Hydrogen peroxide is more than just a disinfectant for wounds. It was first discovered in 1818 by French chemist Louis Jacques Thénard to bleach hats. Little did he know, the product would turn into a multipurpose tool used in a variety of different ways. Hydrogen peroxide comes in a brown bottle because once it’s exposed to sunlight and heat, it breaks back down into water. It’s important to keep it stored properly so it’s as effective as possible. There are likely tons of hydrogen peroxide hacks you didn’t even know existed. You can use it for disinfecting the germs in your mouth, cleaning your mattress from dust mites and stains, getting rid of pesky armpit stains, and even removing skunk odor from your pet. We promise you’ll look at hydrogen peroxide differently after reading this article!

Clean Your Dehumidifier
The water tank of your dehumidifier is a bacteria and fungi haven. By running the humidifier with two parts hydrogen peroxide and one part water, you’ll help keep it clean. Run it for thirty minutes to make sure it’s thoroughly clean. Once you’re done, empty the solution and wash it with clean water (The Spruce).