully, the awful parker takes the hint!

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If It Says No Parking, It Means No Parking!

Why would someone take the risk of parking somewhere that clearly says “no parking”? It doesn’t make very much sense, but perhaps to someone with an overinflated ego, they just assume nothing bad will happen to them. Someone parked in front of these dumpsters, despite seeing the very clear writing on each that says, “no parking.” When the dumpsters were emptied, they were moved to block this car in. The car wasn’t given a single inch of space to work with, so the driver is going to have to move these dumpsters to escape. Hopefully, he’ll think twice before making a mistake like this again!

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You’re Obviously A Very Special Person

When people refuse to take the extra thirty seconds necessary to fix a bad parking job, they’re sending a message to everyone around them. That message is generally that they are so much more special than everyone else, and their time is far more important, which is why they can park however they’d like. Of course, no one else knows just how special these people are, so one bystander decided to help the owner of this car out. After seeing the awful parking job, they grabbed their blue chalk and wrote, “I’m special!” behind the car. Now everyone who passes by this vehicle will know just how special the owner is and will understand why they couldn’t park in a single spot like everyone else in the world.

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From Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

The people on this list who fight parking injustices are true heroes. Whether they use business cards, chalk, or what appears to be toilet paper in this instance, they are doing a great public service. One friendly neighborhood spiderman spotted a car taking up two spaces and acted quickly to teach the driver a lesson. Using what they could find nearby (which seems to be toilet paper and a pen) they crafted this beautiful note, reminding the driver that their car can safely fit into one spot and that they need to stop parking like a jerk for the good of humanity. We honestly love the tone of this note and the way it was signed!

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Good Luck Getting Out Of There

When you pull into a large parking lot and see everyone parking in the same way, you should probably follow suit and park like everyone else has. When you decide to go rogue and park like a barbarian, you’re likely to face consequences. This person wanted to be special, so they parked horizontally next to this fence while everyone else parked vertically to create more room. Seeing the problem, two drivers simply considered the car an extension of the fence and parked in front of it to keep up the flow of the parking lot. That driver is probably going to be waiting a very long time to move his car.

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Literally Boxed In

Drivers of tiny cars sometimes feel that no parking rules don’t apply to them. They figure that since their car is so much smaller than everyone else’s, they should be allowed to squeeze into places that have been designated as no parking areas. However, when there’s a rule that you can’t park in a certain space, you should probably follow it. When you don’t follow the rules, there are consequences. One tiny car squeezed into this area where parking was not allowed. When they returned to their car, they found that someone had literally placed a wooden box around it with the words “no parking means no parking” written on the wood. We hope they learned their lesson!

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Don’t Leave Your Windows Down

When you park like a jerk, you should probably have the common sense to roll up your windows and lock your cars. Logically, you should know that you just made yourself a target and that any frustrated fellow drivers may feel the need to take out their irritation on your vehicle. After coming across this car parked like a jerk, a bystander immediately went into action. They placed a note on the windshield to give the driver a “sh*t parking award” and filled the inside of the car with balloons. They also put streamers all over the car and basically created a mess that’s going to take the owner a while to clean up. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes!

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A Beautiful Display

Sometimes it feels as though there isn’t enough beauty in the world. When you display a glaring lack of respect and common sense by parking like a jerk, you’re giving someone the opportunity to turn your car into a beautiful display of what happens to awful parkers in that area. One driver learned this lesson the hard way when they parked like a jerk on this street. Someone came along and doused the car in blue, yellow, and red paint! We can’t imagine how much time and money it would cost to clean this up, but hopefully, it’s enough to prevent the owner from parking like this again!

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Best Parking Job Ever!

Parallel parking is a tough skill to learn, and some people never master it. If you live in a city where you need to park along the curb frequently, then it’s important to learn how to do this properly. We can understand not wanting to hug the curb, but it looks like this person didn’t even try to get close to it! They’re practically half in the road, which creates a serious hazard for other drivers. Thankfully, someone saw this awful parking job and had the perfect response. They placed an award on the driver’s windshield that says, “Best parking job ever!” We bet that guy never parked that far away from the curb again!

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Detailed Parking Instructions

When most people come across a vehicle parked obnoxiously, they assume the person did it on purpose because they felt a sense of entitlement or a lack of respect for others. However, there’s another possibility. Perhaps the person genuinely doesn’t know how to park! A helpful bystander wrote out detailed instructions for the correct way to park and placed it on the windshield of a car parked awfully. Along with the very helpful parking instructions, they also left a bit of extra instruction at the end about how to shower properly. Perhaps the car smelled like body odor. Either way, we hope the driver took this advice!

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Free Condom For Bad Parkers

We’ve seen a lot of people parked like jerks and a lot of beautiful responses to these awful parking jobs, but this has to be one of the best! After coming across a parking job so terrible that the person couldn’t let it go, one citizen sought justice in an unusual way. They left a note on the person’s car to let them know they parked like a jerk. However, the note took things a step further by saying, “Please don’t reproduce.” As if that weren’t hilarious enough, our thoughtful hero also left a condom taped to the note. We need more sarcastic humor like this in the world!

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This Is What Happens When You Park Like A Tool

When someone parks like a tool, they’re often being very thoughtless. They aren’t thinking of the people they might be inconveniencing or the hazard they may be creating with their vehicle. This kind of blind thoughtlessness can’t be tolerated! Instead of simply telling this person they parked like a jerk, the writer of this note walked the person through exactly what happens when they park like a tool. Not only does it make people angry, but it makes them write notes, which leads them to question their grammar as their thoughts spiral out of control. Don’t park like a jerk and make people question their grammar!

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A Forceful Display

You should really consider the consequences before you brazenly decide to take up two parking spaces like this person did. They have a pretty small and lightweight car, which makes the fact that they chose to take up two parking spots even more infuriating. Rather than leave a note or tell the driver about their awful parking spot in a simpler way, someone decided the best thing to do would be to simply tip the car into a single parking space. It probably wasn’t that difficult, and the end result is the car safely inside two lines, as it should be. Hopefully, the owner is strong enough to flip it back onto its wheels!

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Please Let That Be Chocolate Sauce

This is another classic example of someone not even trying to park properly. The local hero who decided to take this person in hand clearly didn’t have any of the usual tools on hand. With no paper, pens, chalk, or helpful business cards to leave behind, they had to think fast. A brown liquid was used to write the word “idiot” on the hood of the nefarious parker’s car. We’re hoping for the car owner’s sake that the liquid is just chocolate sauce, but regardless of what it is, it’s going to be a nasty mess for the owner to clean up!

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Trapped By Shopping Carts

People often use shopping carts to block in cars that are parked terribly, but this is next level. First off, how did the person manage to get these shopping carts to connect in a perfect circle? They clearly used some type of rope to tie and hold them together, which is a pretty impressive feat. When the owner gets back to his vehicle, he’s in for quite a surprise! He’s probably going to have to track down an employee and ask for help getting to his vehicle. Hopefully, the shame makes him think twice before parking like such a massive jerk again!

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You’re Going To Need Scissors

We’re going to wrap things up with a hilarious display of revenge that anyone can easily recreate. When you come across someone parked like a jerk in your local shopping mall’s parking lot, you only need two things to get your revenge. Grab a shopping cart and zip tie from one of the nearby stores. Zip-tie the shopping cart to the driver door handle, snap a photo, and walk away with a smile on your face! The owner of this vehicle will need to run back to the store and grab a pair of scissors to get themselves out of this situation.
