A&E introduced the stomach-turning show known as “Hoarders” in 2009. While some people already knew about this unique condition, other viewers were blown away by the unusual behavior. The episodes feature average American people who live a secret life of hoarding. That is, they save everything. And that doesn’t mean things of value — monetary or sentimental. A hoarder will keep garage, literally. Vintage treasures like old family photos or antique lamps has nothing to do with hoarding. Hoarding can be a difficult situation to deal with, not only for the people who are actually hoarders but their friends and family as well. It affects everyone around them and is not an easily treatable condition. It requires a lot of hard work, personal dedication, and time to manage a hoarding situation.
That’s why it’s important to recognize if you have a hoarding situation or not before it becomes a problem that’s too big for you to handle. On the show, some episodes feature hoarders fighting with their family members, or crying because they have to get rid of junk. In certain cases, the hoarding does get better, but not all of the time. We searched Reddit to find crazy hoarder stories that reveal the truth behind people who deal with family members with a hoarding condition. Some of these Redditors are hoarders themselves, or they work for cleaning companies that go into these dirty situations. Here are some of the most disgusting hoarder stories that will make your home feel exceptionally clean.

30. A Mother Who Never Picks Up After Herself
Hoarding is a sign of mental illness, so sufferers shouldn’t be looked down on too harshly for their actions. What they really need is professional help, not someone to judge them. So there are some stories here that should be taken with a grain of salt to remind us that a hoarder’s mental state is much different from our own. But this story is definitely one of the more extreme ones, where a woman won’t lift a finger to clean up after herself because she believes she’s a saint. Her child, gettheloutasia, is the one posting this story.
“It takes A LOT for her to relinquish one tiny thing. She is ready to go to war for her hoard babies, her plastic containers, her plastic bags, her rats and roaches, mites and silverfish, her broken “still good” teapot that she wants to fix by coloring the chipped spout in. She breaks things regularly. I found pieces of broken plates and bowls under the fridge. […] She leaves a trail of food crumbs behind her, chunks of food rotting inside the microwave, and expired moldy food in the fridge. She retrieves expired food I throw out, so I throw it elsewhere.”